Simulation testing is an important approach to evaluating fishery stock assessment methods. In the last decade, the fisheries stock assessment modeling framework Stock Synthesis (SS3) has become widely used around the world. However, there lacks a generalized and scriptable framework for SS3 simulation testing. Here, we introduce ss3sim, an \textsf{R} package that facilitates \R{B3:2}reproducible, flexible, and rapid end-to-end simulation testing with SS3. ss3sim requires an existing SS3 model configuration along with plain-text control files describing alternative population dynamics, fishery properties, sampling scenarios, and assessment approaches. ss3sim then generates an underlying 'truth' \R{B4}from a specified operating model, samples from that truth, modifies and runs an estimation model, and synthesizes the results. The simulations can be run in parallel, \R{B16:2}reducing runtime, and the source code is free to be modified under an open-source MIT license. ss3sim is designed to explore structural differences between the underlying truth and assumptions of an estimation model, or between multiple estimation model configurations. For example, ss3sim can be used to answer questions about model misspecification, retrospective patterns, and the relative importance of different types of fisheries data. We demonstrate the software with an example, discuss how ss3sim complements other simulation software, and outline specific research questions that ss3sim could address.
Fisheries stock assessment models are \R{B5}an invaluable tool for providing scientific advice \R{B6}regarding stock status, historical productivity, and changes in stock composition as well as evaluating the impact of alternative management actions on fishery resources [@gulland1983; @hilborn1992]. Although a variety of stock assessment approaches are available, it is often not straightforward to \R{B7}select among competing alternatives that may lead to different \R{B8}conclusions about stock status and associated scientific advice to management.
Simulation testing is a critical component to understanding the behavior of fishery stock assessment methods, particularly given the potential for model misspecification [@hilborn1987; @hilborn1992; @rosenberg1994; @peterman2004; @deroba2014]. With simulation testing we can evaluate the precision and bias of alternative assessment approaches in a controlled environment where we know the true dynamics of hypothetical fisheries resources under exploitation. Recent simulation studies have been key to improving \R{B9}structural assumptions for dealing with, for example, time-varying natural mortality (
There \R{E1}is a suite of tools available for conducting fishery stock assessments and Stock Synthesis (SS3, the third version of the software) is one, widely-used, modeling framework [@methot2013]. SS3 implements statistical age-structured population modeling using a wide range of minimally processed data [@maunder2013; @methot2013]. \R{A1:1}The generalized model structure of SS3 allows flexible scaling to a variety of data and life-history situations, \R{A1:3}from data-poor (e.g. [@wetzel2011a; @cope2013]) to data-rich (e.g. [@haltuch2013]). Owing in part to these advantages, \R{A3}SS3 has been used worldwide to formally assess 61 fishery stocks by 2012: 35 stocks in the US, 10 tuna/billfish stocks in three oceans, four European stocks, and 12 Australian stocks [@methot2013]. These assessments are conducted by both national agencies (e.g. NOAA in the USA, CSIRO in Australia) as well as regional fisheries management organizations (e.g. IATTC, ICCAT, IOTC in the Pacific, Atlantic and Indian oceans respectively). In addition to completed formal stock assessments, exploratory SS3 applications for many other stocks are underway [@methot2013].
Stock Synthesis is also commonly used as a framework for stock assessment simulation testing [@helu2000; @yin2004; @schirripa2009; @lee2011; @jiao2012; @lee2012; @crone2013a; @hurtadoferro2013], \R{B12}but there lacks a generalized framework. As a result, most stock assessment simulation-testing work using SS3 to date has relied on custom frameworks [@helu2000; @yin2004; @magnusson2007; @wetzel2011a; @jiao2012; @wilberg2006; @deroba2013; @deroba2014; @crone2013a; @hurtadoferro2013]. \R{A1:2}Although custom-designed modeling frameworks can be tailored to the specific needs of a particular stock assessment or simulation study, the use of a generalized framework allows other scientists to validate, reuse, and build upon previous work, thereby improving efficiency and resulting in more reliable outcomes.
The programming language \textsf{R} [@rcoreteam2013] is an ideal language in which to write such a generalized framework because (1) \textsf{R} has become the standard for statistical computing and visualization and (2) the \textsf{R} package r4ss [@r4ss2013] facilitates reading, processing, and plotting of SS3 model output. Here we introduce ss3sim, an \textsf{R} package that facilitates \R{B3:1}reproducible, flexible, and rapid end-to-end simulation testing with the widely-used SS3 framework. We begin by outlining the general structure of ss3sim and describing its functions, and then demonstrate the software with a simple example. We conclude by discussing how ss3sim complements other simulation testing software and by outlining some research questions that our freely accessible and general simulation-testing framework could address.
