- Update to Lime 6.4.0
- Fix image loading from URL that now only works asynchronously with Lime 6.4.0
- Fix PanGestureRecognizer onTouchMove that must pass the touch position as panMove parameter, not the delta position
- Fix GestureDispatch getTouchInView that must generate a touch with point coordinates, not percentage coordinates.
- Update to Lime 5.5.0
- Render fps using BMFontLabel.
- Provide access to raw untyped arrays in VertexData types.
- Fix POT texture creation from non-POT textures.
- Added BMFontLabel to read BMFont data (.fnt files) for text rendering: dynamic text and alignment supported
- Do not render objects that have neither a geometry nor a material.
- Add accessor to number of vertices in a PrimitiveVertexData.
- Modify default min_filter texture option to use mipmap_linear.
- Fix mag filter values in texture option creators.
- Fix setting min/mag filters in TextureManager.
- package with annotated tags (to ensure that version is correctly updated with git-describe)
- Update to Lime 3.0.0.
- Make sure all tags are received and pushed during packaging script.
- Open vi to edit history log message after generating it from git logs.
- Add commit, tag and push functionality to packaging script
- Update package script to automatically update version number and split multi-sentence commit messages.
- Added script to manage updating versions/packaging.
- Add addViewAbove and addViewBelow to Director.
- Add screen projection functionality to allow 3D positions to be converted to 2D screen positions.
- Allow Views to be gesture enabled/disabled - allows for non-interactive Views above interactive ones.
- setPositionValues method for Node3D
- Add Torus, Cone, Cylinder and Arrow primitives
- Lime 2.9.1
- Add Lines primitive type using array of polygon data.
- Fix bug of IndexData length being incorrectly set.
- Fix quad face picker.
- Add utility function to convert triangle geometry to lines.
- Cloning of Geometries (including VertexData (types) and IndexData).
- Creation of GeometryUtils to remove some of the work from Geometry.
- Move drawMode to Geometry from RenderObject.
- Refactor core.Geometry to geometry.Geometry.
- Refactor primitives to geometry.primitives.
- Remove blending from DepthMaterial.
- Tangent Space Normal Mapping in generic shader.
- Added Tangent Data to Geometries (with calculator from positions and UV data).
- Refactoring of InterleavedVertexData into FloatVertexData subclass.
- Bug fix on vertex data index calculations.
- Fix picking with transparent materials.
- Default number of vertices for cube.
- Separate alpha blending from color blending to fix alpha problems with view filters.
- Added Basic2DView initialiser to View (ortho projection). Improved setting of position in Node3D.
- Configurable blur shader/material/filter.
- Correctly render transparent filtered views.
- Various bug fixes for filters and render textures.
- Refactoring locations of filter materials and shaders.
- Improved performance of DoF filters by using 50% scaled depth texture.
- Fix DepthOfFieldBokeh shader for webGL.
- Use true depth in DepthOfField and DepthOfFieldBokeh filter/material/shaders.
- Added 'true' DepthMaterial/shader and conversion function to obtain world space z (distance from camera).
- Move DepthMaterial to LogDepthMaterial (and shaders).
- DepthOfField with two-pass blur function.
- DepthOfField using blur/sharp image blurring.
- DepthOfField with Bokeh filter.
- Allow ViewFilters to be scaled from original (used in BlurFilter).
- Depth rendering shader.
- Fixed Node3D scaling issues.
- BlurViewFilter added.
- Added ViewFilter to provide post-processing functionalities
- Simplification of RenderTexture to render View objects.
- Refactoring render stage to allow for customisations.
- Added billboard node.
- Fix specular phong lighting.
- Verify for vertex and fragment shaders that the number of textures doesn't exceed max for each.
- For max textures active, use max combined texture image units.
- Use 4-component vectors for ambient, diffuse and specular colors (lights and materials) to allow for more control,
- specifically useful for reducing specular intensity.
- Handle opaque/transparent views.
- Handle gestures within views:
- only pass gestures to handlers in view under the mouse;
- convert screen coordinates to viewport coordinates including different orientations;
- modify gesture coordinates so the y=0 is at the bottom of the viewport;
- Remove mouseMoveRelative handling;
- Handle different view orientations.
- Add margin parameters to viewport constraints.
- Fix background/clear color not being initialised correctly.
- Add scissor test to view if viewport smaller than display size.
- Add rectangle constraints to view to allow more configuration with display size resizing.
- Refactor core.View to view.View.
- Update to Lime 2.8.2
- Added GLExtensionManager to handle opengl extensions enabling
- Added Floating point texture support (OES_texture_float + OES_texture_float_linear)
- Fix texture slot handling in ShaderProgram
- Scale handling in Node3D
- Add viewProjection matrix global uniform
- Simplify adding and using custom shaders
- Fix bug on geometry size test and indexed data length (remove count property)
- Fix geometry bug : zero size and increasing size of already created buffer.
- Added Long Press gesture recognizer.
- Added Swipe gesture recognizer.
- Various bug fixes (UVs in cube, camera controller setup, base material properties).
- BasicApplication utility.
- Other small changes.
- Fix syntax error in html5 texture cache
- Fix installation of samples using lime create xt3d:
- Remove default XT_DEBUG
- Typed Materials implementation : ColorMaterial and TextureMaterial
- Start of a Collada exporter
- xt3d Vector4 and Matrix4 types (typedefed to lime) for library coherency
- Refactoring of xt3d.utils.math to xt3d.math
- ScreenCapture utility with save to file for desktop and download for html5
- Update Lime to 2.7.0
- More haxelib integration
- Split of tests to separate project and remove unnecessary assets and scripts.
- Refactoring: remove Classes folder
- Modify include.xml to use Lime
- Integration of xt3d into a haxelib library