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1119 lines (883 loc) · 52 KB

File metadata and controls

1119 lines (883 loc) · 52 KB


3.13.0 - 2024-05-22

  • Other Features
    • [spiral/queue] Added Spiral\Queue\TaskInterface and Spiral\Queue\Task which will contain all the necessary data for job processing.

3.12.0 - 2024-02-29

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/core] Interface Spiral\Core\Container\SingletonInterface is deprecated, use Spiral\Core\Attribute\Singleton instead. Will be removed in v4.0.
  • Other Features
    • Added Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\InfoCommand console command for getting information about available scaffolder commands.
    • [spiral/core] Added the ability to bind the interface as a proxy via Spiral\Core\Config\Proxy or Spiral\Core\Config\DeprecationProxy.
    • [spiral/core] Added the ability to configure the container using Spiral\Core\Options. Added option checkScope to enable scope checking.

3.11.1 - 2023-12-29

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Fixed finalize for listeners
  • Other Features
    • Added Tokenizer Listeners to the Spiral\Command\Tokenizer\InfoCommand console command.
    • Added Spiral\Command\Tokenizer\ValidateCommand console command for validating Tokenizer listeners.

3.11.0 - 2023-12-21

  • Other Features
    • The Spiral\Debug\Config\DebugConfig has been added for easy addition of tags and collectors.
    • [spiral/console] The ability to use enum as an option in a console command when configuring it with attributes has been added.

3.10.0 - 2023-11-24

  • Other Features
    • [spiral/boot] Added Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\BootloaderRegistryInterface and Spiral\Boot\Bootloader\BootloaderRegistry to allow for easier management of bootloaders.

3.9.0 - 2023-10-19

  • Other Features
    • [spiral/queue] Added Spiral\Queue\Interceptor\Consume\RetryPolicyInterceptor to enable automatic job retries with a configurable retry policy.
    • [spiral/monolog-bridge] Added the ability to configure the Monolog messages format via environment variable MONOLOG_FORMAT.
    • [spiral/translator] Added the ability to register additional locales directories.
    • [spiral/prototype] Added console command Spiral\Prototype\Command\ListCommand for listing prototype dependencies.

3.8.4 - 2023-09-08

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/storage] Fixed visibility in the Storage configuration
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Improved Tokenizer Info console command
    • [spiral/debug] Assigning null instead of using unset in the reset method
    • [spiral/core] Added checking hasInstance in the parent scope

3.8.3 - 2023-08-29

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/core] Fixed with checking singletons in the hasInstance method

3.8.2 - 2023-08-16

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/core] Adding force parameter to the bindSingleton method

3.8.1 - 2023-08-16

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/events] Fixed Event Dispatcher rebinding
    • [spiral/router] Fixed incorrect Concatenation of Route Pattern with Prefix in Route Group
    • [spiral/boot] Fixed loading ENV variables from dotenv in Kernel System section
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/attributes] Added the ability to configure the Attributes cache or disable the cache

3.8.0 - 2023-08-14

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/core] Migration a significant portion of the internal operations from runtime to configuration time.
    • [spiral/core] Replaced the previous array-based structure that was utilized to store information about bindings within the container. The new approach involves the utilization of Data Transfer Objects (DTOs).
    • [spiral/core] Added a new container scope interface Spiral\Core\ContainerScopeInterface that can be used to run code withing isolated IoC scope.
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Method baseDirectory of Spiral\Scaffolder\Config\ScaffolderConfig class is deprecated.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Added the ability to look for interfaces and enums.
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Added tokenizer:info console command
    • [spiral/prototype] Added PHP 8.1 support for prototype injector
    • [spiral/auth] Added Spiral\Auth\TokenStorageScope, this class can be used to get the concrete implementation of the token storage in a current container scope.
    • [spiral/auth-http] Added a Spiral\Auth\TokenStorageInterface binding in the Spiral\Auth\Middleware\AuthMiddleware with the used TokenStorage.
    • [spiral/filters] Added Spiral\Filters\Model\Mapper\Mapper that sets values for filter properties. It utilizes a collection of casters, each designed to handle a specific type of value.
    • [spiral/filters]
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Added new public method declarationDirectory to the Spiral\Scaffolder\Config\ScaffolderConfig class that returns the directory path of the specified declaration, or default directory path if not specified.
    • [spiral/attributes] Added the ability to disable annotations reader support and the ability to replace instantiator for attributes reader
    • Added support psr/http-message v2
    • Added PHPUnit 10 support
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/paginator] Fixed problem when paginator doesn't calculate countPages correctly in constructor
    • [spiral/router] Fixed issue with default parameter values
    • [spiral/auth-http] Setting default transport in AuthTransportMiddleware
    • [spiral/filters] Fixed nullable Nested Filters

3.7.1 - 2023-04-21

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/filters] Fixed InputScope to allow retrieval of non-bag input sources
    • [spiral/pagination] Fixed problem when paginator doesn't calculate countPages correctly in constructor

3.7.0 - 2023-04-13

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/queue] Added the ability to use mixed types as job payload.
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Fixed the problem with redefined command types.
    • [spiral/console] Fixed the problem with commands description with signature definition.
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Fixed the problem with using named parameters in class located by a tokenizer.
    • [spiral/telemetry] Fixed LogTracer elapsed time log.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/console] Added the ability to guess option mode, unless it is explicitly passed in the Spiral\Console\Attribute\Option attribute.
    • Updated psalm version to 5.0.
    • Added support doctrine/annotations 2.x

3.6.1 - 2023-02-20

  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Fixed the problem with namespace option in some scaffolder commands.

