A new tenancy is created with a POST command, that results in a published tenancy-created-event. The event is received by the notificaiton service, which emails the authorised contact. The email contains a confirmation URL. The idea is that when the recipient clicks on the URL, this will visit an encity page to retrieve the tenancy referenced in the URL and allow them to confirm it
The SPA will retrieve the given tenancy by doing a GET and display it. In the response, HATEOAS links will be contained. If the tenancy is still unconfirmed, and the expiry time has not been reached, then the HATEOAS links will contain both confirm and reject links. If the tenancy has already been confirmed, then the user will be told, and if it has expired, then they will also be told - they will not be able to do anything - the HATEOAS links will be empty...or maybe they could go to the encity home page with an 'OK' button?
To support this, the server will include warning messages if necessary, to prevent this logic from creeping into the UI.
The confirm and reject links will be both need to be used with PUT operations. These will append the necessary items in the database, and the notification service will detect a published tenancy-confirmed event, whereupon it will email the authorised contact (again). (They will need to validate the operations first, however).
A user service will also detect this event, and it's job will be to create a new user for the admin user. The event needs to contain this person's details...and this means the inflated tenancy needs to hold them. We don't really want to have to go back to a different event, and from there, navigate to the command.
The link embedded in an email to the Tenancy authoriser looks something like this:
This will invoke the UI service with a GET, not the tenancy service. The UI then needs to translate this into a GET on the tenancy service to retrieve the details of the tenancy identified in the URL. in doing the retrieval, the service needs to check on the state of the tenancy, and respond accordingly to the UI. IF the U I is allowed to proceed with confirmation (or rejection) then it will go ahead, and issue a PUT to the service. The GET URL sent by the UI to the service will look something like this:
The service will
a) translate the base64url identity into hex (?) b) retrieve the (logical) tenancy entity c) check that action to confirm is allowed (this implies it could also be rejected) d) check that the confirm action has not expired e) check that the confirm uuid matches f) return allowable actions in the links object (including base64url ids) g) or return the appropriate status code, including any warnings
If the entity can be retrieved, but not actioned, then this is still a 200, but warnings will be embedded in the response
The UI will then check the links. If neither confirm nor reject are there, then it will check the warnings, otherwise it will enable the appropriate buttons to support a PUT (both confirm and reject should be enabled).
the PUT action will look like this:
The will be either confirm or reject.
It will repeat most of the above checks (things may have changed!), and if it's OK to proceed, it will create a new tenancy-confirmed-event or tenancy-rejected-event and insert it in the database. Then it will publish this event.
The notification service should receive these events and email the authoriser advising of the action
Also a user service should subscribe to tenancy-confirmed-event, and set up a new admin user (the event will need to contain the admin user details, which means they'll also need to be in the snapshot schema!). Upon setting up the new admin user, the user service will (of course) publish an event, and it'll need to go through a similar confirm / reject workflow. See the user service for more on this though.
When the HMRC VAT Enablement flag is modified to true
we need to figure out whether to do anything about acquiring an access token and/or authorisation. When HMRC VAT is authorised the token is created. Thereafter, it needs to be refreshed on a regular basis (as it only lasts for 4 hours), so this will result in a different refresh event.
When we request authorisation, we need to record something a) because there will be a UUID and expiry associated with the authorisation request and b) because we need to know if there is a request pending to avoid sending multiple requests. We could issue the request as an integral part of the HMRC_VAT_ENABLEMENT_CHANGED event, or we could de-couple it into a separate event. I prefer the latter because we won't always need to issue a request when the VAT enablement is changed, and it seems easier to associate a discrete event with the subsequent authorisation.
The request will result in a logical 'pending' status on the tenancy, however this could expire before an authorisation event. So, we need to distinguish between
- whether or not authorisation is needed (i.e. if the access token is non-existing or is older than 18 months)
- whether or not authorisation has been requested (i.e. if a request has been sent that has not been actioned)
- whether or not the request is still actionable (i.e. if the request has not yet expired)
Also we need functionality in two different places: when a tenancy enablement is modified, and in the dashboard.
The dashboard will be augmented with a Warning Light.
- HMRC VAT is enabled AND
- at least one company has the VAT flag set and a valid VRN AND
- the access token is either missing or looks old,
- we will show a warning light (button).
When the button is clicked, the user will be referred to account settings and given a link to go there; this could be in a modal dialog or an embedded (collapsable) field.
If - there is a pending authorisation request THEN - the warning (if it exists) can be amber, not red
If there are VAT-eligible companies, and there is an access token then we will only try to use it if it looks like it is still valid. It might fail anyway. If it fails, we will update a generic messages component.
