- Filters
: don't cruise modules any furtherincludeOnly
: only include modules satisfying a patternfocus
: show modules matching a pattern - with their direct neighboursreaches
: show modules matching a pattern - with everything that can reach themhighlight
: highlight modulesexclude
: exclude dependencies from being cruisedcollapse
: summarize to folder depth or patternmaxDepth
- Matching your environment
: use a TypeScript configuration file ('project')babelConfig
: use a babel configuration filewebpackConfig
: use (the resolution options of) a webpack configurationdetectJSDocImports
: detect dependencies in JSDoc comments- Yarn Plug'n'Play support -
: prefix links in reports
- Esoteric options
- preserveSymlinks
- mono repo behaviour - combinedDependencies
- exotic ways to require modules - exoticRequireStrings
- extraExtensionsToScan
: influencing what to consider built-in (/ core) modules- enhancedResolveOptions
- forceDeriveDependents
- experimentalStats
- skipAnalysisNotInRules
- parser
- cache
- progress
Dependency-cruiser sports some filters that enable you to leave out certain parts of dependency-trees you're not particularly interested in. They work from the command line (as --do-not-follow, --include-only, --focus and --exclude respectively) but you can also specify them in the configuration file.
On the command line you can pass a single regular expression for each of them. The filters will use that to match against the (resolved) paths of modules in your dependency tree.
The configuration file gives a little bit more flexibility. Apart from the path you can specify additional properties, and pass an array of regular expressions (which in some instances will enhance legibility).
You can pass the path in one of three ways:
As a single regular expression:
options: {
includeOnly: {
path: "^bin|^src|^test|^packages",
As an array of regular expressions:
options: {
includeOnly: {
path: ["^bin", "^src", "^test", "^packages"],
Or in shorthand:
options: {
includeOnly: ["^bin", "^src", "^test", "^packages"],
The next sections contain details on what each filter does and what extra attributes you can pass.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
(string values passed to 'path' only)
If you do want to see certain modules in your reports, but are not interested
in these modules' dependencies, you'd pass the regular expression for those
modules to the doNotFollow
option. A typical pattern you'd
use with this is "node_modules":
"options": {
"doNotFollow": {
"path": "node_modules"
It's not possible to use this on the command line
It is possible to specify a regular expression for files that dependency-cruiser should cruise, but not follow any further. In the options section you can restrict what gets cruised by specifying dependency types. So if e.g. you don't want dependency-cruiser to follow external dependencies, instead of specifying the "node_modules" path:
"options": {
"doNotFollow": {
// "path": "node_modules",
"dependencyTypes": [
There's a few steps dependency-cruiser takes when you fire it of:
- gather all files specified as an argument, filtering out the stuff in
and that which is not inincludeOnly
.- starting from the gathered files: crawl all dependencies it can find. Crawling stops when a module matches
rule or a modules' dependency matches eitherexclude
or does not matchincludeOnly
.- apply any rules over the result & report it.
So in the first step
behaves itself exactly likeexclude
would. Only in the second step it allows files matching its pattern to be visited (but not followed any further).This means dependency-cruise will encounter files matching
but only when they are dependencies of other modules. This a.o. prevents unexpected behaviour where specifying node modules asdoNotFollow
pattern would still traverse all node_modules when the node_modules were part of the arguments e.g. indepcruise --do-not-follow node_modules --validate -- src test node_modules
or, more subtly withdepcruise --don-not-follow node_modules -- validate -- .
🐚 command line option equivalent:
In the includeOnly
option you can pass a regular expression of all file paths
dependency-cruiser should include in a cruise. It will discard all files
not matching the includeOnly
This can be handy if you want to make an overview of only your internal application
structure. E.g. to only take modules into account that are in the src
tree (and
exclude all node_modules, core modules and modules otherwise outside it):
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/"
If you specify both an includeOnly and an exclude (see below), dependency-cruiser takes them both into account.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
Just like the includeOnly
option, focus
takes a regular expressions you want
dependency-cruiser to show in its output. In addition dependency-cruiser will
include all neighbours of those modules. By default these will be direct dependencies
and direct dependents - if you want more, you can use the depth
This can be useful if you just want to focus on one part of your application and how it interacts with the outside world.
Add a focus
attribute in your options section. You will typically want to use
this option in conjunction with one of the other filtering options, like
doNotFollow or includeOnly as that will speed up the rendition quite
a lot.
doNotFollow, includeOnly and exclude can run before dependency-cruiser does any static analysis, so dependency-cruiser applies as early on in the process as it can so it can prevent having to read files from disk (which is expensive).
It can only determine the modules in focus and their neighbours after applying static analysis, though, as only then it knows what the relationships between the modules are.
Example configuration:
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/",
"focus": "^src/main/"
sample command line invocation and graphical output
depcruise -src c focus.config.json -T dot | dot -T svg > focus.svg
🐚 command line option equivalent:
With the depth
attribute you can influence whether to include not only direct
neighbours (depth: 1
- the default), but also their neighbours (depth: 2
etc. Just like with the maxDepth
option, a depth of 0 is interpreted as infinite.
