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Library and tools to make it easy to use Java libraries from Swift using the Java Native Interface (JNI).

Getting started

Before using this package, set the JAVA_HOME environment variable to point at your Java installation. Failing to do so will produce errors when processing the package manifest. Alternatively, you can put the path to your Java installation in the file ~/.java_home.

Using Java libraries from Swift

Existing Java libraries can be wrapped for use in Swift with the Java2Swift tool. In a Swift program, the most direct way to access a Java API is to use the SwiftPM plugin to provide Swift wrappers for the Java classes. To do so, add a configuration file Java2Swift.config into the source directory for the Swift target. This is a JSON file that specifies Java classes and the Swift type name that should be generated to wrap them. For example, the following file maps java.math.BigInteger to a Swift type named BigInteger:

  "classes" : {
    "java.math.BigInteger" : "BigInteger"

Once that is done, make sure your package depends on swift-java, either by running this command:

swift package add-dependency --branch main

or, equivalently, adding the following to the package dependencies:

.package(url: "", branch: "main"),

Finally, update Package.swift so that the Java2SwiftPlugin plugin runs on the target in which you want to generate Swift wrappers. The plugin looks like this:

      plugins: [
        .plugin(name: "Java2SwiftPlugin", package: "swift-java"),

We will follow along with the JavaProbablyPrime sample project available in swift-java/Samples/JavaProbablyPrime.

If you build the project, there will be a generated file BigInteger.swift that looks a bit like this:

public struct BigInteger {
  public init(_ arg0: String, environment: JNIEnvironment)
  public func toString() -> String
  public func isProbablePrime(_ arg0: Int32) -> Bool

  // many more methods

This Swift type wraps java.math.BigInteger, exposing its constructors, methods, and fields for use directly to Swift. Let's try using it!

Creating a Java Virtual Machine instance from Swift

The JavaVirtualMachine class, which is part of the JavaKitVM module, provides the ability to create and query the Java Virtual Machine. One can create a shared instance of JavaVirtualMachine by calling JavaVirtualMachine.shared(), optionally passing along extra options to the JVM (such as the class path):

let javaVirtualMachine = try JavaVirtualMachine.shared()

If the JVM is already running, a JavaVirtualMachine instance will be created to reference that existing JVM. Given a JavaVirtualMachine instance, one can query the JNI environment for the currently-active thread by calling environment(), e.g.,

let jniEnvironment = try javaVirtualMachine.environment()

This JNI environment can be used to create instances of Java objects. For example, we can create a BigInteger instance from a Swift string like this:

let bigInt = BigInteger(veryBigNumber, environment: jniEnvironment)

And then call methods on it. For example, check whether the big integer is a probable prime with some certainty:

if bigInt.isProbablePrime(10) {
  print("\(bigInt.toString()) is probably prime")

Swift ensures that the Java garbage collector will keep the object alive until bigInt (and any copies of it) are been destroyed.

Importing a Jar file into Swift

Java libraries are often distributed as Jar files. The Java2Swift tool can inspect a Jar file to create a Java2Swift.config file that will wrap all of the public classes for use in Swift. Following the example in swift-java/Samples/JavaSieve, we will wrap a small Java library for computing prime numbers for use in Swift. Assuming we have a Jar file QuadraticSieve-1.0.jar in the package directory, run the following command:

swift run Java2Swift --module-name JavaSieve --jar QuadraticSieve-1.0.jar

The resulting configuration file will look something like this:

  "classPath" : "QuadraticSieve-1.0.jar",
  "classes" : {
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.QuadraticSieve" : "QuadraticSieve",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.BaseFact" : "BaseFact",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.matrix.GaussianEliminationMatrix" : "GaussianEliminationMatrix",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.matrix.Matrix" : "Matrix",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.poly.PolyMiner" : "PolyMiner",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.poly.WheelPool" : "WheelPool",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.siever.BSmoothData" : "BSmoothData",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.siever.BSmoothDataPool" : "BSmoothDataPool",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.siever.Siever" : "Siever",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.core.siever.VectorExtractor" : "VectorExtractor",
    "" : "BSmooth",
    "" : "DataQueue",
    "" : "MagicNumbers",
    "" : "PolynomialData",
    "" : "PrimeBase",
    "" : "VectorData",
    "" : "VectorWorkData",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.debug.Analytics" : "Analytics",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.debug.AssertUtils" : "AssertUtils",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.debug.Logger" : "Logger",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.fact.TrivialDivision" : "TrivialDivision",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.primes.BigPrimes" : "BigPrimes",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.primes.SieveOfEratosthenes" : "SieveOfEratosthenes",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.utils.MathUtils" : "MathUtils",
    "com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.wheel.Wheel" : "Wheel"

As with the previous JavaProbablyPrime sample, the JavaSieve target in Package.swift should depend on the swift-java package modules (JavaKit, JavaKitVM) and apply the Java2Swift plugin. This makes all of the Java classes found in the Jar file available to Swift within the JavaSieve target.

