First off, thank you for considering contributing to MtBird. It's people like you that make MtBird such a great tool.
Need more inspiration?
[1] MtBird Docs
[2] React JS
[3] Ant Design
[3] Lerna
[3] Rollup
MtBird 项目库的提交规范采用 Angular 提交规范
git clone
pnpm install
pnpm -w run start
在浏览器打开: http://localhost:3000/
通过 pnpm -w run start
启动 example 后,example 中所有 mtbird 相关依赖已经被 link 到本地,您可以直接进行代码修改,example 中的引用会自动更新。
pnpm install
pnpm -w run build
pnpm run release:enter-beta
pnpm run release:changeset // 选择要发布的模块
# with `read:user` and `repo:status` permissions
token=yourGithubToken pnpm run release:change-version
pnpm run release:exit-beta
pnpm run release:publish
- mtbird-cli: 命令行工具
- mtbird-component-basic: 全部基础组件
- mtbird-core: 基础工具方法与常量集
- mtbird-editor: 编辑器核心库
- mtbird-extension-image-library: 图库拓展
- mtbird-helper-component: 组件加载和样式调整工具和组件集
- mtbird-helper-extension: 拓展加载、沙盒环境、初始化及数据流转工具集
- mtbird-renderer-web: web 端渲染器
- mtbird-shared: 共享 TS 类型库