data: 曽: add mask as primary synonym for WK (in addition to formerly,…
Update add kanji search example
sync online branch: add 60 kanji already used as elements in elements…
data: add 60 kanji already used as elements in elements_data, a few o…
fix single element info not expanded if element kanji = result kanji …
fix single element info not expanded if element kanji = result kanji …
sync with online branch: fix rtk mode expanded elements info display …
element display: italicize+shrink "without x" part (e.g. searching fo…
data: add new kanji 廣 (3150)
tools: add script to check for id v4 duplicates and that all id numbe…
try assigning id 0 to one kanji to fix duplicate id and kanji not found
Force push
try assigning id 0 to one kanji to fix incorrect number of kanji disp…
data: fix 俯 not found by "leader government"
data: add kanji 俯 (, actually 3148, was missing)
data: fix 錆 not found by rust
data: fix 冓 not named lifeguard in elements info but funnel (RTK name)
data: make 广 canopy occurences findable by 厂 cliff (e.g. "tree cliff …
fix element not expanded when keyword uppercase (e.g. 英 england eleme…
data: fix "flowers possible" not finding 苛
data: fix 中 not found by "middle" (too low in results / not prepended)
index.html: update latest kanji, number of kanji searchable
sync with online (gh-pages) branch: add new kanji, update version num…
data: add variantOf info for recent new kanji 奧
data: add new kanji 奧 (3148/3147)
chore: update date for version/release
merge gh-pages (online) version: add lots of elementInfo data, fix mo…
elements info: fix first results not expanded if pages prepended (e.g…
fix more entries expanded (elements info shown) than configured in bo…
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