Example configuration:
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/",
"focus": {
"path": "^src/main/",
"depth": 2
sample command line invocation and graphical output
depcruise src -c focus-depth-2.config.json -T dot | dot -T svg > focus-depth-2.svg
When dependency-cruiser applies focus on modules, it provides each module with
a matchesFocus
attribute, which is either true
for modules in focus or
for the neighbours. You can use this attribute e.g. in your
dot theme.
sample dot theme that uses matchesFocus + graphical output
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/",
"focus": "^src/main/",
"reporterOptions": {
"dot": {
"collapsePattern": "^node_modules/(@[^/]+/[^/]+|[^/]+)/",
"theme": {
"graph": {
"splines": "ortho"
"modules": [
"criteria": { "matchesFocus": true },
"attributes": {
"fillcolor": "lime"
"criteria": { "matchesFocus": false },
"attributes": {
"fillcolor": "lightgray",
"fontcolor": "gray"
When run...
depcruise src -c snazzy-focus.config.json -T dot | dot -T svg > snazzy-focus.svg
...it'll look something like this:
🐚 command line option equivalent:
Just like the includeOnly
and focus
option, reaches
takes a regular expression
that dependency-cruiser uses to find modules to show in its output. In addition
to what includeOnly
does, dependency-cruiser will all dependents (direct and
indirect) of the modules matched by the regular expression.
This can be useful if you want to make an impact analysis on what would be affected when you change one or more modules around.
Example configuration that'd filter out everything in src/report that can directly or indirectly reach the dependency-to-incidence-transformer module:
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/report",
"reaches": "^src/report/utl/index.js"
Which will look something like this when output through a dot
Just like with the focus
filter option dependency-cruiser tags the modules that
directly match the regular expression in the filter with matchesReaches: true
and all other modules with matchesReaches: false
. You can use this in the dot
like reporter configurations to do some nice highlighting:
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/",
"reaches": "^src/report/index.js",
"reporterOptions": {
"dot": {
"theme": {
"graph": {
"splines": "ortho"
"modules": [
"criteria": { "matchesReaches": true },
"attributes": {
"fillcolor": "lime"
"criteria": { "matchesReaches": false },
"attributes": {
"fillcolor": "lightgray",
"fontcolor": "gray"
Without this theming engaged the graph would look like this:
With the theming it looks like this:
🐚 command line option equivalent:
In contrast to all other 'filter' types this doesn't really filter anything. It
will, however, label all modules that match the regular expression matchesHighlight
boolean attribute. Reporters can use this to their advantage to apply special
colors or fonts to the modules marked as such. The mermaid
and dot
do this out of the box. The dot
(and related, like ddot, archi and flat) reporter
allows for some tweaking in the options.reporterOptions
section of your
.dependency-cruiser.js, the same way you can tweak the modules matched by
the reaches
or focus
An example:
"options": {
"includeOnly": "^src/",
"reaches": "^src/report/index.js",
"reporterOptions": {
"dot": {
"theme": {
"graph": {
"splines": "ortho"
"modules": [
"criteria": { "matchesHighlight": true },
"attributes": {
"fillcolor": "yellow",
"penwidth": 2
🐚 command line option equivalent:
(string values passed to 'path' only)
If you don't want to see certain modules in your report (or not have them
validated), you can exclude them by passing a regular expression to the
. E.g. to exclude node_modules
from being scanned altogether:
"options": {
"exclude": {
"path": "node_modules"
Because it's regular expressions, you can do more interesting stuff here as well. To exclude all modules with a file path starting with coverage, test or node_modules, you could do this:
"options": {
"exclude": {
"path": "^(coverage|test|node_modules)"
It's also possible to exclude dependencies on other properties than the (resolved) paths
at either end of them. To exclude all dependencies that result of an (ECMAScript)
dynamic import from being included in a cruise, you can use the dynamic
"options": {
"exclude": {
"dynamic": true
Other attributes might come in future releases
🐚 command line option equivalent
As this is an option that is probably typically used from the command line it's described primarily over there.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
Only cruise the specified depth, counting from the specified root-module(s). This command is mostly useful in combination with visualization output like dot to keep the generated output to a manageable size.
If you use this to get a high level overview of your dependencies, be sure to check out the archi reporter. That's more flexible, while still taking into account all your rules and dependencies. You can also consider the collapse option for this.
