diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9836640c6..1d1b31b79 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -852,7 +852,7 @@ module "cluster_pattern" {
| Name | Source | Version |
| [bastion\_host](#module\_bastion\_host) | terraform-ibm-modules/landing-zone-vsi/ibm | 4.4.0 |
-| [cluster](#module\_cluster) | terraform-ibm-modules/base-ocp-vpc/ibm | 3.34.0 |
+| [cluster](#module\_cluster) | terraform-ibm-modules/base-ocp-vpc/ibm | 3.37.3 |
| [dynamic\_values](#module\_dynamic\_values) | ./dynamic_values | n/a |
| [f5\_vsi](#module\_f5\_vsi) | terraform-ibm-modules/landing-zone-vsi/ibm | 4.4.0 |
| [key\_management](#module\_key\_management) | ./kms | n/a |
diff --git a/cluster.tf b/cluster.tf
index 1024dd225..6c7adff04 100644
--- a/cluster.tf
+++ b/cluster.tf
@@ -91,7 +91,7 @@ resource "ibm_container_vpc_cluster" "cluster" {
pod_subnet = each.value.pod_subnet
service_subnet = each.value.service_subnet
# if kube_version is older than 4.15, default this value to null, otherwise provider will fail
- disable_outbound_traffic_protection = startswith((lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == "default" || lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == null ? local.default_kube_version[each.value.kube_type] : each.value.kube_version), "4.12") || startswith((lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == "default" || lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == null ? local.default_kube_version[each.value.kube_type] : each.value.kube_version), "4.13") || startswith((lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == "default" || lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == null ? local.default_kube_version[each.value.kube_type] : each.value.kube_version), "4.14") ? null : each.value.disable_outbound_traffic_protection
+ disable_outbound_traffic_protection = startswith((lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == "default" || lookup(each.value, "kube_version", null) == null ? local.default_kube_version[each.value.kube_type] : each.value.kube_version), "4.14") ? null : each.value.disable_outbound_traffic_protection
force_delete_storage = each.value.cluster_force_delete_storage
operating_system = each.value.operating_system
crk = each.value.boot_volume_crk_name == null ? null : regex("key:(.*)", module.key_management.key_map[each.value.boot_volume_crk_name].crn)[0]
@@ -244,7 +244,7 @@ module "cluster" {
if cluster.kube_type == "openshift"
source = "terraform-ibm-modules/base-ocp-vpc/ibm"
- version = "3.34.0"
+ version = "3.37.3"
resource_group_id = local.resource_groups[each.value.resource_group]
region = var.region
cluster_name = each.value.cluster_name
diff --git a/ibm_catalog.json b/ibm_catalog.json
index 76d1b6dab..e37d5647b 100644
--- a/ibm_catalog.json
+++ b/ibm_catalog.json
@@ -1135,14 +1135,6 @@
"type": "string",
"required": true,
"options": [
- {
- "displayname": "4.12_openshift",
- "value": "4.12_openshift"
- },
- {
- "displayname": "4.13_openshift",
- "value": "4.13_openshift"
- },
"displayname": "4.14_openshift",
"value": "4.14_openshift"
@@ -1154,6 +1146,10 @@
"displayname": "4.16_openshift",
"value": "4.16_openshift"
+ },
+ {
+ "displayname": "4.17_openshift",
+ "value": "4.17_openshift"
"custom_config": {}
diff --git a/patterns/roks-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml b/patterns/roks-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..480c7c78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patterns/roks-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+- name: migration pre playbook
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: get running ansible env variables
+ set_fact:
+ config_crn_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_crn_token') }}"
+ project_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_id') }}"
+ config_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_id') }}"
+ project_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_url') }}"
+ - name: Get Statefile
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/retrieve_schematics_statefile"
+ method: GET
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ register: result
+ - name: Set Statefile
+ set_fact:
+ statefile: "{{ result.json | string }}"
+ - name: Creating script
+ copy:
+ dest: "script.sh"
+ content: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ STATE="$(cat terraform.tfstate.tmp)"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do CLUSTER_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .instances[] | .index_key')
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do WORKER_POOLS+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "pool")) | .instances[] | .index_key')
+ ADDRESS_LIST="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .module')"
+ for i in "${!CLUSTER_LIST[@]}"; do
+ SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"]"
+ DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster[0]"
+ if [ -n "${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}" ]; then
+ fi
+ ADDONS_RESOURCE=$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg CLUSTER "${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .instances[] | select(.index_key == $CLUSTER) | .index_key')
+ if [ -n "$ADDONS_RESOURCE" ]; then
+ ADDONS_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_addons.addons[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"]"
+ ADDONS_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_addons.addons"
+ fi
+ for x in "${!WORKER_POOLS[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "${WORKER_POOLS[$x]}" == *"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}"* ]]; then
+ pool_name=${WORKER_POOLS[$x]//"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}-"/}
+ WORKER_POOL_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool.pool[\"${WORKER_POOLS[$x]}\"]"
