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JavaScript style guide

This document outlines the way we write JavaScript. It's a living style guide – it will grow as our practices do.

General principles

Progressively enhance

JavaScript solutions must exist purely as a progressive enhancement of existing functionality.

Code for humans

Your JavaScript should always be optimised for readability first, as someone is going to have to maintain your code. Most of the rules in this style guide are here to help enforce this. See our house style document to understand the rationale behind enforcement of style.

Code should be self-documenting wherever possible. This means writing sensible method names and using variables which adequately describe the object in question. Assume no prior knowledge when somebody new starts to contribute to the codebase.

We don't do this:

function load(file, cb) {
    fs.readFile(file, function(e, config) {
        if (e) return cb(e);
        cb(null, process(config));

We do this:

function loadConfigFile(filePath, callback) {
    fs.readFile(filePath, function(error, fileContents) {
        if (error) {
            return callback(error);
        const config = processConfig(fileContents);
        callback(null, config);

Modules over monoliths

Wherever possible, you should try to think in smaller single-purpose modules and functions. This encourages reuse and helps to keep complexity down.

If code is generic and reusable you should aim to break it into a separate module which can be managed through npm or included in a project's vendor directory. We advocate open sourcing of these kinds of modules, and it's a good idea to have open sourcing in mind no matter what you're writing.

Often you'll find that the code you're writing is catered for by a third-party module. Whenever possible, install a dependency rather than reinventing the wheel.

Keep it simple

We adhere to the KISS principle. Unnecessarily complex/obtuse code completely goes against our rule of coding for humans. It's difficult to understand, slows us down, and reduces maintainability. Don't do it.

It is also important to remember that duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction.

// We don't do this

// We do this
// We don't do this
function isOdd(number) {
    return !!(number & 1);

// We do this
function isOdd(number) {
    const mod = number % 2;
    return (mod !== 0);
// We don't do this
foo ^= bar; bar ^= foo; foo ^= bar;

// We do this
const tempVar = foo;
foo = bar;
bar = tempVar;

Performant code

We should always try to write fast code, but not if it makes the code difficult to understand. It's inefficient to optimise in favour of performance unless evidence resulting from profiling the code shows that you really need to do that.

If you're writing a small library with a single simple purpose, and you really really need to do it, then it makes sense; in a project with more than one contributor, there's frequently more "cost" than "benefit".

Understanding when to optimise is a valuable skill in software development.

Code style


Static analysis tools like linters can flag programming errors, bugs and stylistic errors, making your code more robust, readable and maintainable.

JavaScript code should be linted with eslint using the Springer Nature eslint-config. This configuration allows us to maintain consistency between different projects.

You can check the README for details about installing and configuring the tools.


Your JavaScript code should be self-documenting. Self-documenting code is easier to maintain, and simpler to read. Excessive comments can become out of sync with the usual code. Keep comments succinct & factual.

Where necessary, adjust the structure of your code to make it self-documenting, for example:

We do this:

const isVisible = el.offsetWidth && el.offsetHeight;

if (isVisible) {}

We don't do this:

if (el.offsetWidth && el.offsetHeight) {}

For code which is not self-documenting (e.g. magic numbers), leave a comment to explain intent & reasoning:

// 42 is the only value the server can handle

// We must set items to null as a workaround for this bug:
window.items = null;

Do not explain code just because it uses new APIs, e.g.:

We don't do this:

// Call a callback function in the next animation loop
requestAnimationFrame(() => {})

We don't do this:

// Sets can filter out non-unique values for us
const uniqueIDs = new Set([1, 2, 1, 2]);


Although your JavaScript code should be self-documenting, we highly recommend that where necessary, you document your JavaScript application or library using the standardised JSDoc format.

This format is leveraged by the Language Server Protocol (LSP), which is supported in numerous editors and Integrated Development Environments (IDE) nowadays. Thanks to LSP you get short lines of documentation right from the invocation context. This helps you code quickly, while avoiding obvious errors.