3.6.0 - 2023-02-17

  • High Impact Changes
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Added the ability to cache tokenizer listeners.
    • [spiral/core] Container with isolated memory scopes.
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • A minimal version of symfony/console increased to ^6.1.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/core] Added container Singleton attribute to replace Spiral\Core\SingletonInterface.
    • [spiral/console] Added the ability to configure console commands via attributes.
    • [spiral/console] Added the ability to prompt for missing required arguments.
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Added the ability to specify a custom namespace in the Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\BootloaderCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\CommandCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\ConfigCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\ControllerCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\JobHandlerCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\MiddlewareCommand console commands.
    • [spiral/cache] Added the ability to configure the prefix in the storage alias.
    • Added defineInterceptors method in Spiral\Bootloader\DomainBootloader class.
    • [spiral/filter] Makes Setter attribute for the spiral/filters component repeatable.
    • [spiral/sendit] Adds custom transports registrar for SendIt component.
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/filters] Fixed problem with validation nested filters.
    • [spiral/core] Fixed infinite recursion on using for class name binding to the same class name.
    • [spiral/queue] Removing the QueueInterface binding as a singleton.
    • [spiral/core] Fixed the problem with singleton objects creation with custom arguments.

3.5.0 - 2022-12-23

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/reactor] Method removeClass of Spiral\Reactor\Partial\PhpNamespace class is deprecated. Use method removeElement instead.
    • [spiral/boot] Deprecated Kernel constants and add new function defineSystemBootloaders to allow for more flexibility in defining system bootloaders.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/router] Added named route patterns registry Spiral\Router\Registry\RoutePatternRegistryInterface to allow for easier management of route patterns.
    • [spiral/exceptions] Improved the exception trace output for both the plain and console renderers to provide more detailed information about previous exceptions.
    • [spiral/exceptions] Made the Verbosity enum injectable to allow for easier customization and management of verbosity levels from env variable VERBOSITY_LEVEL.
    • [spiral/reactor] Added methods removeElement, getClass, getElements, getEnum, getEnums, getTrait, getTraits, getInterface, getInterfaces in the class Spiral\Reactor\Partial\PhpNamespace.
    • [spiral/reactor] Added methods getElements, getEnum, getEnums, getTrait, getTraits, getInterface, getInterfaces in the class Spiral\Reactor\FileDeclaration.

3.4.0 - 2022-12-08

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/boot] Class Spiral\Boot\BootloadManager\BootloadManager is deprecated. Will be removed in version v4.0.
    • [spiral/stempler] Adds null locale processor to remove brackets [[ ... ]] when don't use Translator component.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/session] Added session handle with cache driver.
    • [spiral/router] Added routes with PATCH method into route:list command.
    • [spiral/boot] Added Spiral\Boot\BootloadManager\InitializerInterface. This will allow changing the implementation of this interface by the developer.
    • [spiral/boot] Added Spiral\Boot\BootloadManager\StrategyBasedBootloadManager. It allows the implementation of a custom bootloaders loading strategy.
    • [spiral/boot] Added the ability to register application bootloaders via object instance or anonymous object.
    • [spiral/boot] Removed final from the Spiral\Boot\BootloadManager\Initializer class.
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/views] Fixed problem with using view context with default value.
    • [spiral/queue] Added Spiral\Telemetry\Bootloader\TelemetryBootloader dependency to QueueBootloader.
    • [spiral/core] (PHP 8.2 support) Fixed problem with dynamic properties in Spiral\Core\Container.

3.3.0 - 2022-11-17

  • High Impact Changes
    • [spiral/router] Added the ability to add a prefix to the name of all routes in a group.
    • [spiral/auth] Added Spiral\Auth\TokenStorageProviderInterface to allow custom token storages and an ability to set default token storage via auth config.
    • [spiral/telemetry] Added new component to collect and report application metrics.
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • Removed go files from the repository
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/auth-http] Added Spiral\Auth\Middleware\Firewall\RedirectFirewall middleware to redirect user to login page if they are not authenticated.
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/http] Fixed error suppressing in the Spiral\Http\Middleware\ErrorHandlerMiddleware
    • [spiral/stempler] Fixed documentation link
    • [spiral/auth] Fixed downloads badge