\R{B3:3}We designed ss3sim \R{B13}simulations to be reproducible, flexible, and rapid. Reproducible: ss3sim simulations are produced using \textsf{R} code, plain-text control files, and SS3 model configurations. ss3sim also allows for random seeds to be set when generating observation and process error. In combination, these features make simulations repeatable across computers and operating systems (Windows, OS X, and Linux). Flexible: ss3sim inherits the flexibility of SS3 and can therefore implement many available stock assessment configurations by either modifying existing SS3 model configurations or by modifying generic life-history model configurations that are built into ss3sim (Text S1). Furthermore, ss3sim summarizes the simulation output into plain-text comma-separated-value (.csv
) files allowing the output to be processed in \textsf{R} or other statistical software. Finally, the ss3sim source code is written under an open-source MIT license and can be freely modified. Rapid: ss3sim relies on SS3, which uses AD Model \R{B14}Builder [@fournier2012] --- \R{B15}a rapid and robust non-linear optimization software [@bolker2013] --- as a back-end optimization platform. ss3sim also facilitates the deployment of simulations across multiple computers or computer cores (i.e. parallelization), thereby \R{B16}reducing runtime. By using the vetted SS3 framework with the tested ss3sim package, the time to develop and run a large-scale simulation study can be reduced substantially, \R{B17}allowing for more time to refine research questions and interpret results instead of spending it developing and testing custom simulation frameworks.
ss3sim consists of both low-level functions that modify SS3 configuration files and high-level functions that combine these low-level functions into a complete simulation experiment (Figure 1, Table 1). In this paper we will focus on the structure and use of the high-level function run_ss3sim
; however, the low-level functions can be used on their own as part of a customized simulation \R{B18}(see Text S1).
An ss3sim simulation requires three types of input: (1) a base SS3 model configuration describing the underlying true population dynamics, or operating model (OM); (2) a base SS3 model configuration to assess the observed data generated by the OM, also known as the estimation model or method (EM); and (3) a set of plain-text files (case files) describing alternative model configurations and deviations from these base models (e.g. different fishing mortality or
The run_ss3sim
function works by modifying SS3 configuration files as specified in the case-file arguments (change
functions), running the OM, sampling from the time-series of true population dynamics to generate an observed dataset (sample
functions), running the EM to get maximum-likelihood estimates and standard errors of parameters and \R{B19}derived quantities, and synthesizing the output for easy data manipulation and visualization (get
functions) (Figure 1).
To demonstrate ss3sim, we will work through a simple example in which we examine the effect of (1) high vs. low precision of a fishery independent index of abundance and (2) \R{B20}fixing
\noindent Alternatively, the development version of ss3sim can be installed from You can read the documentation and vignette (Text S1) with:
ss3sim comes with built-in SS3 model configurations that represent three general life histories: cod-like (slow-growing and long-lived), flatfish-like (fast-growing and long-lived), and sardine-like (fast-growing and short-lived). These model configurations are based on North Sea cod (Gadus morhua; R. Methot, NMFS, NOAA; pers.\ comm.), yellowtail flounder (Limanda ferruginea; R. Methot, NMFS, NOAA; pers. comm.), and Pacific sardine (Sardinops sagax caeruleus) [@hill2012] (Text S1). We recommend modifying these built-in model configurations to match a desired scenario, although it is possible to create a new ss3sim model by modifying an existing SS3 model configuration (Text S1). We will base our example around the built-in cod-like model setup.
The high-level function run_ss3sim
can run all simulation steps based on a specified scenario ID and a set of semicolon-delimited plain-text files that describe alternative cases \R{B21:2}(Figures 1 and 2). These case files contain argument values that are passed to the low-level ss3sim \textsf{R} functions (e.g. change_index
, a function that controls how the fishery and survey indices are sampled; Table 1).
To use run_ss3sim
, all case files must be named according to the type of case (e.g. E
for estimation or F
for fishing mortality), a numeric value representing the case number, and an alphanumeric identifier representing the species or stock (e.g. cod
; Table 1, Text S1). We combine these case IDs with hyphens to create scenario IDs. For example, one of our scenarios will have the scenario ID D1-E0-F0-M0-R0-cod
. This scenario ID tells run_ss3sim
to read the case files corresponding to the first data (D
) case (i.e. index1-cod.txt
, lcomp1-cod.txt
, agecomp1-cod.txt)
, the zero case for estimation (E
; i.e. E0-cod.txt)
, and so on.
