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Roadrunner Bundle

RoadRunner is a high-performance PHP application server, load-balancer, and process manager written in Golang.

This bundle provides a RoadRunner Worker integrated in Symfony, it's easily configurable and extendable.


Run the following command:

composer require baldinof/roadrunner-bundle

If you don't use Symfony Flex:

  • register Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\BaldinofRoadRunnerBundle in your kernel
  • copy default RoadRunner configuration files: cp vendor/baldinof/roadrunner-bundle/.rr.* .


  • get the RoadRunner binary: vendor/bin/rr get --location bin/
  • run RoadRunner with bin/rr serve
  • visit your app at http://localhost:8080


If you want to override some parts of the bundle you can replace some definitions.

Example if you want to use a TCP socket as relay:

# config/services.yaml
    class: 'Spiral\Goridge\SocketRelay'
      - localhost
      - 7000
# .rr.yaml
    relay: "tcp://localhost:7000"


Depending on installed bundle & your configuration, this bundles add some integrations:

  • Sentry: configure the request context (if the SentryBundle is installed)
  • Sessions: add the session cookie to the PSR response (if framework.sessions.enabled config is true)
  • Doctrine Mongo Bundle: call clear() on all opened manager after each requests (not needed for regular doctrine bundle)

Default integrations can be disabled:

  default_integrations: false

Doctrine connection handler

Due to the fact that roadrunner assumes that the process works in demonized mode, there may be problems with disconnecting the database, this problem is handled in this bundle if a doctrine is used to connect to the database.

By default, in the event of a connection failure, the process will be stopped and the request will end with a 500 http code, to prevent this and to correctly process failed connections, without erroneous answers - you need to add symfony/proxy-manager-bridge to your project:

composer require symfony/proxy-manager-bridge

Sessions in database

In accordance with the problem described above, to store sessions in the database, you should use the doctrine connection, for example, you can use the shapecode/doctrine-session-handler-bundle bundle

composer require shapecode/doctrine-session-handler-bundle


You can use middlewares to manipulate PSR request & responses. Middlewares can implements either PSR MiddlewareInterface or Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Http\IteratorMiddlewareInterface.

IteratorMiddlewareInterface allows to do work after the response has been sent to the client, you just have to yield the response instead of returning it.

Example configuration:

        - App\Middleware\YourMiddleware

Be aware that

  • middlewares are run outside of Symfony Kernel::handle()
  • the middleware stack is always resolved at worker start (can be a performance issue if your middleware initialization takes time)


Roadrunner have ability to collect application metrics, enable metrics with this bundle configuration:

# config/packages/baldinof_road_runner.yaml
    metrics_enabled: true

And configure RoadRunner:

# .rr.yaml
  enable: true
  listen: unix://var/roadrunner_rpc.sock

  address: localhost:2112
      type: counter
      help: "Application counter."

Simply inject Spiral\RoadRunner\MetricsInterface to record metrics:

class YouController
    public function index(MetricsInterface $metrics): Response
        $metrics->add('app_metric_counter', 1);

        return new Response("...");

If you inject Spiral\RoadRunner\MetricsInterface, but metrics collection is disabled in config, a NullMetrics will be injected and nothing will be collected.

Kernel reboots

The Symfony kernel and the dependency injection container are preserved between requests. If an exception is thrown during the request handling, the kernel is rebooted and a fresh container is used.

The goal is to prevent services to be in a non recoverable state after an error.

To optimize your worker you can allow exceptions that does not put your app in an errored state:

# config/packages/baldinof_road_runner.yaml
      strategy: on_exception
        - Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpExceptionInterface
        - Symfony\Component\Serializer\Exception\ExceptionInterface
        - App\Exception\YourDomainException

If you are seeing issues and want to use a fresh container on each request you can use the always reboot strategy:

# config/packages/baldinof_road_runner.yaml
      strategy: always

If some of your services are stateful, you can implement Symfony\Contracts\Service\ResetInterface and your service will be resetted on each request.


The following events are dispatched throughout the worker lifecycle:

  • Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Event\WorkerStartEvent: Dispatched right before the worker starts listening to requests.
  • Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Event\WorkerStopEvent: Dispatched right before the worker closes.
  • Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Event\WorkerExceptionEvent: Dispatched after encountering an uncaught exception during request handling.
  • Baldinof\RoadRunnerBundle\Event\WorkerKernelRebootedEvent: Dispatched after the symfony kernel was rebooted (see Kernel reboots).

Development mode

Copy the dev config file if it's not present: cp vendor/baldinof/roadrunner-bundle/ .

Start RoadRunner with the dev config file:

bin/rr serve -c


If you use the Symfony VarDumper, dumps will not be shown in the HTTP Response body. You can view dumps with bin/console server:dump or in the profiler.

Usage with Docker

# Dockerfile
FROM php:7.4-alpine

RUN apk add --no-cache autoconf openssl-dev g++ make pcre-dev icu-dev zlib-dev libzip-dev && \
    docker-php-ext-install bcmath intl opcache zip sockets && \
    apk del --purge autoconf g++ make

WORKDIR /usr/src/app

COPY --from=composer:latest /usr/bin/composer /usr/bin/composer

COPY composer.json composer.lock ./

RUN composer install --no-dev --no-scripts --no-plugins --prefer-dist --no-progress --no-interaction

RUN ./vendor/bin/rr get-binary --location /usr/local/bin

COPY . .


RUN composer dump-autoload --optimize && \
    composer check-platform-reqs && \
    php bin/console cache:warmup


CMD ["rr", "serve"]