3.2.0 - 2022-10-21

  • High Impact Changes
  • Medium Impact Changes
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/queue] Added the ability to pass headers in the headers parameter in the job handlers.
    • [spiral/telemetry] Added new component
    • [spiral/queue] Added new option headers in the Spiral\Queue\Options and new interface Spiral\Queue\ExtendedOptionsInterface.
    • [spiral/events] Added event interceptors.
    • [spiral/core] Added container instance to callback function parameters in Spiral\Core\Container and Spiral\Core\ContainerScope.
    • [spiral/core] Improved ContainerException message
  • Bug Fixes
    • [spiral/queue] Fixed problem with using push interceptors in Queue component

v3.1.0 - 2022-09-29

  • Other Features
    • [spiral/filters] Added Spiral\Filter\ValidationHandlerMiddleware for handling filter validation exception.
    • [spiral/router] Fixed the problem with parsing a pattern with 0 value in route parameter.
    • [spiral/validation] Added the ability to configure the default validator via method setDefaultValidator in the Spiral\Validation\Bootloader\ValidationBootloader.

v3.0.2 - 2022-09-29

  • Bug Fixes
    • Removed readonly from Spiral\Stempler\Transform\Import\Bundle
    • Fixed the problem with parsing a route pattern with zero value #773
    • Fixed phpdoc for AuthorizationStatus::$topics property

