3.16.1 (2025-03-02)
- meetings: assigned group to auxiliary room in weekly schedules (d48800d)
- views: invalid border error when exporting service groups (29c4bc5)
3.16.0 (2025-03-02)
- components: text alignment in select field (1b9e26c)
- congregation: auto generate display name on setting toggle (d8bc9df)
- ministry: extra minutes not transferred to next month (cdc8e2e)
- reports: check for report status to display values (851123d)
- views: display week type in midweek meeting template (91d835c)
- worker: random failure on first run (d98a3bc)
- app: controlling app by keyboard (efaaff7)
- app: link ui and source languages during onboarding (b967704)
- dashboard: group items by tab in my assignments (a486162)
- meetings: assign service group to auxiliary classroom (ab6f26a)
- onboarding: link svg colors to color variables (a623722)
- pages: add correct navigation for dashboard (d4b55ec)
- congregation: add group settings page (81bab27)
- congregation: add switch to toggle weekly meeting (ac81f51)
- congregation: hide auxiliary classroom for language group (1e11b5f)
- dashboard: language group selector crashes if user not binded (79edf55)
- persons: filter list by language group (d9298da)
- persons: prevent duplicated categories (5559c8f)
- reports: check if language groups is enabled (75c48c1)
- reports: field service reports for language group (c33e1ec)
- reports: meeting attendance for language group (e4dde3c)
- reports: meeting attendance for language group (47189a5)
3.15.1 (2025-02-25)
- meetings: assignment duplicated in treasures part (682f5da)
3.15.0 (2025-02-23)
- assets: svg clipping for no assignment illustration (13bbea9)
- views: special talk assignments not showing (c730be7)
- views: texts not displayed on PDFs for some languages (d486b36)
- views: update fonts registration (e7058c9)
- views: update page overflow (d2b8d97)
- worker: limit backup retries to 3 attempts (c808b90)
- locales: add vietnamese language (e9c0c63)
- congregation: manage language groups (fae2abf)
3.14.0 (2025-02-13)
- congregation: limit persons option in user profile (05e0db3)
- congregation: unable to select baptized brothers when adding users (2b6133a)
- locales: three letters language code for portuguese (ef8a8cd)
- ministry: dynamically show credit hours in yearly stats (816aa7b)
- startup: screens mixed up for email authentication (8921413)
- assets: use color variables in svg illustrations (649e0eb)
- congregation: handle null submitted month value from hourglass (a341be0)
3.13.1 (2025-02-11)
- meetings: invalid assignment type (f5d1393)
3.13.0 (2025-02-09)
- components: fixed opacity for tab to display null value (3d20b4e)
- components: set default color for icon loading (a571d60)
- components: update color priority for menu item (bb94aaa)
- components: use mui circular progress for icon loading (4791ab6)
- congregation: exclude baptized brothers when creating pocket account (931100c)
- hooks: validate elder account with account type (c9c1510)
- hooks: validate group overseer role with account type (1a74ad8)
- meetings: remove selected week on collapse (4beffcf)
- meetings: scrollable tabs paddings bug (7498409)
- meetings: unable to collapse month (14a09b0)
- pages: quick settings for field service groups visibility (22d398c)
- services: language identifier collision in i18n (50dd611)
- views: long name overflow in weekend meeting (bd9dbf7)
- worker: exclude invalid metadata for pocket account (93a3a86)
- congregation: undefined weekend meeting average from hourglass (91843b1)
- congregation: initial support for hourglass import (72a3824)
3.12.0 (2025-02-05)
- congregation: add padding to accept request modal (2eea04f)
- congregation: include app language in headers when approving join request (593220e)
- components: reduce padding for scrolling tabs (df50f3f)
- congregation: show hint if select fields are empty (5d739c5)
- persons: unable to add congregation in speakers catalog (658ae17)
- reports: delete reports not showing for all publishers (a1a51dd)
- onboarding: update login layout (8199b17)
3.11.1 (2025-02-03)
- congregation: field service groups quick settings not opening (69e303f)
3.11.0 (2025-02-03)
- congregation: add sorting for field service groups publishers (57cb145)
- components: update button styles for longer text (6559262)
