- Device Shadow
- Overview
- Entering parameters for authenticating device for connection
- Running demo to try out connecting device shadow to IoT Hub
- Trying out disconnecting device shadow
- Trying out registering device attribute
- Trying out regularly updating device shadow
- Trying out getting device document
- Trying out subscribing to topic
- Trying out unsubscribing from topic
- Trying out publishing to topic
Device shadow is essentially a copy of device status and configuration data in JSON format cached by the server for the device. For more information, please see Device Shadow Details and Device Shadow Data Flow.
As an intermediary, device shadow can effectively implement two-way data sync between device and user application:
- For device configuration, the user application does not need to directly modify the device; instead, it can modify the device shadow on the server, which will sync modifications to the device. In this way, if the device is offline at the time of modification, it will receive the latest configuration from the shadow once coming back online.
- For device status, the device reports the status to the device shadow, and when users initiate queries, they can simply query the shadow. This can effectively reduce the network interactions between the device and the server, especially for low-power devices.
Edit the configuration information in the app-config.json file.
You need to enter the PRODUCT_ID
(product ID), DEVICE_NAME
(device name), and DEVICE_PSK
(device key) parameters of a key-authenticated device in app-config.json
Run the demo, switch the tab at the bottom to select the device shadow module, and click Connect to IoT Hub to connect the device to the cloud through authenticated connection. Below is the sample code:
The following logcat log represents the process in which the device is connected successfully and subscribes to the device shadow topic. In the console, you can see that the status of the created gateway1
device has been updated to online
I/TXMQTT_1.2.3: Start connecting to ssl://AP9ZLEVFKT.iotcloud.tencentdevices.com:8883
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onConnectCompleted, status[OK], reconnect[false], msg[connected to ssl://AP9ZLEVFKT.iotcloud.tencentdevices.com:8883]
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: ******subscribe topic:$shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting subscribe topic: $shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onSubscribeCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[subscribe success], topics[[$shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1]]
***subscribe topic:$shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1 success!!!!
D/ShadowSample: connect IoT completed, status[OK]
The TXShadowActionCallBack
callback for the device action is as described below:
* Callback for MQTT connection completion
* @param status Status.OK: connection succeeded; Status.ERROR: connection failed
* @param reconnect true: reconnection false: first connection
* @param userContext User context
* @param msg Connection information
public void onConnectCompleted(Status status, boolean reconnect, Object userContext, String msg) {}
* Callback for MQTT disconnection
* @param cause Disconnection cause
public void onConnectionLost(Throwable cause) {}
* Callback API for response to document request
* @param type Document operation method (get/update/delete)
* @param result Response result, 0: success; non-zero value: failure
* @param jsonDocument JSON document returned by the cloud
public void onRequestCallback(String type, int result, String jsonDocument) {}
* Callback API for device attribute update
* @param propertyJSONDocument Original device attribute document in JSON format received from the cloud
* @param propertyList Updated device attribute set
public void onDevicePropertyCallback(String propertyJSONDocument, List<? extends DeviceProperty> propertyList) {}
* Message received from the cloud
* @param topic Topic name
* @param message Message content
public void onMessageReceived(String topic, MqttMessage message) {}
* Callback for message publishing completion
* @param status Status.OK: message publishing succeeded; Status.ERROR: message publishing failed
* @param token Message token, containing the message content structure
* @param userContext User context
* @param msg Details
public void onPublishCompleted(Status status, IMqttToken token, Object userContext, String msg) {}
* Callback for topic subscription completion
* @param status Status.OK: subscription succeeded; Status.ERROR: subscription failed
* @param token Message token, containing the message content structure
* @param userContext User context
* @param msg Details
public void onSubscribeCompleted(Status status, IMqttToken token, Object userContext, String msg) {}
* Callback for topic unsubscription completion
* @param status Status.OK: unsubscription succeeded; Status.ERROR: unsubscription failed
* @param token Message token, containing the message content structure
* @param userContext User context
* @param msg Details
public void onUnSubscribeCompleted(Status status, IMqttToken token, Object userContext, String msg) {}
TXShadowConnection getConnectStatus()API
can be used to get the device connection status.
enum ConnectStatus {
kConnectIdle, // Initial status
kConnecting, // Connecting
kConnected, // Connected
kConnectFailed,// Connection failed
kDisconnected // Disconnected
Run the demo and click Disconnect in the device shadow module to disconnect from MQTT. Below is the sample code:
mShadowSample.closeConnect(); // Close the MQTT connection
The following logcat log represents the process in which the device successfully unsubscribes from the device shadow topic and is disconnected. In the console, you can see that the status of the created gateway1
device has been updated to offline
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting unSubscribe topic: $shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onUnSubscribeCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[unsubscribe success], topics[[$shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1]]
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onDisconnectCompleted, status[OK], msg[disconnected to ssl://AP9ZLEVFKT.iotcloud.tencentdevices.com:8883]
Run the demo and click Register Device Attribute in the device shadow module to create a DeviceProperty
attribute instance, add it to the attribute array, and wait for it to be uploaded and updated. Below is the sample code:
mShadowSample.registerProperty(); // Register the device attribute
The above method will maintain an mDevicePropertyList
list of DeviceProperty
(device attribute) values in mShadowSample
. When the device shadow is updated, the DeviceProperty
will be updated to the device shadow JSON document in the cloud.
