+Useful functions for connectivity operation. Ranging from edges to
+volumes. Named connec because connectivity is too long. Would have been
+even cooler, if it was palindrome.
+import collections
+import numpy as np
+ import napf
+except ImportError:
+ from gustaf.helpers.raise_if import ModuleImportRaiser
+ napf = ModuleImportRaiser("napf")
+from gustaf import helpers, settings
+from gustaf.utils import arr
def tet_to_tri(volumes):
"""Computes tri faces based on following index scheme.
.. code-block:: text
Ref: (node_ind), face_ind
_/ 1|
(1) _/____| (3)
_/| /|
_/ 0| 2/ 3|
(0) (2) (0)
face_ind | node_ind
0 | 0 2 1
1 | 1 3 0
2 | 2 3 1
3 | 3 2 0
volumes: (n, 4) np.ndarray
faces: (n * 4, 3) np.ndarray
volumes = np.asanyarray(volumes, settings.INT_DTYPE)
if volumes.ndim != 2 or volumes.shape[1] != 4:
raise ValueError("Given volumes are not `tet` volumes")
fpe = 4 # faces per element
faces = (
np.ones(((volumes.shape[0] * fpe), 3), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE) * -1
) # -1 for safety check
faces[:, 0] = volumes.ravel()
faces[::fpe, [1, 2]] = volumes[:, [2, 1]]
faces[1::fpe, [1, 2]] = volumes[:, [3, 0]]
faces[2::fpe, [1, 2]] = volumes[:, [3, 1]]
faces[3::fpe, [1, 2]] = volumes[:, [2, 0]]
if (faces == -1).any():
raise ValueError("Something went wrong while computing faces")
return faces
def hexa_to_quad(volumes):
"""Computes quad faces based on following index scheme.
.. code-block:: text
(6) (7)
| |
(6) (2)| 3 |(3) (7) (6)
| | | | |
| 2 | 0 | 4 | 5 |
(5) (1)| |(0) (4) (5)
| 1 |
(5) (4)
face_ind | node_ind
0 | 1 0 3 2
1 | 0 1 5 4
2 | 1 2 6 5
3 | 2 3 7 6
4 | 3 0 4 7
5 | 4 5 6 7
volumes: (n, 8) np.ndarray
faces: (n * 8, 4) np.ndarray
volumes = np.asanyarray(volumes, settings.INT_DTYPE)
if volumes.ndim != 2 or volumes.shape[1] != 8:
raise ValueError("Given volumes are not `hexa` volumes")
fpe = 6 # faces per element
faces = np.empty(((volumes.shape[0] * fpe), 4), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
faces[::fpe] = volumes[:, [1, 0, 3, 2]]
faces[1::fpe] = volumes[:, [0, 1, 5, 4]]
faces[2::fpe] = volumes[:, [1, 2, 6, 5]]
faces[3::fpe] = volumes[:, [2, 3, 7, 6]]
faces[4::fpe] = volumes[:, [3, 0, 4, 7]]
faces[5::fpe] = volumes[:, [4, 5, 6, 7]]
return faces
def volumes_to_faces(volumes):
"""Guidance function for `tet_to_tri` and `hexa_to_quad`.
volumes: (n, 4) or (m, 8) np.ndarray
faces: (n*4, 3) or (m*6, 4) np.ndarray
volumes = np.asanyarray(volumes, settings.INT_DTYPE)
if volumes.shape[1] == 4:
return tet_to_tri(volumes)
elif volumes.shape[1] == 8:
return hexa_to_quad(volumes)
def faces_to_edges(faces):
"""Compute edges based on following edge scheme.
