π Neovim
Orgmode clone written in Lua for Neovim 0.10.0+.
Further development has moved to https://github.com/williamboman/mason.nvim!
A tree-sitter grammar for go.mod files
Yaml language server extension for coc.nvim
Pop-up menu for code actions to show meta-information and diff preview
Toml extension for coc-nvim, using taplo for lsp engine
File Browser extension for telescope.nvim
G'day Nvimer, Joyful Gopher: Discover the Feature-Rich Go Plugin for Neovim
Find, Filter, Preview, Pick. All lua, all the time.
Provides Nerd Font icons (glyphs) for use by neovim plugins
An up-to-date vim plugin for syntax highlighting HAproxy configuration file
Vim syntax highlighting for Kitty terminal config files
Modernity meets insane extensibility. The future of organizing your life in Neovim.
Vim syntax highlighting for i3 config π
π Neovim plugin to preview the contents of the registers
π₯ No-nonsense floating terminal plugin for neovim π₯
Handle Cargo dependencies like a Rustavimean.
A modular configuration of Vim and Neovim