- reports: reset submitted field service reports status (3d69aaf)
- onboarding: new user registration flow (d4f2c53)
3.10.0 (2025-02-02)
- components: textfield clear icon on dark mode (b530012)
- materials: display visiting speakers in talks history (bfa68e6)
- meetings: export schedule options missing current month (25e5242)
- sync: delegated reports not saved (5d23b7a)
- views: incorrect translations for tagalog (3b0f8f0)
- views: use source language for S-21 template (bcfae71)
- views: use source language for S-88 template (2efb8aa)
- app: use meeting exact date in various locations (66f2318)
- locales: add liberian english language (c8b32ff)
3.9.3 (2025-01-30)
- ministry: unable to edit monthly report for publishers (2ca58b6)
3.9.2 (2025-01-30)
- ministry: read only status check for publisher report (e19f57b)
- ministry: use user report if congregation report is not yet confirmed (4e26904)
3.9.1 (2025-01-27)
- congregation: increased width for circuit number field (9f66a38)
- ministry: hours credit not displayed (7ea07ba)
- ministry: remove deleted reports from reports (0b4c87d)
- ministry: update styles for form fields (7e5461c)
3.9.0 (2025-01-26)
- components: fix text color in textfield (fae8250)
- components: update css selector for color in menu sub header (058a993)
- ministry: unable to save daily reports (fe72402)
- ministry: update default date when current month is locked (fd20f98)
- reports: do not get values from daily reports (01277c2)
- congregation: allow adding users without data sync enabled (122263a)
- congregation: allow import congregation and user settings (93d7c3b)
3.8.1 (2025-01-25)
- ministry: check for undefined in field and credit hours (9173b1d)
3.8.0 (2025-01-25)
- components: change no option color in autocomplete (ebdf4e0)
- components: optionally hide dropdown arrow for date picker (b0aab74)
- components: update disabled styles for checkbox (2153717)
- components: update multiline styles for textfield (c12fc5b)
- meetings: add delete button for custom part editing modal (0965b90)
- meetings: add quick link to import source materials from jw.org (ed5fbab)
- meetings: schedule sources auto import when language changed (0d1130e)
- ministry: shared in ministry changed to disabled when locked (f39f237)
- ministry: update delete button styles for daily record (9cb8108)
- reports: separate field and credit hours in daily records (3fa0889)
- components: add hide navigation prop to date picker (dfd63b7)
- meetings: add select a student first message in midweek meetings (139404e)
- meetings: display past dates in date selector modal (66709e2)
- ministry: monthly publisher and delegated persons reports (27905d2)
3.7.1 (2025-01-20)
- components: update modal paddings on mobile (4a7d422)
- persons: unable to set congregation speakers talks (99bf8d6)
3.7.0 (2025-01-19)
- meetings: display co name for weekend concluding prayer (541f215)
- persons: unable to add new congregation speakers (9d75156)
- views: remove brackets from S-140 (app_normal) template (ee9a7e3)
- meetings: add monthly view for editing midweek meeting (3e5fb7e)
3.6.0 (2025-01-15)
- components: change clickable area in page title (10ce657)
- components: same height for person cards (9c9dd7f)
- components: update styles for inactive fields (c000673)
- components: update tabs styles (b549e7a)
- layouts: add scroll restoration (2454da5)
- locales: update language names (2b66be0)
- meetings: illustration where there is no outgoing talks schedules (7f98e15)
- meetings: permanently delete invalid weeks (7364391)
- meetings: remove main hall label (8140f47)
- meetings: S-89 not exporting (7f116f6)
- meetings: set next 12 months as default in my assignments (e8c6d00)
- meetings: update expand all button variant style (3831c8c)
- meetings: update year order in week selector (9f7c14e)
- meetings: use display name settings (4931f71)
- meetings: weekend schedule not exporting (937ecd8)
- persons: add width to fix display overflow on mobile (0aa443f)
- persons: ignore delete records when adding new record (a1061f9)
- persons: random new speaker fields position (6261316)
- persons: speakers catalog edits in mobile view (a17880c)
- reports: meeting attendance data display (90a2ee7)
- schedules: assignments count during CO visit (a678678)
- schedules: overwite custom part in living section (5e0a878)
