This is GDAL static library builded for ios platform, with swift binding
For installation GDAL you can use Swift Package Manager or Cocoapods
Use Xcode menu File -> Add Package Dependencies... and add this repository url in search field.
pod 'gdal-swift', :git => ''
Class for getting tiles from visual and NDVI tif files
let provider = TileProvider()
guard let path = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "file", ofType: "tif") else {
let coordinates = TileCoordinates(x: 19747, y: 11083, z: 15)
do {
// tileSize by default 256
let data = try provider.visible(path: path, coordinates: coordinates, tileSize: 256)
print(data) // tile in Data type
} catch let error {
For running Demo run commands:
cd Demo
open Demo.xcodeproj
For compilation gdal static library run this commands:
cd gdal-buld
After success compilation you will find file in gdal-buld folder.
Then you should upload this file to Releases section in this repository.
Upload file url example:
After uploading you need to change url in two files Package.swift and
File located in root folder. You need to change url and checksum in this file.
For caclulation checksum you can use this command:
swift package compute-checksum
File located in Sources/gdal/ folder. You need to change url in this file.