This will cruise the dependencies of each file directly in the src folder, up to a depth of 1:
"maxDepth": 1
With "maxDepth": 2
it'll look like this:
And with "maxDepth": 3
like this:
The maxDepth
option is there to help with visualizing. If your goal is to validate
this option is best left alone as you'll miss a dependency or two otherwise.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
Here you can pass a list of module systems dependency-cruiser should use
to detect dependencies. It defaults to ["es6", "cjs", "tsd", "amd"]
'module systems' dependency-cruiser supports:
System | Meaning |
es6 |
modules as defined for ECMAScript 6 in 2015 in Emma-262, with proper import and export statements |
cjs |
Common js as popularised by node.js which uses the require function to include other modules |
tsd |
TypeScript 'triple slash directives' |
amd |
Asynchronous Module Definition as used by a.o. RequireJS |
🐚 command line option equivalent:
By default dependency-cruiser does not take dependencies between typescript modules into account that don't exist after compilation to JavaScript.
Switch this option to true
if you do want to take them into account
(as a bonus this will make cruising typescript code bases faster).
If you want to define rules on whether dependencies exist only
before compilation or also after (with preCompilationOnly
you can pass the value "specify"
to this option. Only do this if
you really need it as it will impact cruise speed. You can only use the
value within dependency-cruiser configurations (not from the
command line).
Pre-compilation dependencies example: only importing a type
As the JavaScript doesn't really know about types, dependencies on types only exist before, but not after compile time.a.ts
exports an interface ...
import { B } from "./b";
export interface A {
foo: string;
const b = new B();
... and b.ts
uses that interface:
import { A } from "./a";
export class B {}
const a: A = { foo: "foo" };
After compilation b.js
looks like this:
// import omitted as it only contained a reference to a type
export class B {}
const a = { foo: "foo" }; // no type refer
Normally, without tsPreCompilationDeps
the output will
look like this:
With tsPreCompilationDeps
the dependency graph does include the
dependency-on-a-type-only from b.ts
to a.ts

Pre-compilation dependencies example: import without use
Similarly, if you import something, but don't use it, the dependency only exists before compilation. Take for example these two typescript modules:
import { B } from "./b";
export class A {}
export class B {}
As a.ts
uses none of the imports from b, the typescript
compiler will omit them when compiling and yield this for a.js
// no imports here anymore...
export class A {}
Hence, without tsPreCompilationDeps
output will look like this:

... and with tsPreCompilationDeps
like this:

🐚 command line option equivalent: --ts-config
If dependency-cruiser encounters typescript, it compiles it to understand what it
is looking at. If you have compilerOptions
in your tsconfig.json
you think
it should take into account, you can use this option to make it do that.
You might want to do this e.g. if you have baseDir
/ paths
keys in your
, or are using jsx/ tsx outside of a react context.
Dependency-cruiser understands the extends
configuration in tsconfig's so
if you have a hierarchy of configs, you only need to pass the relevant one.
"options": {
"tsConfig": {
"fileName": "tsconfig.json"
You can do it even more minimalistic like so (in which case dependency-cruiser will
assume the fileName to be tsconfig.json
"options": {
"tsConfig": {}
## use the `tsconfig.json` in the current directory into account when looking
## at typescript sources:
depcruise --ts-config --validate -- src
## use `tsconfig.prod.json for the same purpose:
depcruise --ts-config tsconfig.prod.json --validate -- src
- 💡 The configuration file you can pass as an argument to this option is relative to the current working directory.
- 💡 dependency-cruiser currently only looks at the
key in the tsconfig.json and not at other keys (e.g.files
). - 💡 If you happen to use a
you can pass that as well as the syntax of thecompilerOptions
key is the same for both.
🐚 there is no command line equivalent for this at the moment
If you're using babel you can tell dependency-cruiser so by telling it where your babel config lives, like this:
"options": {
"babelConfig": {
"fileName": ".babelrc"
That way dependency-cruiser will use the babel compiler for its transpilation steps, so if you're using features that are not TC39 stage 4 yet dependency-cruiser will happily analyze these source files for you.
If you only use a babel
key in your package.json pass package.json
as the
babelConfig - dependency-cruiser will sort it out for you.
- 💡 In its current state dependency-cruiser will assume that all JavaScript and TypeScript sources it parses need to go through the babel compiler (regardless of the extension). This will cover the majority of the use cases for babel, but raise an issue if you need this to be configurable.
- 💡 Dependency-cruiser can process json (/ json5) configurations, either in a separate file or as a key in your package.json. It can also process .js , .cjs and .mjs configurations, as long as they export a simple javascript object. JavaScript configurations that export a function, might get supported in a later stage (upon request).
- 💡 Auto detection in --init looks at some of the likely suspects for babel configs - package.json (only if it contains a babel key), .babelrc, .babelrc.json, babel.config.json and any other file with babel in the name that ends on json or json5. - The feature currently works with babel versions >=7.0.0
- 🚧 The current implementation of babel support is robust, but can be more efficient. It's on the road map, but as it's not entirely trivial it may take some time. The implementation will be feature switched to guarantee stability.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
is only available in the configuration file's options
Dependency-cruiser will pluck the resolve
key from the webpack configuration
you pass here and will use that information to resolve files on disk.
