No labels!
There aren’t any labels for this repository quite yet.
Process - Requires more ACKs or utACKs
Process - Proposals that were shelved, deprecated, or rejected by the community
Process - Clippy has failed
Process - The PR has merge conflicts that need to be resolved
Process - This PR or Issue is controversial and/or requires more attention that simpler issues
Process - Designs required
Process - Not ready for merging
This issue or pull request already exists
Process - Queued for merging
Process - Please provide more information
Process - Please provide link to RFC related to this change
Process - Requires a review from a lead maintainer to be merged
This will not be worked on
Something that needs to be fixed before a release can be made
Pull requests that update Rust code
A non-backward compatible change
Warn - A change requiring a hard fork to be activated
Warn - Contains changes that will not work with existing nodes on a network level
Warning - Changes data that wallets use to send transactions
You can’t perform that action at this time.