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Releases: statsig-io/java-server-sdk

v1.2.0 - Adds exposure logging disabled APIs and layer overrides

29 Nov 01:11
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Introduces the following new APIs

 * Stores a local layer override
 * @param layerName the layer to override
 * @param value the json value to override the config to
overrideLayer(layerName: String, value: Map<String, Any>)
 * Removes the given gate override
 * @param gateName
removeGateOverride(gateName: String)
   * Removes the given config override
   * @param configName
removeConfigOverride(configName: String) {
      if (checkInitialized()) {
 * Removes the given layer override
 * @param layerName
removeLayerOverride(layerName: String)

Exposure Logging Disabled APIs

   * Get the boolean result of a gate, evaluated against a given user.
   * Does not trigger an exposure event.
   * @param user A StatsigUser object used for evaluation
   * @param gateName The name of the gate being evaluated
  suspend fun checkGateWithExposureLoggingDisabled(user: StatsigUser, gateName: String): Boolean

  // same, but java api
  checkGateWithExposureLoggingDisabledAsync(user: StatsigUser, gateName: String): CompletableFuture<Boolean>

            user: StatsigUser,
            dynamicConfigName: String
        ): CompletableFuture<DynamicConfig> {

To trigger an exposure, call the non exposure logging disabled API, or use the manuallyLogGateExposure manuallyLogConfigExposure APIs

NOTE: layer exposure logging disabled checks and experiment exposure logging disabled checks already existed in the java server sdk

v1.1.0 - allow userID or customIDs, fix rulesUpdatedCallback for java clients,

17 Nov 22:19
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  • Create a StatsigUser object with either a user ID or set of customIDs - see for why these are required

  • updates the rulesUpdatedCallback signature to support java clients without leaking kotlin Unit type

  • No longer throw on uninitialized to clean up the API signature. Will log and return default values.

  • fully remove the getLayerWithCustomExposureLogging APIs deprecated in 1.0.0

v1.0.0 - moving to mavenCentral and deprecating apis

08 Nov 22:21
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Removed getExperimentInLayerForUser and getLayerWithCustomExposureLogging APIs

The library will now only be available on mavenCentral.

To install the SDK, set the maven central repository

repositories {

and add the dependency:

implementation 'com.statsig:serversdk:1.0.0'

You can find the most up to date versions here:

NOTE: you can remove maven { url '' } if statsig was the only library you got from jitpack

v0.19.3 - jitpack publish java 8 support

02 Nov 21:40
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Merge pull request #11 from statsig-io/removemaven

remove publish to maven central

v0.19.2 - support java 8

02 Nov 21:27
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Merge pull request #108 from statsig-io/java8

Support java8

v0.19.1 - fix build for v0.19.0

01 Nov 16:33
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Introduced several SDK internal optimizations, and a couple new options to configure rules and ids lists sync time.

Also exposed groupName in Layer and DynamicConfig classes

[Deprecated DO NOT USE] v1.18.1 - Expose override APIs to java

29 Aug 22:31
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DO NOT USE THIS VERSION, the changes below are included in version 0.19.1+.

Add the static override APIs to Statsig to be accessible from java.

See also:

[Deprecated DO NOT USE] v1.18.0 - Add StatsigOptions.localMode. Add overrideGate/Config.

26 Aug 21:25
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DO NOT USE THIS VERSION, the changes below are included in version 0.19.1+.

  • Add localMode as an configurable option to StatsigOptions. When true, localMode means no network requests will be made.
  • Add overrideGate. For a given gate name, you can specify the return value.
  • Add overrideConfig. For a given config name, you can specify the return value.

v0.17.0 - make some fields public on Layer object

22 Aug 21:27
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Merge pull request #91 from statsig-io/make-layer-fields-public

make some layer fields public

v0.16.2 - Fix bug with str_matches regex evaluation

01 Aug 16:37
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Fix issue where str_matches was not correctly evaluating regular expressions passed down from the server.