All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Handle failed deletions of Ocean Launch Specs #42
- Wrap roll configuration #41
- Passthrough downstream parameters as request parameters
- Ignore events that contain only a credentials change (feature gated with a flag:
- Support OAuth 2.0 client credentials grant type
- Support delete amiBackup images on group delete
- deletePolicy CFN template model updated to be same as API
- Support oceanEcs clusterRoll
- Support oceanK8s clusterRoll
- Support oceanEcs
- Support oceanEcs LaunchSpec.
- Support cluster roll for ECS groups.
- oceanLaunchSpec
- beanstalk update supports changes to managedActions and deploymentPreferences
- shouldUpdateTargetCapacity to Ocean update
- deploymentPreferences and managedActions to Beanstalk
- Support for Ocean
- New Emr Strategy support
- retries for ocean, mrScaler, and EG create and delete
- All tests to use Stubs
- Rollback for creation failed by fixing spotUtils.validateResponse()
- Ocean create, update, delete, and testing for all
- Tests for MrScaler
- autoTag for MrScaler
- MrScaler create, update and delete (had not been updated in a while)
- autoTag option to CF template
- Race condition error with multi elastigroup create failure
- Error in validate response util function
- beanstalk and asg delete to point to elastigroup delete
- moved the
function tospotUtil
accepts new fieldgroupConfig
for create and updateimportBeanstalk
accepts new fieldgroupConfig
for create and update
resource to create, delete and update
resource to create, update and remove Spectrum Metric AlertsspectrumAction
resource to create, update and remove Spectrum Metric Actions
- updated dependencies to latest versions
- node 4 tests - this version has been deprecated by AWS Lambda
update - support update without changing current capacity
update - now support updatePolicy to perform group roll.
delete - if the group doesn't exist, mark the delete as successful
- Ability to use
resource. This is will eventually replaceelasticgroup
which was a misspelling in the original version.
- For any
action initiated by CloudFormation the old config will be compared with the new config. If keys have been removed they will be set asnull
to Spotinst. This ensures the CF and Spotinst declarations are exactly the same.
resource - add, update and delete Spotinst Notification Subscriptions- Error messages from Spotinst get passed to
and will show up in the CloudFormation output
parameter deprecated. An ID must be passed asid
- upgraded to lambda-formation 0.1.4
- elasticgroup resources now call the correct upstream lambda-formation handler
- The test suite was in a bad state. It has been updated for supscriptions, forcing the ID parameter and lambda-formation.