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Josef Spitzlberger edited this page Aug 23, 2019 · 12 revisions


System for measuring and displaying various values in caravans and motor homes, including climate values, filling levels and levelling data. Magic Mirror is used for presentation.

(go directly to the installation guide)

This project is currently under development!


In a caravan or motorhome there are a number of measuring points. In many cases the measured values are even displayed. Normally the different systems are independent from each other and supply separate displays. With this project the different measuring points are to be evaluated via one system (Raspberry Pi) and displayed elegantly and configurably.

CaravanPi - the idea

Measuring points

The following data points are to be read in or created:

  • Climate data (temperature, air pressure, humidity) inside and outside the caravan or motor home
  • Temperature data in the refrigerator, preferably at different levels in the refrigerator
  • Filling levels of fresh water and waste-holding tank
  • Filling level of the gas cylinder via a scale

In addition, the horizontal position of the caravan or motor home should be determined and suitably displayed. A series of RGB LEDs at the corners of the caravan near the corner steadies will indicate in which direction the caravan or motor home needs to be cranked.

CaravanPi Wiki

1 Installationsanleitung

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