JSFX Reference: https://www.reaper.fm/sdk/js/js.php
Find the JS2EEL type declarations here. The API Docs are created from that file, as well as the code completion.
✅: Implemented
🕒: Should be implemented
❌: Won't be implemented
❔: Unknown if feasible, useful, or working properly
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | desc |
Implemented as part of config() |
🕒 | tags |
🕒 | options |
🕒 | JSFX comments |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | @init |
onInit() |
✅ | @slider |
onSlider() |
✅ | @block |
✅ | @sample |
onSample() |
🕒 | @serialize |
🕒 | @gfx |
Declarative with React-like syntax? |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | import |
🕒 | filename |
✅ | file_open(index | slider) |
Slider variant implemented |
✅ | file_close(handle) |
🕒 | file_rewind(handle) |
🕒 | file_var(handle, variable) |
✅ | file_mem(handle, offset, length) |
✅ | file_avail(handle) |
✅ | file_riff(handle, nch, samplerate) |
🕒 | file_text(handle, istext) |
🕒 | file_string(handle,str) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | in_pin , out_pin |
Implemented as part of config() |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | Slider: Normal | slider() |
✅ | Slider: Select | selectBox() |
✅ | Slider: File | |
🕒 | Hidden sliders | |
🕒 | Slider: shapes | |
❌ | slider(index) |
Might not be necessary as every slider is bound to a variable |
🕒 | slider_next_chg(sliderindex,nextval) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | spl0 - spl63 |
✅ | spl(index) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | srate |
✅ | num_ch |
✅ | samplesblock |
✅ | tempo |
✅ | play_state |
✅ | play_position |
✅ | beat_position |
✅ | ts_num |
✅ | ts_denom |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | Local variables | let & const |
✅ | Local address space (buffers) | EelBuffer (equivalent to JSFX buffers) & EelArray (inlined) |
❔ | Local address space 8m word restriction | |
🕒 | Global address space (gmem[] ) |
🕒 | Named global address space | |
❔ | Global named variables (_global. prefix) |
🕒 | Hex numbers | |
🕒 | ASCII chars | |
🕒 | Bitmasks | |
❔ | Strings | Already fully implemented? |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | Functions | User definable functions are inlined in compiled code |
✅ | Conditionals | |
✅ | Conditional Branching | |
🕒 | loop(counter, actions...) |
We should have generic loops even if sample- and channel related iterations should be handled by eachChannel() |
🕒 | while(actions..., condition) |
✅ | while(condition) (actions...) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | !value |
✅ | -value |
✅ | +value |
✅ | base ^ exponent |
Math.pow(base, exponent) or ** |
✅ | numerator % denominator |
✅ | value / divisor |
✅ | value * another_value |
✅ | value - another_value |
✅ | value + another_value |
❌ | value1 == value2 |
Has a tolerance of 0.00001. We only allow === |
✅ | value1 === value2 |
❌ | value1 != value2 |
Has a tolerance of 0.00001. We only allow === |
✅ | value1 !== value2 |
✅ | value1 < value2 |
✅ | value1 > value2 |
✅ | value1 <= value2 |
✅ | value1 >= value2 |
✅ | y || z |
✅ | y && z |
✅ | y ? z |
✅ | y ? z : x |
✅ | y = z |
✅ | y *= z |
✅ | y /= divisor |
✅ | y %= divisor |
🕒 | base ^= exponent |
Should be implemented as JavaScript's **= |
✅ | y += z |
✅ | y -= z |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | value << shift_amt |
🕒 | value >> shift_amt |
🕒 | a | b |
🕒 | a & b |
🕒 | a ~ b |
🕒 | y | = z |
🕒 | y &= z |
🕒 | y ~= z |
Status | Feature | Comment |
✅ | sin(angle) |
✅ | cos(angle) |
✅ | tan(angle) |
✅ | asin(x) |
✅ | acos(x) |
✅ | atan(x) |
✅ | atan2(x, y) |
✅ | sqr(x) |
✅ | sqrt(x) |
✅ | pow(x, y) |
✅ | exp(x) |
✅ | log(x) |
✅ | log10(x) |
✅ | abs(x) |
✅ | min(x, y) |
✅ | max(x, y) |
✅ | sign(x) |
✅ | rand(x) |
✅ | floor(x) |
✅ | ceil(x) |
✅ | invsqrt(x) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | time([v]) |
🕒 | time_precise([v]) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | midisend(offset, msg1, msg2) |
🕒 | midisend(offset, msg1, msg2 + (msg3 * 256)) |
🕒 | midisend(offset, msg1, msg2, msg3) |
🕒 | midisend_buf(offset, buf, len) |
🕒 | midisend_str(offset, string) |
🕒 | midirecv(offset, msg1, msg23) |
🕒 | midirecv(offset, msg1, msg2, msg3) |