"options": {
"webpackConfig": {
"fileName": "webpack.config.js"
Or, shorter, to let dependency-cruiser pick the default webpack.config.js all by itself:
"options": {
"webpackConfig": {}
If your webpack configuration exports a function that takes parameters, you can provide the parameters like so:
"options": {
"webpackConfig": {
"fileName": "webpack.config.js",
"env": { "production": true },
"arguments": { "mode": "production" }
- 💡 The configuration file you can pass as an argument to this option is relative to the current working directory.
- 💡 If your webpack config exports an array of configurations, dependency-cruiser will only use the resolve options of the first configuration in that array.
- 💡 Configuration files in the node 'native' formats (.json, .js (both commonjs and ESM), .cjs, .mjs, .node) will load without configuration.
- 💡 formats of webpack configurations (TypeScript, yaml, livescript(!),
json5 etc.) only work when the function is available that hacks nodejs into
accepting the language type.
This should already be the case in order for
to parse the config in the first place, so that should hardly be an issue. - 💡 For more information check out the the webpack resolve documentation.
🐚 there is no command line equivalent for this
If you have dependencies in JSDoc comments that you want to take into account
you can set this option to true
. This will make dependency-cruiser look at
TypeScript 5.5+ @import
tags as well as to bracket style imports (e.g. /** @type {import('./thing').SomeType} */
that have been part of TypeScript jsdoc/ tsdoc specification for a long time.
As currently only the TypeScript compiler (tsc
) can detect these imports, switching
on this option implies dependency-cruiser will set options.parser
to tsc
it uses the TypeScript compiler to parse not only TypeScript but also JavaScript.
options: {
detectJSDocImports: true; // implies `parser: "tsc"`
- 💡 Only TypeScript compilers 5.5 and up can detect
tags. - 💡 If you want to take imports in JSDoc comments in consideration you
will need the
compiler in your (dev-)dependencies as it's currently the only parser that supports these.
🐚 there is no command line equivalent for this
This options is deprecated as per version 9.21.3; it's not necessary anymore as detection now happens automatically (enhanced_resolve supports it out of the box.)
In versions before 9.21.3 you could set it to use yarn's Plug'n'Play to resolve external modules; setting the
attribute toyarn-pnp
would get you set for that - the default wasnode_modules
🐚 command line option equivalent:
If you want the links in the svg output to have a prefix (say,
) so when you click them you'll
open the link on GitHub instead of the local file - pass that in the
option, e.g.:
prefix: "https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser/tree/develop/"
Any URL works, so you can also use it to make sure links always open in your favorite editor. Here's an example for visual studio code:
prefix: `vscode://file/${process.cwd()}/`,
💡 Make sure the prefix ends on a
🐚 there is no command line equivalent for this at the moment
By default dependency-cruiser will take the current working directory to start a cruise from. If you want to alter that you can pass it in this attribute.
In the reporterOptions
attribute you can pass things to reporters to influence
their behaviour - for reporters that support this.
Most representational aspects of the 'dot' reporter are customizable:
- On a global level, affecting all rendered modules and dependencies with
. - Conditional - only affecting modules (or dependencies) that meet the criteria
you specify with
.- You can use any module attribute and any dependency attribute for dependencies in the criteria of those.
- If you provide an array of criteria for the attributes the module/ dependency will be matched if it matches any of the criteria.
- For attributes you can use anything GraphViz dot can understand as an attribute (see their attributes documentation for a complete overview).
The criteria are evaluated top to bottom:
- Criteria higher up get precedence over the ones lower down.
- Criteria in the configuration file take precedence over the default ones.
For an extensive example you can have a look at the default theme dependency-cruiser ships with - default-theme.mjs.
As a base, take this part of dependency-cruisers code:
module.exports = {
options: {
includeOnly: "^src/main",
exclude: "/filesAndDirs/",
The default template, with tweaks to get an 'engineering' like look (and all
file names ending on .json
a cylindrical look with a soft gradient):
module.exports = {
extends: "./base.config.js",
options: {
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
theme: {
replace: false,
graph: {
bgcolor: "dodgerblue",
color: "white",
fontcolor: "white",
fillcolor: "transparent",
splines: "ortho",
node: {
color: "white",
fillcolor: "#ffffff33",
fontcolor: "white",
edge: {
arrowhead: "vee",
arrowsize: "0.5",
penwidth: "1.0",
color: "white",
fontcolor: "white",
modules: [
criteria: { source: "\\.json$" },
attributes: {
shape: "cylinder",
fillcolor: "#ffffff33:#ffffff88",
criteria: { coreModule: true },
attributes: {
color: "white",
fillcolor: "#ffffff33",
fontcolor: "white",
dependencies: [
criteria: { resolved: "\\.json$" },
attributes: { arrowhead: "obox" },
To shift the dependency graph from a horizontal orientation to a vertical one, set
the global graph attribute rankdir
to TD
(top down):
module.exports = {
extends: "./base.config.js",
options: {
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
theme: {
graph: { rankdir: "TD" },
To get output without any attributes and no conditional coloring you can order
the default theme to be replaced by flipping the replace
attribute to true
module.exports = {
extends: "./base.config.js",
options: {
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
theme: {
replace: true,
The dot reporter also supports the collapsePattern
option originally created
for the archi reporter, which summarizes modules matching the pattern
to one node in the output. For the dot
reporter the default is to not summarize
anything, but you can make it do so anyway. A good candidate is the node_modules
folder (provided you want that in your graph)
module.exports = {
options: {
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
// collapse onto folders one step below node_modules:
collapsePattern: "^(node_modules/[^/]+)",
// if you additionally collapse to scoped packages (@foo/bar, @foo/baz)
// instead of just the scope (@foo) you can use this pattern:
// collapsePattern: "^(node_modules/(@[^/]+/[^/]+|[^/]+))",
The collapsePattern also accepts an array of regular-expressions-in-a-string to be consistent with how other regular expressions in the configuration file are handled.
