Curated list of Symfony resources, tutorials, articles, bundles and other useful links.
- Official resources
- Useful resources
- Tutorials
- Trainings
- Administration
- Cheat sheets
- Frameworks
- Blogs
- Other resources
- Community
Symfony documentation and official Symfony links.
- - official Symfony page
- Symfony documentation - official Symfony documentation
- Symfony best practices - Symfony best practices
- Symfony cookbook - Symfony cookbook
Useful, unofficial, but important links for intermediate or advanced Symfony learning.
- Knp Bundles - Symfony2 Bundles - Symfony bundles
- Awesome Symfony2 - A list of awesome Symfony bundles, utilities and resources.
- Symfony News - What a Symfony developer should know about the framework: News, Jobs, Tweets, Events, Videos...
- Sound of Symfony - Unofficial Symfony podcast
- Friends of Symfony - Friends of Symfony - useful bundles and support for Symfony
Symfony tutorials.
- Jobeet - Jobeet tutorial with Symfony2
- Screenfony - Symfony tutorials for serious developers
- Sitepoint - Sitepoint's articles about Symfony
- Symblog - Creating a blog in Symfony
- Working with Symfony 2 - Tutsplus series of Symfony tutorials
- Symfony Controller Best Practice by not extending a Base Controller but injecting dependencies
- Sending configurable e-mails in Symfony
- Custom Events in Symfony2 Bundle
- Symfony2 Admin panel in 30 seconds? - Usage of EasyAdminBundle.
- Basic User Management in Symfony2 with FOSUserBundle
- Symfony Guard - Easier Authentication with Guard in Symfony 3.
Get trained by Symfony professionals.
- Certificationy - Certificationy provides multiple tools to train on certifications like Symfony or Zend PHP5.5
- Knp University - PHP tutorial screencast with many Symfony topics and tutorials
- Symfony Certification Guide - unofficial Symfony certification guide
- Symfony Live talks - talks from SymfonyLive conferences
- SymfonyCon talks - talks from SymfonyCon conferences
CRUD, models generation and other administration resources
- AdmingeneratorGeneratorBundle - Admingenerator for Symfony2, parse generator.yml files to build classes
- Sonata Admin Bundle - Simple admin generator for Symfony applications
- EasyAdminBundle - AdminBundle, The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator
- Cheat sheet - Symfony cheat sheet
-'s Cheat Sheet - Symfony cheat sheet for Slovenian user group
- Cheat sheet - Symfony cheat sheets
- Cheat sheet - Symfony cheat sheet
Frameworks which use Symfony components.
- API Platform - API-first web framework on top of Symfony with JSON-LD, and Hydra support
- Laravel - popular full stack PHP framework built with some of Symfony components
- Silex - PHP micro-framework based on Symfony components
- Silly - Silly CLI micro-framework based on Symfony Console component
Awesome blogs about Symfony.
- Craft it Online
- Knp University
- Loïc's blog
- Symfony Finland
- Symfony Bloggers - List of Symfony related blog's RSS feeds.
Awesome books about Symfony.
- Symfony Certification - Preparation for Symfony certification exam.
- Melody - one file Composer scripts
- Twigfiddle - Small development environment to develop, run, store and access Twig code online.
Ask and answer questions, find and share Symfony resources and get in touch with the community.
Global communities around the world.
- Symfony support on Stack Overflow
- Symfony on Redit
- Facebook:
- Facebook - Large and active Symfony group.
- Google+ - Large and active group about Symfony on Google+.
- Freenode - Active IRC channel for Symfony support.
- - Large and active group on
- Quora - Symfony topics on Quora.
- Meetup - Find and meet Symfony users from across the world on Meetup.
Local user groups from all over the world.
- Symfony Armenia
- Symfony Austria
- Symfony China
- Symfony Croatia
- Symfony Czech
- Symfony Indonesia
- Symfony Italy
- Playing Symfony - Symfony workshop
- Symfony Italy
- Symfony Day Italy
- Symfony Japan
- Symfony Poland
- Symfony Slovenia
- Symfony Spain
- Symfony Sweden
- Symfony Tunisia