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Contribution guidelines

seriousme edited this page Apr 8, 2015 · 5 revisions

Contribution guidelines

First of all thank you for contributing.


We try our best to adhere to the airbnb javascript style guidelines.

If you spot non compliant code in our codebase do not hesitate to flag it or even submit a pull request. Running npm run lint can help.

We do not ask that you agree with our guidelines but if you want to contribute you will have to respect them.


LokiJS puts a strong emphasis on performance. Make sure to benchmark performance on your machine before and after you apply a change and ensure performance is unchanged (or unnoticeable), even better if it is improved. Verify your changes are non-breaking by running npm test, and if you're adding a feature make sure to add a test somewhere in the relevant file in spec/ (or a brand new file if the test cannot be included in existing files).

A few things we recommend

Most of these are included in the airbnb style guide but we feel like highlighting them:

  • use shortcuts in if conditions, and always follow with a statements in curly brackets. Do not do: if (something) return; instead do if (something) { return; }
  • Name callbacks, when possible try to declare them as functions that can be cached to save memory as well making your code more readable. i.e. instead of
result.filter(function () { /* ... */ });

try to do:

function doFilter(obj) {
  // ...

A few things we will not accept

  • comma first
  • avoid-semicolon-at-all-cost stupidity
  • general hipster code
  • coffeescript