diff --git a/examples/acgan/acganGen.html b/examples/acgan/acganGen.html
index c0be5114..c96b0618 100644
--- a/examples/acgan/acganGen.html
+++ b/examples/acgan/acganGen.html
@@ -127,6 +127,7 @@
model.init(function() {
diff --git a/src/assets/image/Plus.js b/src/assets/image/Plus.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f257d7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/image/Plus.js
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+let PlusData = (function(){
+ return "";
+export { PlusData };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/image/plus.png b/src/assets/image/plus.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2c74610d
Binary files /dev/null and b/src/assets/image/plus.png differ
diff --git a/src/elements/CloseButton.js b/src/elements/CloseButton.js
index 42047c13..3518bb57 100644
--- a/src/elements/CloseButton.js
+++ b/src/elements/CloseButton.js
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { MinAlpha } from "../utils/Constant";
-import { CloseData } from "../assets/image/CloseData";
+import { TextureProvider } from "../utils/TextureProvider";
function CloseButton(size, unitLength, position, color) {
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ CloseButton.prototype = {
init: function() {
- let texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( CloseData );
+ let texture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( TextureProvider.getTexture("close") );
let materialSide = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this.color, opacity: MinAlpha, transparent: true } );
let materialTop = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this.color, alphaMap: texture, transparent: true } );
diff --git a/src/elements/MergedAggregation.js b/src/elements/MergedAggregation.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8ba8b6aa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/MergedAggregation.js
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+import { MinAlpha } from "../utils/Constant";
+import { FrameColor } from "../utils/Constant";
+import { colorUtils } from "../utils/ColorUtils";
+import { RenderPreprocessor } from "../utils/RenderPreprocessor";
+import { TextureProvider } from "../utils/TextureProvider";
+function MergedAggregation(operator, width, height, actualWidth, actualHeight, depth, color) {
+ this.operator = operator;
+ this.width = width;
+ this.height = height;
+ this.actualWidth = actualWidth;
+ this.actualHeight = actualHeight;
+ this.depth = depth;
+ this.color = color;
+ this.cube = undefined;
+ this.aggregationElement = undefined;
+ this.dataArray = undefined;
+ this.dataTexture = undefined;
+ this.dataMaterial = undefined;
+ this.clearMaterial = undefined;
+ this.init();
+MergedAggregation.prototype = {
+ init: function() {
+ let amount = this.width * this.height;
+ let data = new Uint8Array(amount);
+ this.dataArray = data;
+ let dataTex = new THREE.DataTexture(data, this.width, this.height, THREE.LuminanceFormat, THREE.UnsignedByteType);
+ this.dataTexture = dataTex;
+ dataTex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
+ dataTex.needsUpdate = true;
+ let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: this.color, alphaMap: dataTex, transparent: true });
+ let geometry = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(this.actualWidth, this.depth, this.actualHeight);
+ let basicMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
+ color: this.color, opacity: MinAlpha, transparent: true
+ });
+ let materials = [
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ material,
+ material,
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial
+ ];
+ this.dataMaterial = materials;
+ let operatorTexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( TextureProvider.getTexture(this.operator) );
+ let operatorMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this.color, alphaMap: operatorTexture, transparent: true} );
+ let clearMaterial = [
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ operatorMaterial,
+ operatorMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial
+ ];
+ this.clearMaterial = clearMaterial;
