Welcome to AssetTransfer, a demonstration of how to develop a "Dapp" (or blockchain smart contract "distributed application") on VMware's blockchain. This app simulates an exchange where people are able to "buy", "trade", and "consume" products (asset). The app tracks the stock of each person as they perform each action.
To use this demo, you will need two things: a VMware blockchain deployment, and the demo code.
Your blockchain deployment should have been created for you. Contact us if you do not have a blockchain instance. You will also need the deployment address of the blockchain.
The AssetTransfer demo is provided as a docker image, which includes the smart contract code, and the necessary libraries for deploying and interacting with the contract on the blockchain.
First, make sure you have Docker installed. Instructions are available for doing this in Windows, Mac, and Linux here: https://store.docker.com/search?offering=community&type=edition
Second, make sure you have the credentials to VMware Blockchain's DockerHub ID or ensure your ID is added as a reader to the repository. Contact us if you have not done this step.
With Docker installed, and the Dockerhub login ready, open a terminal, and sign into Dockerhub:
(NOTE - Key for prompts
$ - Host machine (Mac/Windows/Linux)
# - Docker container
> - Node.js prompt)
$ docker login
Once logged in, you can launch a new container based on the demo image. The following command starts the container in interactive mode, so that you can use the files and utilities it contains:
$ docker run -it vmwblockchain/asset-transfer:latest
You are now inside the Docker container.
If you type ls
at the prompt, you will see the contract source file,
and some other support files:
# ls
AssetTransfer.js AssetTransfer.sol Dockerfile README.md
node_modules package-lock.json test versions.txt
To stop and disconnect from this container, type control-d. If you
want to restart this container and pick up where you left off, use the
following command, replacing ASSET_TRANSFER_HASH
with the hash found
between the @
and the :
in the docker prompt that was displayed while you
were connected. This was b8136d3deacf
in the example above:
$ docker start -i ASSET_TRANSFER_HASH
You can also start over with a fresh container by executing the
docker run
command again.
You must have the deployment address for an instance of VMware's blockchain.
This is referred to as DEPLOYED_ADDRESS
in this document.
In this demo, /source folder is the home directory. All instructions must be executed from within the home directory, unless mentioned otherwise.
Compile the demo contract to obtain the binary code for the smart contract, using the following command: (NOTE - You could get a few warnings; as long as the two additional files mentioned below are created, you are good to continue)
# solc AssetTransfer.sol --abi --bin --optimize -o ./
This will generate .abi and .bin files which can be verified :
# ls
AssetTransfer.abi AssetTransfer.bin AssetTransfer.js AssetTransfer.sol Dockerfile
README.md node_modules package-lock.json test versions.txt
Open Node.js and import the contract setup script.
# node
> helper = require('./AssetTransfer')
The console might print 'undefined' when a variable is defined; this is not a declaration failure. In order to display the contents loaded into the variable, just type the name of the variable and hit ENTER.
> helper
{ setupContract: [Function: setupContract],
transferAsset: [Function: transferAsset],
buyAsset: [Function: buyAsset],
useAsset: [Function: useAsset],
getNumberOfAssets: [Function: getNumberOfAssets],
addName: [Function: addName],
removeName: [Function: removeName] }
We will now deploy the contract. We will start with three people in our exchange, namely, 'alpha', 'bravo' and 'charlie'.
Setup and deploy the smart contract with the following,
after replacing DEPLOYED_ADDRESS
with the deployment address:
(NOTE - The DEPLOYED_ADDRESS must be of form 'https://mgmt.blockchain.vmware.com/blockchains/ 80bf7abc-c1ec-4609-90ed-ff68f07d8f64/api/concord/eth'. Note the inclusion of https:// in the beginning and the path /api/concord/eth in the end. Replace USER_NAME and PASSWORD with your credentials. Remember that all these 3 fields are strings are to be enclosed within '')
> helper.setupContract('AssetTransfer', ['alpha','bravo','charlie'], 'DEPLOYED_ADDRESS', 'USER_NAME', 'PASSWORD').then(add => {contract_address=add;})
Endpoint defined as https://mgmt.blockchain.vmware.com/blockchains/80bf7abc-c1ec-4609-90ed-ff68f07d8f64/api/concord/eth
Loading contract
Deploying contract
Promise {
Domain {
domain: null,
_events: { error: [Function: debugDomainError] },
_eventsCount: 1,
_maxListeners: undefined,
members: [] } }
Contract has been deployed
(NOTE - Wait for the console to display 'Contract has been deployed'. This generally takes upto 5 seconds. As this is an asynchronous call, you might have to hit ENTER once to get the Node.js prompt after the deployed message is printed.)
(NOTE - A promise is created with the expectation of a result in future. Here we store get the address the contract has been deployed and store it in the variable 'contract_address'. The mention of a 'debugDomainError' in the promise does NOT imply failure.)
Obtain the contract instance (used to interact with the smart contract) using the following:
> var contract_instance = web3.eth.contract(JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('AssetTransfer.abi').toString())).at(contract_address)
(NOTE - Remember that the console printing 'undefined' is expected behavior after initialization. Type the variable name, i.e. contract_instance, and hit ENTER to check its contents.)
The following are example invocations of the smart contract method. For ease of use, we have wrapped the smart contract methods with helper methods (in AssetTransfer.js).
Check the number of assets with a person (say 'alpha'):
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'alpha')
'bravo' decides to buy an asset: (NOTE - Here, since we are making changes to the state, a transaction address is returned)
> helper.buyAsset(contract_instance, 'bravo')
Now, checking the number of assets for 'bravo' should return '1':
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'bravo')
'bravo' decides to give his asset to 'charlie':
> helper.transferAsset(contract_instance, 'bravo', 'charlie')
Now, 'charlie' must have the asset originally bought by 'bravo':
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'bravo')
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'charlie')
Let 'charlie' use the asset. But, did 'charlie' really use the asset?
> helper.useAsset(contract_instance, 'charlie')
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'charlie')
Invoking a method on an invalid person will result in an error:
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'delta')
Error: Error while calling contract
Welcome 'delta' to the party and check the number of assets:
> helper.addName(contract_instance, 'delta')
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'delta')
'alpha' has to leave the party.
> helper.removeName(contract_instance, 'alpha')
> helper.getNumberOfAssets(contract_instance, 'alpha')
Error: Error while calling contract