For a function, for example, you get:

  • What it is intended to do
  • The type, default value, and description of its parameters
  • Which parameters are optional
  • The function returned value type and description

Bonus: There are tools to generate a documentation website for your application or library if it uses JSDoc.

A concrete and furnished example:

 * Get a list of book ids from a given library.
 * @param {number} library - Id of the library.
 * @param {number} [limit=10] - Optional maximum of books expected to be returned, defaults to 10.
 * @param {object} [filters={}] - Optional filters, defaults to no filters.
 * @param {string} [filters.subject] - A string to match up the subject of the book.
 * @param {number} [filters.publicationyear] - Year the book was published.
 * @returns {number[]} List of book ids matching the optionally given filters.
function getListOfBookIdsFromLibrary(library, limit = 10, filters = {}) {
    // ...


Many operations in JavaScript (both in the browser and Node.js) are asynchronous. If you need to access the result of an async operation, the API which you are using may offer the result to you through a callback that you provide.

Here is an example:

ajax('', response => {

If you need to execute another ajax request based on the result of the original, you might write code like this:

ajax('', response => {
    console.log(response); // { status: 200, url: 'https://...' }

    ajax(response.url, () => {
        console.log('Two ajax requests have completed')

To avoid the journey to 'callback hell', you should aim to use promise-based APIs. You can now convert the callback-based code to this:

ajax('').then(response => response.url).then(url => {
    ajax(url, () => {
        console.log('Two ajax requests have completed')

Promises still use callbacks. To write synchronous-style code which performs asynchronous operations, you can use async/await. The above example can be rewritten to use async/await.

const {url} = await ajax('');
await ajax(url);
console.log('Two ajax requests have completed')

Things to consider

  • async/await has limited browser support, you might need to use a transpiler to gain cross-browser support.
  • You might ship a larger JavaScript payload to your users by converting an async function. Profile your website to evaluate if this is worth it.
  • The async in async/await refers to the fact that the await keyword can only appear in a function prefixed with the async keyword.
  • If the API you would like to await for does not offer a promise-based API, you can't await the API call. Consider converting the API to use promises.


Awaiting multiple promises

You can await multiple promises:

const [response1, response2] = await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
Multiple awaits in a one-liner

You can wrap the await + function call in parentheses to enable calls like this:

await (await fetch('')).json()
Arrow function syntax with await

You can use async functions with the arrow function syntax:

[1, 2, 3].map(async num => {

Fallback to promises

This code snippet highlights two things:

  • Since async/await uses promises, you can continue to use then() callbacks where it makes sense, for example outside of an async function.
  • All async functions return promises. No matter what value you explicitly return, it will still be wrapped in a promise.
async function five() {
    return Promise.resolve(5);

async function six() {
    return 1 + await five();

six().then(result => {
    console.log(result); // 6

Further reading

Practical code examples, including error handling examples, can be read here: Async functions - making promises friendly


Ensure indentation consistency is maintained with a tool such as EditorConfig. Using this tool, you can specify indentation settings for your codebase. Team members should then install the corresponding plugin for their editor. E.g. atom-editorconfig, vscode-editor-config

Except in package.json files, we indent our JavaScript using single tabs, not spaces. You can convert characters automatically in most editors, and you're advised to do this.

Follow the BSD-KNF indentation style.

We do this:

if (foo) {
} else {

We don't do this:

if (foo)

if (foo) {
} else {

Some tools (like NPM or Snyk) have the ability to rewrite all or part of the package.json file. The majority of these tools expect the package.json file to be indented with two spaces. Please follow this convention in your package.json files to avoid irritating merges when the output of such a tool is part of a Pull Request.

White space

We use white space liberally to help keep code readable. You're encouraged to use newlines to break up long functions into logical chunks.

You should also remove trailing white space from lines of code. Your editor should be able to either remove this or highlight it when present, for example, atom-whitespace, vscode-trailing-spaces.


