- Upgraded lint dependencies and check is compiling with latest flutter and gradle versions
- Accepted pull from Matthias Schicker (komaxx) to make compatible with gradle 8 with code comment (want to keep compatibility with old)
- Accepted pull from Matthias Schicker (komaxx) to add the function to the available interface to listen to button press and release events from the FLic2 Library
- Accepted pull from Matthias Schicker (komaxx) to prevent the FlicController sending an 'onButtonScanningStopped' prior to the first 'onButtonScanningStarted' message that it was sending each time you initiated scanning
- Managing a return of invalid JSON in the name of the Flic2 button now, as well as the example requesting BLUETOOTH_SCAN and BLUETOOTH_CONNECT permissions as now required in Android
- Exporting the MainActivity for the example to work on newer (API 31+) phones
- Shrunk the description to get max points in pub.dev
- Have wrapped the creation of JSON with try--catch to ensure strange names on the flic button no longer cause problems
- Flic2 on Android requires that the app has permission to FINE_LOCATION, changed the example to request this if missing
- Updated to the latest flutter and xCode for iOS building properly
- Upgraded to flutter version 3 and removed the Flic simlinks causing publish to fail
- Thanks to vanlooverenkoen for fixing some issues with the Json and null battery status'
- oops - build error
- iOS click-age now reporting in ms rather than seconds to match the API from android version
- iOS disposing the plugin doesn't error - returns 'no' or false that it can't. Can start again and it's cool.
- Changed the Flic2ButtonListener to a mixin so you don't have to overload everything
- Used to push the package to pub.dev and assigned it to a verified publisher
- The initial release is tested through the provided example/main.dart and working on Android and iOS