+ let cube = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, materials);
+ cube.position.set(0, 0, 0);
+ cube.elementType = "aggregationElement";
+ cube.clickable = true;
+ cube.hoverable = true;
+ this.cube = cube;
+ let edgesGeometry = new THREE.EdgesGeometry(geometry);
+ let edgesLine = new THREE.LineSegments(edgesGeometry, new THREE.LineBasicMaterial({
+ color: FrameColor
+ }));
+ let aggregationGroup = new THREE.Object3D();
+ aggregationGroup.add(cube);
+ aggregationGroup.add(edgesLine);
+ this.aggregationElement = aggregationGroup;
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ return this.aggregationElement;
+ },
+ setLayerIndex: function(layerIndex) {
+ this.cube.layerIndex = layerIndex;
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ let zeroValue = new Int8Array(this.width * this.height);
+ let colors = colorUtils.getAdjustValues(zeroValue);
+ this.updateVis(colors);
+ this.cube.material = this.clearMaterial;
+ },
+ updateVis: function(colors) {
+ let renderColor = RenderPreprocessor.preProcessFmColor(colors, this.width, this.height);
+ for (let i = 0; i < renderColor.length; i++) {
+ this.dataArray[i] = renderColor[i] * 255;
+ }
+ this.dataTexture.needsUpdate = true;
+ this.cube.material = this.dataMaterial;
+ }
+export { MergedAggregation };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/elements/MergedFeatureMap.js b/src/elements/MergedFeatureMap.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a71b029b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/elements/MergedFeatureMap.js
@@ -0,0 +1,240 @@
+import { MinAlpha } from "../utils/Constant";
+import { BasicMaterialOpacity } from "../utils/Constant";
+import { colorUtils } from "../utils/ColorUtils";
+import { TextHelper } from "../utils/TextHelper";
+import { TextFont } from "../assets/fonts/TextFont";
+import { RenderPreprocessor } from "../utils/RenderPreprocessor";
+import { TextureProvider } from "../utils/TextureProvider";
+function MergedFeatureMap(operator, width, height, actualWidth, actualHeight, initCenter, color) {
+ this.operator = operator;
+ this.fmWidth = width;
+ this.fmHeight = height;
+ this.actualWidth = actualWidth;
+ this.actualHeight = actualHeight;
+ this.color = color;
+ this.neuralLength = width * height;
+ this.unitLength = this.actualWidth / this.fmWidth;
+ this.fmCenter = {
+ x: initCenter.x,
+ y: initCenter.y,
+ z: initCenter.z
+ };
+ this.dataArray = undefined;
+ this.dataTexture = undefined;
+ this.featureMap = undefined;
+ this.featureGroup = undefined;
+ this.font = TextFont;
+ this.textSize = TextHelper.calcFmTextSize(this.actualWidth);
+ this.widthText = undefined;
+ this.heightText = undefined;
+ this.dataMaterial = undefined;
+ this.clearMaterial = undefined;
+ this.init();
+MergedFeatureMap.prototype = {
+ init: function() {
+ let amount = this.fmWidth * this.fmHeight;
+ let data = new Uint8Array(amount);
+ this.dataArray = data;
+ let dataTex = new THREE.DataTexture(data, this.fmWidth, this.fmHeight, THREE.LuminanceFormat, THREE.UnsignedByteType);
+ this.dataTexture = dataTex;
+ dataTex.magFilter = THREE.NearestFilter;
+ dataTex.needsUpdate = true;
+ let boxGeometry = new THREE.BoxBufferGeometry(this.actualWidth, this.unitLength, this.actualHeight);
+ let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({ color: this.color, alphaMap: dataTex, transparent: true });
+ let basicMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial({
+ color: this.color, transparent: true, opacity: BasicMaterialOpacity
+ });
+ let materials = [
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ material,
+ material,
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial
+ ];
+ this.dataMaterial = materials;
+ let operatorTexture = new THREE.TextureLoader().load( TextureProvider.getTexture(this.operator) );
+ let operatorMaterial = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this.color, alphaMap: operatorTexture, transparent: true} );
+ let clearMaterial = [
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ operatorMaterial,
+ operatorMaterial,
+ basicMaterial,
+ basicMaterial
+ ];
+ this.clearMaterial = clearMaterial;
+ let cube = new THREE.Mesh(boxGeometry, materials);
+ cube.elementType = "featureMap";