v3.0.0 - 2022-09-13

  • High Impact Changes
    • Component spiral/data-grid-bridge is removed from spiral/framework repository. Please, use standalone package spiral/data-grid-bridge instead.
    • Component spiral/data-grid is removed from spiral/framework repository. Please, use standalone package spiral/data-grid instead.
    • Spiral\Boot\ExceptionHandler has been eliminated. New Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionHandler with interfaces Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionHandlerInterface, Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionRendererInterface and Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionReporterInterface have been added.
    • Console commands Spiral\Command\Cycle\MigrateCommand, Spiral\Command\Cycle\SyncCommand, Spiral\Command\Cycle\UpdateCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\MigrationCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\Database\EntityCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\Database\RepositoryCommand, Spiral\Command\Database\ListCommand, Spiral\Command\Database\TableCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\InitCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\MigrateCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\ReplayCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\RollbackCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\StatusCommand is removed. Use same console commands from spiral/cycle-bridge package.
    • Console commands Spiral\Command\GRPC\ListCommand, Spiral\Command\GRPC\GenerateCommand is removed. Use same console commands from spiral/roadrunner-bridge package.
    • Classes Spiral\Auth\Cycle\Token, Spiral\Auth\Cycle\TokenStorage, Spiral\Cycle\RepositoryInjector, Spiral\Cycle\SchemaCompiler, Spiral\Domain\CycleInterceptor is removed. Use same classes from spiral/cycle-bridge instead.
    • Bootloaders Spiral\Bootloader\Jobs\JobsBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Server\LegacyRoadRunnerBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Server\RoadRunnerBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\ServerBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\GRPC\GRPCBootloader is removed. Use spiral/roadrunner-bridge package.
    • Bootloaders Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\AnnotatedBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\CycleBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\ProxiesBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\SchemaBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Database\DatabaseBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Database\DisconnectsBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Database\MigrationsBootloader is removed. Use spiral/cycle-bridge package.
    • Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Broadcast\BroadcastBootloader is removed. Use spiral/roadrunner-broadcast package instead.
    • Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Http\WebsocketsBootloader is removed.
    • Component spiral/annotations is removed. Use spiral/attributes instead.
    • Added return type void to a methods publish, publishDirectory, ensureDirectory in Spiral\Module\PublisherInterface interface.
    • Removed Spiral\Http\SapiDispatcher and Spiral\Http\Emitter\SapiEmitter. Please, use package spiral/sapi-bridge instead.
    • Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Http\DiactorosBootloader is removed. You can use the bootloader Spiral\Nyholm\Bootloader\NyholmBootloader from the package spiral/nyholm-bridge to register PSR-7/PSR-17 factories.
    Classes Spiral\Http\Diactoros\ResponseFactory, Spiral\Http\Diactoros\ServerRequestFactory, Spiral\Http\Diactoros\StreamFactory, Spiral\Http\Diactoros\UploadedFileFactory, Spiral\Http\Diactoros\UriFactory are removed. You can use spiral/nyholm-bridge to define PSR-17 factories.
    • [spiral/exceptions] All handlers have been renamed into renderers. HandlerInterface has been deleted.
    • [spiral/exceptions] Added Spiral\Exceptions\Verbosity enum.
    • [spiral/router] Removed deprecated method addRoute in the Spiral\Router\RouterInterface and Spiral\Router\Router. Use method setRoute instead.
    • [spiral/validation] Spiral\Validation\Checker\EntityChecker is removed. Use Spiral\Cycle\Bootloader\ValidationBootloader with Spiral\Cycle\Validation\EntityChecker from package spiral/cycle-bridge
    • [spiral/validation] Removed deprecated methods datetime and timezone in the Spiral\Validation\Checker\TypeChecker class. Use Spiral\Validation\Checker\DatetimeChecker::valid() and Spiral\Validation\Checker\DatetimeChecker::timezone() instead.
    • [spiral/validation] Added return type array|callable|string to the method parseCheck in Spiral\Validation\ParserInterface interface.
    • [spiral/validation] Added array|string|\Closure parameter type of $rules to the method getRules in Spiral\Validation\RulesInterface interface.
    • [spiral/validation] Added array|\ArrayAccess parameter type of $data to the method validate in Spiral\Validation\ValidationInterface interface.
    • [spiral/validation] Added return type mixed to the method getValue, added mixed parameter type of $default to the method getValue, added mixed parameter type of $context to the method withContext, added return type mixed to the method getContext in Spiral\Validation\ValidatorInterface interface.
    • [spiral/filters] Added return type void and mixed parameter type of $context to the method setContext, added return type mixed to the method getContext in Spiral\Filters\FilterInterface interface. Added return type mixed to the method getValue in Spiral\Filters\InputInterface.
    • [spiral/dumper] The Dumper Component has been removed from the Framework.
    • [spiral/http] Config Spiral\Config\JsonPayloadConfig moved to the Spiral\Bootloader\Http\JsonPayloadConfig.
    • [spiral/reactor] Added return type mixed and array|string parameter type of $search, array|string parameter type of $replace to the method replace in Spiral\Reactor\ReplaceableInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type void to the method resume in Spiral\Session\SessionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type self and mixed parameter type of $value to the method set in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type bool to the method has in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $default to the method get in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $default to the method pull in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type void to the method delete in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/session] Added return type void to the method clear in Spiral\Session\SessionSectionInterface.
    • [spiral/pagination] Added return type self to the method limit, added return type self to the method offset in Spiral\Pagination\PaginableInterface
    • [spiral/prototype] Parameter $printer now is not nullable in Spiral\Prototype\Injector constructor.
    • [spiral/models] Added return type self, added mixed parameter type of $value to the method setField, added return type mixed, added mixed parameter type of $default to the method getField, added return type self to the method setFields in Spiral\Models\EntityInterface.
    • [spiral/models] Added return type mixed to the method getValue in Spiral\Models\ValueInterface.
    • [spiral/logger] Added return type self to the method addListener, added return type void to the method removeListener in Spiral\Logger\ListenerRegistryInterface interface.
    • [spiral/hmvc] Added return type mixed to the method process in Spiral\Core\CoreInterceptorInterface interface.
    • [spiral/hmvc] Added return type mixed to the method callAction in Spiral\Core\CoreInterface interface.
    • [spiral/encrypter] Added return type mixed to the method decrypt in Spiral\Encrypter\EncrypterInterface interface. in Spiral\DataGrid\InputInterface interface.
