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NestJS Server API

Project structure

The project is a Nest.js application that consists of multiple modules:

  • Application Module: root module, the entry point of the application where configurations are also loaded
  • Auth Module: handle the logic for authentication/authorization users from the mobile application
  • User Module: manage users in our application
  • Chat Module: handle chat logic
  • Travel Module: travel features's module
  • Admin Module: provide controller(s) for the API endpoint that is consumed from the Admin Portal. Also, handle the logic for authentication/authorization admins. Admin Module might depend on other feature modules.

Besides internal modules, some other modules are also used: TypeOrmModule, JwtModule, ConfigModule,...

Module structure

Inside each module:

  • *.controller.ts: controller, for handle routing and ResfulAPI logic
  • *.service.ts: reusable business logic
  • *.entity.ts: TypeORM entities. Remember to generate migrations whenever entities are updated
  • *.dto.ts: data transfer object, should be annotated with Swagger @ApiProperty() for documentation
  • *.guard.ts: custom guards
  • *.strategy.ts: Passport.js strategy to handle local authentication/authorization logic
  • *.spec.ts: unit test (optional, based on workload and requirement changes)
  • *.e2e-spec.ts: e2e test case (recommended)
  • *.module.ts: module definition, where other components of the module are registered. Required for every module!

Other project files/folders

  • migrations: where all migrations are stored

  • data-source.ts: database connection setup, for both Nest.js application and TypeORM CLI

  • config.ts: global configuration, use .env file to load values. To access config, use ConfigService

    Please don't use process.env in any file except config.ts. Except for data-source.ts, which is an exception!

  • swagger.config.ts: Swagger configuration, such as path (default to /api and /admin/api), version and descriptions,...

  • main.ts: Nest.js application entry point. You might not wish to touch this!

  • test: E2E test cases

  • .env.example: Example configuration, which you can cp .env.example .env and put your local configurations/secret there

  • .env: (ignored by git) environment configurations

  • .vscode/launch.json: Visual Studio Code launch configuration, with this you can debug this project by pressing F5



Clone this repository and install dependencies (please use yarn for all the operations)

$ yarn


Clone the example environment file:

cp .env.example .env

The required configurations are:

  • DB_HOST: Database host, default to localhost
  • DB_PORT: Database port, default to 5432
  • DB_USERNAME: Database username
  • DB_PASSWORD: Database password
  • DB_NAME: Database name
  • APP_SECRET: JWT token's secret key, used for signing. You can generate one by:
    openssl rand 256 | base64
    node -e "console.log(require('crypto').randomBytes(256).toString('base64'));"

Running the app

# development
$ yarn start

# watch mode
$ yarn start:dev

# production mode
$ yarn start:prod


Use Visual Studio Code and launch the Debug Nest.js App target:


# e2e tests
$ yarn test:e2e


Database migrations

To apply migrations:

yarn migrate:up

To revert migrations:

yarn migrate:down

To generate migration after entity update:

yarn migrate:generate src/migrations/name-of-the-migration

Remember to put all migrations inside src/migrations/* folder. In the future, we might only need to type the migration name for this command (yarn migrate:generate name-of-the-migration), but for now, a relative path is required! (Read more: typeorm/typeorm#8762 (comment))

Protect controllers

Put @Authorized() annotation before a controller if all endpoints in it must be logged in before using.

For detail, this custom annotation is composed of:

  • @UseGuards(JwtAuthGuard): use middleware to check for JWT token
  • @ApiBearerAuth(): Swagger won't put provided access token inside Authorization headers for these requests without this annotation
  • @ApiUnauthorizedResponse({ description: 'Unauthorized' }): Document the 401 result for the endpoint

Retrieve the logged-in user

@RequestUser() user: CurrentUser

Swagger Documentation

API must be annotated with Swagger's documentation annotation (or at least APIs for the mobile application):

  • Payload:
      type: CheckinDto,
    // or better
    @Body() checkinParams: CheckinDto
  • Happy case result:
      status: 200,
      description: 'Purpose of the API',
      type: ResponseDto,
  • Error result: (if you use the @Authorized() annotation, error 401 result are already documented)
  • API tag: one for each controller:

And don't forget to change the version inside swagger.config.ts.