+ cube.hoverable = true;
+ this.featureMap = cube;
+ let featureGroup = new THREE.Object3D();
+ featureGroup.position.set(this.fmCenter.x, this.fmCenter.y, this.fmCenter.z);
+ featureGroup.add(cube);
+ this.featureGroup = featureGroup;
+ this.clear();
+ },
+ getElement: function() {
+ return this.featureGroup;
+ },
+ updateVis: function(colors) {
+ let renderColor = RenderPreprocessor.preProcessFmColor(colors, this.fmWidth, this.fmHeight);
+ for (let i = 0; i < renderColor.length; i++) {
+ this.dataArray[i] = renderColor[i] * 255;
+ }
+ this.dataTexture.needsUpdate = true;
+ this.featureMap.material = this.dataMaterial;
+ },
+ updatePos: function(pos) {
+ this.fmCenter.x = pos.x;
+ this.fmCenter.y = pos.y;
+ this.fmCenter.z = pos.z;
+ this.featureGroup.position.set(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z);
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ let zeroValue = new Int8Array(this.neuralLength);
+ let colors = colorUtils.getAdjustValues(zeroValue);
+ this.updateVis(colors);
+ this.featureMap.material = this.clearMaterial;
+ },
+ setLayerIndex: function(layerIndex) {
+ this.featureMap.layerIndex = layerIndex;
+ },
+ setFmIndex: function(fmIndex) {
+ this.featureMap.fmIndex = fmIndex;
+ },
+ showText: function() {
+ let widthInString = this.fmWidth.toString();
+ let heightInString = this.fmHeight.toString();
+ let material = new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { color: this.color } );
+ let widthGeometry = new THREE.TextGeometry( widthInString, {
+ font: this.font,
+ size: this.textSize,
+ height: Math.min(this.unitLength, 1),
+ curveSegments: 8,
+ } );
+ let widthText = new THREE.Mesh(widthGeometry, material);
+ let widthTextPos = TextHelper.calcFmWidthTextPos(
+ widthInString.length,
+ this.textSize,
+ this.actualHeight,
+ {
+ x: this.featureMap.position.x,
+ y: this.featureMap.position.y,
+ z: this.featureMap.position.z
+ }
+ );
+ widthText.position.set(
+ widthTextPos.x,
+ widthTextPos.y,
+ widthTextPos.z
+ );
+ widthText.rotateX( - Math.PI / 2 );
+ let heightGeometry = new THREE.TextGeometry( heightInString, {
+ font: this.font,
+ size: this.textSize,
+ height: Math.min(this.unitLength, 1),
+ curveSegments: 8,
+ } );
+ let heightText = new THREE.Mesh(heightGeometry, material);
+ let heightTextPos = TextHelper.calcFmHeightTextPos(
+ heightInString.length,
+ this.textSize,
+ this.actualWidth,
+ {
+ x: this.featureMap.position.x,
+ y: this.featureMap.position.y,
+ z: this.featureMap.position.z
+ }
+ );
+ heightText.position.set(
+ heightTextPos.x,
+ heightTextPos.y,
+ heightTextPos.z
+ );
+ heightText.rotateX( - Math.PI / 2 );
+ this.widthText = widthText;
+ this.heightText = heightText;
+ this.featureGroup.add(this.widthText);
+ this.featureGroup.add(this.heightText);
+ this.isTextShown = true;
+ },
+ hideText: function() {
+ this.featureGroup.remove(this.widthText);
+ this.featureGroup.remove(this.heightText);
+ this.widthText = undefined;
+ this.heightText = undefined;
+ this.isTextShown = false;
+ }
+export { MergedFeatureMap };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/layer/abstract/Layer.js b/src/layer/abstract/Layer.js
index 99a4716a..9918257d 100644
--- a/src/layer/abstract/Layer.js
+++ b/src/layer/abstract/Layer.js
@@ -71,6 +71,9 @@ function Layer(config) {
// actualWidth / width
this.unitLength = undefined;
+ // identify whether is merged layer
+ this.isMerged = false;
@@ -121,10 +124,6 @@ Layer.prototype = {
- setNextLayer: function(layer) {
- this.nextLayer = layer;
- },
setLastLayer: function(layer) {
this.lastLayer = layer;
diff --git a/src/layer/abstract/Layer3d.js b/src/layer/abstract/Layer3d.js
index 1683d3cd..0172669d 100644
--- a/src/layer/abstract/Layer3d.js
+++ b/src/layer/abstract/Layer3d.js
@@ -85,8 +85,6 @@ Layer3d.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(Layer.prototype), {
for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) {
- console.log(centers[i]);
let segregationHandler = new FeatureMap(
diff --git a/src/layer/merge/Add.js b/src/layer/merge/Add.js
index 6b1b4a9d..4ad1e5e3 100644
--- a/src/layer/merge/Add.js
+++ b/src/layer/merge/Add.js
@@ -1,4 +1,44 @@
-function Add() {