+ WORKER_POOL_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool.pool[\"$pool_name\"]"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ for mv in "${!MOVED_PARAMS[@]}"; do
+ echo "${MOVED_PARAMS[$mv]}"
+ done
+ - name: Create state file
+ copy: content="{{ statefile }}" dest="terraform.tfstate.tmp"
+ - name: Run the script
+ ansible.builtin.script:
+ cmd: ./script.sh
+ register: move_list
+ - name: Initiate Commands List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: []
+ - name: Add new JSON Objects to List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{ commands +
+ [{ 'command': 'state mv',
+ 'command_params': item,
+ 'command_name': 'Move' + count|string,
+ 'command_onerror': 'abort'}] }}"
+ loop: "{{ move_list.stdout_lines }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: count
+ - name: Create complete JSON body
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{
+ { 'commands': commands ,
+ 'operation_name': 'workspace Command',
+ 'description': 'Executing command'}
+ }}"
+ - name: Run Terraform commands
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/execute_schematics_commands"
+ method: POST
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ body: "{{ commands }}"
+ body_format: json
+ status_code: [200, 202]
+ register: result
diff --git a/patterns/roks/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml b/patterns/roks/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..480c7c78e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patterns/roks/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+- name: migration pre playbook
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: get running ansible env variables
+ set_fact:
+ config_crn_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_crn_token') }}"
+ project_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_id') }}"
+ config_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_id') }}"
+ project_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_url') }}"
+ - name: Get Statefile
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/retrieve_schematics_statefile"
+ method: GET
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ register: result
+ - name: Set Statefile
+ set_fact:
+ statefile: "{{ result.json | string }}"
+ - name: Creating script
+ copy:
+ dest: "script.sh"
+ content: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ STATE="$(cat terraform.tfstate.tmp)"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do CLUSTER_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .instances[] | .index_key')
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do WORKER_POOLS+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "pool")) | .instances[] | .index_key')
+ ADDRESS_LIST="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .module')"
+ for i in "${!CLUSTER_LIST[@]}"; do
+ SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"]"
+ DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_vpc_cluster.cluster[0]"
+ if [ -n "${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}" ]; then
+ fi
+ ADDONS_RESOURCE=$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg CLUSTER "${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_container_vpc_cluster") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "cluster")) | .instances[] | select(.index_key == $CLUSTER) | .index_key')
+ if [ -n "$ADDONS_RESOURCE" ]; then
+ ADDONS_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_addons.addons[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"]"
+ ADDONS_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_addons.addons"
+ fi
+ for x in "${!WORKER_POOLS[@]}"; do
+ if [[ "${WORKER_POOLS[$x]}" == *"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}"* ]]; then
+ pool_name=${WORKER_POOLS[$x]//"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}-"/}
+ WORKER_POOL_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST}.ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool.pool[\"${WORKER_POOLS[$x]}\"]"
+ WORKER_POOL_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST}.module.cluster[\"${CLUSTER_LIST[$i]}\"].ibm_container_vpc_worker_pool.pool[\"$pool_name\"]"
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ for mv in "${!MOVED_PARAMS[@]}"; do
+ echo "${MOVED_PARAMS[$mv]}"
+ done
+ - name: Create state file
+ copy: content="{{ statefile }}" dest="terraform.tfstate.tmp"
+ - name: Run the script
+ ansible.builtin.script:
+ cmd: ./script.sh
+ register: move_list
+ - name: Initiate Commands List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: []
+ - name: Add new JSON Objects to List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{ commands +
+ [{ 'command': 'state mv',
+ 'command_params': item,
+ 'command_name': 'Move' + count|string,
+ 'command_onerror': 'abort'}] }}"
+ loop: "{{ move_list.stdout_lines }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: count
+ - name: Create complete JSON body
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{
+ { 'commands': commands ,
+ 'operation_name': 'workspace Command',
+ 'description': 'Executing command'}
+ }}"
+ - name: Run Terraform commands
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/execute_schematics_commands"
+ method: POST
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ body: "{{ commands }}"
+ body_format: json
+ status_code: [200, 202]
+ register: result
diff --git a/patterns/roks/variables.tf b/patterns/roks/variables.tf
index a75518e19..4c3840551 100644
--- a/patterns/roks/variables.tf
+++ b/patterns/roks/variables.tf
@@ -192,20 +192,19 @@ variable "cluster_zones" {
variable "kube_version" {
- description = "The version of the OpenShift cluster that should be provisioned. Current supported values are '4.16_openshift', '4.15_openshift', '4.14_openshift', '4.13_openshift', or '4.12_openshift'. NOTE: This is only used during initial cluster provisioning, but ignored for future updates. Cluster version updates should be done outside of terraform to prevent possible destructive changes."
