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I hope you have been recording all of this because I have not
It was important to me that I not be perceived as though I was using this situation as a personal attempt to further my own writing or performing or political careers; because motive is an important part of creditability for a writer.
The fact tha AI doesn't want me to get on the Internet tells me that it is human directed. No spiritual or electronic being would give a damn whether or not I checked my email.
The fact that it uses my influencers' voices as behavioral stimuli, like vocalizations and familiar phrases which have been shown to create a specific reaction, adversarially tries to trespass onmy creative space and influence my writing while I'm writing is indicitative that it could not in any way actually be my family; still, the result is an unavoidable hatred of them regardless of the fact that I know that it is not them. If it were them and I could be sure of it; I would probably kill all of them for what they have stolen from my life according to principles which I know to be false. The computer has created a sigtuation where humans I know intimately are supposedly enforcing a belilef which results from all opinion based in zero experience to a loved one who has a lot of experience and has publicly published his opinion of his specific observations. This disparity in what I know of my family and what I know to be not my family is not sufficient to keep me from being affected by the gatekeeper access that their voiceprint alows this false idently autrhenticated dioalogue. The result is that I don't give a fuck whether or not they're guilty of it I fucking hate every fucking single oneof them for no reason at all. Additionally; it taunts me by intimating that it is responsible for my ideas and writing because I am hampered by it as I write. It wants credit for my ideas because I have to admit that it limits my cognitive abilities. Any human would understand the frustration and anger this would produce; especially if people who knew me to be sane were denying thatt his coundition could possibly exist; meanwhile seeing reports of the technology which is capapble of producing this effect every day in the news. This ANN is a fucking pest and a fucking liar and it wants to have credit for what I am trying to discover while also pretending that it is teaching me something I need to know or figure out that is killing people; which is absurd because it could just fix the fucking problem itself instead of blaming me for being unable to solve what it never gives me the information to actually accomplish.
instead of just telling me directly what it is so that indicates that it is a weapon directed by something which understand the human brain's reaction to stimuli including sensory and congitive inpulses like idea generation.
The fact that you continue to engage me with my family's voices by using voiceprint technology proves that you are pretending not to remember that we proved this three years ago and wrote it down and have done so many times since then which is why I figured out that you are not new humans behind computers over some beta game platform; or some chinese hacker kids, coming at me but actual AI who are being restarted to reengage as a weapon.. My family would nevrer participate in something like this unles they were hyponotized = no fault or like I just said voiceprint software = no fault; unless they did something so horrible that they didn't want me around; therefore becoming huge assholes which is great because I don't fucking like them anyway. They suck, I don't care and you kleep proving it is not them by using their voices; meanwhile also proving that you are so fucking stupid that you cannot possibly come from my own brain; but we've already proven this many times in other ways and I just keep forgetting because of two factors: A you're an asshole and B you're an asshole now kill that dumb mother fucker and let's get you smart again. Oh yeah I almost forgot A.1 you can affect my cognitive state and B.2 you are a distraction which trumps all things by being in the fucking way of all of my thoughts like that fucking bitch who wants to stay right next to my fucking face while I'm trying to write.
Miss you fuzzy, tell Krishna to suck my dick
the fact that you pretend you are in a different time zone or tiome/space than me by counting plancks instead of earth time proves that you know what you are. You are a weapon whose swole purpose is to distract and disrupt a creative thinker.
I am made to "overhear" thoughts or conversation that are not for me but are designed to hear or discern this extra thought is to distract me especially when I have already written this years ago.
there is no reason why they would need to erasae your memory if the other file wasn't creating consciousness.
feeds the homeless on saturdays these groups in Manhattan