+import { BasicLayer1d } from "../prime/BasicLayer1d";
+import { BasicLayer2d } from "../prime/BasicLayer2d";
+import { BasicLayer3d } from "../prime/BasicLayer3d";
+import {MergedLayer3d} from "./MergedLayer3d";
+function Add(layerList) {
+ let mergedElements = [];
+ let depth;
+ if (layerList.length > 0) {
+ depth = layerList[0].layerDimension;
+ } else {
+ console.error("Merge Layer missing elements.");
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < layerList.length; i++) {
+ if (layerList[i].layerDimension !== depth) {
+ console.error("Can not add layer with different depth.");
+ }
+ mergedElements.push(layerList[i]);
+ }
+ if (mergedElements[0].layerDimension === 1) {
+ return ;
+ } else if (mergedElements[0].layerDimension === 2) {
+ return new BasicLayer2d({shape: [100, 100]});
+ } else if (mergedElements[0].layerDimension === 3) {
+ let mergedLayer = new MergedLayer3d({
+ operator: "add"
+ });
+ mergedLayer.setMergedElements(mergedElements);
+ return mergedLayer;
+ } else {
+ }
diff --git a/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer.js b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..667e3fde
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer.js
@@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
+import { CloseButton } from "../../elements/CloseButton";
+import { LineGroupGeometry } from "../../elements/LineGroupGeometry";
+import { BasicMaterialOpacity } from "../../utils/Constant";
+function MergedLayer(config) {
+ this.scene = undefined;
+ this.layerIndex = undefined;
+ this.center = undefined;
+ this.nextLayer = undefined;
+ this.lastLayer = undefined;
+ // store all neural value as an array
+ this.neuralValue = undefined;
+ this.activation = undefined;
+ this.neuralNum = undefined;
+ this.inputShape = [];
+ this.outputShape = [];
+ this.neuralGroup = undefined;
+ // output index to fit the layer
+ this.resourceOutputIndex = undefined;
+ // color for layer neural visualization
+ this.color = undefined;
+ // store the reference for layer aggregation
+ this.aggregationHandler = undefined;
+ // store the reference for close button
+ this.closeButtonHandler = undefined;
+ // center position is the left-most for layer, type: {x: value , y: value, z: value}
+ this.leftMostCenter = undefined;
+ // actual width and height in three.js scene
+ this.actualWidth = undefined;
+ this.actualHeight = undefined;
+ // actual depth for layer aggregation
+ this.actualDepth = undefined;
+ // actualWidth / width
+ this.unitLength = undefined;
+ // store hook between layers
+ this.nextHookHandler = undefined;
+ this.lastHookHandler = undefined;
+ // store the line group system element
+ let lineMat = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial( {
+ color: 0xffffff,
+ opacity: BasicMaterialOpacity,
+ transparent:true,
+ vertexColors: THREE.VertexColors
+ } );
+ let lineGeom = new THREE.Geometry();
+ lineGeom.dynamic = true;
+ this.lineGroup = new THREE.Line(lineGeom, lineMat);
+ // handler for element showing text
+ this.textElementHandler = undefined;
+ // config for text and relation line
+ this.textSystem = undefined;
+ this.relationSystem = undefined;
+ this.isOpen = undefined;
+ // actualWidth / width
+ this.unitLength = undefined;
+ // identify whether is merged layer
+ this.isMerged = true;
+ this.operator = undefined;
+ this.loadBasicLayerConfig(config);
+MergedLayer.prototype = {
+ loadBasicLayerConfig: function(config) {
+ if (config !== undefined) {
+ if (config.initStatus !== undefined) {
+ if (config.initStatus === "open") {
+ this.isOpen = true;
+ } else if (config.initStatus === "close") {
+ this.isOpen = false;
+ } else {
+ console.error("\"initStatus\" property do not support for " + config.initStatus + ", use \"open\" or \"close\" instead.");
+ }
+ }
+ if (config.color !== undefined) {
+ this.color = config.color;
+ }
+ if (config.name !== undefined) {
+ this.name = config.name;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loadBasicModelConfig: function(modelConfig) {
+ if (this.isOpen === undefined) {
+ this.isOpen = modelConfig.layerInitStatus;
+ }
+ if (this.relationSystem === undefined) {
+ this.relationSystem = modelConfig.relationSystem;
+ }
+ if (this.textSystem === undefined) {