- templates: font registration for S-21 card (ed8c11a)
- templates: remove congregation number (866f3fb)
- templates: update fonts for overseer assistant in field service groups (014d6fd)
- whatsnew: app crash when there are no images (4faf8c6)
- app: use metadata properties when syncing (a468cf3)
- components: update account header icon to include dropdown (b833a96)
- congregation: allow account names update when binding person (db3eb0b)
- congregation: separate ui and source languages (165bb76)
- congregation: update binding baptized user account (a99a3c7)
- locales: support slovenian language (5821dc0)
- meetings: add month sorting (6084b6e)
- meetings: add navigation arrows between weeks (919b784)
- reports: add icon indicator for preceding months (39b433b)
- templates: add S-88 export (8bf4bc3)
3.5.0 (2024-12-20)
- congregation: hide non-publisher when adding group members (600b870)
- meetings: localize hall name in assignments (f5efc9b)
- persons: error message now shown when saving records (2554da6)
- profile: account cannot be deleted (94b63d2)
- reminders: improve the reminders layout (08cfa2a)
- settings: close modal after data export (089f859)
- startup: unable to create master key and access code (1227058)
- templates: use exact meeting date in S-89 (758f350)
- locales: add Iloko language (744c397)
- reports: add tooltip to the late reports (2915e2c)
- templates: add field service groups (f58f9b6)
3.4.2 (2024-12-16)
- meetings: exclude not monday week (8054bf6)
- templates: get correct classroom for assignment (0eccd36)
3.4.1 (2024-12-16)
- persons: unable to remove assignments (b2ef962)
- persons: update person disqualification flow (37a3bee)
- reports: get correct value for publisher first report (6060f7d)
3.4.0 (2024-12-15)
- components: update disabled state for textfield and select (bc37a61)
- congregation: search not working in service groups members (8c40aef)
- dashboard: welcome banner not closing for pocket user (132c4f3)
- layouts: fix padding for menu button in navbar (3d0fc02)
- locales: source materials issues for tagalog language (76cd6d9)
- ministry: change keyboard type for bible studies (70e8eb9)
- ministry: timer keyboard issue on mobile (7ec2c12)
- ministry: update blinking effect for hours above 1 (f480872)
- persons: check correct state for credit hours elligibility (20de0c0)
- persons: update assistant only handling (25f2565)
- reminders: update to use explicit role (2259650)
- startup: incorrect display of congregation create window (60862d9)
- templates: prevent auxiliary classroom to be checked inadvertently (3377330)
- templates: rounded corner in the PDF template and add margin for titles (178f381)
- congregations: support import and export data (8731d7f)
- ministry: auto start timer after adding time (dec47b5)
- persons: add shortcut to navigate to manage access page (c36d1ba)
- persons: allow search for talk titles in speakers catalog (84700a2)
- reports: add search field when entering monthly reports (89f0291)
- reports: allow entering past field service reports (e5f6f73)
3.3.0 (2024-12-08)
- app: persist some app data when logging out (e4cd3d1)
- components: update margin for typography in assignments checklist (082ca1e)
- congregation: unwanted error message for changing codes (2bc7361)
- dashboard: manual backup not running (3c9a449)
- locales: issue with tagalog language translation (04823d9)
- locales: update language path for hungarian (8335cf6)
- ministry: month selector in dark them for pioneer applications (4d367c9)
- ministry: report submission flow (4d2a285)
- persons: update date of baptism change flow (4a60e74)
- reminders: check if publisher in current report month (adb25e4)
- reports: add indeterminate state for S-21 export checkboxes (569ad6e)
- reports: remove duplicate reports (bc90ace)
- reports: update submission flow (4f52dfb)
- reports: update year range when exporting congregation cards (246e8c8)
- startup: screens mixed up in some conditions (662f04e)
- templates: use 24 hour format settings in exported pdf (ccb02fa)
- meetings: add 'No assignments yet' in the assignment history (41b2955)
3.2.0 (2024-12-03)
- app: improve buttons, fields, and export visuals (0923a74)
- app: source material for other users (1e858f1)
- components: manual input and key down event for date picker (a87316a)