If you inspect the build output, there are a number of warnings that look like this:

warning: Unable to translate 'com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.QuadraticSieve' method 'generateN': Java class 'java.math.BigInteger' has not been translated into Swift

These warnings mean that some of the APIs in the Java library aren't available in Swift because their prerequisite types are missing. To address these warnings and get access to these APIs from Swift, we can wrap those Java classes. Expanding on the prior JavaProbablyPrime example, we define a new SwiftPM target JavaMath for the various types in the java.math package:

            name: "JavaMath",
            dependencies: [
              .product(name: "JavaKit", package: "swift-java"),
            plugins: [
              .plugin(name: "Java2SwiftPlugin", package: "swift-java"),

Then define a a Java2Swift configuration file in Sources/JavaMath/Java2Swift.config to bring in the types we need:

  "classes" : {
    "java.math.BigDecimal" : "BigDecimal",
    "java.math.BigInteger" : "BigInteger",
    "java.math.MathContext" : "MathContext",
    "java.math.RoundingMode" : "RoundingMode",
    "java.lang.Integer" : "JavaInteger",

Finally, make the JavaSieve target depend on JavaMath and rebuild: the warnings related to java.math.BigInteger and friends will go away, and Java APIs that depend on them will now be available in Swift!

Calling Java static methods from Swift

There are a number of prime-generation facilities in the Java library we imported. However, we are going to focus on the simple Sieve of Eratosthenes, which is declared like this in Java:

public class SieveOfEratosthenes {
  public static List<Integer> findPrimes(int limit) { ... }

In Java, static methods are called as members of the class itself. For Swift to call a Java static method, it needs a representation of the Java class. This is expressed as an instance of the generic type JavaClass, which can be created in a particular JNI environment like this:

let sieveClass = try JavaClass<SieveOfEratosthenes>(in: jvm.environment())

Now we can call Java's static methods on that class as instance methods on the JavaClass instance, e.g.,

let primes = sieveClass.findPrimes(100) // returns a List<JavaInteger>?

Putting it all together, we can define a main program in Sources/JavaSieve/main.swift that looks like this:

import JavaKit
import JavaKitVM

let jvm = try JavaVirtualMachine.shared(classPath: ["QuadraticSieve-1.0.jar"])
do {
  let sieveClass = try JavaClass<SieveOfEratosthenes>(in: jvm.environment())
  for prime in sieveClass.findPrimes(100)! {
    print("Found prime: \(prime.intValue())")
} catch {
  print("Failure: \(error)")

Note that we are passing the Jar file in the classPath argument when initializing the JavaVirtualMachine instance. Otherwise, the program will fail with an error because it cannot find the Java class com.gazman.quadratic_sieve.primes.SieveOfEratosthenes.

Using Java libraries from Swift

This section describes how Java libraries and mapped into Swift and their use from Swift.

Translation from Java classes into Swift

Each Java class that can be used from Swift is translated to a Swift struct that provides information about the Java class itself and is populated with the Swift projection of each of its constructors, methods, and fields. For example, here is an excerpt of the Swift projection of java.util.jar.JarFile:

@JavaClass("java.util.jar.JarFile", extends: ZipFile.self, implements: AutoCloseable.self)
public struct JarFile {
  public init(_ arg0: String, _ arg1: Bool, environment: JNIEnvironment)

  public func entries() -> Enumeration<JarEntry>?

  public func getManifest() -> Manifest?

  public func getJarEntry(_ arg0: String) -> JarEntry?

  public func isMultiRelease() -> Bool

  public func getName() -> String

  public func size() -> Int32

The JavaClass macro provides information about the Java class itself: it's canonical name (here, java.util.jar.Jarfile), the type it extends as a metatype of a Java class projected into Swift (here ZipFile, for which will be JavaObject if omitted, and an optional list of interfaces it implements (as metatypes for Java interfaces projected into Swift). This is the equivalent to the Java class declaration:

package java.util.jar

public class JarFile extends implements java.lang.AutoClosable { ... }

Each of the public Java constructors, methods, and fields in the Java class will have a corresponding Swift declaration. Java constructors are written as Swift initializers, e.g.,

  public init(_ arg0: String, _ arg1: Bool, environment: JNIEnvironment)

corresponds to the Java constructor:

public JarFile(String arg0, bool arg1)