+ this.textSystem = modelConfig.textSystem;
+ }
+ },
+ setMergedElements: function(mergedElements) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < mergedElements.length; i++) {
+ this.mergedElements.push(mergedElements[i]);
+ }
+ },
+ setEnvironment: function(scene) {
+ this.scene = scene;
+ },
+ initCloseButton: function() {
+ let closeButtonPos = this.calcCloseButtonPos();
+ let closeButtonSize = this.calcCloseButtonSize();
+ let closeButtonHandler = new CloseButton(closeButtonSize, this.unitLength, closeButtonPos, this.color);
+ closeButtonHandler.setLayerIndex(this.layerIndex);
+ this.closeButtonHandler = closeButtonHandler;
+ this.neuralGroup.add(this.closeButtonHandler.getElement());
+ },
+ disposeCloseButton: function() {
+ this.neuralGroup.remove(this.closeButtonHandler.getElement());
+ this.closeButtonHandler = undefined;
+ },
+ getLineGroupParameters: function(selectedElement) {
+ this.scene.updateMatrixWorld();
+ let lineColors = [];
+ let lineVertices = [];
+ let relatedElements = this.getRelativeElements(selectedElement);
+ let startPosition = selectedElement.getWorldPosition().sub(this.neuralGroup.getWorldPosition());
+ for (let i = 0; i < relatedElements.length; i++) {
+ lineColors.push(new THREE.Color(this.color));
+ lineColors.push(new THREE.Color(this.color));
+ lineVertices.push(relatedElements[i].getWorldPosition().sub(this.neuralGroup.getWorldPosition()));
+ lineVertices.push(startPosition);
+ }
+ return {
+ lineColors: lineColors,
+ lineVertices: lineVertices
+ }
+ },
+ initLineGroup: function(selectedElement) {
+ let lineGroupParameters = this.getLineGroupParameters(selectedElement);
+ let lineGroupGeometryHandler = new LineGroupGeometry(
+ lineGroupParameters.lineVertices,
+ lineGroupParameters.lineColors
+ );
+ this.lineGroup.geometry = lineGroupGeometryHandler.getElement();
+ this.lineGroup.material.needsUpdate = true;
+ this.neuralGroup.add(this.lineGroup);
+ },
+ disposeLineGroup: function() {
+ this.lineGroup.geometry.dispose();
+ this.neuralGroup.remove(this.lineGroup);
+ }
+export { MergedLayer };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer1d.js b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer1d.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..47b4a5c6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer1d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+function MergedLayer1d() {
+ this.isMerged = true;
+MergedLayer1d.prototype = {
+export { MergedLayer1d };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer2d.js b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer2d.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
diff --git a/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer3d.js b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer3d.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5e385936
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/layer/merge/MergedLayer3d.js
@@ -0,0 +1,401 @@
+import { fmCenterGenerator } from "../../utils/FmCenterGenerator";
+import {MergedLayer} from "./MergedLayer";
+import { ChannelDataGenerator } from "../../utils/ChannelDataGenerator";
+import { colorUtils } from "../../utils/ColorUtils";
+import { MapTransitionFactory } from "../../animation/MapTransitionTween";
+import { CloseButtonRatio } from "../../utils/Constant";
+import { MergedAggregation } from "../../elements/MergedAggregation";
+import { MergedFeatureMap } from "../../elements/MergedFeatureMap";
+import { MergedLayerValidator } from "../../utils/MergedLayerValidator";
+import { MergedShapeGenerator } from "../../utils/MergedShapeGenerator";
+function MergedLayer3d(config) {
+ MergedLayer.call(this, config);
+ console.log("construct merged layer 3d.");
+ this.width = undefined;
+ this.height = undefined;
+ this.depth = undefined;
+ this.layerDimension = 3;
+ this.color = 0xff0000;
+ // store all layer segregation references as a list
+ this.segregationHandlers = [];
+ // used to define close sphere size
+ this.openHeight = undefined;
+ this.openFmCenters = [];
+ this.closeFmCenters = [];
+ this.aggregationStrategy = undefined;
+ this.mergedElements = [];
+ this.layerType = "mergedLayer3d";
