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Lecture 7: ViewModifier Animation


Today i learned


  • All functions which Modify Views
  • Create a new View
protocol ViewModifier {
    typealias Content
    func body(content: Content) -> some View {
        return some View


  • Important takeaways about Animation

    • Only changes can be animated
      • ViewModifier arguments
      • Shapes
      • Existence of a View in the UI
    • Animation is showing changes that have already happened
    • A View coming on-screen is only animated if it's joining a container that is already in the UI
    • A View going off-screen is only aminated if it's leaving a container that is staying in the UI
  • How to Animate

    • .animation()
    • withAnimation() { }
    • Making Views be included or excluded from the UI
  • Implicit Animation

    • Automatic animation
    • All ViewModifier arguments that precede the animation modifier will always be animated
    • It does not work on a container
    • What you can control
      • duration
      • delay
      • repeat (repeatForever)
      • curve(.linear, .easeInOut, .spring)
    .opacity(scary ? 1 : 0)
    .rotationEffect(Angle.degrees(upsideDown ? 180 : 0))
  • Explicit
    • It crate an animation during all eligible changes
    • Explicit animations do not override an implicit animation
withAnimation(.leanier(duration:2)) {    
  • Transitions
    • Only works for Views that are inside
      • Containers that are already on screen
    • An asymmetric transition has 2 pairs of ViewModifiers
    • AnyTransition
      • opacity, scaling, offset
ZStack {
    if isFaceUp {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10).stroke()
    } else {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
  • Geometry Effect

    • In its same container
      • .position
    • One container to a different container
      • not possible
    • Put a View in each of two containers and then match their geometries
    • .matchGeomertyEffect(id: Hashable, in: Namespace)
    • @Namespace private var myNamespace
  • .onAppear

    • Animations only work on Views that are in Containers already on screen
    • Use .onAppear{ } to cause a change
  • Shape and ViewModifier Animation

    • Actual animation happens in Shapes and ViewModifiers
    • During animation, the system tells the Shape/ViewModifier the current piece it shoule show
    • var animatableData: Type
      • Only thing in the Animatable protocol
      • Animatable Shapes and ViewModifiers must implement this protocol
      • Type has to implement the protocol VectorArithmetic
      • AnimatablePair combines two VectorArithmetics