.. code-block:: text
Ref: (node_ind), edge_ind
0 / \\2
(1) 1 (2)
| |
3 | | 1
Note: if `edges` index matter for tets, reorder it!
faces: (n, 3) or (n, 4) np.ndarray
edges: (n * 3, 2) or (n * 4, 2) np.ndarray
if faces.ndim != 2:
raise ValueError(
"Given input has wrong dimension. "
"The input array for a faces has to be dim of 2"
num_faces = faces.shape[0]
vertices_per_face = faces.shape[1]
num_edges = int(num_faces * vertices_per_face)
edges = np.empty((num_edges, 2), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
edges[:, 0] = faces.ravel()
for i in range(vertices_per_face):
# v_ind : corresponding vertex index for i value
v_ind = 0 if i == int(vertices_per_face - 1) else i + 1
edges[i::vertices_per_face, 1] = faces[:, v_ind]
return edges
def range_to_edges(range_, closed=False, continuous=True):
"""Given range, for example (a, b), returns an edge sequence that
sequentially connects indices. If int is given as range, it is considered
as (0, value). Used to be called "closed/open_loop_index_train".
range_: list, tuple, or int
closed: bool
continuous: bool
edges: (n, 2) np.ndarray
if isinstance(range_, int):
indices = np.arange(range_, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
elif isinstance(range_, (list, tuple)):
# pass range_ as is and check for valid output
indices = np.arange(*range_, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
if len(indices) < 2:
raise ValueError(
f"{range_} is invalid range input. "
"It must result in minimum of size=2 array."
# closed is ignored
if not continuous:
if indices.size % 2 == 1:
raise ValueError(
"Ranges should result in even number of indices for "
"continuous edges."
return indices.reshape(-1, 2)
return sequence_to_edges(indices, closed)
def sequence_to_edges(seq, closed=False):
"""Given a sequence of int, "connect" to turn them into edges.
seq: (n,) array-like
closed: bool
edges: (m, 2) np.ndarray
edges = np.repeat(seq, 2)
if closed:
first = int(edges[0]) # this is redundant copy to ensure detaching
# equivalent to np.roll(edges, -1) without copy
# safe since numpy is single thread
edges[:-1] = edges[1:]
edges[-1] = first
# reselect only part of the array instead of copy
# this should only update array interface protocol
edges = edges[1:-1]
return edges.reshape(-1, 2)
def make_quad_faces(resolutions):
"""Given number of nodes per each dimension, returns connectivity
information of a structured mesh. Counter clock wise connectivity.
.. code-block:: text
| |
| |
resolutions: list
faces: (n, 4) np.ndarray
nnpd = np.asarray(resolutions) # number of nodes per dimension
if any(nnpd < 1):
raise ValueError(f"The number of nodes per dimension is wrong: {nnpd}")
total_nodes = np.prod(nnpd)
total_faces = (nnpd[0] - 1) * (nnpd[1] - 1)
node_indices = np.arange(
total_nodes, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE
).reshape(nnpd[1], nnpd[0])
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Problem with generating node indices. {e}")
faces = np.empty((total_faces, 4), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
faces[:, 0] = node_indices[: (nnpd[1] - 1), : (nnpd[0] - 1)].ravel()
faces[:, 1] = node_indices[: (nnpd[1] - 1), 1 : nnpd[0]].ravel()
faces[:, 2] = node_indices[1 : nnpd[1], 1 : nnpd[0]].ravel()
faces[:, 3] = node_indices[1 : nnpd[1], : (nnpd[0] - 1)].ravel()
return faces
def make_hexa_volumes(resolutions):
"""Given number of nodes per each dimension, returns connectivity
information of structured hexahedron elements. Counter clock wise
.. code-block:: text
/| /|
/ | (5) / |
(4)*-------* |
| *----|--*(2)
| /(3) | /
|/ |/
resolutions: list
elements: (n, 8) np.ndarray
nnpd = np.asarray(resolutions) # number of nodes per dimension
if any(nnpd < 1):
raise ValueError(f"The number of nodes per dimension is wrong: {nnpd}")
total_nodes = np.prod(nnpd)
total_volumes = np.prod(nnpd - 1)
node_indices = np.arange(total_nodes, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE).reshape(
volumes = np.empty((total_volumes, 8), dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
volumes[:, 0] = node_indices[
: (nnpd[2] - 1), : (nnpd[1] - 1), : (nnpd[0] - 1)
volumes[:, 1] = node_indices[
: (nnpd[2] - 1), : (nnpd[1] - 1), 1 : nnpd[0]
volumes[:, 2] = node_indices[
: (nnpd[2] - 1), 1 : nnpd[1], 1 : nnpd[0]
volumes[:, 3] = node_indices[
: (nnpd[2] - 1), 1 : nnpd[1], : (nnpd[0] - 1)
volumes[:, 4] = node_indices[
1 : nnpd[2], : (nnpd[1] - 1), : (nnpd[0] - 1)
volumes[:, 5] = node_indices[
1 : nnpd[2], : (nnpd[1] - 1), 1 : nnpd[0]
volumes[:, 6] = node_indices[1 : nnpd[2], 1 : nnpd[1], 1 : nnpd[0]].ravel()
volumes[:, 7] = node_indices[
1 : nnpd[2], 1 : nnpd[1], : (nnpd[0] - 1)
return volumes
def subdivide_edges(edges):
"""Subdivide edges. We assume that mid point is newly added points.
