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Welcome to EveryNote

EveryNote, an Evernote clone, is a website for users to jot down notes and tasks and organize them according to tags and notebooks. Feel free to visit the live site here


Techologies Used

Splash Page










Getting Started

  1. Start out by cloning the repository

  2. Install the dependencies

    • pipenv install -r requirements.txt
  3. Create .env file, for example:

    SECRET_KEY= super_secret_key_name
    SCHEMA= schema_name_here
  4. Make sure the SQLite3 database connection URL is in the .env file

  5. In a terminal in the app directory, set up into your pipenv, migrate your database, seed your database, and run your Flask app:

    pipenv shell
    flask db upgrade
    flask seed all
    flask run
  6. To run the React App in development, checkout the README inside the react-app directory.

    • Essentially, in a terminal in the react-app folder:
        npm install
        npm start
  7. Now you can either set up an account or use the demo user option to explore EveryNote

MVP Features List

1. New account creation, log in, log out, and guest/demo login

  • Users can sign up, log in, and log out.
  • Users can use a demo log in to try the site.
  • Users can't use certain features without logging in (like notes and sharing).
  • Logged in users are directed to their profile page which displays a navigation bar, their notes, tasks, and a scratch pad.
  • Logged out users are directed to the login page.

2. Notebooks

  • Logged in users can select their notebooks, which provides them with a brief list of the notes contained therein.
  • Logged in users can also write, edit, or delete notebooks.

3. Notes

  • Logged in users can select and read their notes.
  • Logged in users can also write, edit, or delete notes.
  • Users can share notebooks with other users and determine if they have write capabilities.

4. Tasks

  • Logged in users can select and view tasks they have created.
  • Logged in users can also write, edit, or delete tasks.

5. Tags

  • Logged in users can view tags to notes.
  • Logged in users can assign tags and delete them from notes.

API Endpoints

Authorization and User

request purpose value
GET /api/auth/ When the app first loads, it checks to see if there is a a logged in user. It returns an object of the current user. {
'id': INT,
'email': STRING
POST /api/auth/signup With valid inputs, a user can sign up for an account, and it logs in the user. It returns the object of the newly-created in user. {
'id': INT,
'email': STRING
POST /api/auth/login With valid credentials, a user can login. It returns an object of the logged in user. {
'id': INT,
'email': STRING
GET /api/auth/logout A user can logout and leave no trace of their data. It returns a confirmation message. {
'message': 'User logged out'


Request Purpose Return Value
GET/api/notes This fetch queries for all notes and returns them in a list of note dictionaries [{
"id": INTEGER,
"body": STRING,
"title": STRING,
"notebookId": INTEGER,
"ownerId": INTEGER,
"trash": BOOLEAN,
"created_at": DATETIME,
"updated_at": DATETIME
POST/api/notes This fetch creates a new note and returns it as a dictionary {
"id": INTEGER,
"body": STRING,
"title": STRING,
"notebookId": INTEGER,
"ownerId": INTEGER,
"trash": BOOLEAN,
"created_at": DATETIME,
"updated_at": DATETIME
GET/api/notes/:id This fetch queries for a note by id and returns that note as a dictionary {
"id": INTEGER,
"body": STRING,
"title": STRING,
"notebookId": INTEGER,
"ownerId": INTEGER,
"trash": BOOLEAN,
"created_at": DATETIME,
"updated_at": DATETIME
PUT/api/notes/:id This fetch queries for a note by id and returns an updated note as a dictionary {
"id": INTEGER,
"body": STRING,
"title": STRING,
"notebookId": INTEGER,
"ownerId": INTEGER,
"trash": BOOLEAN,
"created_at": DATETIME,
"updated_at": DATETIME
DELETE/api/notes/:id This fetch queries for a note by id and deletes the note {"message": "Successfully deleted"}