To investigate the effect of different levels of precision of a fishery-independent index of abundance, we will manipulate the argument sds_obs
that gets passed to the function change_index
. In data case D0
, we will specify the standard deviation of the index of abundance at 0.1 and in case D1
we will increase the standard deviation to 0.4. We can do this by including the line: sds_obs; list(0.1)
in the file index0-cod.txt
and the line: sds_obs; list(0.4)
in the file index1-cod.txt
. We will also set up a base-case file describing fishing mortality (F0-cod.txt
), a file describing a stationary M0-cod.txt
), and specify that we do not want to run a retrospective analysis in the file R0-cod.txt
. We will set up the file E0-cod.txt
to fix E1-cod.txt
to estimate a stationary, time-invariant
All of these text files are available in the package data in the folder inst/extdata/eg-cases/
. As an example, here is what the complete index0-cod.txt
file looks like:
fleets; 2
years; list(seq(1974, 2012, by = 2))
sds_obs; list(0.1)
, years
, and sds_obs
refer to the arguments in the function change_index
and users can read the help for this function with ?change_index
in \textsf{R}.
\R{A4:1}Before running and interpreting the results of a simulation, it is important to validate the testing framework at several levels. First, it is important to test that the functions that manipulate model configurations (i.e. the change
functions) are set up properly. ss3sim comes with prepackaged models that have been tested extensively with the change
functions, as well as documented \textsf{R} functions that include examples and unit tests. We describe strategies for testing the change
functions on new SS3 model setups in Text S1.
Second, the components of the simulation framework must work together as expected (integration tests [@wilson2014]). One approach to testing for such issues is to run simulation tests with similar OM and EM setups and relatively low process and observation error [@hilborn1992]. ss3sim makes this form of validation simple by allowing users to specify levels of process and observation error (Text S1). \R{A4:2}Assuming that the user specifies sufficient error to avoid numerical instability, this approach can reveal issues that would otherwise be obscured by noise.
Finally, it is important to validate that the model-fitting algorithms converged to global maxima. ss3sim retains all SS3 model output for future examination, as well as performance diagnostics such as maximum gradient, whether or not the covariance matrix was successfully calculated, run time, and the number of parameters stuck on bounds. These metrics, in combination with visual checks, are useful to determine if the results of a study are robust and meaningful.
Since we have already validated the cod-like model setup (Text S1), we can now run our example simulation scenario. To start, we will locate three sets of folders within the package data: the folder with the OM, the folder with the EM, and the folder with the plain-text case files:
d <- system.file("extdata", package = "ss3sim")
om <- paste0(d, "/models/cod-om")
em <- paste0(d, "/models/cod-em")
case_folder <- paste0(d, "/eg-cases")
We can then run the simulation with one call to the run_ss3sim
function. We will set bias_adjust = TRUE
to enable a procedure that aims to produce mean-unbiased estimates of recruitment and biomass despite log-normal recruitment deviations [@methot2011]. We can run 100 iterations of the simulation scenarios with the following code:
run_ss3sim(iterations = 1:100, scenarios =
c("D0-E0-F0-M0-R0-cod", "D1-E0-F0-M0-R0-cod",
"D0-E1-F0-M0-R0-cod", "D1-E1-F0-M0-R0-cod"),
case_folder = case_folder, om_model_dir = om,
em_model_dir = em, bias_adjust = TRUE)
\noindent This produces a folder structure in our working directory containing all of the SS3 output files \R{B21:3}(Figure 2). We can then collect the output with one function call:
This command creates two files in our working directory: ss3sim_scalars.csv
and ss3sim_ts.csv
, which contain scalar output estimates \R{B22}(model parameters and derived quantities such as steepness and maximum sustainable yield) and time-series estimates (e.g. recruitment and biomass for each year). These estimates come from the report files produced from each run of SS3 as extracted by the r4ss \textsf{R} package. The .csv
files contain separate columns for OM and EM values, making it simple to calculate error metrics, such as relative or absolute error. In addition to parameter estimates, the .csv
files contain performance metrics, which in combination can be used to gauge model performance and convergence. These results are organized into "long" data format, with columns for scenario and iteration, facilitating quick analysis and plotting using common \textsf{R} packages such as ggplot2 [@wickham2009].