``Subdivided Edges``
.. code-block:: text
Edges (Lines)
Ref: (node_ids), edge_ids
(0) (2) (1)
edge_ids | node_ids
0 | 0 2
1 | 2 1
edges: (n, 2) np.ndarray
subdivided_edges: (n * 2, 2) np.ndarray
if edges.ndim != 2 or edges.shape[1] != 2:
raise ValueError("Invalid edges shape!")
raise NotImplementedError
def subdivide_tri(mesh, return_dict=False):
"""Subdivide triangles. Each triangle is divided into 4 meshes.
``Subdivided Faces``
.. code-block:: text
Ref: (node_ind), face_ind
_/ 0|
(3) _/____|(5)
_/| /|
_/ 1| 3/ 2|
(1) (4) (2)
face_ind | node_ind
0 | 0 3 5
1 | 1 4 3
2 | 2 5 4
3 | 3 4 5
mesh: Mesh
return_dict: bool
new_vertices: (n, d) np.ndarray
subdivided_faces: (m, 3) np.ndarray
mesh_dict: dict
iff `return_dict=True`,
returns dict(vertices=new_vertices, faces=subdivided_faces).
# This will only pass if the mesh is triangle mesh.
if mesh.faces.shape[1] != 3:
raise ValueError("Invalid faces shape!")
# Form new vertices
edge_mid_v = mesh.vertices[mesh.unique_edges().values].mean(axis=1)
new_vertices = np.vstack((mesh.vertices, edge_mid_v))
subdivided_faces = np.empty(
(mesh.faces.shape[0] * 4, mesh.faces.shape[1]),
mask = np.ones(subdivided_faces.shape[0], dtype=bool)
mask[3::4] = False
# 0th column minus (every 4th row, starting from 3rd row)
subdivided_faces[mask, 0] = mesh.faces.ravel()
# Form ids for new vertices
new_vertices_ids = mesh.unique_edges().inverse + int(mesh.faces.max() + 1)
# 1st & 2nd columns
subdivided_faces[mask, 1] = new_vertices_ids
subdivided_faces[mask, 2] = new_vertices_ids.reshape(-1, 3)[
:, [2, 0, 1]
# Every 4th row, starting from 3rd row
subdivided_faces[~mask, :] = new_vertices_ids.reshape(-1, 3)
if return_dict:
return {
"vertices": new_vertices,
"faces": subdivided_faces,
return new_vertices, subdivided_faces
def subdivide_quad(
"""Subdivide quads.
mesh: Mesh
return_dict: bool
new_vertices: (n, d) np.ndarray
subdivided_faces: (m, 4) np.ndarray
mesh_dict: dict
iff `return_dict=True`,
returns dict(vertices=new_vertices, faces=subdivided_faces).
# This will only pass if the mesh is quad mesh.
if mesh.faces.shape[1] != 4:
raise ValueError("Invalid faces shape!")
# Form new vertices
edge_mid_v = mesh.vertices[mesh.unique_edges().values].mean(axis=1)
face_centers = mesh.centers()
new_vertices = np.vstack(
subdivided_faces = np.empty(
(mesh.faces.shape[0] * 4, mesh.faces.shape[1]),
subdivided_faces[:, 0] = mesh.faces.ravel()
subdivided_faces[:, 1] = mesh.unique_edges().inverse + len(mesh.vertices)
subdivided_faces[:, 2] = np.repeat(
np.arange(len(face_centers)) + (len(mesh.vertices) + len(edge_mid_v)),
subdivided_faces[:, 3] = (
subdivided_faces[:, 1].reshape(-1, 4)[:, [3, 0, 1, 2]].ravel()
if return_dict:
return {
"vertices": new_vertices,
"faces": subdivided_faces,
return new_vertices, subdivided_faces
def sorted_unique(connectivity, sorted_=False):
"""Given connectivity array, finds unique entries, based on its axis=1
sorted values. Returned value will be sorted.
