This library is the culmination of the expertise of many members of the open source community who have dedicated their time and hard work.
If you want to contribute to this project:
- Report bugs and errors
- Ask for enhancements
- Create issues and pull requests
- Tell other people about this library
- Contribute new protocols
The following are some guidelines to observe when creating discussions / PRs:
It is important that we can all enjoy a safe space as we are all working on the same project and it is okay for people to have different ideas.
Refrain from using overly long or capitalized titles as they are usually annoying and do little to encourage others to help 😄.
We use the original C Style by Kerninghan / Ritchie in variant: 1TBS (OTBS).
In short: 4 spaces indentation, no tabs, opening braces on the same line, braces are mandatory on all if/while/do, no hard line length limit.
To beautify your code, you may use the online formatter here.
Do not forget the documentation like it is done for existing code. Code changes without proper documentation will be rejected!
To add a new protocol is quite straightforward. Best is too look at the existing protocols to find a similar one and modify it.
As a rule of thumb, it is easier to work with a description of the protocol rather than trying to entirely reverse-engineer the protocol.
Please include a link to the description in the header, if you found one.
The durations you receive are likely to be longer for marks and shorter for spaces than the protocol suggests,
but this depends on the receiver circuit in use. Most protocols use multiples of one time-unit for marks and spaces like e.g. NEC. It's easy to be off-by-one with the last bit, since the last space is not recorded by IRremote.
Try to make use of the template functions decodePulseDistanceData()
and sendPulseDistanceData()
If your protocol supports address and code fields, try to reflect this in your api like it is done in sendNEC(uint16_t aAddress, uint8_t aCommand, int_fast8_t aNumberOfRepeats, bool aIsRepeat)
and decodeNEC()
To integrate your protocol, you need to extend the two functions decode()
and getProtocolString()
in IRreceice.hpp,
add macros and function declarations for sending and receiving and extend the enum decode_type_t
in IRremote.h.
And at least it would be wonderful if you can provide an example how to use the new protocol.
A detailed description can be found in the ir_Template.hpp file.
To generate the API documentation, Doxygen, as well as Graphviz should be installed.
(Note that on Windows, it is useful to specify the installer to add Graphviz to PATH or to do it manually.
With Doxygen and Graphviz installed, issue the command
from the command line in the main project directory, which will
generate the API documentation in HTML format.
The just generated docs/index.html
can now be opened in a browser.