    • [spiral/http] Added return type array and mixed parameter type of $filler to the method fetch, added return type mixed to the method offsetGet, added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $default to the method get in Spiral\Http\Request\InputBag class.
    • [spiral/config] Added return type void to the method setDefaults in Spiral\Config\ConfiguratorInterface interface.
    • [spiral/core] Comprehensive code refactoring. A lot of signatures from Spiral\Core namespace has been changed. New features:
      • Added supporting for PHP 8.0 Union types.
      • Added supporting for variadic arguments:
        • array passed by parameter name.
          • with named arguments inside.
          • with positional arguments inside.
        • value passed by parameter name.
        • positional trailed values.
      • Support for default object value.
      • Added supporting for referenced parameters in Resolver.
      • The Factory now more strict: no more arguments type conversion.
      • Added the Spiral\Core\ResolverInterface::validateArguments method for arguments validation.
      • Support for WeakReference bindings.
    • [spiral/boot] Method starting renamed to booting, method started renamed to booted in the class Spiral\Boot\AbstractKernel.
    • [spiral/boot] Added return type self to the method set in Spiral\Boot\DirectoriesInterface interface.
    • [spiral/boot] Added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $default to the method get, added in Spiral\Boot\EnvironmentInterface interface.
    • [spiral/boot] Added return type static to the method addFinalizer, added return type void to the method finalize in Spiral\Boot\FinalizerInterface interface.
    • [spiral/boot] Added return type self to the method addDispatcher, added return type mixed to the method serve in Spiral\Boot\KernelInterface interface.
    • [spiral/boot] Added exceptionHandler parameter in the Spiral\Boot\AbstractKernel::create method.
    • [spiral/boot] Spiral\Boot\AbstractKernel constructor is protected now.
    • [spiral/boot] Added return type mixed to the method loadData, added return type void and mixed parameter type of $data to the method saveData in Spiral\Boot\MemoryInterface interface.
    • [spiral/boot] In Bootloaders, the name of the method has been changed from boot to init. In the code of custom Bootloaders, need to change the name of the method.
    • [spiral/console] Added return type void to the method writeHeader, added return type void to the method execute, method whiteFooter renamed to writeFooter, added return type void to the method writeFooter in Spiral\Console\SequenceInterface interface.
    • [spiral/files] Added return type bool to the method delete, added return type bool to the method deleteDirectory, added return type bool to the method touch, added return type bool to the method setPermissions in Spiral\Files\FilesInterface.
    • [spiral/views] Added return type mixed to the method resolveValue in Spiral\Views\ContextInterface.
    • [spiral/views] Added return type mixed to the method getValue in Spiral\Views\DependencyInterface.
    • [spiral/translator] Added return type void to a methods setLocales, saveLocale in Spiral\Translator\Catalogue\CacheInterface.
    • [spiral/translator] Added return type void to the method save in Spiral\Translator\CatalogueManagerInterface.
    • [spiral/storage] Added string|\Stringable parameter type of $id to a methods getContents, getStream, exists, getLastModified, getSize, getMimeType, getVisibility in Spiral\Storage\Storage\ReadableInterface.
    • [spiral/storage] Added string|\Stringable parameter type of $id to a methods create, setVisibility, delete. Added string|\Stringable parameter type of $id and mixed parameter type of $content to the method write, added string|\Stringable parameter type of $source and $destination to a methods copy, move in Spiral\Storage\Storage\WritableInterface.
    • [spiral/stempler] Added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $default to the method getAttribute in Spiral\Stempler\Node\AttributedInterface.
    • [spiral/stempler] Added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $node to the method enterNode, added return type mixed and mixed parameter type of $node to the method leaveNode in Spiral\Stempler\VisitorInterface.
    • [spiral/sendit] Dropped support pipeline parameter in mailer config. Please, use the parameter queue instead.
    • [spiral/security] Added return type self to a methods addRole, removeRole in Spiral\Security\PermissionsInterface
    • [spiral/security] Added return type self to a methods set, remove in Spiral\Security\RulesInterface
    • [spiral/distribution] Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Distribution\DistributionBootloader moved to the Spiral\Distribution\Bootloader\DistributionBootloader, config Spiral\Bootloader\Distribution\DistributionConfig moved to the Spiral\Distribution\Config\DistributionConfig.
    • [spiral/storage] Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Storage\StorageBootloader moved to the Spiral\Storage\Bootloader\StorageBootloader, config Spiral\Bootloader\Storage\StorageConfig moved to the Spiral\Storage\Config\StorageConfig.
    • [spiral/validation] Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Security\ValidationBootloader moved to the Spiral\Validation\Bootloader\ValidationBootloader.
    • [spiral/views] Bootloader Spiral\Bootloader\Views\ViewsBootloader moved to the Spiral\Views\Bootloader\ViewsBootloader.
    • [spiral/boot] By default, overwriting of environment variable values is disabled, the default value for $overwrite changed from true to false in the Spiral\Boot\Environment.
    • [spiral/queue] Removed method pushCallable in Spiral\Queue\QueueTrait.
    • [spiral/dotenv-bridge] Bootloader Spiral\DotEnv\Bootloader\DotenvBootloader must be moved from the LOAD section to the SYSTEM section in the application App.php file.
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • A minimal version of PHP increased to ^8.1
    • A minimal version of symfony/finder increased to ^5.3
    • A minimal version of league/flysystem increased to ^2.3
    • A minimal version of symfony/console increased to ^6.0
    • Spiral\Snapshots\FileSnapshooter uses Verbosity enum instead of int flag.
    • Spiral\Snapshots\FileSnapshooter uses ExceptionRendererInterface $renderer instead of HandlerInterface $handler.
    • Spiral\Snapshots\SnapshotterInterface usage replaced with Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionReporterInterface in all classes.
    • Removed bin/spiral. Uses the spiral/roadrunner-cli package instead.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/queue] Added queue interceptors.
    • [spiral/debug] Added Spiral\Debug\StateConsumerInterface.
    • [spiral/boot] Added new boot method in Bootloaders. It will be executed after the init method is executed in all Bootloaders. The old boot method has been renamed to init. See High Impact Changes section.
    • [spiral/boot] Added automatic booting of Bootloaders requested in the init and boot methods. They no longer need to be specified explicitly in DEPENDENCIES property or in defineDependencies method.
    • [spiral/monolog-bridge] Added the ability to configure the default channel using the configuration file or environment variable MONOLOG_DEFAULT_CHANNEL.
    • [spiral/serializer] Added a new spiral/serializer component. Contains an interface and a minimal implementation that can be extended by external serializers.
    • [spiral/queue] Added the ability to configure serializers for different types of jobs.
    • Added class Spiral\Exceptions\Reporter\FileReporter, which implements Spiral\Exceptions\ExceptionReporterInterface and can create text files with information about an exception.