The 'customizable dot' (cdot
) or 'archi' reporter exists to make high level
dependency overviews. Out of the box it recognises structures that summarise
to folders directly under packages, src, lib, and node_modules. You can
adapt this behaviour by passing a collapsePattern to the archi reporterOptions
in your dependency-cruiser configurations e.g. like so:
module.exports = {
options: {
reporterOptions: {
archi: {
collapsePattern: "^(src/[^/]+|bin)",
It also accepts the same theme
option dot
does. If you don't specify a theme,
it'll use the one specified for dot
or the default one if that one isn't
specified either.
With the above collapsePattern and a custom dot scheme, the archi report for dependency-cruiser looks like this:
Modules collapsed in this fashion get the special attribute
so they're easy to distinguish in a.o. themes. The default theme makes them abox3d
shape (as you can see above) but if you want to use other attributes you can use the power of the theme mechanism to use your own e.g.// ... reporterOptions: { archi: { // ... theme: { modules: [ { criteria: { collapsed: true }, attributes: { shape: "tab" } } ] } } // ...
The level of detail you want to see in a visual representation can differ (quite a bit) from the detail you need for validation. This is the reason other graphical reporters exist as well, which collapse modules and their dependencies to either folders (ddot), or to a level you specify (archi).
With filters you can prune the dependency tree the dot reporter shows. It works on top of the cruise-level filters (includeOnly, exclude, focus, reaches and doNotFollow) and only for the reporter you configured it for.
The filters specified in the dot reporterOptions act as a fall back for the archi and ddot reporterOptions. This is because we found that often you want the same pruning for all visualizations.
The filters the reporterOptions.dot.filters support are includeOnly, exclude, focus and reaches.
module.exports = {
options: {
// this global doNotFollow option makes sure that dependency-cruiser
// doesn't crawl any further when it encounters something with node_modules
// in the name. The encountered module will be in the dependency-tree however
doNotFollow: "node_modules",
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
filters: {
// makes sure only things in the src tree end up in the dot
// report, and not things in node_modules, test or bin
includeOnly: {
path: "^src",
Why would you use this over an extra cruise over the modules? If you have a
lot of modules a cruise can take some time. Running a reporter takes relatively
little time. You can leverage this knowledge by saving the results as json
and then (with depcruise-fmt
) run the various
reporters over it. E.g.
# depcruise reads all specified modules from disk and parses them to infer
# dependencies. For big repos this can take a while
depcruise src bin test -T json -c > results.json
# depcruise-fmt reads the result of a cruise and emits a report
# on it, so it doesn't need to do the expensive disk access & parse
# step. These three formatting steps together will take a lot less
# than even one cruise:
depcruise-fmt -T dot results.json | dot -T svg > module-graph.svg
depcruise-fmt -T archi results.json | dot -T svg > high-level-graph.svg
depcruise-fmt --exit-code -T err results.json
Note: as of version 9.12.0 depcruise-fmt has filters as command line options that have the same effect, work on all reporters and might give you more flexibility.
depcruise-fmt -T dot results.json --include-only "^packages/search" | dot -T svg > search.svg depcruise-fmt -T dot results.json --include-only "^packages/ancillaries" | dot -T svg > ancillaries.svg depcruise-fmt -T dot results.json --include-only "^packages/checkout" | dot -T svg > checkout.svg
With the showMetrics switch you can influence whether you want to show metrics in the graph or not (not is also the default).
Dependency-cruiser doesn't calculate these metrics by default - as likely not a lot of folks need them, and it does involve serious numbers of CPU-cycles to calculate them - switching the showMetrics option for these reporters to true will ensure metrics are calculated.
module.exports = {
options: {
reporterOptions: {
dot: {
showMetrics: true,
This currently shows the instability metric next to the filename, e.g for the
reporter like so:
The anonymous reporter has a wordlist
option to pass it a list of words to use
to replace path elements with before it starts to generate random names. If you
use the anonymous report a lot it can be beneficial to use a list of words so the
output is repeatable (and easier to read).