connectivity: (n, d) np.ndarray
sorted_: bool
unique_info: Unique2DIntegers
s_connec = connectivity if sorted_ else np.sort(connectivity, axis=1)
unique_stuff = arr.unique_rows(
return helpers.data.Unique2DIntegers(
unique_stuff[0], # values
unique_stuff[1], # ids
unique_stuff[2], # inverse
unique_stuff[3], # counts
+def _sequentialize_directed_edges(edges, start=None, return_edges=False):
+ """
+ Sequentialize directed edges.
+ """
+ # we want to have an np array
+ edges = np.asanyarray(edges)
+ # Build a lookup_array
+ lookup_array = np.full(edges.max() + 1, -1, dtype=settings.INT_DTYPE)
+ lookup_array[edges[:, 0]] = edges[:, 1]
+ # select starting point - lowest index
+ starting_point = int(edges.min()) if start is None else int(start)
+ # initialize a set to keep track of processes vertices
+ next_candidates = set(edges[:, 0])
+ # we want to keep track of single occurrences, as they are line start
+ line_starts = set(np.where(np.bincount(edges.ravel()) == 1)[0])
+ # for this to work, we can't have a line that starts at column 1.
+ # so, we remove those.
+ ls_col1 = set(np.where(np.bincount(edges[:, 1].ravel()) == 1)[0])
+ line_starts.difference_update(ls_col1)
+ polygons = []
+ is_polygon = []
+ for _ in range(len(edges)):
+ # Get polygon - start with first two points
+ polygon = [starting_point]
+ polygon.append(lookup_array[polygon[-1]])
+ # then keep looking until we come to the start.
+ # if there's only one edges, this will exit right away
+ for _ in range(len(next_candidates)):
+ # sequence closes -> polygon
+ if polygon[0] == polygon[-1]:
+ polygon.pop()
+ is_polygon.append(True)
+ break
+ # sequence leads to unspecified connection -> not polygon
+ if lookup_array[polygon[-1]] < 0:
+ is_polygon.append(False)
+ break
+ polygon.append(lookup_array[polygon[-1]])
+ polygons.append(polygon)
+ # check if we counted all the edges
+ # if so, exit
+ next_candidates.difference_update(polygons[-1])
+ line_starts.difference_update(polygons[-1])
+ if len(next_candidates) == len(line_starts) == 0:
+ break
+ # let's try to find the next starting point
+ starting_point = None
+ if len(line_starts) != 0:
+ starting_point = min(line_starts)
+ else:
+ starting_point = min(next_candidates)
+ if not return_edges:
+ return polygons, is_polygon
+ else:
+ polygon_edges = []
+ for p, is_p in zip(polygons, is_polygon):
+ polygon_edges.append(sequence_to_edges(p, closed=is_p))
+ return polygon_edges, is_polygon
+def _sequentialize_edges(edges, start=None, return_edges=False):
+ """
+ sequentialize undirected edges. No overlaps are allowed, for now.
+ """
+ edges = np.asanyarray(edges)
+ # only applicable to closed polygons and open lines
+ # not for arbitrarily connected edges
+ bc = np.bincount(edges.ravel())
+ if not all(bc < 3):
+ raise ValueError(
+ "This function currently supports individual lines/polygons "
+ "search. Given edges include connections with more than 3 edges."
