- Logging with monolog
- Generic management API
- HTTP basic + digest authentication for Servlet Container
- Integrate annotations for session beans
- Administration interface with drag-and-drop PHAR installer
- Automated Build- and Deployment using Travis-CI
- Set environment variables in XML configuration files
- Merging XML configuration files
- WebSocket integration
- Running Magento CE 1.7.x + 1.8.x demo applications
- Remove PHP 5.2 compatibility from SplClassLoader (5.2 legacy namespaces don't work now)
- Add getServletManager() method to ServletConfiguration
- Add support for multiple sessions by passing new parameter to HttpRequest::getSession($sessionName) method
- Compile PHP and deliver with OpenSSL 1.0.0e
- Enable soap.so by default
- Enable opcache.so by default
- Switching to latest pthreads + APCu versions
- Fixed #17: Servlet init() method will be called exactly once