"options": {
"reporterOptions": {
"anon": {
"wordlist": [
You're likely to need a lot of words to cover all your path elements if you want to prevent random names as much as possible. There's word lists in the wild that work exceptionally well - in the past I have used Sindre Sorhus' mnemonic-words list for this. If you use JavaScript as the configuration file format you can require or import it.
const mnemonicWords = require('mnemonic-words');
module.exports = {
// ...
options: {
anon: {
wordlist: mnemonicWords
By default the metrics reporter emits instability metrics for all modules and folders, ordered by instability (descending). If you want to see less, or use a different sort order, you can tweak that with the metrics reporterOptions.
: switch totrue
if you only want to see instability metrics for folders. Defaults tofalse
: switch totrue
if you only want to see instability metrics for modules. Defaults tofalse
: with this you can specify how the metrics reporter orders its output. Defaults toinstability
. Possible valuesname
(the latter two only available when theexperimentalStats
option is set totrue
module.exports = {
// ...
options: {
reporterOptions: {
metrics: {
hideModules: true, // hides the modules from the metrics reporter output
// hideFolders: true, // would hide folders from the metrics reporter output
orderBy: "name", // possible values: name, moduleCount, afferentCouplings, efferentCouplings, instability
The markdown
reporter by default delivers a report approximately as complete as
the err-html
reporter, including a title, a summary section, a details section
and a footer. It might be you don't need that in your target situation (e.g. in a
GitHub action job summary).
This is why it is configurable. The markdown
section in the
section of your dependency-cruiser lets you configure
what parts to leave in or out - and even what titles and headers the report
should show:
module.exports = {
// ...
options: {
reporterOptions: {
markdown: {
// Whether or not to show a title in the report. Defaults to true.
showTitle: true,
// The text to show as a title of the report.
title: "## dependency-cruiser forbidden dependency check - results",
// Whether or not to show a summary in the report
showSummary: true,
// Whether or not to give the summary a header
showSummaryHeader: true,
// The text to show as a header on top of the summary
summaryHeader: "### Summary",
// Whether or not to show high level stats in the summary
showStatsSummary: true,
// Whether or not to show a list of violated rules in the summary
showRulesSummary: true,
// Whether or not to show rules in the list of rules for which all violations are ignored.
includeIgnoredInSummary: true,
// Whether or not to show a detailed list of violations
showDetails: true,
// Whether or not to show ignored violations in the detailed list.
includeIgnoredInDetails: true,
// Whether or not to give the detailed list of violations a header
showDetailsHeader: true,
// The text to show as a header on top of the detailed list of violations
detailsHeader: "### All violations",
// Whether or not to collapse the list of violations in a <details> block
// especially practical when the list of violations is still large.
collapseDetails: true,
// The text to in the <summary> section of the <details> block
collapsedMessage: "Violations found - click to expand",
// The text to show when no violations were found
noViolationsMessage: "No violations found",
// Whether or not to show a footer (with version & run date) at the bottom of the report
showFooter: true,
By default the mermaid
reporter delivers "compressed" results - This means that
the rendered appearance remains the same, but the node is hashed and shortened.
The default value for mermaid.js limits the amount of text that mermaid.js will
render to 50000 characters.
However, it is also possible to output readable results without compression:
module.exports = {
// ...
options: {
reporterOptions: {
mermaid: {
// Whether or not to compresses the output text. Defaults to true.
minify: false,
When you emit a text report you might want to see more clearly which modules you
'focussed' with the focus
option and which are callers/ called. In order to do
so you can pass an option that highlights focused modules (currently by
underlining the focused modules).
module.exports = {
// ...
options: {
reporterOptions: {
text: {
// Whether or not to highlight modules that are focused with the focus
// option. Defaults to false.
highlightFocused: true,
🐚 command line option equivalent:
Whether to leave symlinks as is or resolve them to their realpath. This option
defaults to false
- which is also nodejs' default behaviour since release 6.
If combinedDependencies
is on false
(the default) dependency-cruiser will
search for a package.json
closest up from the source file it investigates.
This is the behaviour you expect in a regular repo and in mono repos with
independent packages. When in doubt keep this switch out of your config or
set it to false
- monodash/
- package.json
- packages/
- begindash/
- package.json <- only look in this one
- src/
- index.ts
- begindash/
With combinedDependencies
on true
dependency-cruiser will merge dependencies
from package.json
s from closest up from the source file until the place you
started the cruise (typically the root of your monorepo). It 'll give
precedence to the dependencies declared in the package.json closest to
the file it investigates:
- monodash/
- package.json <- look in this one as well; merge it into the one down the tree
- packages/
- begindash/
- package.json <- look in this one
- src/
- index.ts
In some situations you might not be able to use the require
directly or at all. E.g. when you're not sure a module is present and
want to have a fallback (semver-try-require).
Or because require in your environment is used for something else and
you needed to redefine require (const want = require; const whoa = want('whoadash')
Or because you're in AMD and you named the require parameter something
else because of a company wide standard to do so.
