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This material supplements the ICRA 2020 paper Path Planning in Dynamic Environments using Generative RNNs and Monte Carlo Tree Search.

Included within this repository is the code required to reproduce simulated planning results, and the resultant data from these simulations. Note that in order to reproduce the MCTS-GRNN SEF1 and SEF2 results shown in Table 1 of the paper a trained RNN model is required. This model has not been provided in this repository.

This repository builds upon the simulated environment developed by [1].


  • [2021.05.23] Our recent work has shown that SRLSTM [2] allows for significantly better response prediction than the generative RNN approach evaluated in this work. SRLSTM will be and will be integrated with the MCTS planner in future work. This work is ongoing with preliminary results available at Comparing-Crowd-Response-Prediction

  • [2021.05.18] Errors in the original potential field (PF) planner implementation fixed. Results are now significantly better, updated in data directory.

  • [2021.05.17] Per episode data reproduced and saved in \data directory, as original paper only saved summary data. Note that this data differs slightly from the original reported results, suggesting that significantly more than 500 episodes should be used in future for testing.

  • [2021.05.16] Reported average computation time per method reported in Table 1 found to not have included time required to convert data into required form for MCTS versions. This is approxiately 30ms for MCTS-GRNN and 120 ms for MCTS-CV, due to added need for creating kalman filter objects per tracked agent. Note that this time has not been optimised for this work.

  • [2021.05.16] The implemented state evaluation functions used in MCTS differ from equations 3 and 4 in the paper. The actual implementation uses a piecewise linear approximation for alpha, as described in crowd_nav/policy/predictive_planner/mcts_par.State.update_reward()

  • [2021.05.16] SARL was used in the original paper rather than LM-SARL as original noted. New training of LM-SARL in 2021 has not resulted in a stable planner. Additionally, SARL has now ben compared when using ORCA to propogate future states, versus simply using a constant velocity model for each agent. All illustrated results use the ORCA version. Interestingly, when actual knowledge of the state transition is known, (ie using ORCA to predict future state before applying Value function) SARL performs no better than when agent futures are propogated using just a constant velocity model.


Updated results for Table 1 of paper, based on per episode data, improved PF, and use of ORCA vs constant velocity in SARL.

Method Success % Coll % Avg Len (m) Avg Comp (s) Disturbance > 1 m/s^2 Disturbance > 0.5 m/s^2 Disturbance > 0.25 m/s^2
MCTS-RNN SEF1 98.20% 0.40% 17.68 0.3* 1.52% 6.81% 13.49%
MCTS-RNN SEF2 91.80% 0.00% 18.40 0.3* 1.08% 5.44% 10.75%
MCTS-CV 97.00% 0.20% 16.38 0.3* 1.61% 7.16% 14.31%
SARL 95.40% 0.00% 17.01 0.251 1.55% 6.91% 12.59%
SARL-CV 97.00% 0.00% 17.01 0.150 1.71% 7.12% 12.74%
PF 91.40% 0.80% 19.63 0.010 1.85% 7.46% 13.50%



Tested in Ubuntu 16.04 using python3.5.2 and cuda9.0

Recommend installing in a python env:

python3 -m venv mctsgrnn
source mctsgrnn/bin/activate
  1. Install Python-RVO2 library
git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt
python build
python install
  1. Install crowd_sim and crowd_nav into pip. See for list of packages being installed
pip install -e .


Default testing uses config from /crowd_nav/config/env.config. Default is 500 mixed test cases. Policy should be one of ['mctsrnn', 'mctscv', 'pf', 'sarl', 'orca'] If using 'sarl', provide model_dir of trained RL policy. See /models. Additionally, ensure that the environment config in the policy config file matches the test config.

Example usage:

cd crowd_nav
python --policy='mctscv' 
python --policy='mctsrnn' --gpu --pred_model_dir=../models/rnn/grnn_orca_lookahead1 #Note this model is not included in this repo
python --policy='sarl' --gpu --model_dir=../models/rl/sarl_orca
python --policy='pf' 

For SARL with ORCA state transition: saved_rl_model_dir=models/rl/sarl_orca

For SARL with CV state transition: saved_rl_model_dir=models/rl/sarl_cv

For LM-SARL with ORCA state transition: saved_rl_model_dir=models/rl/sarl_lm_orca

Edit testing configuration via file pointed to by --env_config


--output_dir: Save results of each episode to given directory

--save_fig:  Save resultant trajectories as png (requires output_dir set)

--interactive: Allow interaction with the orca environmnet in a GUI.

--comparison:  Compare behaviour in set scenarios


SARL trained as per [1]:

python --policy sarl

The generative RNN was trained as per description in Eiffert et al. on the dataset of generated ORCA trajectories. This model is trained using tensorflow 1.10.1.


[1] C. Chen, Y. Liu, S. Kreiss, and A. Alahi, “Crowd-Robot Interaction: Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning,” IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA), pp. 6015 – 6022, 2019.

[2] P. Zhang, W. Ouyang, P. Zhang, J. Xue, and N. Zheng, “SR-LSTM: State Refinement for LSTM towards Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction,” in CVPR, 2019.


If using this repo, please cite:

  author={S. {Eiffert} and H. {Kong} and N. {Pirmarzdashti} and S. {Sukkarieh}},
  booktitle={2020 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)}, 
  title={Path Planning in Dynamic Environments using Generative RNNs and Monte Carlo Tree Search}, 

and also consider citing the work that this repo builds upon:

Author = {Changan Chen and Yuejiang Liu and Sven Kreiss and Alexandre Alahi},
Title = {Crowd-Robot Interaction: Crowd-aware Robot Navigation with Attention-based Deep Reinforcement Learning},
Year = {2018},
Eprint = {arXiv:1809.08835},