The environment parameter is the pointer to the JNI environment (JNIEnv* in C) in which the underlying Java object lives. It is available to all methods that are written in or exposed to Java, either directly as a parameter (as in constructors) or on an instance of any type that's projected from Java through the javaEnvironment property of the AnyJavaObject conformance. Given a Java environment, one can create a JarFile instance in Swift with, e.g.,

let jarFile = JarFile("MyJavaLibrary.jar", true)

At this point, jarFile is a Swift instance backed by a Java object. One can directly call any of the Java methods that were reflected into Swift, each of which is annotated with @JavaMethod. For example, we can iterate over all of the entries in the Jar file like this:

for entry in jarFile.entries()! {
  // entry is a JarEntry

JavaMethod is a function body macro that translates the argument and result types to/from Java and performs a call to the named method via JNI.

A Java method or constructor that throws a checked exception should be marked as throws in Swift. Swift's projection of Java throwable types (as JavaKit.Throwable) conforms to the Swift Error protocol, so Java exceptions will be rethrown as Swift errors.

Java <-> Swift Type mapping

Each Java type has a mapping to a corresponding Swift type. This is expressed in Swift as a conformance to the JavaValue protocol. Here are the mappings between Java types and their Swift counterparts that conform to JavaValue:

Java type Swift type
boolean Bool
byte Int8
char UInt16
short Int16
int Int32
long Int64
float Float
double Double
void Void (rare)
T[] [T]
String String

For Swift projections of Java classes, the Swift type itself conforms to the AnyJavaObject protocol. This conformance is added automatically by the JavaClass macro. Swift projects of Java classes can be generic. In such cases, each generic parameter should itself conform to the AnyJavaObject protocol.

Because Java has implicitly nullability of references, AnyJavaObject types do not directly conform to JavaValue: rather, optionals of AnyJavaObject-conforming type conform to JavaValue. This requires Swift code to deal with the optionality at interface boundaries rather than invite implicit NULL pointer dereferences.

A number of JavaKit modules provide Swift projections of Java classes and interfaces. Here are a few:

Java class Swift class Swift module
java.lang.Object JavaObject JavaKit
java.lang.Class<T> JavaClass<T> JavaKit
java.lang.Throwable Throwable JavaKit URL JavaKitNetwork

The Java2Swift tool can translate any other Java classes into Swift projections. The easiest way to use Java2Swift is with the SwiftPM plugin described above. More information about using this tool directly are provided later in this document.

Up and downcasting

All AnyJavaObject instances provide is and as methods to check whether an object dynamically matches another type. The is operation is the equivalent of Java's instanceof and Swift's is operator, and will checkin whether a given object is of the specified type, e.g.,

if {
  // myObject is a Java URL.

Often, one also wants to cast to that type. The as method returns an optional of the specified type, so it works well with if let:

if let url = {
  // okay, url is a Java URL

Note: The Swift is, as?, and as! operators do not work correctly with the Swift projections of Java types. Use the is and as methods consistently.

Class objects and static methods

Every AnyJavaObject has a property javaClass that provides an instance of JavaClass specialized to the type. For example, url.javaClass will produce an instance of JavaClass<URL>. The JavaClass instance is a wrapper around a Java class object (java.lang.Class) that has two roles in Swift. First, it provides access to all of the APIs on the Java class object. The JavaKitReflection library, for example, exposes these APIs and the types they depend on (Method, Constructor, etc.) for dynamic reflection. Second, the JavaClass provides access to the static methods on the Java class. For example, has static methods to access default settings, such as the default for the allowUserInteraction field. These are exposed as instance methods on JavaClass, e.g.,

extension JavaClass<URLConnection> {
  public func getDefaultAllowUserInteraction() -> Bool


Java interfaces are similar to classes, and are projected into Swift in much the same way, but with the macro JavaInterface. The JavaInterface macro takes the Java interface name as well as any Java interfaces that this interface extends. As an example, here is the Swift projection of the java.util.Enumeration generic interface:

public struct Enumeration<E: AnyJavaObject> {
  public func hasMoreElements() -> Bool

  public func nextElement() -> JavaObject?