In each of these cases you can still infer dependencies with the exoticRequireStrings option by adding an exoticRequireStrings array to the options in your dependency cruiser config.
"options": {
"exoticRequireStrings": ["want", "tryRequire", "window.require"]
The first step dependency-cruiser takes is to scan files and folders matching
the arguments you passed it for files it can parse - typically TypeScript or
JavaScript sources. Only in a next step it considers other file types, like
when you include a picture from a .jsx
. This approach means dependency-cruiser
only finds these file types when they're reachable from parsable file types.
If you want to run orphan or reachability rules against these file types, however
you might want include them in the first scan already. To do so you can pass
their extensions in an extraExtensionsToScan
array, like so:
"options": {
"extraExtensionsToScan": [".json", ".jpg", ".webp", ".png"]
dependency-cruiser will take special care not to even read these files as it can't parse them anyway, and skipping them saves (sometimes a lot) of time. This also means that if you put an extension in the extra extensions to scan dependency-cruiser could have had parsed it won't.
By default dependency-cruiser considers nodejs built-in modules as core modules. In contexts that are not nodejs this might be not (entirely) right:
- when targeting the browser, the core modules are either not available or you're
using a shim (e.g. the 1:1 copy of
on npmjs). In those cases dependency-cruiser should respectively flag the included core module as unresolvable or resolve it tonode_modules/path
- when targeting a platform built on top of nodejs, like electron, you might want to specify the packages built into that platform as built-in/ core as well.
- when targeting a platform that is compatible with nodejs, but extends it
(e.g. bun) - you might want to add the packages it adds. If
, during setup, detects you're using bun, it'll add the bun builtins with this option.
To override the default behaviour you can pass a builtInModules
object in
the options section of your dependency-cruiser configuration. The object has two
attributes, that can be used on their own or combined:
: an array of strings with the names of the modules you want to use as core modules instead of the default ones. I.e. for a browser context you could use the empty array:options: { // ... builtInModules: { override: []; } }
: an array of strings with the names of the modules you want to add to the list of core modules. I.e. for electron you could use:options: { // ... builtInModules: { add: ["electron"]; } }
Under the hood dependency-cruiser uses webpack's
to resolve dependencies to disk. You can influence how dependency-cruiser uses
it directly by passing resolver options in a
webpack config
for most things. If you do need to influence how dependency-cruiser does
its resolution, but don't (want to) have a webpack config, you can use the
section to set them.
List of strings to consider as 'exports' fields in package.json. Use ['exports'] when you use packages that use such a field and your environment supports it (e.g. node ^12.19 || >=14.7 or recent versions of webpack).
If you have an exportsFields
attribute in your webpack config, that one will
have precedence over the one specified here.
List of conditions to check for in the exports field. e.g. use ['imports']
you're only interested in exposed es6 modules, ['require']
for commonjs, or all
conditions at once (['import', 'require', 'node', 'default']
) if anything goes
for you. Only works when the 'exportsFields' array is non-empty.
If you have an conditionNames
attribute in your webpack config, that one will
have precedence over the one specified here.
List of extensions to scan for when resolving. Typically you want to leave this alone as dependency-cruiser figures out what extensions to scan based on
- what is available in your environment
- in the order your environment (nodejs, typescript) applies the resolution itself.
However, if you want it to scan less you can specify so with the extensions
attribute. E.g. when you're 100% sure you only have typescript & json and
nothing else you can pass ['.ts', '.json']
- which can lead to performance gains
on systems with slow i/o (like ms-windows), especially when your tsconfig
contains paths/ aliases.
A list of main fields in manifests (package.json-s). By default this is the main
field only, but there are a few situations where you want to expand that list
- If you use packages that use a different field to indicate the main file
is especially interesting if you use ES modules and want to have dependency-cruiser resolve to the ESM version. As you might still want the 'main' field to be used as a fallback (as quite a lot of external packages will still be commonjs ), you would specify['module', 'main']
here. - If you use external packages that only expose types which only do that via
'types' and/ or 'typings' fields (instead of in exportFields) and you still want
references to these types to be resolved, you can expand the array to
['main', 'types', 'typings']
Dependency-cruiser's --init
scaffolding will automatically add the types
and typing
fields to the mainFields
array. As of version 14.1.0 it will
add the module
field to the mainFields
array if it detects the current module
is of type module
Likely you will not need to use this
A list of files to consider 'main' files, defaults to ['index']. Only set this when you have really special needs that that warrant it.
Likely you will not need to use this
If you use a package that, in stead of the main
field, or exports
still uses
the browser
to indicate the main file in case it's for the browser, you can use:
// ...
"options": {
// ...
"aliasFields": [ "browser" ]
// ...
In typical enhanced-resolve fashion this field was added to support this scenario, but implemented in a more generic fashion. See resolve.alias in the webpack docs.
Defaults to an empty array (don't use any alias fields) to keep backwards compatibility.
