A template repo for CTF organizer collect and distribute Challenges
├── challenges // challenges your contest have.
│ ├── challenge-short-name1 // challenge short name as folder (should only contains /[a-z0-9_-]/.)
│ │ ├── challenge.yaml // challenge configuration file.
│ │ ├── dist // Distribution files players can directly download.
│ │ │ └── file
│ │ ├── Dockerfile // Dockerfile that build images for server end.
│ │ ├── src // Source code and files not distributed to players.
│ │ │ ├── flag
│ │ │ ├── pwn.c
│ │ │ └── pwn.xinetd
│ │ └── writeup // Writeup for current challenge
│ │ ├── images
│ │ └── README.md
│ ├── challenge-short-name2 // Another challenge.
| └── short-name3
├── examples // Contains some example challenge to help understand.
├── contest.yaml // (not finished) Contest configuration file.
├── build.sh // (not finished) Script to generate contest configuration.
└── README.md // This file.
# Challenge configuration
name: simple pwn # Challenge name
type: pwn # Challenge type (web,pwn,misc,rev,mobile,crypto etc.)
value: 200
description: >
This is a single line description
and will fold to one line.
flag: flag{s1mple_pwn_fl@g} # Correct flag
hints: # Hints for current challenge
- The first hint.
- The second hint.
image: true # Shoule build docker image for this challenge
# Contest configuration
title: Asuri-CTF # contest title
description: > This is a test # contest description
ctf contest.
time: # contest time
start: 2018-12-14 08:00:00 +8
end: 2018-12-14 22:00:00 +8