简体中文 | English
This document describes how to connect the KuGou ecosystem solution SDK of Tencent Music Entertainment (TME) Group to the IoT Explorer device SDK for Android.
- SDK integration
Depend on the local SDK source code for build Modify the build.gradle of the application module to make it dependent on the explorer-device-tme source code. Below is the sample code:
dependencies { implementation project(':explorer:explorer-device-tme') }
Note: if you need to integrate the SDK, please contact us. Build from the local explorer-device-tme SDK source code is used in the demo.
- Considerations for SDK integration
(1) Add the following configuration to the build.gradle
// Currently, the SDK provides only `armeabi-v7a` and `x86`, as well as `abiFilters` in case where .so libraries cannot be loaded
android {
ndk {
abiFilters 'armeabi-v7a', 'x86'
if (findProject(':explorer:explorer-device-tme') != null) {
api project(':explorer:explorer-device-tme')
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxjava:2.2.10'
implementation 'io.reactivex.rxjava2:rxandroid:2.1.1'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.6.0'
implementation 'com.squareup.retrofit2:adapter-rxjava2:2.6.0'
def room_version = "2.2.5"
implementation "androidx.room:room-runtime:$room_version"
annotationProcessor "androidx.room:room-compiler:$room_version"
implementation "androidx.room:room-rxjava2:$room_version"
(2) On Android 6.0 or above, you need to dynamically apply for the following required permissions. Please make sure that they are granted.
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.RECORD_AUDIO" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_PHONE_STATE" />
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE"/>
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />
(3) Call UltimateTv#onApplicationCreate()
in Application#onCreate
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
// Call `onAppcationCreate` in the SDK
- Get album information: UltimateSongApi#getAlbumInfoList(String albumId, int page, int size)
Parameter | Type | Description |
albumId | String | Album ID |
page | int | Page number |
size | int | Number of pages |
Returned Value | Description |
Observable<Response> | Album information list |
- Get the list of songs in playlist: UltimateSongApi#getSongList(String playlistId, int page, int size)
Parameter | Type | Description |
playlistId | String | Playlist ID |
page | int | Page number |
size | int | Number of pages |
Returned Value | Description |
Observable<Response> | List of songs in playlist |
- Get daily recommendations: UltimateSongApi.getDailyRecommendList()
Returned Value | Description |
Observable<Response> | List of daily recommendations |
- Get newly released songs: UltimateSongApi.getFirstPublishSongList(int page, int size, int topId)
Parameter | Type | Description |
page | int | Page number |
size | int | Number of pages |
topId | int | Chart ID. 1: Chinese; 2: European and US; 3: Korean; 4: Japanese |
Returned Value | Description |
Observable<Response> | List of songs |
- Play song: UltimateSongPlayer#play(List songs, int position, boolean autoStart);
Parameter | Type | Description |
songs | List | List of songs to be played |
position | int | Place of the song to be played in the playlist |
autoStart | boolean | Whether to play automatically |
Pause song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().pause()
Go to previous song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().previous()
Go to next song: UltimateSongPlayer.getInstance().next()
Set playback mode: UltimateSongPlayer#setPlayMode(int playMode)
Parameter | Type | Description |
playMode | int | Playback mode. PLAY_MODE_CYCLE: loop; PLAY_MODE_SINGLE: repeat; PLAY_MODE_RANDOM: shuffle |
- Set playback sound quality: UltimateSongPlayer#changeQuality(int songQuality)
Parameter | Type | Description |
songQuality | int | Playback sound quality. QUALITY_STANDARD: SD; QUALITY_HIGH: HD; QUALITY_SUPER: FHD |
- Adjust playback progress: UltimateSongPlayer#seekTo(int positionMs)
Parameter | Type | Description |
positionMs | int | Playback progress in milliseconds |
**For more information, please see **IoT Explorer Demo.
For more information on explorer-device-android SDK, please see SDK API and Parameter Descriptions.md.
Class | Feature |
TmeDataTemplate | Implements the basic features of the KuGou ecosystem solution data template |
TmeTemplateClient | Connects directly connected device to IoT Explorer based on KuGou ecosystem solution data template |
is inherited from the TXDataTemplate
* Get the `User Info` of the KuGou SDK through the IoT Explorer backend
public Status requestUserInfo()
is inherited from the TXMqttConnection
* Check connection to IoT Explorer
* @return Yes or no
public boolean isConnected()
* Subscribe to topic related to data template
* @param topicId Topic ID
* @param qos QoS level
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status subscribeTemplateTopic(TXDataTemplateConstants.TemplateSubTopic topicId, final int qos)
* Unsubscribe from topic related to data template
* @param topicId Topic ID
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status unSubscribeTemplateTopic(TXDataTemplateConstants.TemplateSubTopic topicId)
* Report attribute
* @param property Attribute JSON
* @param metadata Attribute metadata. Currently, it contains only the corresponding timestamps of the attributes
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyReport(JSONObject property, JSONObject metadata)
* Get status
* @param type Type
* @param showmeta Whether to carry `showmeta`
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyGetStatus(String type, boolean showmeta)
* Report basic device information
* @param params Parameter
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyReportInfo(JSONObject params)
* Clear control information
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status propertyClearControl()
* Report one event
* @param eventId Event ID
* @param type Event type
* @param params Parameter
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status eventSinglePost(String eventId, String type, JSONObject params)
* Report multiple events
* @param events Event set
* @return `Status.OK` will be returned when the request is sent successfully;
public Status eventsPost(JSONArray events)
SDK authentication callbacks are as described below:
Callback API | Feature |
expired() | Token expired |
refreshed() | Token refreshed |
is used to listen on song playback status changes
Callback API | Feature |
onBufferingEnd() | Buffering start |
onBufferingStart() | Buffering end |
onBufferingUpdate() | Buffering progress change |
onCompletion() | Playback end |
onError(int what, String msg) | Playback error |
onPause() | Pause |
onPlay() | Play |
onPrepared() | Preparations completion |
onSeekComplete() | Seek completion |
Android devices usually offer multiple interfaces for human-machine interaction (such as screen and keyboard), allowing users to access the internet simply by entering the SSID and password.
The Tencent IoT Link application/mini program can be used to scan the QR code generated by the following APIs to bind a user to a device.
`TXMqttConnection` class APIs of explorer-device-android
* Generate the QR code string used for binding device
* @return The generated QR code string used for binding device;
public String generateDeviceQRCodeContent()
* Generate the QR code string that can be scanned with WeChat for redirection to the Tencent IoT Link mini program for device binding
* @return The generated QR code string used for binding device;
public String generateDeviceWechatScanQRCodeContent()