Implementing Java native methods in Swift

JavaKit supports implementing Java native methods in Swift using JNI. In Java, the method must be declared as native, e.g.,

package org.swift.javakit;

public class HelloSwift {
    static {

    public native String reportStatistics(String meaning, double[] numbers);

On the Swift side, the Java class needs to have been exposed to Swift:

struct HelloSwift { ... }

Implementations of native methods can be written within the Swift type or an extension thereof, and should be marked with @ImplementsJava. For example:

extension HelloSwift {
  func reportStatistics(_ meaning: String, _ numbers: [Double]) -> String {
    let average = numbers.isEmpty ? 0.0 : numbers.reduce(0.0) { $0 + $1 } / Double(numbers.count)
    return "Average of \(meaning) is \(average)"

Java native methods that throw any checked exception should be marked as throws in Swift. Swift will translate any thrown error into a Java exception.

The Swift implementations of Java native constructors and static methods require an additional Swift parameter environment: JNIEnvironment, which will receive the JNI environment in which the function is being executed.

Translating Java classes with Java2Swift

The Java2Swift is a Swift program that uses Java's runtime reflection facilities to translate the requested Java classes into their Swift projections. The output is a number of Swift source files, each of which corresponds to a single Java class. The Java2Swift can be executed like this:

swift run Java2Swift

to produce help output like the following:

USAGE: Java2Swift --module-name <module-name> [--depends-on <depends-on> ...] [--jar] [--cp <cp> ...] [--output-directory <output-directory>] <input>

  <input>                 The input file, which is either a Java2Swift
                          configuration file or (if '-jar' was specified)
                          a Jar file.

  --module-name <module-name>
                          The name of the Swift module into which the resulting
                          Swift types will be generated.
  --depends-on <depends-on>
                          A Java2Swift configuration file for a given Swift
                          module name on which this module depends, e.g.,
                          There should be one of these options for each Swift
                          module that this module depends on (transitively)
                          that contains wrapped Java sources.
  --jar                   Specifies that the input is a Jar file whose public
                          classes will be loaded. The output of Java2Swift will
                          be a configuration file (Java2Swift.config) that can
                          be used as input to a subsequent Java2Swift
                          invocation to generate wrappers for those public
  --cp, --classpath <cp>  Class search path of directories and zip/jar files
                          from which Java classes can be loaded.
  -o, --output-directory <output-directory>
                          The directory in which to output the generated Swift
                          files or the Java2Swift configuration file. (default:
  -h, --help              Show help information.

For example, the JavaKitJar library is generated with this command line:

swift run Java2Swift --module-name JavaKitJar --depends-on JavaKit=Sources/JavaKit/Java2Swift.config -o Sources/JavaKitJar/generated Sources/JavaKitJar/Java2Swift.config

The --module-name JavaKitJar parameter describes the name of the Swift module in which the code will be generated.

The --depends-on option is followed by the Java2Swift configuration files for any library on which this Swift library depends. Each --depends-on option is of the form <swift library name>=<Java2Swift.config path>, and tells Java2Swift which other Java classes have already been translated to Swift. For example, if your Java class uses, then you should include JavaKitNetwork's configuration file as a dependency here.

The -o option specifies the output directory. Typically, this will be Sources/<module name>/generated or similar to keep the generated Swift files separate from any hand-written ones. To see the output on the terminal rather than writing files to disk, pass - for this option.

Finally, the command line should contain the Java2Swift.config file containing the list of classes that should be translated into Swift and their corresponding Swift type names. The tool will output a single .swift file for each class, along with warnings for any public API that cannot be translated into Swift. The most common warnings are due to missing Swift projections for Java classes. For example, here we have not translated (or provided the translation manifests for) the Java classes and

warning: Unable to translate 'java.util.jar.JarOutputStream' superclass: Java class '' has not been translated into Swift
warning: Unable to translate 'java.util.jar.JarOutputStream' constructor: Java class '' has not been translated into Swift
warning: Unable to translate 'java.util.jar.JarInputStream' method 'transferTo': Java class '' has not been translated into Swift

The result of such warnings is that certain information won't be statically available in Swift, e.g., the superclass won't be known (so we will assume it is JavaObject), or the specified constructors or methods won't be translated. If you don't need these APIs, the warnings can be safely ignored. The APIs can still be called dynamically via JNI.

