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STC coroutine: Coroutines


An implementation of stackless coroutines, which are lightweight threads, providing a blocking context cheaply using little memory per coroutine.

Coroutines are used to accomplish a non-preempted form of concurrency known as cooperative multitasking and, therefore, do not incur context switching when yielding to another thread. Within a coroutine, yield and await is accomplished by utilizing Duff's device within a thread's function and an external variable used in within the switch statement. This allows jumping (resuming) from a yield upon another function call. In order to block threads, these yields may be guarded by a conditional so that successive calls to the same function will yield unless the guard conditional is true.

Because these coroutines are stackless, local variables within the coroutine where usage crosses cco_yield or cco_await must be stored in a struct which is passed as pointer to the coroutine. This has the advantages that they become very lightweight and therefore useful on severely memory constrained systems like small microcontrollers where other solutions are impractical or less desirable.

Coroutine API

NB! cco_yield*() / cco_await*() may not be called from within a switch statement in a cco_routine scope; Use if-else-if constructs instead.

Function / operator Description
cco_result CCO_DONE, CCO_AWAIT, CCO_YIELD Default set of return values from coroutines
cco_final: Label for cleanup position in coroutine
bool cco_done(co) Is coroutine done?
cco_routine(co) {} The coroutine scope
cco_yield(); Yield/suspend execution (return CCO_YIELD)
cco_yield_v(ret); Yield/suspend execution (return ret)
cco_yield_final(); Yield final suspend, enter cleanup-state
cco_yield_final(ret); Yield a final value
cco_await(condition); Suspend until condition is true (return CCO_AWAIT)
cco_await_call(cocall); Await for subcoro to finish (returns its ret value)
cco_await_call(cocall, retbit); Await for subcoro's return to be in (retbit | CCO_DONE)
cco_return; Return from coroutine (inside cco_routine)
c_filter() interoperability with coroutine iterators:
cco_take(num); Use instead of c_flt_take(num) to ensure cleanup state
cco_takewhile(predicate); Use instead of c_flt_takewhile(pred) to ensure cleanup state
Task objects:
cco_task_struct(Name, ...); Define a coroutine task struct
cco_await_task(task, cco_runtime* rt); Await for task to finish
cco_await_task(task, rt, retbit); Await for task's return to be in (retbit | CCO_DONE)
cco_result cco_resume_task(task, rt); Resume suspended task
cco_sem Semaphore type
cco_await_sem(sem) Await for the semaphore count > 0
cco_sem cco_sem_from(long value) Create semaphore
cco_sem_set(sem, long value) Set semaphore value
cco_sem_release(sem) Signal the semaphore (count += 1)
cco_timer Timer type
cco_await_timer(tm, double sec) Await secs for timer to expire (usec prec.)
cco_timer_start(tm, double sec) Start timer for secs duration
cco_timer_restart(tm) Restart timer with same duration
bool cco_timer_expired(tm) Return true if timer is expired
double cco_timer_elapsed(tm) Return seconds elapsed
double cco_timer_remaining(tm) Return seconds remaining
From caller side:
void cco_stop(co) Next call of coroutine finalizes
void cco_reset(co) Reset state to initial (for reuse)
void cco_blocking_call(cocall) {} Run blocking until cocall is finished
cco_blocking_task(task) {} Run blocking until task is finished
cco_blocking_task(task, rt, STACKSZ) {} Run blocking until task is finished
Time functions:
double cco_time(void) Return secs with usec prec. since Epoch
cco_sleep(double sec) Sleep for seconds (msec or usec prec.)

Implementation and examples

This small implementation of coroutines is inspired by Simon Tatham's coroutines and Adam Dunkel's photothreads, but provides big improvements regarding ergonomics, features, and type-safety. Crucially, it also allows coroutines to self-cleanup when cancelled (not resumed until they are done).

A coroutine function may have almost any signature, but the implementation adds support for coroutines which returns an int, indicating CCO_DONE, CCO_AWAIT, or CCO_YIELD. It should also take a struct pointer as parameter which must contains the member int cco_state. The struct should normally store all local variables to be used within the coroutine, along with input and output data for the coroutine.

Note that this implementation is not limited to support a certain set of coroutine types, like generators. It can even operate like stackfull coroutines, i.e. you can efficiently yield or await from a (deeply) nested coroutine call using cco_task objects described later.

The first example is a generator of Pythagorian triples, and stops when diagonal size > max_c.