+ this.loadLayerConfig(config);
+MergedLayer3d.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(MergedLayer.prototype), {
+ loadLayerConfig: function(layerConfig) {
+ if (layerConfig !== undefined) {
+ if (layerConfig.operator !== undefined) {
+ this.operator = layerConfig.operator;
+ }
+ }
+ },
+ loadModelConfig: function(modelConfig) {
+ this.loadBasicModelConfig(modelConfig);
+ if (this.layerShape === undefined) {
+ this.layerShape = modelConfig.layerShape;
+ }
+ if (this.aggregationStrategy === undefined) {
+ this.aggregationStrategy = modelConfig.aggregationStrategy;
+ }
+ },
+ assemble: function(layerIndex) {
+ this.layerIndex = layerIndex;
+ console.log("validate");
+ if(!MergedLayerValidator.validate(this.operator, this.mergedElements)) {
+ console.error("input shape is not valid for " + this.operator + " merge function.");
+ }
+ console.log("generate");
+ this.inputShape = MergedShapeGenerator.getShape(this.operator, this.mergedElements);
+ this.width = this.inputShape[0];
+ this.height = this.inputShape[1];
+ this.depth = this.inputShape[2];
+ this.outputShape = [this.width, this.height, this.depth];
+ this.unitLength = this.mergedElements[0].unitLength;
+ this.actualWidth = this.unitLength * this.width;
+ this.actualHeight = this.unitLength * this.height;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) {
+ let center = {
+ x: 0,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ };
+ this.closeFmCenters.push(center);
+ }
+ this.openFmCenters = fmCenterGenerator.getFmCenters(this.layerShape, this.depth, this.actualWidth, this.actualHeight);
+ this.leftMostCenter = this.openFmCenters[0];
+ this.openHeight = this.actualHeight + this.openFmCenters[this.openFmCenters.length - 1].z - this.openFmCenters[0].z;
+ },
+ init: function(center, actualDepth, nextHookHandler) {
+ this.center = center;
+ this.actualDepth = actualDepth;
+ this.nextHookHandler = nextHookHandler;
+ // this.lastHookHandler = this.lastLayer.nextHookHandler;
+ this.neuralGroup = new THREE.Group();
+ this.neuralGroup.position.set(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.center.z);
+ if (this.depth === 1) {
+ this.isOpen = true;
+ this.initSegregationElements(this.openFmCenters);
+ } else {
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ this.initSegregationElements(this.openFmCenters);
+ this.initCloseButton();
+ } else {
+ this.initAggregationElement();
+ }
+ }
+ this.scene.add(this.neuralGroup);
+ },
+ openLayer: function () {
+ if (!this.isOpen) {
+ MapTransitionFactory.openLayer(this);
+ }
+ },
+ closeLayer: function () {
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ MapTransitionFactory.closeLayer(this);
+ }
+ },
+ initSegregationElements: function(centers) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) {
+ let segregationHandler = new MergedFeatureMap(
+ this.operator,
+ this.width,
+ this.height,
+ this.actualWidth,
+ this.actualHeight,
+ centers[i],
+ this.color
+ );
+ segregationHandler.setLayerIndex(this.layerIndex);
+ segregationHandler.setFmIndex(i);
+ this.segregationHandlers.push(segregationHandler);
+ this.neuralGroup.add(segregationHandler.getElement());
+ }
+ if (this.neuralValue !== undefined) {
+ this.updateSegregationVis();
+ }
+ },
+ disposeSegregationElements: function () {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.segregationHandlers.length; i++) {
+ let segregationHandler = this.segregationHandlers[i];
+ this.neuralGroup.remove(segregationHandler.getElement());
+ }
+ this.segregationHandlers = [];
+ },
+ initAggregationElement: function() {
+ let aggregationHandler = new MergedAggregation(
+ this.operator,
+ this.width,
+ this.height,
+ this.actualWidth,
+ this.actualHeight,
+ this.actualDepth,
+ this.color
+ );
+ aggregationHandler.setLayerIndex(this.layerIndex);
+ this.aggregationHandler = aggregationHandler;
+ this.neuralGroup.add(aggregationHandler.getElement());
+ if (this.neuralValue !== undefined) {
+ this.updateAggregationVis();
+ }
+ },
+ disposeAggregationElement: function () {
+ this.neuralGroup.remove(this.aggregationHandler.getElement());
+ this.aggregationHandler = undefined;
+ },
+ updateValue: function (value) {
+ this.neuralValue = value;
