Releases: tari-project/wallet-ios
Releases · tari-project/wallet-ios
- Merged transaction and contact book screens. Now, all features are available directly from the contact book.
- Added contact sharing feature. Now, you will be able to share multiple contacts from your contact book using a QR code, dedicated link, or Bluetooth log energy.
- Added new contact book screen with core functionalities
- Added Contact Details screen. User now will be able to check and edit contact details
- Created ExternalContactsManager to handle actions related with external (system) contacts
- Created ContactsManager to handle both internal (FFI) and external (system) contacts
- Integrated external contacts with contact book screen. Now, external contacts are visible on the list and user is able to check contact's details.
- Integrated external contacts with contact details screen. From that point user is able to edit and remove the external contact.
- Adjusted contact book UI to align with designs
- Added Link/Unlink functionality to contact book. User is now able to link internal with external contact
- Yat Integration - User will now be able to attach Yat to his external and linked contacts
- Attaching Yat allows using the user's BTC, ETC, and XMR addresses stored contacted to Yat to open the 3rd party wallet apps.
- Added placeholders on contact book screen
- Added UI Element that indicates the contact's type.
- Created SettingsProfileCell, ui component that allows user to move to the profile screen
- Moved profile screen to the settings menu
- Implemented "Add Contact" feature available from the Contact Book Screen
- Added Add/Remove to/from Favorites functionality. Now user can tag internal contacts as favorite.
- Removed part of unused code and assets.
- Updated SwiftLint rules to be a step closer to our targets
- Removed few opt-out rules from swiftlint config
- Added few files to excluded list and mark them as "scheduled for refactor"
- Fixed linter issues.
- Updated FFI version to v0.49.0-pre.4
- Updated MigrationManager logic. Now, it will using data directly from FFI.
- Updated script. Constants.plist generated by this script will be no longer needed.
- Removed unused code
- Added additional unit test to cover scenarios when FFI version have PRE or RC component in version number.
- Updated App Version to v0.20.0
In this release, we changed the way how we inform our users about the backup process. Now, pop-ups will appear on the screen when the user reaches a certain token amount.
We also enabled the cloud backup options. From now you can again backup and restore your wallet from the cloud.
- Removed static Tor framework.
- Removed Cartfile, Cartfile.resolved and scripts that using Carthage.
- Added Tor to Podfile
- Added LogFilesManager
- Now, app will store locally the newest 5 file logs and logs that wasn't modified in 7 days
- Added dynamic color switch funtionality
- Adopted all views to the color switcher
- Added color palette selection screen to the settings menu
- Connected selection screen with color theme switcher functionality
- Updated FFI Library to v0.43.2
- Updated App version to v0.18.0
- Updated Debug PopUp UI
- Updated Logs Screen UI
- Updated project for Swift 5.7 and Xcode 14
- Fixed compiler and IDE warnings
- Updated Cartfile file
- Added new bug reporting scene
- Removed email composer scene
- Added new colors to the app theme
- Added wallet reset functionality. The app will now check DB and min. valid FFI version, and based on that, will show the pop-up to the user.
- Improved DB version validation
- Added Dropbox as a backup option
- Refactored backup functionality to be able to handle multiple backup options
- Updated UI of the settings and backup settings screens
- Fixed few minor issues
- Updated FFI version to 0.41.0
- Updated min valid DB version to 0.41.0
- Updated FFI Library to v0.38.8
- Simplified the code related to the splash screen
- Separated business logic from UI logic of splash screen
- Fixed issue related to UInt64 underflow. Now, the value used to calculate transaction fees can't be negative.
- Fixed issue with shortcut text formatting. Now it will be presenting ticker text after "send".
- Fixed reported issue. Now, the tab bar will always have a background color.
- Simplified and encapsulated routing/navigation code inside AppRouter
- Fixed minor issues related to CustomTabBar
- Removed access to the Dibbler network
- Added access to Esmeralda network
- Updated FFILib to v0.38.5
- Encapsulated Tor-related functionality into TorManager
- Encapsulated FFI/Protocol-related functionality into FFIWalletManager
- Created a dedicated manager to handle actions and states used by Internet Connection, Tor, and Protocol managers
- Fixed several UI issues
- Fixed broken reported broken functionalities (invalid balance value, missing transactions on TX list, unresponsive button on in the transaction flow and on the home screen, deadlock on switching Tor bridges)
- Simplified code related to communication with FFI/Protocol
- Removed dead code
- Removed unused files
- Fixed reported issue. Now, the app will deallocate FFI Wallet when the app goes to the background.
- Created a new modular logger adapter
- Removed old loggers
- Reattach all log events to the new logger
- Removed unused frameworks
- Updated link to block explorer
- Replaced old connection indicator (dot) with new one (image/button)
- The indicator will show a different image depends on the connection state
- Replaced old connection details screen (tooltip bubble) with standardised popup
- The new connection details screen now will show the status of network, tor, base node connection and data sync status
- Tiles and cells on UTXOs Wallet scene no will be semitransparent when they are pending/unconfirmed and selection mode is turned on.
- Added UTXOs (Coins) Wallet functionality
- Updated FFI Lib to version 0.32.12
- Added possibility to modify the transaction fee on the add amount screen.
- Added about the screen. It's available from the settings menu.
- Updated FFI Lib to version 0.32.3
- Adjusted project to handle new methods and callbacks
- Removed artificial delays
- Fixed reported issue. The app will not pause background audio when playing videos.
- Fixed reported issue. Now, legacy QR codes will be handled properly by the internal scanner
- Fixed issue with amount formatter. Now, app will format the amount in the right way
- Fixed issue with deeplink data persistence. Now, deeplink data will be removed when user will modify emoji ID or after usage