🕒 | midirecv_buf(offset, buf, maxlen) |
🕒 | midirecv_str(offset, string) |
🕒 | midisyx(offset, msgptr, len) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | mdct(start_index, size) |
🕒 | imdct(start_index, size) |
✅ | fft(start_index, size) |
✅ | ifft(start_index, size) |
🕒 | fft_real(start_index, size) |
🕒 | ifft_real(start_index, size) |
🕒 | fft_permute(index, size) |
🕒 | fft_ipermute(index, size) |
✅ | convolve_c(dest, src, size) |
🕒 | freembuf(top) |
🕒 | memcpy(dest, source, length) |
✅ | memset(dest, value, length) |
🕒 | mem_multiply_sum(buf1, buf2, length) |
🕒 | mem_insert_shuffle(buf, len, value) |
🕒 | __memtop() |
🕒 | stack_push(value) |
🕒 | stack_pop(value) |
🕒 | stack_peek(index) |
🕒 | stack_exch(value) |
🕒 | atomic_setifequal(dest, value, newvalue) |
🕒 | atomic_exch(val1, val2) |
🕒 | atomic_add(dest_val1, val2) |
🕒 | atomic_set(dest_val1, val2) |
🕒 | atomic_get(val) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | sliderchange(mask | sliderX) |
🕒 | slider_automate(mask or sliderX[, end_touch]) |
🕒 | slider_show(mask or sliderX[, value]) |
🕒 | export_buffer_to_project(buffer, length_samples, nch, srate, track_index[, flags, tempo, planar_pitch]) -- |
🕒 | get_host_numchan() |
🕒 | set_host_numchan(numchan) |
🕒 | get_pin_mapping(inout, pin, startchan, chanmask) |
🕒 | set_pin_mapping(inout, pin, startchan, chanmask, mapping) |
🕒 | get_pinmapper_flags(no parameters) |
🕒 | set_pinmapper_flags(flags) |
🕒 | get_host_placement([chain_pos, flags]) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | strlen(str) |
🕒 | strcpy(str, srcstr) |
🕒 | strcat(str, srcstr) |
🕒 | strcmp(str, str2) |
🕒 | stricmp(str, str2) |
🕒 | strncmp(str, str2, maxlen) |
🕒 | strnicmp(str, str2, maxlen) |
🕒 | strncpy(str, srcstr, maxlen) |
🕒 | strncat(str, srcstr, maxlen) |
🕒 | strcpy_from(str, srcstr, offset) |
🕒 | strcpy_substr(str, srcstr, offset, maxlen) |
🕒 | str_getchar(str, offset[, type]) |
🕒 | str_setchar(str, offset, value[, type]) |
🕒 | strcpy_fromslider(str, slider) |
🕒 | sprintf(str, format, ...) |
🕒 | match(needle, haystack, ...) |
🕒 | matchi(needle, haystack, ...) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | gfx_set(r[g, b, a, mode, dest]) |
🕒 | gfx_lineto(x, y, aa) |
🕒 | gfx_line(x, y, x2, y2[, aa]) |
🕒 | gfx_rectto(x, y) |
🕒 | gfx_rect(x, y, w, h) |
🕒 | gfx_setpixel(r, g, b) |
🕒 | gfx_getpixel(r, g, b) |
🕒 | gfx_drawnumber(n, ndigits) |
🕒 | gfx_drawchar($'c') |
🕒 | gfx_drawstr(str[, flags, right, bottom]) |
🕒 | gfx_measurestr(str, w, h) |
🕒 | gfx_setfont(idx[, fontface, sz, flags]) |
🕒 | gfx_getfont() |
🕒 | gfx_printf(str, ...) |
🕒 | gfx_blurto(x,y) |
🕒 | gfx_blit(source, scale, rotation) |
🕒 | gfx_blit(source, scale, rotation[, srcx, srcy, srcw, srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, rotxoffs, rotyoffs]) |
🕒 | gfx_blitext(source, coordinatelist, rotation) |
🕒 | gfx_getimgdim(image, w, h) |
🕒 | gfx_setimgdim(image, w,h) |
🕒 | gfx_loadimg(image, filename) |
🕒 | gfx_gradrect(x,y,w,h, r,g,b,a[, drdx, dgdx, dbdx, dadx, drdy, dgdy, dbdy, dady]) |
🕒 | gfx_muladdrect(x,y,w,h, mul_r, mul_g, mul_b[, mul_a, add_r, add_g, add_b, add_a]) |
🕒 | gfx_deltablit(srcimg,srcx,srcy,srcw,srch, destx, desty, destw, desth, dsdx, dtdx, dsdy, dtdy, dsdxdy, dtdxdy[, usecliprect=1] ) |
🕒 | gfx_transformblit(srcimg, destx, desty, destw, desth, div_w, div_h, table) |
🕒 | gfx_circle(x,y,r[,fill,antialias]) |
🕒 | gfx_roundrect(x,y,w,h,radius[,antialias]) |
🕒 | gfx_arc(x,y,r, ang1, ang2[,antialias]) |
🕒 | gfx_triangle(x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3[,x4,y4,...]) |
🕒 | gfx_getchar([char, unicodechar]) |
🕒 | gfx_showmenu("str") |
🕒 | gfx_setcursor(resource_id[,"custom cursor name"]) |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | gfx_r , gfx_g , gfx_b , gfx_a |
🕒 | gfx_w , gfx_h |
🕒 | gfx_x , gfx_y |
🕒 | gfx_mode |
🕒 | gfx_clear |
🕒 | gfx_dest |
🕒 | gfx_texth |
🕒 | gfx_ext_retina |
🕒 | gfx_ext_flags |
🕒 | mouse_x , mouse_y |
🕒 | mouse_cap |
🕒 | mouse_wheel , mouse_hwheel |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | trigger |
🕒 | ext_noinit |
🕒 | ext_nodenorm |
✅ | ext_tail_size |
🕒 | reg00-reg99 |
🕒 | _global.* |
Status | Feature | Comment |
🕒 | pdc_delay |
🕒 | pdc_bot_ch |
🕒 | pdc_top_ch |
🕒 | pdc_midi |