Defining variables

We define variables with multiple const and let statements.

We do this:

const foo = 1;
const bar = 2;
let foo = 1;
let bar = 2;

We don't do this:

const foo = 1,
      bar = 2;
let foo = 1,
    bar = 2;

We use let only when a variable explicitly needs to be mutable:

We do this:

let foo = 1;

if (foo) {
    foo += 1;
const foo = [1,2];

if (bar) {

We don't do this:

let foo = [1,2];

if (bar) {

Use of var

If you have to use var instead of const and let (because your environment doesn't support ES2015 (Node.js 4.x/Babel)), you need to understand hoisting. Avoid defining variables inside loops or blocks.

We do this:

var foo = 1;
var bar = 2;

var baz;
if (foo === bar) {
    baz = 3;

We don't do this:

var foo = 1,
    bar = 2;

if (foo === bar) {
    var baz = 3;


We use lowerCamelCase naming for functions, and functions should be named descriptively.

Functions are not allowed to be written on a single line – you must always follow our indentation rules.

We do this:

const loadConfig = function(filePaths, callback) {
    // ...

function loadConfig(filePaths, callback) {
    // ...

We don't do this:

const loadconfig = function(filePaths, callback) {
    // ...

function loadconfig(filePaths, callback) {
    // ...

Pure functions

Where possible, keep your JavaScript functions pure.

We do this:

function greet(greeting, subject) {
    return `${greeting}, ${subject}`;

greet('Hello', 'friend')

We don't do this:

const greeting = 'Hello';

function greet(subject) {
    return `${greeting}, ${subject}`;



We disallow the use of normal equal and not equal, requiring you to use the strict equivalents.

We do this:

foo === bar;
foo !== bar;

We don't do this:

foo == bar;
foo != bar;


In loops, there must be a check with hasOwnProperty.

We do this:

for (const prop in obj) {
    if (, prop)) {
        // ...

We don't do this:

for (const prop in obj) {
    // ...

Strict mode

You should assume that your code will fail, and take steps to handle those failures.

Where ES5 and above is available and strict mode is implemented, use strict mode: 'use strict'; This causes JavaScript to error early rather than allow malformed or incorrect code to run.

In Node.js, you can add 'use strict'; to the top of each of your source files.

In-browser you should not add your 'use strict'; to the top of the file; instead you should add it to either the file's IIFE or each defined function if an IIFE isn't present. This is because global strict mode in browsers can cause issues with third-party code.

We do this:

(function () {
    'use strict';
    // ...

Client-side JavaScript architecture

Write small, isolated & well tested JavaScript modules.

Module architecture

The JavaScript in your application should consist of one or more entry points and "modules". For example, you might have a module which is only responsible for one of the following:

  • An autocomplete module.
  • A module which handles all analytics events.
  • A module which implements sticky header functionality.

Your module should use named exports for all exports.

We do this:

export {init};

We don't do this:

export default init;

Your module should expose an init method which is consumed by the entry point of your application:

// my-module-1.js

import {otherModule} from './some-other-module-you-need';

function addEventListeners() {}

function init() {

export {init};

Your modules are to be consumed by your entry point:

// main.js

import {module1} from './my-module-1.js';
import {module2} from './my-module-2.js';
import {module3} from './my-module-3.js';

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function(event) {

This approach is:

  • Easy to read and intuitive.
  • Standards compliant (ES2015 module syntax - import and export).
  • Adherent to clean code practices as the main.js file only becomes an orchestrator, and it is kept free of logic. It has one job, which is to invoke other smaller modules.
  • Useful for unit testing as the small isoloated modules are easy to test.


If you need to pass in configuration to a module, pass in an object:

import {module1} from './my-module-1.js';

    url: 'https://...'

Your module code should handle configuration appropriately, and be resilient towards missing inputs:

function module({url = 'https://...', animate = false}) {
    console.log(url, animate)

export {module};


You must export items to allow the consumer to import only what is needed. This helps prepare you for bundling techniques like tree-shaking.