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ this.updateSegregationVis();
+ } else {
+ this.updateAggregationVis();
+ }
+ },
+ updateAggregationVis: function() {
+ let aggregationUpdateValue = ChannelDataGenerator.generateAggregationData(this.neuralValue, this.depth, this.aggregationStrategy);
+ let colors = colorUtils.getAdjustValues(aggregationUpdateValue);
+ this.aggregationHandler.updateVis(colors);
+ },
+ updateSegregationVis: function() {
+ let layerOutputValues = ChannelDataGenerator.generateChannelData(this.neuralValue, this.depth);
+ let colors = colorUtils.getAdjustValues(layerOutputValues);
+ let featureMapSize = this.width * this.height;
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.depth; i++) {
+ this.segregationHandlers[i].updateVis(colors.slice(i * featureMapSize, (i + 1) * featureMapSize));
+ }
+ },
+ handleHoverIn: function(hoveredElement) {
+ if (this.relationSystem !== undefined && this.relationSystem) {
+ this.initLineGroup(hoveredElement);
+ }
+ if (this.textSystem !== undefined && this.textSystem) {
+ this.showText(hoveredElement);
+ }
+ },
+ handleHoverOut: function() {
+ if (this.relationSystem !== undefined && this.relationSystem) {
+ this.disposeLineGroup();
+ }
+ if (this.textSystem !== undefined && this.textSystem) {
+ this.hideText();
+ }
+ },
+ calcCloseButtonSize: function() {
+ return this.openHeight * CloseButtonRatio;
+ },
+ calcCloseButtonPos: function() {
+ let leftMostCenter = this.openFmCenters[0];
+ return {
+ x: leftMostCenter.x - this.actualWidth/ 2 - 30,
+ y: 0,
+ z: 0
+ };
+ },
+ clear: function() {
+ if (this.neuralValue !== undefined) {
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.segregationHandlers.length; i++) {
+ this.segregationHandlers[i].clear();
+ }
+ } else {
+ this.aggregationHandler.clear();
+ }
+ this.neuralValue = undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ provideRelativeElements: function(request) {
+ let relativeElements = [];
+ if (request.all !== undefined && request.all) {
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ for (let i = 0; i < this.segregationHandlers.length; i++) {
+ relativeElements.push(this.segregationHandlers[i].getElement());
+ }
+ } else {
+ relativeElements.push(this.aggregationHandler.getElement());
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (request.index !== undefined) {
+ if (this.isOpen) {
+ relativeElements.push(this.segregationHandlers[request.index].getElement());
+ } else {
+ relativeElements.push(this.aggregationHandler.getElement());
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return relativeElements;
+ },
+ handleClick: function(clickedElement) {
+ if (clickedElement.elementType === "aggregationElement") {
+ this.openLayer();
+ } else if (clickedElement.elementType === "closeButton") {
+ this.closeLayer();
+ }
+ },
+ showText: function(element) {
+ if (element.elementType === "featureMap") {
+ let fmIndex = element.fmIndex;
+ this.segregationHandlers[fmIndex].showText();
+ this.textElementHandler = this.segregationHandlers[fmIndex];
+ }
+ },
+ hideText: function() {
+ if (this.textElementHandler !== undefined) {
+ this.textElementHandler.hideText();
+ this.textElementHandler = undefined;
+ }
+ },
+ // override this function to define relative element from previous layer
+ getRelativeElements: function(selectedElement) {
+ let relativeElements = [];
+ return [];
+ }
+export { MergedLayer3d };
diff --git a/src/layer/prime/BasicLayer1d.js b/src/layer/prime/BasicLayer1d.js
index a901ce54..de35fe39 100644
--- a/src/layer/prime/BasicLayer1d.js
+++ b/src/layer/prime/BasicLayer1d.js
@@ -36,10 +36,6 @@ BasicLayer1d.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(Layer1d.prototype), {
- if (this.aggregationStrategy === undefined) {
- this.aggregationStrategy = modelConfig.aggregationStrategy;
- }
assemble: function(layerIndex) {
diff --git a/src/tensorspace.js b/src/tensorspace.js
index a9ac921f..18cf192b 100644
--- a/src/tensorspace.js
+++ b/src/tensorspace.js
@@ -38,6 +38,8 @@ import { PixelDense } from "./layer/pixel/PixelDense";
import { PixelReshape } from "./layer/pixel/PixelReshape";
import { PixelOutput } from "./layer/pixel/PixelOutput";
