Releases: surveyjs/survey-library
Complex conditions to show/hide questions and restfull service usage
VisibleIf property is added into question. You may use complex conditions here, example.
ChoicesByUrl property is added into dropdown, checkbox and radiogroup questions. Use it to get the data for choices from a restfull service, here is the example.
All known bugs have been fixed.
Show several questions in one line/row
A new question attribute startWithNewLine has been introduced. The default value is true, example.
A new survey attribute questionTitleLocation has been added. The default value is 'top', another option is 'bottom', example.
All reported bugs were fixed.
New question: MatrixDynamic and a lot of small improvements
The new question: MatrixDynamic is introduced, example
New properties:
survey.questionStartIndex, example
survey.questionTitleTemplate, example
survey.goNextPageAutomatic, example
Require, hasOther, minWidth properties to matrixDropdown (matrixDynamic) column.
Improved survey library json serialization and deserialization
All reported bugs were fixed.
The new question type "file" is added:
The new property: survey.storeOthersAsComment (true by default). By default when a person chooses other in checkbox, dropdown or radio group question, the "other" value is stored in the question value and the other text is stored as [questionName]-comment value in the JSON data. Set the property to true, to store the other text directly in the question value: #19
French localization is added, on behalf
Add support for different cell Types in matrixDropdown columns: "dropdown" (default), "checkox", "radiogroup", "text", and "comment".
Here is the example:
The first public version
The first public release that can be used in internal websites at DX.