- components: manual input and key down event for date picker (5870c86)
- components: unfreeze top section for new update (7e2e23b)
- dashboard: update users allowed to open field service groups (7997fb7)
- locales: updated translation from Crowdin (caa4461)
- meetings: months list when publishing midweek schedules (cc852fd)
- mettings: weeks list when viewing only midweek schedules (5ee25bd)
- schedules: include current week in active assignments (114ed37)
- startup: fix infinite loading in some scenario (2d84f18)
- templates: update midweek schedule and assignment slips (dafb2f5)
- whatsnew: use new release notes format (c83f65a)
3.1.0 (2024-12-01)
- app: add missing color for dark theme (9578468)
- app: move code for setting default theme (7916b6d)
- features: localize some terms in session details (89911b7)
- schedules: student selection for some part type (e22094a)
- templates: get correct speaker name in weekend schedule (ddd6116)
- deps: bump @mui/x-tree-view from 7.22.1 to 7.23.0 (7cb8894)
- deps: bump jw-epub-parser from 3.28.1 to 3.29.1 (df00997)
After many months of dedication and hard work, we are excited to announce the release of Organized – the biggest app update ever! This update is designed to make congregation scheduling and responsibilities easier than ever before and build a solid foundation for big updates in the future. With the Organized app, fulfilling your responsibilities just became easy, efficient, and intuitive.
This release marks a major milestone, thanks to the valuable support from all contributors who have helped shape this app. Your code and design contributions, feedback, and testing are priceless, and we're thrilled to see how Organized will help you and thousands of other friends worldwide.
We’re just getting started though – stay tuned for even bigger updates, because the journey is only going to get more exciting!
This release represents a complete rewrite of the app, making it easier to use, much faster, and cleaner under the hood. We've revamped the user interface, speeding up the code behind the scenes so many tasks now take milliseconds instead of seconds. For some features, the performance is so fast that we even had to remove the loading indicator. The customization options are better than ever, and we’ve added several new features, including:
- Auxiliary Pioneer Form
- Ministry Timer Widget
- Publisher Records
- Advanced Public Talk Scheduling Features
- Service Year Overview
- New Meeting Print Templates
- Many Data Now Available for S-Form Export
- Big Privacy & Security Updates
- And So Much More!
The autofill system has been updated with new algorithms for faster, more accurate data entry. The app is now available in dozens of languages, making it easy to start using right away. In short, the app is brand new, allowing you to migrate your older data and start enjoying a much smoother and more efficient experience.
Explore Organized in action: Want to see the full potential of Organized? Head over to test.organized-app.com to try it out without registering. Get a sneak peek to decide if Organized is a good fit for you.
Get started today: Ready to begin? Register now at organized-app.com and start using Organized within your congregation. It’s quick, easy, and designed to meet your theocratic needs.
Need help?: Our User Guide is here to assist you! It provides clear, step-by-step instructions on every feature, whether you're a new user or helping others. Also, check out our YouTube channel for key tutorials in video format.
We already have the next set of features designed and are planning how to implement them in a way that enhances the app’s functionality to meet even more of your needs. The development doesn’t stop here!
Over the next few weeks, we might need to make some refinements based on your real user feedback. Every input here on GitHub is appreciated!
We’re incredibly grateful for all the support we’ve received so far. You can continue helping us improve by:
- Reporting any bugs you encounter by creating an issue here: Create a New Issue
- Contributing to new feature development
- Translating the app to your language if it's not yet translated, or improving existing translations by using the app in real-world scenarios.
Thank you for being part of this journey, and stay tuned!
Your sws2apps team