Request Purpose Return Value
GET /api/tasks/ A logged in user can view their tasks as a list. It returns an an array of tasks. {
'id': INT,
'title': STRING,
'description': STRING,
'completed': BOOLEAN,
'due_date': STRING,
'created_at': STRING,
'created_at': STRING
GET /api/tasks/ A logged in user can view their tasks as a list. It returns an an array of tasks. {
'id': INT,
'title': STRING,
'description': STRING,
'completed': BOOLEAN,
'due_date': STRING,
'created_at': STRING,
'created_at': STRING
GET /api/tasks/taskId A logged in user can view the details of a single task. It returns the specific information of the task. {
'id': INT,
'title': STRING,
'description': STRING,
'completed': BOOLEAN,
'due_date': STRING,
'created_at': STRING,
'created_at': STRING
POST /api/tasks/new A logged in user can add a new task to their tasks list. It returns the new task information. {
'id': INT,
'title': STRING,
'description': STRING,
'completed': BOOLEAN,
'due_date': STRING,
'created_at': STRING,
'created_at': STRING
PUT /api/tasks/taskId A logged in user can edit a specific task. It returns the edited task with the new information. {
'id': INT,
'title': STRING,
'description': STRING,
'completed': BOOLEAN,
'due_date': STRING,
'created_at': STRING,
'created_at': STRING
DELETE /api/tasks/taskId/delete A logged in user can delete a specific task. It returns a confirmation that the task was deleted successfully. {
'message': "successful deletion"


request purpose value
GET /api/notebooks/ Gets all Notebooks,Formats into a nested object. {
'id': INT,
'is_default': STRING
'ownerId': STRING
GET /api/notebooks/:notebookId Gets a single notebooks by its Id ,Formats into a nested object. {
'id': INT,
'is_default': STRING
'ownerId': STRING
POST /api/notebooks/new/ Creates a new notebook,Returns a formatted object. {
'id': INT,
'is_default': STRING
'ownerId': STRING
'created_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT',
'updated_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT'
PUT /api/notebooks/:notebookId/edit/ Updates the associated notebook by its Id,returns a formatted object. {
'id': INT,
'is_default': STRING
'ownerId': STRING
'created_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT',
'updated_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT'
DELETE /api/notebooks/:notebook/delete Deletes a notebook by its associated notebook,Returns a message. {
'message': 'Notebook successfully deleted'


Request Purpose Return Value
GET /api/tags/ Gets all Tags, formats into nested object {'tags': [
'id': 1
'name': Joseph,
'num_notes': 5,
'created_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT',
'updated_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT'
POST /api/tags/ Creates new tag, returns formatted object {
'id': 1
'name': Joseph,
'created_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT',
'updated_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT'
POST /api/tags/:tagId Updates Tag of :tagId, returns updated tag in Object form {
'id': 1
'name': Joseph,
'num_notes': 5,
'created_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT',
'updated_at': 'Thu, 01 Jan 2023 00:00:00 GMT'

{"Error": "end of update route" }
DELETE /api/tags/:tagId Deletes Tag of :tagId {"message": f'Tag {tagId} successfully deleted'}
GET /api/tags/notetags/ Fetches and formats nested objects of all ids of tags associated with each object (note_to_tags), and all notes associated with each tag (tag_to_notes) {"note_to_tags": { 1: [2]},
"tag_to_notes": { 2: [1]}}
POST /api/tags/notetags/int:noteId/int:tagId Sends SQL query to add tag to note, returns message in object { "message": f"Tag {tagId} successfully added to Note {noteId}"}
{ "error": f"Unable to add tag {tagId} to Note {noteId}; note {noteId} not found" }
{ "error": f"Unable to add tag {tagId} to Note {noteId}; tag {tagId} not found" }
{ "message" :f"Tag {tagId} is already in Note {noteId}??"}
{ "error": f"Unable to add tag {tagId} to Note {noteId}"}
DELETE /api/tags/notetags/int:noteId/int:tagId Removes tag from note, returns message in object { "message": f"Tag {tagId} successfully removed from Note {noteId}"}
{ "error": f"Either unable to locate tag {tagId}, or notetag with note {noteId}"}