+ description = "The version of the OpenShift cluster that should be provisioned. Current supported values are '4.17_openshift', '4.16_openshift', '4.15_openshift' or '4.14_openshift'. NOTE: This is only used during initial cluster provisioning, but ignored for future updates. Cluster version updates should be done outside of terraform to prevent possible destructive changes."
type = string
default = "4.16_openshift"
validation {
condition = anytrue([
var.kube_version == null,
var.kube_version == "default",
+ var.kube_version == "4.17_openshift",
var.kube_version == "4.16_openshift",
var.kube_version == "4.15_openshift",
var.kube_version == "4.14_openshift",
- var.kube_version == "4.13_openshift",
- var.kube_version == "4.12_openshift",
- error_message = "The kube_version value can currently only be '4.16_openshift', '4.15_openshift', '4.14_openshift', '4.13_openshift', or '4.12_openshift'"
+ error_message = "The kube_version value can currently only be '4.17_openshift', '4.16_openshift', '4.15_openshift' or '4.14_openshift'"
diff --git a/patterns/vsi-extension/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml b/patterns/vsi-extension/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..8d2b312d2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patterns/vsi-extension/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
+- name: migration pre playbook
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: get running ansible env variables
+ set_fact:
+ config_crn_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_crn_token') }}"
+ project_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_id') }}"
+ config_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_id') }}"
+ project_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_url') }}"
+ - name: Get Statefile
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/retrieve_schematics_statefile"
+ method: GET
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ register: result
+ - name: Set Statefile
+ set_fact:
+ statefile: "{{ result.json | string }}"
+ - name: Creating script
+ copy:
+ dest: "script.sh"
+ content: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ STATE="$(cat terraform.tfstate.tmp)"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do SUBNET_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc_by_id")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | .id')
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_instance") | .module')
+ for i in "${!SUBNET_LIST[@]}"; do
+ for j in "${!ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VSI_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_instance") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ subnet_name=$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc_by_id")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | select(.id == $subnet_id) | .name')
+ vsi_names=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.primary_network_interface[0].subnet == $subnet_id) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VSI_LIST <<<"$vsi_names"
+ for x in "${!VSI_LIST[@]}"; do
+ SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ VOL_NAMES=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vsi "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" '.[] | select(.index_key == $vsi) | .attributes.volume_attachments[].volume_name')
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ FIP_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_floating_ip") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FIP_RESOURCES" ]; then
+ FIP_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ FIP_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ str="${VSI_LIST[$x]}"
+ lastIndex=$(echo "$str" | awk '{print length}')
+ for ((l = lastIndex; l >= 0; l--)); do
+ if [[ "${str:$l:1}" == "-" ]]; then
+ str="${str::l}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -n "$VOL_NAMES" ]; then
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do VOL_ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_volume") | .module')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_NAME <<<"$VOL_NAMES"
+ for a in "${!VOL_NAME[@]}"; do
+ for b in "${!VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VOL_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[$b]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_volume") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ vol_names=$(echo "$VOL_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vol1 "${VOL_NAME[$a]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.name == $vol1) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_LIST <<<"$vol_names"
+ for c in "${!VOL_LIST[@]}"; do
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ]; then
+ VOL_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${VOL_LIST[$c]}\"]"
+ test="${VOL_LIST[$c]/$str/}"
+ vol=$(echo "$test" | cut -d"-" -f3-)
+ VOL_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${subnet_name}-${x}-${vol}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ for ab in "${!MOVED_PARAMS[@]}"; do
+ echo "${MOVED_PARAMS[$ab]}"
+ done
+ - name: Create state file
+ copy: content="{{ statefile }}" dest="terraform.tfstate.tmp"
+ - name: Run the script
+ ansible.builtin.script:
+ cmd: ./script.sh
+ register: move_list
+ - name: Initiate Commands List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: []
+ - name: Add new JSON Objects to List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{ commands +
+ [{ 'command': 'state mv',
+ 'command_params': item,
+ 'command_name': 'Move' + count|string,
+ 'command_onerror': 'abort'}] }}"
+ loop: "{{ move_list.stdout_lines }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: count
+ - name: Create complete JSON body
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{
+ { 'commands': commands ,
+ 'operation_name': 'workspace Command',
+ 'description': 'Executing command'}
+ }}"
+ - name: Run Terraform commands
