- We are going to deploy V2 version of Notification Service.
- We will split the traffic with 50% each between V1 and V2 version of notification service and test.
- Monitor the X-Ray console.
- Virtual Node:
- Virtual Node Name:notification-vnode-appv2
- Service Discovery Method: DNS
- DNS Hostname: notification-service-appv2.stacksimplify-dev.com
- Backend: Nothing
- Health Status: Nothing
- Listener Port: 8096 Protocol: HTTP
- Health Check: Disabled
- Updated some static text in notificaiton info service which will be accessed from User Management Microservice.
- Review those changes on Spring STS IDE
- Verify the docker image for V2 notification stacksimplify/notifications-microservice:2.0.0 on Docker Hub.
- We are good to proceed with implementation after above checks.
- Docker Image Name: stacksimplify/notifications-microservice:2.0.0
- Remove Envoy container and add it again
- Service Integration
- Enable App Mesh Integration: Checked
- Service Integration
- Virtual Node Name: notification-vnode-appv2
- Envoy Container Special Settings
- Proxy Congigurations
- Egress ignored Ports: 587 VERY IMPORTANT for SES COMMUNICATION
- Configure Service
- Launch Type: Fargate
- Task Definition:
- Family: notification-microservice-td
- Version: (latest)
- Service Name: appmesh-notification-appv2
- Number of Tasks: 1
- Configure Network
- VPC: ecs-vpc
- Subnets: ap-south-1a, ap-south-1b
- Security Groups: appmesh-ecs-inbound
- Inbound Ports 8096, 8095
- AutoAssign Public IP: Enabled
- Load Balancing
- Load Balancer Type: None
- Important Note: As we are using Service Discovery DNS name for Notification Service, this service doesnt need load balancing via ALB.
- Service Discovery
- Enable service discovery integration: Checked
- Namespace: create new private name space
- Namespace Name: stacksimplify-dev.com
- Configure service discovery service: Create new service discovery service
- Service discovery name: notification-service-appv2
- Enable ECS task health propagation: checked
- Rest all defaults
- Verify in AWS Cloud Map about the newly created Namespace, Service and registered Service Instance for Notification Microservice.
- Name: notification-vrouter
- Listerner: 8096 Protocol: HTTP
- Edit Router to add Routes
- Route Name:
- Route Type: http
- Route Priority:
- Targets:
- notification-vnode: Weight 50%
- notification-vnode-appv2: Weight 50%
- Change the "notification-service.stacksimplify-dev.com" virtual service from Virtual Node to Virtual Router.
- Access the Notification Info API via User Management API.
- Verify the X-Ray console.
- Update ECS Services (Notification, User Management) Number of Tasks to 0
- Stop RDS Database.
- If we really dont need these resources (RDS & ALB), you can even delete the RDS database and ALB.