This document captures both near term steps (aka Roadmap) and feature requests. The goal is to add some visibility and guidance for future additions and Pull Requests, as well as to keep the Issues list clear of enhancement requests so that bugs are more visible.
⚠ This document is currently not actively maintained. See the 0.14.1 milestone on Github for additional information about planned features for the next release.
Lists agreed upon next steps in approximate priority order.
A gathering point for ideas for new features. In general, the corresponding issue will be closed once it is added here, with the assumption that it will be referred to when it comes time to add the corresponding feature.
- provide separate threads for update vs read, so updates don't block reads, per #236
- expose triggers, per #164
Features that are not actively being considered, perhaps because of no clean type-safe way to implement them with the current Swift, or bugs, or just general uncertainty.