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/execute_schematics_commands"
+ method: POST
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ body: "{{ commands }}"
+ body_format: json
+ status_code: [200, 202]
+ register: result
diff --git a/patterns/vsi-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml b/patterns/vsi-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dd07b6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patterns/vsi-quickstart/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+- name: migration pre playbook
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: get running ansible env variables
+ set_fact:
+ config_crn_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_crn_token') }}"
+ project_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_id') }}"
+ config_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_id') }}"
+ project_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_url') }}"
+ - name: Get Statefile
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/retrieve_schematics_statefile"
+ method: GET
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ register: result
+ - name: Set Statefile
+ set_fact:
+ statefile: "{{ result.json | string }}"
+ - name: Creating script
+ copy:
+ dest: "script.sh"
+ content: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ STATE="$(cat terraform.tfstate.tmp)"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_instance") | .module')
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do VPC_ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "vpc")) | .module')
+ for abc in "${!VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do SUBNET_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[$abc]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.module == $address) and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | .id')
+ done
+ for i in "${!SUBNET_LIST[@]}"; do
+ for j in "${!ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ for abc in "${!VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VSI_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_instance") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ subnet_name=$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" --arg address "${VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[$abc]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.module == $address) and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | select(.id == $subnet_id) | .name')
+ vsi_names=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.primary_network_interface[0].subnet == $subnet_id) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VSI_LIST <<<"$vsi_names"
+ for x in "${!VSI_LIST[@]}"; do
+ SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ VOL_NAMES=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vsi "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" '.[] | select(.index_key == $vsi) | .attributes.volume_attachments[].volume_name')
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ FIP_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_floating_ip") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FIP_RESOURCES" ]; then
+ FIP_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ FIP_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ str="${VSI_LIST[$x]}"
+ lastIndex=$(echo "$str" | awk '{print length}')
+ for ((l = lastIndex; l >= 0; l--)); do
+ if [[ "${str:$l:1}" == "-" ]]; then
+ str="${str::l}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -n "$VOL_NAMES" ]; then
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do VOL_ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_volume") | .module')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_NAME <<<"$VOL_NAMES"
+ for a in "${!VOL_NAME[@]}"; do
+ for b in "${!VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VOL_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[$b]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_volume") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ vol_names=$(echo "$VOL_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vol1 "${VOL_NAME[$a]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.name == $vol1) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_LIST <<<"$vol_names"
+ for c in "${!VOL_LIST[@]}"; do
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ]; then
+ VOL_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${VOL_LIST[$c]}\"]"
+ test="${VOL_LIST[$c]/$str/}"
+ vol=$(echo "$test" | cut -d"-" -f3-)
+ VOL_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${subnet_name}-${x}-${vol}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ for ab in "${!MOVED_PARAMS[@]}"; do
+ echo "${MOVED_PARAMS[$ab]}"
+ done
+ - name: Create state file
+ copy: content="{{ statefile }}" dest="terraform.tfstate.tmp"
+ - name: Run the script
+ ansible.builtin.script:
+ cmd: ./script.sh
+ register: move_list
+ - name: Initiate Commands List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: []
+ - name: Add new JSON Objects to List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{ commands +
+ [{ 'command': 'state mv',
+ 'command_params': item,
+ 'command_name': 'Move' + count|string,
+ 'command_onerror': 'abort'}] }}"
+ loop: "{{ move_list.stdout_lines }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: count
+ - name: Create complete JSON body
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{
+ { 'commands': commands ,
+ 'operation_name': 'workspace Command',
+ 'description': 'Executing command'}
+ }}"
+ - name: Run Terraform commands
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/execute_schematics_commands"
+ method: POST
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ body: "{{ commands }}"
+ body_format: json
+ status_code: [200, 202]
+ register: result