The --jar option changes the operation of Java2Swift. Instead of wrapping Java classes in Swift, it scans the given input Jar file to find all public classes and outputs a configuration file Java2Swift.config mapping all of the Java classes in the Jar file to Swift types. The --jar mode is expected to be used to help import a Java library into Swift wholesale, after which Java2Swift should invoked again given the generated configuration file.

Under construction: Create a Java class to wrap the Swift library

NOTE: the instructions here work, but we are still smoothing out the interoperability story.

All JavaKit-based applications start execution within the Java Virtual Machine. First, define your own Java class that loads your native Swift library and provides a native entry point to get into the Swift code. Here is a minimal Java class that has all of the program's logic written in Swift, including main:

package org.swift.javakit;

public class HelloSwiftMain {
    static {
    public native static void main(String[] args);

Compile this into a .class file with javac before we build the Swift half, e.g.,:

javac Java/src/org/swift/javakit/

Create a Swift library

The Java class created above loads a native library HelloSwift that needs to contain a definition of the main method in the class org.swift.javakit.HelloSwiftMain. HelloSwift should be defined as a SwiftPM dynamic library product, e.g.,

  products: [
      name: "HelloSwift",
      type: .dynamic,
      targets: ["HelloSwift"]

with an associated target that depends on JavaKit:

     name: "HelloSwift",
     dependencies: [
       .product(name: "ArgumentParser", package: "swift-argument-parser"),
       .product(name: "JavaKit", package: "JavaKit")

Implement the native Java method in Swift

Now, in the HelloSwift Swift library, define a struct that provides the main method for the Java class we already defined:

import JavaKit

struct HelloSwiftMain {
  static func main(arguments: [String], environment: JNIEnvironment) {
    print("Command line arguments are: \(arguments)")

Go ahead and build this library with swift build, and find the path to the directory containing the resulting shared library (e.g., HelloSwift.dylib,, or HelloSwift.dll, depending on platform). It is often in .build/debug/ if you ran swift build on the command line.

Putting it all together!

Finally, run this program on the command line like this:

java -cp Java/src -Djava.library.path=$(PATH_CONTAINING_HELLO_SWIFT)/ org.swift.javakit.HelloSwiftMain -v argument

This will prints the command-line arguments -v and argument as seen by Swift.

Bonus: Swift argument parser

The easiest way to build a command-line program in Swift is with the Swift argument parser library. We can extend our HelloSwiftMain type to conform to ParsableCommand and using the Swift argument parser to process the arguments provided by Java:

import ArgumentParser
import JavaKit

struct HelloSwiftMain: ParsableCommand {
  @Option(name: .shortAndLong, help: "Enable verbose output")
  var verbose: Bool = false

  static func main(arguments: [String], environment: JNIEnvironment) {
    let command = Self.parseOrExit(arguments) environment)
  func run(environment: JNIEnvironment) {
    print("Verbose = \(verbose)")


The project is still very early days, however the general outline of using this approach is as follows:

  • No code changes need to be made to Swift libraries that are to be exposed to Java using jextract-swift.
  • Swift sources are compiled to .swiftinterface files
  • These .swiftinterface files are imported by jextract-swift which generates *.java files
  • The generated Java files contain generated code for efficient native invocations.

You can then use Swift libraries in Java just by calling the apropriate methods and initializers.

jextract-swift: Generating Java bridging files

This repository also includes the jextract-swift tool which is similar to the JDK's jextract.

This approach is using Java's most recent (stable in JDK22) Foreign function and Memory APIs, collectively known as "Project Panama". You can read more about it here: It promises much higher performance than traditional approaches using JNI, and is primarily aimed for calling native code from a Java application.

⚠️ This feature requires JDK 22. The recommended way to install/manage JDKs is using sdkman:

curl -s "" | bash
sdk install java 22-open

export JAVA_HOME=$(sdk home java 22-open)

jextract-swift can be pointed at *.swiftinterface files and will generate corresponding Java files that use the (new in Java 22) Foreign Function & Memory APIs to expose efficient ways to call "down" into Swift from Java.

JExtract: Swift <-> Java Type mapping

TODO: these are not implemented yet.

Closures and Callbacks

A Swift function may accept a closure which is used as a callback:

func callMe(maybe: () -> ()) {}

jextract-swift importer behavior

Only public functions, properties and types are imported.

Global Swift functions become static functions on on a class with the same name as the Swift module in Java,

// Swift (Sources/SomeModule/Example.swift)
public func globalFunction()


// Java (

public final class SomeModule ... {
    public static void globalFunction() { ... }