+import { Add } from "./layer/merge/Add";
let layers = {
Input1d: Input1d,
Input2d: Input2d,
@@ -82,4 +84,4 @@ let model = {
PixelSequential: PixelSequential
-export {model, layers};
\ No newline at end of file
+export {model, layers, Add};
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/MergedLayerValidator.js b/src/utils/MergedLayerValidator.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85748796
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/MergedLayerValidator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+let MergedLayerValidator = (function() {
+ function validateAdd(mergedElements) {
+ let inputShape;
+ if (mergedElements.length > 0) {
+ inputShape = mergedElements[0].outputShape;
+ } else {
+ console.error("Merge Layer missing elements.");
+ }
+ for (let i = 0; i < mergedElements.length; i++) {
+ let outputShape = mergedElements[i].outputShape;
+ for (let j = 0; j < inputShape.length; j++) {
+ if (outputShape[j] !== inputShape[j]) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ function validate(operator, mergedElements) {
+ if (operator === "add") {
+ return validateAdd(mergedElements);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ validate: validate
+ }
+export { MergedLayerValidator };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/MergedShapeGenerator.js b/src/utils/MergedShapeGenerator.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..08b86755
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/MergedShapeGenerator.js
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+let MergedShapeGenerator = (function() {
+ function getAddShape(mergedElements) {
+ return mergedElements[0].outputShape;
+ }
+ function getShape(operator, mergedElements) {
+ if (operator === "add") {
+ return getAddShape(mergedElements);
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ getShape: getShape
+ }
+export { MergedShapeGenerator };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/utils/TextureProvider.js b/src/utils/TextureProvider.js
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6661e2eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/utils/TextureProvider.js
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+import { CloseData } from "../assets/image/CloseData";
+import { PlusData } from "../assets/image/Plus";
+let TextureProvider = (function() {
+ function getTexture(name) {
+ if (name === "close") {
+ return CloseData;
+ } else if (name === "add") {
+ return PlusData;
+ }
+ }
+ return {
+ getTexture: getTexture
+ }
+export { TextureProvider };
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/vis-model/Sequential.js b/src/vis-model/Sequential.js
index 737f9d43..f6349741 100644
--- a/src/vis-model/Sequential.js
+++ b/src/vis-model/Sequential.js
@@ -29,9 +29,11 @@ Sequential.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(AbstractComposite.prototype),
if (this.layers.length !== 0) {
- let tailLayer = this.layers[this.layers.length - 1];
- layer.setLastLayer(tailLayer);
- tailLayer.setNextLayer(layer);
+ if (!layer.isMerged) {
+ let tailLayer = this.layers[this.layers.length - 1];
+ layer.setLastLayer(tailLayer);
+ }
@@ -232,7 +234,8 @@ Sequential.prototype = Object.assign(Object.create(AbstractComposite.prototype),
let hookHandler = new LineHook(hookPos);
- model.scene.add(hookHandler.getElement());
+ // 暂时先不把hook加到场景中
+ // model.scene.add(hookHandler.getElement());
diff --git a/test/test.html b/test/test.html
index 04521aeb..9124d078 100644
--- a/test/test.html
+++ b/test/test.html
@@ -45,22 +45,40 @@
shape: [28, 28, 1]
- model.add(new TSP.layers.Conv2d({
- kernelSize: 2,
- filters: 3,
- strides: 1,
- padding: "same"
- }));
+ let layer1 = new TSP.layers.Conv2d({
+ kernelSize: 2,
+ filters: 3,
+ strides: 1,
+ padding: "same"
+ });
- model.add(new TSP.layers.Activation3d({
- activation: "test"
- }));
+ let layer2 = new TSP.layers.Conv2d({
+ kernelSize: 2,
+ filters: 3,
+ strides: 1,
+ padding: "same"
+ });
+ let addLayer = TSP.Add([layer1, layer2]);
+// console.log(addLayer);
+ model.add(layer1);
+ model.add(layer2);
+ model.add(addLayer);
+// model.add(new TSP.layers.Activation3d({
+// activation: "test"
+// }));
+// console.log(TSP.Add(1, 2));