Likely you will not need to use this
We want to have a slightly tighter control over the way enhanced-resolve accesses the file system as with the wrong settings a lot can go wrong. There's one thing you might still want the ability to change though, in a limited number of circumstances and that is the time enhanced resolve's files systems retains resolutions in memory.
With cacheDuration
you can tweak the number of milliseconds
enhanced-resolve's cached
file system should use for cache duration. Typically you won't have to touch
this - the default works well for repos up to 5000 modules/ 20000 dependencies,
and likely for numbers above as well. If you experience memory problems on a
(humongous) repository you can use the cacheDuration attribute to tame
enhanced-resolve's memory usage by lowering the cache duration trading off against
some (for values over 1000ms) or significant (for values below 500ms) performance.
Dependency-cruiser currently uses 4000ms, and in the past has used 1000ms - both
with good results.
E.g. to set the cache duration to 1337ms, you can use this:
// ...
"options": {
// ...
"enhancedResolveOptions": {
"cachedInputFileSystem": {
"cacheDuration": 1337
// ...
The cache duration is limited from 0ms (~ don't use a cache) to 1800000ms (0.5h).
The cacheDuration used here overrides any that might be set in webpack configs.
Deprecated. This optiton hasnt had any effect on dependency-cruiser's behaviour
since a few major versions. I there's a need to maniuplate whether or not
dependendents get derived independent of any rule (/ metric/ report) needing
them use the skipAnalysisNotInRules
option as
documented below.
Dependency-cruiser will automatically determine whether it needs to derive dependents. However, if you want to force them to be derived, you can switch this variable to
When set to true dependency-cruiser will emit an experimentalStats
in the result for each module. This feature is not yet used by any of the
reporters dependency-cruiser ships with. The feature is also experimental
which means it might disappear or change in the future.
When this flag is set to true
, dependency-cruiser will skip all analysis that
don't serve a rule. E.g. if there's no 'circular' rule in the rule set it won't
analyse cycles. This flag affects cycle, dependents and orphan analysis. If you
have a rule set that doesn't use one of these features, switching it to true
will make cruises faster.
Dependency-cruiser skips other analyses (reachable, folder, metrics, focus) automatically when they're not needed, without the need to set this flag.
Defaults to false
for backwards compatibility. However, we recommend to switch
this option to true
, unless you have a specific use case (i.e. use the json
output for further analysis, using the API).
With this EXPERIMENTAL feature you can specify which parser you want to use
as the primary parser: the acorn
one, which handles all things javascript
(commonjs, es-modules, jsx), or microsoft's tsc
that can in addition parse
typescript. At this time it's still possible to pass swc
here, but that value
is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
// ...
options: {
parser: "tsc";
and tsc
only work when the compilers (respectively @swc/core
) are installed in the same spot as dependency-cruiser is. They're
not bundled with dependency-cruiser.
🐚 command line option equivalent: --cache
Available from version 11.14.0.
Indicates if you want to use caching, and if so enables you to tweak how it operates.
The long form:
// ...
options: {
cache: {
// folder where dependency-cruiser will put its cache files
folder: "node_modules/.cache/dependency-cruiser",
// cache strategy to use - either 'metadata' (which uses git in the
// background) or 'content' (which will look at file content (hashes),
// is slower than 'metadata' and is a bleeding edge feature as of
// version 12.5.0)
strategy: "metadata",
// whether or not to compress the cache file. Switching this to true
// will make dependency-cruiser a few milliseconds slower over all.
// The resulting cache file will be 80-90% smaller though.
// Defaults to false (don't compress)
compress: false
// ...
It's also possible to shorten this either by providing an empty object or true
(= 'do use caching, but use the default settings'): cache: {}
or cache: true
For backwards compatibility you can give it a string as well - dependency-cruiser will interpret that as the cache folder.
// ...
options: {
// cache dependency-cruiser results to a custom location
cache: "some-folder/where-you-want-to-store/cache";
// ...
If you don't want to use caching you can leave the cache option out altogether or
use cache: false
As with most settings the command line option of the same name takes precedence of whichever is specified here.
See --cache
: use a cache to speed up cruising
in the command line documentation for more details on how the caching function
currently operates.
🐚 command line option equivalent:
(type only)
With this option you control whether or not dependency-cruiser shows progress information while it's running + what this information should look like.
See --progress
: get feedback on what dependency-cruiser is doing while it's running
Here too the command line option takes precedence over what is specified here.
In addition to what is possible on the command line you can specify a maximumLevel
of messages you want dependency-cruiser to report progress on. For regular use
a maximumLevel
of 40
(summary) will provide sufficient feedback - higher levels
can be useful for debugging dependency-cruiser.
// ...
options: {
progress: {
type: "performance-log",
// options:
// "cli-feedback" (the default)
// "performance-log"
// "none"
maximumLevel: 50
// allowed levels:
// -1 (OFF)
// 40 (summary)
// 50 (info - the default)
// 60 (debug)
// 70 (trace)
// 80 (extra strong)
// 99 (absolutely everything)
// ...