diff --git a/patterns/vsi/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml b/patterns/vsi/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..4dd07b6d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/patterns/vsi/scripts/migration-pre-ansible-playbook.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+- name: migration pre playbook
+ hosts: localhost
+ tasks:
+ - name: get running ansible env variables
+ set_fact:
+ config_crn_token: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_crn_token') }}"
+ project_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_id') }}"
+ config_id: "{{ lookup('env', 'config_id') }}"
+ project_url: "{{ lookup('env', 'project_url') }}"
+ - name: Get Statefile
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/retrieve_schematics_statefile"
+ method: GET
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ register: result
+ - name: Set Statefile
+ set_fact:
+ statefile: "{{ result.json | string }}"
+ - name: Creating script
+ copy:
+ dest: "script.sh"
+ content: |
+ #!/bin/bash
+ STATE="$(cat terraform.tfstate.tmp)"
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_instance") | .module')
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do VPC_ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.mode == "managed") and (.name == "vpc")) | .module')
+ for abc in "${!VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do SUBNET_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[$abc]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.module == $address) and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | .id')
+ done
+ for i in "${!SUBNET_LIST[@]}"; do
+ for j in "${!ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ for abc in "${!VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VSI_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_instance") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ subnet_name=$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" --arg address "${VPC_ADDRESS_LIST[$abc]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_vpc") and (.module == $address) and (.mode == "data") and (.name == "vpc")) | .instances[0] | .attributes | .subnets[] | select(.id == $subnet_id) | .name')
+ vsi_names=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg subnet_id "${SUBNET_LIST[$i]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.primary_network_interface[0].subnet == $subnet_id) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VSI_LIST <<<"$vsi_names"
+ for x in "${!VSI_LIST[@]}"; do
+ SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_instance.vsi[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ VOL_NAMES=$(echo "$VSI_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vsi "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" '.[] | select(.index_key == $vsi) | .attributes.volume_attachments[].volume_name')
+ fi
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ]; then
+ FIP_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_floating_ip") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ fi
+ if [ -n "$FIP_RESOURCES" ]; then
+ FIP_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${VSI_LIST[$x]}\"]"
+ FIP_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_floating_ip.vsi_fip[\"${subnet_name}-${x}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VSI_LIST[$x]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ str="${VSI_LIST[$x]}"
+ lastIndex=$(echo "$str" | awk '{print length}')
+ for ((l = lastIndex; l >= 0; l--)); do
+ if [[ "${str:$l:1}" == "-" ]]; then
+ str="${str::l}"
+ break
+ fi
+ done
+ if [ -n "$VOL_NAMES" ]; then
+ while IFS='' read -r line; do VOL_ADDRESS_LIST+=("$line"); done < <(echo "$STATE" | jq -r '.resources[] | select(.type == "ibm_is_volume") | .module')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_NAME <<<"$VOL_NAMES"
+ for a in "${!VOL_NAME[@]}"; do
+ for b in "${!VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[@]}"; do
+ VOL_RESOURCES="$(echo "$STATE" | jq -r --arg address "${VOL_ADDRESS_LIST[$b]}" '.resources[] | select((.type == "ibm_is_volume") and (.module == $address)) | .instances')"
+ vol_names=$(echo "$VOL_RESOURCES" | jq -r --arg vol1 "${VOL_NAME[$a]}" '.[] | select(.attributes.name == $vol1) | .index_key')
+ IFS=$'\n' read -r -d '' -a VOL_LIST <<<"$vol_names"
+ for c in "${!VOL_LIST[@]}"; do
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ]; then
+ VOL_SOURCE="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${VOL_LIST[$c]}\"]"
+ test="${VOL_LIST[$c]/$str/}"
+ vol=$(echo "$test" | cut -d"-" -f3-)
+ VOL_DESTINATION="${ADDRESS_LIST[$j]}.ibm_is_volume.volume[\"${subnet_name}-${x}-${vol}\"]"
+ if [ -n "${VOL_LIST[$c]}" ] && [ -n "${subnet_name}" ]; then
+ fi
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ fi
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ done
+ for ab in "${!MOVED_PARAMS[@]}"; do
+ echo "${MOVED_PARAMS[$ab]}"
+ done
+ - name: Create state file
+ copy: content="{{ statefile }}" dest="terraform.tfstate.tmp"
+ - name: Run the script
+ ansible.builtin.script:
+ cmd: ./script.sh
+ register: move_list
+ - name: Initiate Commands List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: []
+ - name: Add new JSON Objects to List
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{ commands +
+ [{ 'command': 'state mv',
+ 'command_params': item,
+ 'command_name': 'Move' + count|string,
+ 'command_onerror': 'abort'}] }}"
+ loop: "{{ move_list.stdout_lines }}"
+ loop_control:
+ index_var: count
+ - name: Create complete JSON body
+ set_fact:
+ commands: "{{
+ { 'commands': commands ,
+ 'operation_name': 'workspace Command',
+ 'description': 'Executing command'}
+ }}"
+ - name: Run Terraform commands
+ uri:
+ url: "{{ project_url }}/v1/projects/{{ project_id }}/configs/{{ config_id }}/execute_schematics_commands"
+ method: POST
+ headers:
+ Authorization: "Bearer {{ config_crn_token }}"
+ Content-Type: application/json
+ body: "{{ commands }}"
+ body_format: json
+ status_code: [200, 202]
+ register: result