Run the demo and click Regularly Update Device Shadow in the device shadow module to update the device attribute information once every 10 seconds in the demo. Below is the sample code:
mShadowSample.loop(); // Update the device attribute information once every 10 seconds
If you click Register Device Attribute in the previous step, the registered attribute information will be updated to the device shadow JSON document. Observe the logcat log.
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: ******publish message id:62848
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting publish topic: $shadow/operation/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1 Message: {"type":"update","state":{"reported":{"updateCount":1,"temperatureDesire":21}},"clientToken":"AP9ZLEVFKTgateway1-1","version":0}
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: deliveryComplete, token.getMessageId:0
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onPublishCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[publish success], topics[[$shadow/operation/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1]]
I/TXMQTT_1.2.3: Received topic: $shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1, id: 0, message: {"clientToken":"AP9ZLEVFKTgateway1-1","payload":{"state":{"reported":{"temperatureDesire":21,"updateCount":1}},"timestamp":1603252024994,"version":1},"result":0,"timestamp":1603252024994,"type":"update"}
D/IoTShadowFragment: onRequestCallback, type[update], result[0], document[{"state":{"reported":{"temperatureDesire":21,"updateCount":1}},"timestamp":1603252024994,"version":1}]
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: ******update local mDocumentVersion to 1
As can be seen from the above log, when you click Regularly Update Device Shadow, the device shadow will first publish the registered attribute information as a topic message with the type
being update
. After the published message is called back successfully, as the device shadow has already subscribed to the $shadow/operation/result/${productId}/${deviceName}
topic when you run the demo to try out connecting the device shadow to IoT Hub, it will receive the subscribed message with the device attribute and update the local version
, so as to determine whether the version
in the message matches the version
stored on it, and if so, it will perform the device shadow update process.
Run the demo and click Get Device Document in the device shadow module to pull the latest device shadow document. Below is the sample code:
mShadowSample.getDeviceDocument(); // Get the latest device shadow document
Observe the logcat log.
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting publish topic: $shadow/operation/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1 Message: {"type":"get","clientToken":"AP9ZLEVFKTgateway1-23"}
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onPublishCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[publish success], topics[[$shadow/operation/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1]]
I/TXMQTT_1.2.3: Received topic: $shadow/operation/result/AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1, id: 0, message: {"clientToken":"AP9ZLEVFKTgateway1-23","payload":{"state":{"reported":{"temperatureDesire":42,"updateCount":22}},"timestamp":1603252235473,"version":22},"result":0,"timestamp":1603252237,"type":"get"}
D/IoTShadowFragment: onRequestCallback, type[get], result[0], document[{"state":{"reported":{"temperatureDesire":42,"updateCount":22}},"timestamp":1603252235473,"version":22}]
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: ******update local mDocumentVersion to 22
As can be seen from the above log, when you click Get Device Document, the device shadow will publish a topic message with the type
being get
. As it has already subscribed to the $shadow/operation/result/${productId}/${deviceName}
topic when you run the demo to try out connecting the device shadow to IoT Hub, it will receive the message subscribed to by the latest device shadow document. If you view the latest device shadow document in the console, you will find that it is the same as the pulled document.
Before running the demo, you need to configure the topic to be subscribed to as the SHADOW_TEST_TOPIC
(topic permission) in the app-config.json file. For more information on how to generate a topic, please see Device Connection Through MQTT over TCP.
Run the demo and click Subscribe to Topic in the device shadow module to subscribe to a device topic. Below is the sample code:
The following logcat log represents the process in which the device subscribes to a topic successfully.
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting subscribe topic: AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onSubscribeCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[subscribe success], topics[[AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data]]
A device can unsubscribe from a previously subscribed topic.
Run the demo and click Unsubscribe from Topic in the device shadow module to unsubscribe from a topic. Below is the sample code:
mShadowSample.unSubscribeTopic(BuildConfig.SHADOW_TEST_TOPIC);// Unsubscribe from the topic
The following logcat log represents the process in which the device unsubscribes from a topic successfully.
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting unSubscribe topic: AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data
D/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.shadow.TXShadowConnection: onUnSubscribeCompleted, status[OK], errMsg[unsubscribe success], topics[[AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data]]
Before running the demo, you need to configure the topic to be published to as the SHADOW_TEST_TOPIC
(topic permission) in the app-config.json file. For more information on how to generate a topic, please see Device Connection Through MQTT over TCP.
Run the demo and click Publish to Topic in the device shadow module to publish to a device topic. Below is the sample code:
Map<String, String> data = new HashMap<String, String>(); // Data to be published
data.put("car_type", "suv"); // Vehicle type
data.put("oil_consumption", "6.6"); // Vehicle fuel consumption
data.put("maximum_speed", "205"); // Maximum vehicle speed
mShadowSample.publishTopic(BuildConfig.SHADOW_TEST_TOPIC, data); // Publish to the topic
The following logcat log represents the process in which a topic is published to successfully.
I/com.tencent.iot.hub.device.java.core.mqtt.TXMqttConnection: Starting publish topic: AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data Message: {"oil_consumption":"6.6","maximum_speed":"205","car_type":"suv"}
D/IoTShadowFragment: onPublishCompleted, status[OK], topics[[AP9ZLEVFKT/gateway1/data]], userContext[MQTTRequest{requestType='publishTopic', requestId=3}], errMsg[publish success]