For the example simulation, the relative error in spawning stock biomass over time is, as expected, smaller when the true value of
The general purpose of ss3sim is to explore model behaviour and performance across combinations of EM configurations and alternative dynamics of fisheries resources under exploitation specified by the OM. In particular, ss3sim provides a suite of functions for dynamically creating structural differences in both OMs and EMs. This expedites testing the properties of alternative stock assessment model configurations, whether the differences are between OMs and EMs [@johnson2014], or between multiple versions of EMs [@ono2014]. However, ss3sim is less suited for quickly exploring new SS3 model setups, which may rely on SS3 configurations not yet converted to work with the ss3sim package functions. \R{B23}Although it is possible to adapt arbitrary SS3 models to work with ss3sim (Text S1), other software frameworks may provide better alternatives, depending on the goal of the simulation study.
One alternative software framework is Fisheries Libraries in \textsf{R} (FLR) [@kell2007] --- a collection of open-source \textsf{R} packages developed specifically for evaluating fisheries management strategies through simulation. Compared to ss3sim, FLR is designed to explore broader questions regarding management strategies with flexible biological, economic, and management components [@hillary2009]. Thus, it is not specifically designed to explore the impact of structural differences within OMs and EMs.
Another alternative stock assessment simulation testing framework is Fishery Simulation (FS, FS is primarily a file management tool adapted to aid in simulation testing. FS can work with stock assessment models besides SS3, make simple changes to input text files, generate simple random process errors (using a built-in random number generator) and observation errors (using the SS3 bootstrap option), run simulations in parallel, and collect results from output files. Thus, FS is closer to ss3sim in its scope than FLR in that it specifically focuses on the performance of stock assessment models. FS differs from ss3sim mainly in that it uses user-specified text manipulation commands (e.g. change line 50 from 0 to 1) to alter model configurations rather than the approach of ss3sim, which uses modular functions tailored to specific purposes (e.g. add a particular time-varying mortality trajectory to an arbitrary OM). FS works well for testing arbitrary assessment models and model configurations because it does not rely on pre-built manipulation functions [@lee2012; @piner2011; @lee2011]. In contrast, FS cannot make complicated structural changes to a model setup (e.g. adding time-varying parameters or changing the survey years), limiting its ability to induce and test structural differences between OMs and EMs. In addition, the current version of FS is not an end-to-end package --- additional code is necessary to incorporate arbitrary process and observation error in simulation testing. Finally, although FS is also open-source, it requires the Microsoft .NET framework and is therefore only compatible with the Windows operating system.
The ss3sim package has been used so far to evaluate alternative assessment approaches when
Time-varying model misspecification: Ecological processes can vary through time in response to, for example, changes to fishing behaviour [@hilborn1992], regime shifts [@vert-pre2013], or climate change [@walther2002]. However, parameters such as
Patterns in recruitment deviations: Typically, estimation methods assume independent log-normally-distributed recruitment deviations around a spawning stock recruitment function. However, recruitment deviations are frequently auto-correlated and their variability can change through time [@beamish1995; @pyper1998]. \R{B26}ss3sim facilitates exploring the effect of different recruitment deviation structures on model performance by allowing the user to directly specify any vector of deviations.
Retrospective patterns: Retrospective patterns, in which model estimates are systematically biased with each additional year of data, are a major problem in stock assessment science [@mohn1999; @legault2008]. Key questions are: what causes retrospective patterns and which assessment approaches reduce them [@legault2008]. ss3sim can run retrospective analyses as part of any simulation by adding a single argument: the number of retrospective years to investigate.
The increasing complexity of modern integrated stock assessment models and expanding computing power allows for the inclusion of multiple sources of data and estimation of increasingly complex processes [@maunder2013]. However, it is difficult to determine under which conditions these processes can be reliably estimated based on diagnostics such as residual patterns [@maunder2013]. Simulation testing is an important tool because it provides an opportunity to explore model performance under specified conditions and develop a further understanding of a model's abilities.
We anticipate that ss3sim will facilitate the development of reliable assessment methods, applicable to age-structured stock assessment frameworks in general, that meet the requirements and assessment demands of many regional fisheries management organizations and national assessment agencies. For example, Johnson et al. [@johnson2014] used ss3sim to develop guidelines for how to model natural mortality (when it is suspected of being time varying but age invariant) across life histories and fishing patterns. As another example, Ono et al. [@ono2014] used ss3sim to identify the most informative combination of quantity, quality, and timing of data, depending on life history and stock-assessment-derived metrics of interest. General guidelines such as these, combined with simulations testing specific model configurations used by assessment agencies, are an important part of developing reliable assessment methods to provide sound scientific advice to fisheries management [@deroba2014; @crone2013].
