tic tac toe
first person who plays is assigned player 1 second person is assigned player two
each person is able to alternate setting down "pieces onto a board" using a button code will calculate and store where each piece has been placed- get a player or computer value for an input, for instance
maybe store values in an array of objects made using a constructor (that way you can change to five, or four)
win if : one array has all the same values each array has same value for same index or diagonal (may have to hard-code this)
if three in a row are the same person, then that person wins
once game is over, "reset button" will clear imput values and visually reset board
computer v player : on click, assign comp to player 2. run through a randomizer for comp's values (comp can only choose from pieces that are not taken)
if two spaces are already taken, computer will always choose the third
tic tac toe board- create a table, or create via constructor create a click function for each div - on click, will change the image of that div as well as change the variable to something like "reader"
later: have a field showing player one wins and player two wins, etc... change "player two to comp wins"
css stuff: have some cool images for the tic tac toe, have them hovering when the person is moving their mouse over
-create 9 boxes (somehow) -maybe make a constructor for columns, then push the objects into an array -use a for loop to iterate through each arr[index].key, creating a div (w/ class and id) for each object -attach an event listener to each box
-if win = false; -create "toggle"- when player 1 clicks, image changes to x and class changes to "x" -when player 2 clicks, image changes to x and class changes to "o" -check for win -if three "x" classes in a row or three "o" classes in a row (use id to check class) -maybe check if every div inside array has the same id, then if index one of each has the same id, then diagonal -if someone has won, change win = true, store who won
-add selector for how many -fix wins messages ontop, in message box, and change so that the text changes when a restored game loads
EXTRA: -refactor code