A stupid-simple web app to receive web requests and in response kick off a container instance.
In its current state, it is not advisable to use this in a production setting. And DEFINITELY don't expose this to the Internet.
Set the following environment variables:
Should parse to any valid connect configuration for (Docker Modem)[https://github.com/apocas/docker-modem].
"docker": {
"proxy": {
// See: https://github.com/neekware/fullerstack/tree/main/libs/nax-ipware
// List of trusted proxies
"proxyList": ["172.16."],
// When known, the number of proxies that requests pass through
"count": 1
Describes what container to launch and what web URL will launch it.
In the below example, POSTing to http(s)://docker-kicker.your.org/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789
would try to launch an instance of docker/image:tag
// Unique name for the configuration
"name": "config name",
// The key to pass to the web app to launch the below container instance
// IP restrictions
"allowFrom": ["IPv6", "IPv4", ...],
// Docker image + tag
"image": "docker/image:tag",
// Generate dynamic env vars from query string params. This is an allowlist; any other query params will be ignored.
"queryParamsToEnv": ["SOME_VARIABLE_ENV_VAR"],
// Startup command
"cmd": ["command", ...],
// Docker API Container Create options
"createOptions": {
// See: https://docs.docker.com/engine/api/v1.37/#operation/ContainerCreate
"Env": [
// Maximum number of instances launched from this config allowed to run simultaneously
"limit": 2