v2.14.0 - Unreleased

  • High Impact Changes
  • Medium Impact Changes
  • Low Impact Changes
  • Other Features
  • Bug Fixes

v2.13.0 - 2022-04-28

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • Dispatcher Spiral\Http\SapiDispatcher is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/sapi-bridge and removed in v3.0
    Classes Spiral\Http\Emitter\SapiEmitter, Spiral\Http\Exception\EmitterException, Spiral\Http\EmitterInterface, Spiral\Http\SapiRequestFactory is deprecated. Will be removed in version v3.0. After the release of v3.0, must use the package spiral/sapi-bridge for SAPI functionality.
    • The dumper component is deprecated and will be removed in v3.0
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/http] Added parameter chunkSize in the http configuration file.
    • [spiral/queue] Added attribute Queueable to mark classes that can be queued. Added Spiral\Queue\QueueableDetector class to easily check if an object should be queued or not and get the queue from an attribute or getQueue method on the object.
    • [spiral/broadcasting] New component with common interfaces (RR2.0 support)

v2.12.0 - 2022-04-07

  • Medium Impact Changes
    • Bootloaders Spiral\Bootloader\Broadcast\BroadcastBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Http\WebsocketsBootloader are deprecated. Will be removed in v3.0.
    • Console commands Spiral\Command\Database\ListCommand, Spiral\Command\Database\TableCommand, Spiral\Command\GRPC\GenerateCommand, Spiral\Command\GRPC\ListCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\AbstractCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\InitCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\MigrateCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\ReplayCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\RollbackCommand, Spiral\Command\Migrate\StatusCommand are deprecated. Will be removed in v3.0.
    • Classes Spiral\Broadcast\Config\WebsocketsConfig, Spiral\Broadcast\Middleware\WebsocketsMiddleware, Spiral\GRPC\Exception\CompileException, Spiral\GRPC\GRPCDispatcher, Spiral\GRPC\LocatorInterface, Spiral\GRPC\ProtoCompiler, Spiral\GRPC\ServiceLocator, Spiral\Http\LegacyRrDispatcher, Spiral\Http\RrDispatcher are deprecated. Will be removed in v3.0.
    • Changed package replacement strategy. "*" is replaced by "self.version".
    • Sapi emitter now supports streaming emitting.
    • [spiral/data-grid-bridge] Removed deprecation in classes Spiral\DataGrid\Annotation\DataGrid, Spiral\DataGrid\Bootloader\GridBootloader, Spiral\DataGrid\Config\GridConfig, Spiral\DataGrid\Interceptor\GridInterceptor, Spiral\DataGrid\Response\GridResponse, Spiral\DataGrid\Response\GridResponseInterface, Spiral\DataGrid\GridInput.
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/data-grid-bridge] Added method addWriter in Spiral\DataGrid\Bootloader\GridBootloader.
    • Extended version of psr/log dependency from ^1.0 to 1 - 3

v2.11.0 - 2022-03-18

  • High Impact Changes
    • [spiral/queue] Added queue injector #592
    • [spiral/cache] Added cache injector #600
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/tokenizer] Added ability to use scopes for indexing files with specific scopes #593
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/boot] Added ability to disable overwriting env variables for Spiral\Boot\Environment #599
    • [spiral/storage] Added storage bucket factory #601
    • [spiral/console] Added return types for interface compatibility #591

v2.10.0 - 2022-03-04

  • High Impact Changes
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/session] Added Spiral\Session\SessionFactoryInterface. Now you can use custom implementation of sessions.
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Console commands Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\MigrationCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\Database\RepositoryCommand, Spiral\Scaffolder\Command\Database\EntityCommand is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • [spiral/scaffolder] Scaffolder Spiral\Scaffolder\Declaration\MigrationDeclaration is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • [spiral/attributes] Class annotations will be discovered from class traits.
    • A minimal version of PHP increased to ^7.4
  • Other Features
    • [spiral/prototype] Added queue and cache properties
    • [spiral/mailer] Added ability to set delay for messages
    • [spiral/queue] Added NullDriver
    • [spiral/mailer] Class Spiral\Mailer\Message is no longer final and is available for extension

v2.9.1 - 2022-02-11

  • High Impact Changes
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • [spiral/sendit] Method getQueuePipeline of Spiral\SendIt\Config\MailerConfig class is deprecated. Use method getQueue instead. Added environment variables MAILER_QUEUE and MAILER_QUEUE_CONNECTION
  • Other Features
    • Added Symfony 6 support

v2.9.0 - 2022-02-03

  • High Impact Changes
  • Medium Impact Changes
    • Classes Spiral\Validation\Checker\EntityChecker, Spiral\Auth\Cycle\Token, Spiral\Auth\Cycle\TokenStorage, Spiral\Cycle\RepositoryInjector, Spiral\Cycle\SchemaCompiler, is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • Console commands Spiral\Command\Cycle\MigrateCommand, Spiral\Command\Cycle\SyncCommand, Spiral\Command\Cycle\UpdateCommand is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • Bootloaders Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\AnnotatedBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\CycleBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\ProxiesBootloader, Spiral\Bootloader\Cycle\SchemaBootloader is deprecated. Use spiral/cycle-bridge instead
    • Interceptor Spiral\Domain\CycleInterceptor is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • Scaffolders Spiral\Scaffolder\Declaration\Database\Entity\AnnotatedDeclaration, Spiral\Scaffolder\Declaration\Database\RepositoryDeclaration is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • Component spiral/data-grid-bridge is deprecated. Will be moved to spiral/cycle-bridge and removed in v3.0
    • Component spiral/annotations is deprecated. Use spiral/attributes instead
    • A minimal version of doctrine/annotations increased to ^1.12
    • [spiral/validation] Error messages for 'number::lower' and 'number::higher' rules were changed to reflect that these checks are in fact 'lower or equal' and 'higher or equal'. You may need to adjust translations file accordingly.
    • [spiral/sendit] Added ability to use sync driver for mail queue (#398)
  • Other Features