We do this:

import { flatten, merge } from 'lodash';

We don't do this:

import _ from 'lodash';

const flatten = _.flatten;
const merge = _.merge;


Modules which are related to each other, and modules which are not, should communicate in different ways.

Events for related modules

Expose an API:

// easings.js

function isValid(easing) {
    // Logic here

function get(easing) {
    // Logic here

export { get, isValid };

Then consume the API:

// animations.js

import {easings} from './easings';

function init({element, easing}) {
    if (easings.isValid(easing)) {
    } else {

export {init};

Events for unrelated modules

Use the createEvent module from the Springer Nature Elements toolkit. This module functions as a namespaced wrapper around Javascript customEvent.

One limitation of using the existing infrastructure that Javascript provides — the ability to create an Event and consume using addEventListener — instead of a PubSub style implementation, is that you have to hang the event handler off a DOM Element or the window.

In the case of two unrelated modules, this would mean that if moduleA publishes an event, then moduleB would have no knowledge of the DOM element that the event is bound to. This is solved by having your application manage event listeners, and keeping your modules fully isolated with no knowledge of other modules; for example:

// Module A
// Relevant excerpt only
const event = createEvent('event', 'component', {
    detail: {
        hazcheeseburger: true
// Module B
// Relevant excerpt only
function doSomething(detail) {
    if (detail.hazcheeseburger) {
        // Do something
// Application
import {moduleA} from '@springernature/moduleA';
import {moduleB} from '@springernature/moduleB';

const moduleAelement = document.querySelector('[data-component-module-a]');
const moduleBelement = document.querySelector('[data-component-module-b]');


moduleAelement.addEventListener('component:event', function (event) {
}, false);

DOM binding

When it comes time to attach your JavaScript module to a specific DOM element (or collection of elements), we favour the use of descriptive data-component attributes in the markup rather than using specific class names or ids.

We do this:

<button class="c-button" data-component-collapse-activator="header-menu">Menu</button>
<nav class="c-header-menu u-hidden" data-component-collapse-target="header-menu">

We don't do this:

<button class="c-button" data-component="collapse" data-target="header-menu">Menu</button>
<nav class="c-header-menu u-hidden" id="header-menu">

As demonstrated above, we use data-component attributes to label any elements that are being bound by the JavaScript. We structure the name of the attribute to include the component's name and where we feel necessary we follow with any words that help describe it's purpose. In the above example the component name is collapse and the words activator and target assist others in understanding what the attributes are being used for in the context of that component. This structure makes it easier for another person to understand an implementation by looking at the html alone and lessens the need for investigations whilst refactoring. We recommend that you carefully choose words that mean something to an outsider who has no pre-existing knowledge of the component's implementation.

Initialising a module can then be achieved simply by passing in one of more elements that match these selectors;

const moduleInstances = document.querySelectorAll('[data-component-collapse-activator]');
if (moduleInstances.length > 0) {

Alternatively for more complex modules that need to be bound to multiple DOM elements, it may make more sense to have the module itself contain a set of default selectors which can then be (optionally) overridden in the init call;

function init(settings) {
    const defaults = {
        wrapper: '[data-component-complex-module]',
        close: '[data-component-complex-module-close]'
    const selectors = Object.assign({}, defaults, settings)

export {init};
    wrapper: '[data-component-renamed-complex-module]',
    close: '[data-component-renamed-complex-module-close]'

Test hook attributes

Implicity coupling markup and test code is brittle and to be avoided. This means avoiding the use of pre-existing classes and ID's as selectors in your test code. Instead, we prefer explicitly stating the coupling by using e.g. data-test="component-name" in your markup and [data-test="component-name"] as a selector in your test code.

In this way developers can refactor their CSS & templates safe in the knowledge they are not accidentally breaking any tests.

The downside to this is markup bloat — however internally we have solutions for dynamically removing these attributes so they are not served to the client.