[ Run this code ]

#include "stc/coroutine.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdio.h>

struct triples {
    int max_c;     // input: max c.
    int a, b, c;   // output
    int cco_state; // required member

int triples(struct triples* i) {
    cco_routine(i) {  // the coroutine scope!
        for (i->c = 5;; ++i->c) {
            for (i->a = 1; i->a < i->c; ++i->a) {
                for (i->b = i->a + 1; i->b < i->c; ++i->b) {
                    if ((int64_t)i->a * i->a +
                        (int64_t)i->b * i->b ==
                        (int64_t)i->c * i->c)
                        if (i->c > i->max_c)
                            cco_return; // "jump" to cco_final if defined, else exit scope.
    return 0; // CCO_DONE

int main(void) {
    struct triples co = {.max_c = 25};
    int n = 0;

    cco_blocking_call(triples(&co)) {
        printf("%d: [%d, %d, %d]\n", ++n, co.a, co.b, co.c);

The next variant skips the triples which are upscaled version of smaller ones by checking the gcd() function. Note that the gcd1_triples struct contains the triples struct so that both functions have separate call frames:

[ Run this code ]

int gcd(int a, int b) { // greatest common denominator
    while (b) {
        int t = a % b;
        a = b;
        b = t;
    return a;

struct gcd1_triples {
    int max_n, max_c, count; // input: max_n, max_c limit #triples to be generated.
    struct triples tri;    // triples call frame
    int cco_state;

int gcd1_triples(struct gcd1_triples* i)
    cco_routine(i) {
        i->tri.max_c = i->max_c;

        while (triples(&i->tri) != CCO_DONE) {
            // Skip triples with GCD(a,b) > 1
            if (gcd(i->tri.a, i->tri.b) > 1)

            // Done when count > max_n
            if (++i->count > i->max_n)
        cco_stop(&i->tri); // to cleanup state if still active
        triples(&i->tri);  // do cleanup (or no-op if done)
    return 0;

int main(void) {
    struct gcd1_triples co = {.max_n = 100, .max_c = 100};
    int n = 0;

    cco_blocking_call(gcd1_triples(&co)) {
        printf("%d: [%d, %d, %d]\n", ++n, co.tri.a, co.tri.b, co.tri.c);

When using cco_blocking_call(), the coroutine is continuously resumed after each yield suspension. However, this means that it first calls gcd1_triples(), which immediately jumps to after the cco_yield -statement and calls triples(), which again jumps and resumes after its cco_yield-statement. This is efficient only when yielding or awaiting from the top- or second-level call like here, but naturally not when couroutine calls are more deeply nested or recursive.

The STC coroutine implementation therefore also contains task-objects (cco_task), which are base-coroutine objects/enclosures. These can be executed using cco_blocking_task() instead of cco_blocking_call(). Inner coroutine calls are done by cco_await_task(), where you may await for a certain return value, normally CCO_YIELD or just CCO_DONE. It uses a stack of pointers of task-enclosures to call the current inner-level function directly. The task-objects have the added benefit that coroutines can be managed by a scheduler, which is useful when dealing with large numbers of coroutines (like in many games and simulations).

Note that these two modes may be mixed, and that for short-lived coroutines (only a few suspends), it is often beneficial to call the sub-coroutine directly rather than via cco_await_task() (which pushes the task on top of the runtime stack and yields - then executed on next resume).

The following example uses task-objects with 3-levels deep coroutine calls. It emulates an async generator by awaiting a few seconds before producing a number, using a timer.

#include <time.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define i_static
#include "stc/cstr.h"
#include "stc/coroutine.h"

cco_task_struct (next_value,
    int val;
    cco_timer tm;

int next_value(struct next_value* co, cco_runtime* rt)
    cco_routine (co) {
        while (true) {
            cco_await_timer(&co->tm, 1 + rand() % 2); // suspend with CCO_AWAIT
            co->val = rand();
            cco_yield();                              // suspend with CCO_YIELD
    return 0;

void print_time()
    time_t now = time(NULL);
    char mbstr[64];
    strftime(mbstr, sizeof(mbstr), "[%H:%M:%S]", localtime(&now));
    printf("%s ", mbstr);

cco_task_struct (produce_items,
    struct next_value next;
    cstr text;

int produce_items(struct produce_items* p, cco_runtime* rt)
    cco_routine (p) {
        p->text = cstr_init();
        p->next.cco_func = next_value;
        while (true)
            // await for CCO_YIELD (or CCO_DONE)
            cco_await_task(&p->next, rt, CCO_YIELD);
            cstr_printf(&p->text, "item %d", p->next.val);
            printf("produced %s\n", cstr_str(&p->text));
        puts("done produce");
    return 0;

cco_task_struct (consume_items,
    int n, i;
    struct produce_items produce;

int consume_items(struct consume_items* c, cco_runtime* rt)
   cco_routine (c) {
        c->produce.cco_func = produce_items;

        for (c->i = 1; c->i <= c->n; ++c->i)
            printf("consume #%d\n", c->i);
            cco_await_task(&c->produce, rt, CCO_YIELD);
            printf("consumed %s\n", cstr_str(&c->produce.text));
            cco_resume_task(&c->produce, rt);
            puts("done consume");
    return 0;

int main(void)
    struct consume_items consume = {
        .n = 5,
        .cco_func = consume_items,