+ )
+ # we want to keep track of single occurrences, as they are line start
+ line_starts = set(np.where(bc == 1)[0])
+ # initialize a set to keep track of processes vertices
+ next_candidates = set(edges.ravel())
+ # create a look up to each edge column
+ edge_col = collections.namedtuple("a", "b")
+ edge_col.a = edges[:, 0]
+ edge_col.b = edges[:, 1]
+ # create trees for each edge column
+ tree = collections.namedtuple("a", "b")
+ tree.a = napf.KDT(edge_col.a.reshape(-1, 1))
+ tree.b = napf.KDT(edge_col.b.reshape(-1, 1))
+ # radius search size
+ r = 0.1
+ current_id = np.argmin(edge_col.a) if start is None else start
+ start_value = int(edge_col.a[current_id])
+ other_col = edge_col.b
+ polygons = []
+ is_polygon = []
+ for _ in range(len(edges)):
+ polygon = [start_value, other_col[current_id]]
+ # while polygon[0] != polygon[-1]:
+ for _ in range(len(next_candidates)):
+ if polygon[0] == polygon[-1]:
+ break
+ # search for ids
+ a_ids = tree.a.radius_search([[polygon[-1]]], r, True)[0][0]
+ b_ids = tree.b.radius_search([[polygon[-1]]], r, True)[0][0]
+ # in total, there should be 2 otherwise, we can end this search
+ # and this is not a polygon
+ hits = len(a_ids) + len(b_ids)
+ if hits != 2:
+ break
+ # so, we have 2 hits. we need to get the partner of non-current_id
+ # index
+ found = False
+ for ai in a_ids:
+ if ai != current_id:
+ found = True
+ current_id = ai
+ polygon.append(edge_col.b[current_id])
+ break
+ if found:
+ continue
+ for bi in b_ids:
+ if bi != current_id:
+ found = True
+ current_id = bi
+ polygon.append(edge_col.a[current_id])
+ break
+ if found:
+ continue
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Something went wrong. Please report this issue to "
+ "github.com/tataratat/gustaf/issues]"
+ )
+ # if indices closes itself, it is a polygon.
+ # Otherwise it is an open line
+ if polygon[0] == polygon[-1]:
+ polygon.pop()
+ is_polygon.append(True)
+ else:
+ is_polygon.append(False)
+ polygons.append(polygon)
+ # check if we counted all the edges
+ # if so, exit
+ # let's try to find the next starting point
+ next_candidates.difference_update(polygons[-1])
+ line_starts.difference_update(polygons[-1])
+ if len(next_candidates) == len(line_starts) == 0:
+ break
+ # Assign next starting point
+ # generally first value of (those are min() in a set) line start or
+ # leftover candidates
+ start_value = None
+ if len(line_starts) != 0:
+ start_value = min(line_starts)
+ else:
+ start_value = min(next_candidates)
+ # adjust state values
+ a_ids = tree.a.radius_search([[start_value]], r, True)[0][0]
+ if len(a_ids) != 0:
+ current_id = a_ids[0]
+ other_col = edge_col.b
+ continue
+ b_ids = tree.b.radius_search([[start_value]], r, True)[0][0]
+ if len(b_ids) != 0:
+ current_id = b_ids[0]
+ other_col = edge_col.a
+ continue
+ raise RuntimeError(
+ "Something went wrong. Please report this issue to "
+ "github.com/tataratat/gustaf/issues"
+ )
+ if not return_edges:
+ return polygons, is_polygon
+ else:
+ polygon_edges = []
+ for p, is_p in zip(polygons, is_polygon):
+ polygon_edges.append(sequence_to_edges(p, closed=is_p))
+ return polygon_edges
def sequentialize_edges(edges, start=None, return_edges=False, directed=False):
Organize edge connectivities to describe polygon or a line.
This supports edges that describes separated/individual polygons and lines.
In other words, it doesn't support edges of overlapping vertices.
edges: (n, 2) list-like
start: int
(Optional) Specify starting point. It will take minimum index otherwise.
return_edges: bool
(Optional) Default is False. If set True, returns sequences as edges.
directed: bool
(Optional) Default is False. Set True, if given edges are directed.
It should return the result faster.
sequences: list
list of vertex ids. Or edges iff return_edges is True.
is_polygon: list
Tells if the sequence is a polygon or a line.
>>> e = gus.Edges(vertices, edges)
>>> ordered_sequence, is_polygon = sequentialize_edges(e.edges)
>>> f = gus.Faces(vertices, faces)
>>> ordered_sequence, is_polygon = sequentialize_edges(
... f.edges()[f.single_edges()]
... )
if directed:
return _sequentialize_directed_edges(edges, start, return_edges)
return _sequentialize_edges(edges, start, return_edges)