v2.8.0 - 2021-06-03

v2.7.0 - 2020-12-22

v2.6.0 - 2020-09-17

v2.5.0 - 2020-07-18

  • RR updated to 1.8.2 (don't use broken 1.8.1 tag)
  • Jobs plugin updated to 2.2.0 (see the changelog)

v2.4.19 - 2020-06-18

  • Allow json requests with empty body by @rauanmayemir

v2.4.18 - 2020-05-21

  • Add the ability to control view cache separately from DEBUG via VIEW_CACHE env variable

v2.4.17 - 2020-05-09

  • added support for Postgres Cycle Auth tokens
  • added the ability to redefine the error message in Guarded annotation

v2.4.16 - 2020-05-05

  • Update RR to 1.8.0

v2.4.15 - 2020-04-21

  • [bugfix] invalid value associated with validation context by CycleInterceptor

v2.4.14 - 2020-04-21

  • added JobRegistry with the ability to route jobs into custom pipelines
  • added the ability to bind job name to the concrete implementation
  • added EntityChecker to check the existence and uniqueness of ORM entities
  • the Auth/CookieTransport will respect the application base path
  • the command encrypt:key is no longer private
  • cleaned up the Publisher extension by @ncou
  • fixed a number of PHPUnit 8.0 warnings
  • RouterBootloader no longer blocks the HttpConfig (easier middleware creation)
  • show list of actions in multi-action routes in route:list by @ncou
  • added default alias for notNull validation rule
  • fixed path behavior in grpc:generate command by @matthewhall-ca
  • FilterInterceptor can automatically detect the validation context

v2.4.13 - 2020-03-21

  • RoadRunner version updated to 1.7.0

v2.4.12 - 2020-03-14

  • script updated. Included -trimpath and musl target
  • RoadRunner version updated to 1.6.4

v2.4.11 - 2020-03-10

  • jobs updated to version 2.1.3
  • roadrunner updated to version 1.6.3

v2.4.10 - 2020-03-03

  • fix issue with debug http collector fail in console mode

v2.4.9 - 2020-02-28

  • WebSocket module updated to v1.1.0

v2.4.8 - 2020-02-24

  • added reload module

v2.4.7 - 2020-01-23

  • fix TableCommand render for fragments
  • Add return status code to the ConsoleDispatcher.php

v2.4.4 - 2019-12-27

  • minor code-base quality improvements
  • added route:list command
  • app server updated with recent roadrunner version
  • queue server does not show PUSH message anymore
  • added roave/security-advisories

v2.4.3 - 2019-12-17

  • bump spiral/validation dependency
  • register DatetimeChecker in the ValidationBootloader

v2.4.2 - 2019-12-17

  • added striker payload validation for jobs
  • added support for SerializerRegistryInterface for spiral/jobs

v2.4.1 - 2019-12-10

  • refactor in WebsocketBootloader
  • fixed bug in stop sequence of ws roadrunner service

v2.4.0 - 2019-12-10

  • added broadcast service
  • added WebSocket server

v2.3.8 - 2019-11-15

  • minor refactoring in json exception handler

v2.3.7 - 2019-11-14

  • bugfix: client exceptions no longer sent with 500 code in application/json payloads
  • bugfix: fixed issue with forced expiration of session auth tokens

v2.3.6 - 2019-11-08

  • the framework can work without any snapshooter

v2.3.5 - 2019-11-08

  • improved code coverage
  • fixed invalid middleware association for http state collector

v2.3.4 - 2019-11-08

  • improved debug state management
  • exceptions are able to display current request state, logs and etc.
  • ability to register custom debug state collectors

v2.3.3 - 2019-11-02

  • the plain snapshots enabled by default instead of HTML based
  • improved error handling for JSON requests

v2.3.2 - 2019-11-02

  • lighter API and abstract class base injection for spiral/filters

v2.3.1 - 2019-11-02

  • FileSnapshotter now sends logs into "default" log channel
  • CycleInterceptor use parameter as entity value instead of entity role

v2.3.0 - 2019-11-01

  • added interceptable core support and DomainBootloader
  • the ability to automatically inject Cycle entity via route parameter
  • the ability to automatically pre-validate Filters
  • the ability to authorize controller methods using @Guarded annotation
  • improving the Cycle TokenStorage for better testing capabilities

v2.2.4 - 2019-10-30

  • authorizes trait removed in favor of core interceptors
  • Auth Cycle\TokenStorage now requests TransactionInterface directly, for simpler testing

v2.2.3 - 2019-10-30

  • json payload middleware read stream content via (string) conversion
  • JsonPayloadParserBootloader renamed to JsonPayloadsBootloader

v2.2.2 - 2019-10-28

  • minor CS in CycleBootloader, cleaner dependencies

v2.2.1 - 2019-10-28

  • the ORM schema can be pre-heated automatically
  • ability to create injectors to interfaces

v2.2.0 - 2019-10-24

  • added auth component
  • new CS fixes in compliance with PSR-12
  • minor improvements in session scopes
  • added health service to the app server

v2.1.2 - 2019-10-11

  • added CookieManager for simpler access to cookies in request scope
  • added SessionScope for simpler access to session in request scope
  • added automatic CS formatting

