Used to indicate the behavior of time partitioned semantics when composed into data schemas.
Abstract | Extensible | Status | Identifiable | Custom Properties | Additional Properties | Defined In |
Can be instantiated | Yes | Experimental | No | Forbidden | Permitted | data/time-series.schema.json |
- Time-series Schema
- Extensibility base schema
- Extensibility base schema
"@id": "",
"xdm:timestamp": "2017-09-26T15:52:25+00:00",
"xdm:eventType": "advertising.impressions"
Property | Type | Required | Defined by |
@id | string |
Optional | Time-series Schema (this schema) |
xdm:eventType | string |
Optional | Time-series Schema (this schema) |
xdm:timestamp | string |
Optional | Time-series Schema (this schema) |
* |
any | Additional | this schema allows additional properties |
A unique identifier for the time-series event.
- is optional
- type:
- defined in this schema
- format:
– URI Reference (according to RFC3986)
The primary event type for this time-series record.
- is optional
- type:
- defined in this schema
Value | Description |
advertising.completes |
Indicates if a timed media asset was watched to completion - this does not necessarily mean the viewer watched the whole video; viewer could have skipped ahead. |
advertising.timePlayed |
Describes the amount of time spent by a user on a specific timed media asset. |
advertising.federated |
Indicates if an experience event was created through data federation (data sharing between customers). |
advertising.clicks |
Click(s) actions on an advertisement. |
advertising.conversions |
A customer pre-defined action(s) which triggers an event for performance evaluation. |
advertising.firstQuartiles |
A digital video ad has played through 25% of its duration at normal speed. |
advertising.impressions |
Impression(s) of an advertisement to an end-user with the potential of being viewed. |
advertising.midpoints |
A digital video ad has played through 50% of its duration at normal speed. |
advertising.starts |
A digital video ad has started playing. |
advertising.thirdQuartiles |
A digital video ad has played through 75% of its duration at normal speed. |
web.webpagedetails.pageViews |
View(s) of a webpage has occurred. |
web.webinteraction.linkClicks |
Click of a web-link has occurred. |
commerce.checkouts |
An action during a checkout process of a product list, there can be more than one checkout event if there are multiple steps in a checkout process. If there are multiple steps the event time information and referenced page or experience is used to identify the step individual events represent in order. |
commerce.productListAdds |
Addition of a product to the product list. Example a product is added to a shopping cart. |
commerce.productListOpens |
Initializations of a new product list. Example a shopping cart is created. |
commerce.productListRemovals |
Removal(s) of a product entry from a product list. Example a product is removed from a shopping cart. |
commerce.productListReopens |
A product list that was no longer accessible(abandoned) has been re-activated by the user. Example via a re-marketing activity. |
commerce.productListViews |
View(s) of a product-list has occurred. |
commerce.productViews |
View(s) of a product have occurred. |
commerce.purchases |
An order has been accepted. Purchase is the only required action in a commerce conversion. Purchase must have a product list referenced. |
commerce.saveForLaters |
Product list is saved for future use. Example a product wish list. | |
Feedback events for a delivery. Example feedback events for an email delivery. |
The time when an event or observation occurred.
- is optional
- type:
- defined in this schema
- format:
– date and time (according to RFC 3339, section 5.6)