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IoT Explorer TME SDK for Android Development Guide

This document describes how to connect the KuGou ecosystem solution SDK of Tencent Music Entertainment (TME) Group to the IoT Explorer device SDK for Android.

How to import

  1. SDK integration
  • Depend on the local SDK source code for build Modify the build.gradle of the application module to make it dependent on the explorer-device-tme source code. Below is the sample code:

    dependencies {
        implementation project(':explorer:explorer-device-tme')

    Note: if you need to integrate the SDK, please contact us. Build from the local explorer-device-tme SDK source code is used in the demo.

  1. Considerations for SDK integration

(1) Add the following configuration to the build.gradle file:

// Currently, the SDK provides only `armeabi-v7a` and `x86`, as well as `abiFilters` in case where .so libraries cannot be loaded
android {
    ndk {
        abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86'
    if (findProject(':explorer:explorer-device-tme') != null) {
        api project(':explorer:explorer-device-tme')

    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.10'
    implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.6.0'
    implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.6.0'
    def room_version = "2.2.5"
    implementation "$room_version"
    annotationProcessor "$room_version"
    implementation "$room_version"

(2) On Android 6.0 or above, you need to dynamically apply for the following required permissions. Please make sure that they are granted.

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

(3) Call UltimateTv#onApplicationCreate() in Application#onCreate.

public class MyApplication extends Application {
    public void onCreate() {
        // Call `onAppcationCreate` in the SDK

API description

Key APIs of explorer-device-tme SDK

  1. Get album information: UltimateSongApi#getAlbumInfoList(String albumId, int page, int size)
Parameter Type Description
albumId String Album ID
page int Page number
size int Number of pages
Returned Value Description
Observable<Response> Album information list
  1. Get the list of songs in playlist: UltimateSongApi#getSongList(String playlistId, int page, int size)
Parameter Type Description
playlistId String Playlist ID
page int Page number
size int Number of pages
Returned Value Description
Observable<Response> List of songs in playlist
  1. Get daily recommendations: UltimateSongApi.getDailyRecommendList()
Returned Value Description
Observable<Response> List of daily recommendations
  1. Get newly released songs: UltimateSongApi.getFirstPublishSongList(int page, int size, int topId)
Parameter Type Description
page int Page number
size int Number of pages
topId int Chart ID. 1: Chinese; 2: European and US; 3: Korean; 4: Japanese
Returned Value Description
Observable<Response> List of songs
  1. Play song: UltimateSongPlayer#play(List songs, int position, boolean autoStart);
Parameter Type Description
songs List List of songs to be played
position int Place of the song to be played in the playlist
autoStart boolean Whether to play automatically
  1. Pause song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().pause()

  2. Go to previous song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().previous()

  3. Go to next song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().next()

  4. Set playback mode: UltimateSongPlayer#setPlayMode(int playMode)

Parameter Type Description
playMode int Playback mode. PLAY_MODE_CYCLE: loop; PLAY_MODE_SINGLE: repeat; PLAY_MODE_RANDOM: shuffle
  1. Set playback sound quality: UltimateSongPlayer#changeQuality(int songQuality)
Parameter Type Description
songQuality int Playback sound quality. QUALITY_STANDARD: SD; QUALITY_HIGH: HD; QUALITY_SUPER: FHD
  1. Adjust playback progress: UltimateSongPlayer#seekTo(int positionMs)
Parameter Type Description
positionMs int Playback progress in milliseconds

**For more information, please see **IoT Explorer Demo.

explorer-device-android SDK design description

For more information on explorer-device-android SDK, please see SDK API and Parameter

explorer-device-tme SDK design description

Class Feature
TmeDataTemplate Implements the basic features of the KuGou ecosystem solution data template
TmeTemplateClient Connects directly connected device to IoT Explorer based on KuGou ecosystem solution data template


TmeDataTemplate is inherited from the TXDataTemplate class.

 * Get the `User Info` of the KuGou SDK through the IoT Explorer backend
public Status requestUserInfo()


TmeTemplateClient is inherited from the TXMqttConnection class.

 * Check connection to IoT Explorer
 * @return Yes or no
public boolean isConnected()

 * Subscribe to topic related to data template
 * @param topicId Topic ID
 * @param qos QoS level
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status subscribeTemplateTopic(TXDataTemplateConstants.TemplateSubTopic topicId, final int qos)

 * Unsubscribe from topic related to data template
 * @param topicId Topic ID
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status unSubscribeTemplateTopic(TXDataTemplateConstants.TemplateSubTopic topicId)

 * Report attribute
 * @param property Attribute JSON
 * @param metadata Attribute metadata. Currently, it contains only the corresponding timestamps of the attributes
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyReport(JSONObject property, JSONObject metadata)

 * Get status
 * @param type Type
 * @param showmeta Whether to carry `showmeta`
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyGetStatus(String type, boolean showmeta)

 * Report basic device information
 * @param params Parameter
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyReportInfo(JSONObject params)

 * Clear control information
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyClearControl()

 * Report one event
 * @param eventId Event ID
 * @param type Event type
 * @param params Parameter
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status eventSinglePost(String eventId, String type, JSONObject params)

 * Report multiple events
 * @param events Event set
 * @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status eventsPost(JSONArray events)

explorer-device-tme SDK callback design description

AuthCallback SDK authentication callbacks are as described below:

Callback API Feature
expired() Token expired
refreshed() Token refreshed

SongPlayStateListener is used to listen on song playback status changes

Callback API Feature
onBufferingEnd() Buffering start
onBufferingStart() Buffering end
onBufferingUpdate() Buffering progress change
onCompletion() Playback end
onError(int what, String msg) Playback error
onPause() Pause
onPlay() Play
onPrepared() Preparations completion
onSeekComplete() Seek completion

Device-User binding description

Android devices usually offer multiple interfaces for human-machine interaction (such as screen and keyboard), allowing users to access the internet simply by entering the SSID and password.

The Tencent IoT Link application/mini program can be used to scan the QR code generated by the following APIs to bind a user to a device.

`TXMqttConnection` class APIs of explorer-device-android
 * Generate the QR code string used for binding device
 * @return The generated QR code string used for binding device;
public String generateDeviceQRCodeContent()

 * Generate the QR code string that can be scanned with WeChat for redirection to the Tencent IoT Link mini program for device binding
 * @return The generated QR code string used for binding device;
public String generateDeviceWechatScanQRCodeContent()