Complex 2-way binding

If your project makes heavy use of DOM-manipulating JavaScript (and you can justify the performance penalty your users will pay for the download + execution of your script) then a JavaScript framework might make sense. Consider something small like Preact. Using a JavaScript framework can handle DOM binding efficiently.

Bear in mind all solutions must form part of a robust, progressively-enhanced solution.

For the majority of websites, especially those which may by viewed on low powered devices, you should minimise the JavaScript you send down the wire and implement DOM binding yourself. For simple use cases, manually cherry picking elements out of the DOM and reading/setting attributes on them is a reasonable approach.

Client-side templating

Client-side templating is typically to be avoided - e.g. in the example of an AJAX search response, render the HTML server-side and return an HTML fragment. It is much more efficient to use innerHTML than template a JSON response.


A browser polyfill is code that implements a feature that a browser doesn't support. For example, a polyfill might add requestAnimationFrame for any browsers that don't support it.

If you utilise a polyfill, the JavaScript must meet these conditions:

  • It MUST NOT override native browser functionality
  • It MUST match native browser functionality exactly (where possible)
  • It MUST always be served from one of our own domains, never from third party CDNs
  • It can be either third-party, or written in-house

If your project is JS-heavy you may wish to consider adding third-party code like polyfills, to a separate vendor.js bundle which is not part of your main.js entry point — the reasoning being the vendor.js bundle will change less frequently and is more likely to be cached by the client. If your visitors are unlikely to have primed caches, one bundle would probably be the better option.

Directory structure

Client-Side JavaScript normally lives in resources/js in our projects, unless the back-end you're using dictates a different directory. Stick to this as closely as possible.

Within this directory, you should use the following structure.

  ├── components
  ├── utils
  └── vendor
  └── main.js
  └── vendor.js (optional)

File names in these directories should be lower-case, with words separated by dashes.

Components directory

The components directory is used to house JavaScript that couples to the DOM. There are several conditions that need to be met for a file to live in here:

  • It must bind to the DOM
  • It must add behaviour to and/or manipulates the DOM

An example component might be an autocomplete, tab group, or loading spinner.

Vendor directory

The vendor directory is where third-party code lives. You should only commit third party code to version control when you are unable to use a version from the NPM registry. Alternatively, code written in-house but managed and versioned elsewhere can live here, e.g. as an open source project.

JavaScript in this directory must meet these conditions:

  • It must be maintained outside of the project, e.g. as an open-source library
  • It's file name must contain the version of the code
  • It must include a link to the original source code in a comment
  • It must not be modified within the project

Utils directory

The utils directory is used to house JavaScript written for the project that doesn't fit into the rules for the components directory. Utilities still have some conditions of their own:

  • It must not bind to the DOM
  • It must not add behaviour to and/or manipulate the DOM
  • It must not be destructive – arguments passed in cannot be modified
  • It can expose functions and/or prototypal classes

An example utility might be a function to make a string title-case.

Be careful when transpiling

As enticing as it can be to use modern Javascript syntax, it remains the developers responsibility to ensure the developer experience does not negatively impact the user experience, e.g. by decreasing performance. Transpiling can easily increase the JavaScript bundle size, by incorporating polyfills to for supported browsers.

There are two ways of avoiding an increase in bundle size:

  1. Monitoring, with tools like BabelREPL, which show the size of your transpiled code.
  2. Using "older" JavaScript syntax to achieve the same effect. An example of this is given below.

for...of loops, a common use case

We don't do this:

const list = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]');
for (let checkbox of list) {
    // ..

We do this:

const list = document.querySelectorAll('input[type=checkbox]');, function (checkbox) {
    // ...

If you would run the above "We don't do this" snippet in Babel REPL, using our browserslist, it transpiles down to 23 lines, whereas the "We do this" snippet transpiles down to 5 lines. If you multiply this by the amount of occurences of for...of in your code base, this can quickly get out of control.

Further reading