If automatic_reauthorisation_requests is set to true for the tenancy, then we will automatically issue a reauthorisation request if it is needed and there isn't already one pending, otherwise the user will have to go to the account settings page (do this later)
The colour of the warning will depend on whether there is a pending request. If there is NOT it will be red, otherwise it will be amber
In account settings we will use the same logic to display a warning light.
The light will come on if enablement is set to true for the first time because there will be no token. But here it can be amber because we know a pending request will be automatically created - so really the warning is just saying VAT retrieval won't work until the request is authorised. We can use the same colouring logic in the dashboard, because by the time anyone gets there a request will have been created
If the hmrc_vat_authorisation_warning status is set, we will check for a pending authorisation request
if there is no pending request (and the warning status is set) then we will offer a button to (re)issue a request - but only if there is already a stale access_token: first time request is taken care of automatically.
When an hmrc_enablement is being changed, if it is being switched to ON, and there is no access_token (i.e first time) then we will automatically issue a first-time authorisation request. Otherwise re-authorisation will be manual - unless the automatic_reauthorisation_requests flag is set to true, in which case it's the dashboard that does the work.
The auto-issued first-time request is generated by the server. We will NOT stick it in the multi-patch request. Instead, we will subscribe to the enablement event.
The manual button will issue a single request immediately; it may change the status on the screen, because it could affect the colour of the warning
Refresh should be automatic and silent (?) - it will only be triggered by the dashboard. It is not an error - it's a perfectly normal (and quite frequent) side effect of retrieval.
- inclusion of an optional hmrc_vat_access_token object (structure) in the tenancy.
- derivation of a hmrc_vat_access_token_warning status on the tenancy - this should NOT be persisted
- derivation of an authorisation pending flag on the tenancy - there is no AUTHORISED event after the latest REQUESTED event and the latter is NOT expired
- attempt to retrieve vat obligations if the access token looks valid in dashboard - enhance the HMRC service with GET including access token!
- auto refresh in dashboard - requires updates to HMRC service - probably a POST ??, then a PATCH to the tenancy service with the result (then re-do the failed get)
- inclusion of warning light on dashboard
- inclusion of warning light on account settings
- inclusion of re-authorise button on account settings - generate a patch with an auth request in it
- auto-generate first-time authorise request in tenancy server - listen for enablement event and generate request with UUID and expiry
- subscribe to authorise request in notification service - generate an email
- new account settings screen to operate in authorise mode
- try to retrieve the unexpired authorise request and patch an authorise command back to the server - requires back and forth to HMRC Service!
- First re-direct to HMRC authorise endpoint (with callback URL)
- HMRC Service subscribes to AUTHORISE event, creates the access token, and publishes it
- Tenancy Service subscribes to HMRC_VAT_ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATED event and stores it in the database!
- HMRC_VAT_AUTHORISATION_REQUESTED (rare - approx every 18 months, generated by account settings and/or tenancy service)
- HMRC_VAT_AUTHORISED (rare - generated by new screen)
- HMRC_VAT_ACCESS_TOKEN_CREATED (rare - generated by HMRC service)
- HMRC_VAT_ACCESS_TOKEN_REFRESHED (common - every 4 hours, generated by dashboard)
This is a Tenancy event. Suggested attributes:
- creation date/time
I don't think we need much more on it.
When this event is applied to the tenany it will set a pendingAuthorisation flag to true. When the subsequent HMRC_VAT_AUTHORISED event is received it will set this flag back to false.
When we detect that a token has expired (or is missing) we can see if there is a pendingAuthorisation on the tenancy and whether or not it has expired. This will help us to decide whether to send out another request.
We can implement a method on the tenancy to determine whether the pendingAuthorisation has expired - creation time + expiry window > current time.
The notification service will subscribe to this event and send an email. The user will click on a link that leads to an Authorise page. The Authorise page implements the HMRC redirection and comes back to an authorised page that generates the next command
This is also a tenancy event that just gets persisted and published
- authorised date/time (same as the event date/time)
- auth code details!?
The notification service should subscribe and send a confirmation email (nice-to-have)
The HMRC service will subscribe and exchange the auth code for an access token. This token will NOT be persisted here...instead it will be published as...
The tenancy service will subscribe to this and store the access token
When the dashflow attempts to retrieve VAT info it might need the access token to be refreshed. If this is the case it will directly call the HMRC service to request a new token REFRESH_HMRC_VAT_TOKEN. The HMRC service will publish the token it creates (HMRC_VAT_TOKEN_REFRESHED), and also return it back to the dashboard. The dashboard will use it. We need to find a way to make this synchronous! We might have to go into a retry loop - at least as a temporary measure.