Custom-tailored simulation-testing software packages are an increasingly common tool in fisheries science, but their value would be extended if shared formally with the broader community. Published, open-source simulation frameworks, such as the initial release of ss3sim described here, allow other scientists to validate, reuse, and improve the software. We therefore encourage authors to publish their simulation frameworks and develop them in a generalized format, where possible. We anticipate that users will both benefit from ss3sim in its current form and extend it for their own needs, potentially contributing to future versions.
We thank the participants and mentors of the University of Washington's School of Aquatic and Fishery Sciences 2013 FISH 600 course. Discussions with these individuals were instrumental to the conceptual and technical development of ss3sim. Many participants also contributed code and are listed within specific ss3sim \textsf{R} functions. Participants: Curry Cunningham, Felipe Hurtado-Ferro, Roberto Licandeo, Carey McGilliard, Melissa Muradian, Cody Szuwalski, Katyana Vert-pre, and Athol Whitten. Mentors: Richard Methot, Andre Punt, Jim Ianelli, and Ian Taylor. We thank Jim Ianelli, Andre Punt, Ian Stewart, Robert Ahrens, Daniel Duplisea, and an anonymous reviewer for comments that greatly improved our manuscript.
SCA was supported by Fulbright Canada (generously hosted by Trevor Branch), NSERC, and a Garfield Weston Foundation/B.C. Packers Ltd. Graduate Fellowship in Marine Sciences. This work was partially funded by the Joint Institute for the Study of the Atmosphere and Ocean (JISAO) under NOAA Cooperative Agreement No.\ NA10OAR4320148, Contribution No.\ 2193 and 2195. This research addresses the methods component of the good practices guide to stock assessment program of the Center for the Advancement of Population Assessment Methodology (CAPAM).
\begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=3.27in]{sim-steps.pdf} \end{center} \caption{ {\bf Flow diagram of the main steps in an ss3sim simulation carried out using \texttt{run_ss3sim}.} Functions that are called internally are shown in a monospaced font. } \label{fig:sim-steps} \end{figure}
\begin{figure}[!ht] \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=4.86in]{file-structure.pdf} \end{center} \caption{ {\bf Illustration of input and output folder and file structure for an ss3sim simulation.} Folders are shown in blue, input files in orange, and output files in grey. All input and output files are in plain text format. OM refers to operating model and EM to estimation model. Case files (orange files at bottom left) combine cases (e.g. \texttt{M0} for a given natural mortality trajectory) with species or life-history OMs and EMs (e.g. cod-like or sardine-like). Alternatively, a user can skip setting up case files and specify the simulation cases directly in \textsf{R} code (see the accompanying vignette [Text S1]). } \end{figure}
{\bf Example output from an ss3sim simulation.} We ran a crossed simulation in which we considered (1) the effect of fixing natural mortality (
Table 1. Main ss3sim functions and a description of their purpose.
Simulations can be run through the run_ss3sim
which then calls the change
Users can control what the change
functions do
through a series of plain-text case files.
For example, the case ID D1
to the case files lcomp1
, agecomp1
, and index1
, as described in the table.
Users can also skip setting up case files
and specify arguments to ss3sim_base
or use the change
as part of their own simulation structure (Text S1).
Function name Description
Main high-level function to run ss3sim simulations.
Underlying base simulation function. Can also be called directly.
Substitutes recruitment deviations.
Adds fishing mortality time series. (Case file and ID F
Adds time-varying features. For example, time-varying natural mortality, growth, or selectivity. (Any case file and ID, e.g. M
, starting with "function_type; change_tv
Controls how the fishery and survey indices are sampled. (Case file index
, case ID D
Controls how age composition data are sampled. (Case file agecomp
, case ID D
Controls how length composition data are sampled. (Case file lcomp
, case ID D
Controls the number of years to discard for a retrospective analysis. (Case file and ID \textsf{R})
Controls which and how parameters are estimated. (Case file and ID E
Determines the level of adjustment to ensure mean-unbiased estimates of recruitment and biomass.
Extracts results for a single scenario.
Extracts results for a series of scenarios.