v2.1.1 - 2019-09-26

  • update cycle/proxy-factory dependency

v2.1.0 - 2019-09-23

  • spiral/jobs updated to 2.0
  • job handlers introduced

v2.0.19 - 2019-09-16

  • typo fix: JsonPayloadBootload to JsonPayloadParserBootloader

v2.0.18 - 2019-09-16

  • added JsonPayloadMiddleware and JsonPayloadBootloader
  • more tests
  • added 7.4 tests to travis
  • 7.1 support is officially dropped

v2.0.17 - 2019-09-07

  • ability to inject constructor dependencies into cycle repositories and classes from app container

v2.0.16 - 2019-09-06

  • added support for Prometheus metrics for jobs (queue) and grpc services
  • exceptions will use default style
  • bugfix: inability to render FragmentInterface in db:table command
  • view:compile won't compile NativeEngine templates anymore
  • ability to skip server download if version did not change

v2.0.15 - 2019-07-16

  • fixed config method names in spiral/views

v2.0.14 - 2019-07-16

  • cycle/annotated is now based on doctrine/annotations

v2.0.12 - 2019-07-16

  • cycle/annotated is not required to work with cycle anymore

v2.0.13 - 2019-07-29

  • DatabaseTable command has been modified to display composite FKs
  • added ability to configure worker relay using ENV RR_WORKER by @myavchik
  • automatically configure worker based on rr relay settings

v2.0.12 - 2019-07-16

  • cycle/annotated is not required for cycle to work

v2.0.11 - 2019-07-01

  • added MetricsInterface service for Prometheus
  • fixed i18n tests
  • updated RoadRunner dependency
  • added RR services: headers, metrics

v2.0.10 - 2019-06-19

  • updated dependency (and interfaces) with cycle/proxy-factory

v2.0.9 - 2019-06-07

  • http component split into cookies and csrf packages
  • decoupled from zend/diactoros

v2.0.8 - 2019-06-07

  • http component split into cookies and csrf packages
  • decoupled from zend/diactoros

v2.0.8 - 2019-05-29

  • added support for pre-loading specific relations using eager or lazy loading methods

v2.0.7 - 2019-05-27

  • cycle:sync does not require configuration now
  • added dumprr function (dump to STDERR)

v2.0.6 - 2019-05-26

  • no more migration warnings while running static analysis on a project
  • fixed container binding for cycle repository
  • migration command now adds \n after each migration
  • bugfix vendor/bin/spiral get-binary on linux machines

v2.0.5 - 2019-05-24

  • grpc:generate command now includes all proto files from given directory
  • RbacBootloader renamed to GuardBootloader

v2.0.4 - 2019-05-24

  • added vendor/bin/spiral get-binary command to download application server by @Alex-Bond

v2.0.3 - 2019-05-23

  • added GRPC dispatcher
  • added encrypter:key command

v2.0.2 - 2019-05-22

  • added binary server release
  • renamed MvcBootloader to RouterBootloader
  • minor cs


  • TBD

1.0.10 - 2018-06-03

  • Fixed bug with incorrect Request association for already exists bags
  • Added charset UTF-8 for response wrapper
  • Improved error handling for CLI applications

1.0.7 - 2017-10-04

  • Ability to specify JSON response code inside jsonSerialize

1.0.6 - 2017-09-28

  • Fixed a bug when error message was converted to empty array
  • Fixed a bug when multidepth requests contained invalid prefix (in case of depth more than 3)


  • ability to locate view cache files by view name and namespace


  • ability to add conditions to skip validation rules

1.0.2 - 2017-05-04

  • ValidatesEntity now caches last set of produced errors
  • Ability to use EntityInterface as parameter for ValidatorInterface->setData() method

1.0.1 - 2017-04-20

  • Improved cache management for StemplerEngine (fixed issue with non-stable cache key)
  • Ability to force view recompilation thought ViewManager

1.0.0 - 2017-04-06

  • first public release, no BC changes

0.9.14 - 2017-03-31

  • improvements in Translation indexations

0.9.13 - 2017-03-31

  • bugfix in Loader caused an exception with Swift::autoloader

0.9.12 - 2017-03-24

  • uri function restored
  • Router is now available outside of http scope

0.9.11 - 2017-03-22

  • Cache directory is now relative to runtime directory

0.9.10 - 2017-03-10

  • DateTime accessors now can accept DateTimeInterface

0.9.6 - 2017-02-07

  • Dependencies update
  • Validator can now accept checkers outside of it's config

0.9.5 - 2017-02-07

  • Proper timezone detection for datetime accessors
  • RenderException now shows original error location in views
  • Improvements in cache management for Twig engine

0.9.1 - 2017-02-05


  • Proper exception when encryption key is invalid


  • Session does not force session id in cookie when session not started

0.9.0 - 2017-02-05


  • Dropped support of PHP5+
  • Added secure session implementation
  • Code coverage improvements
  • Twig updated to 2.0 branch
  • PHPUnit updated to 5.0 branch
  • Components split into separate repositories
  • Symfony dependencies updated to 3.0 branch
  • added bind() function to specify IoC dependencies in configs
  • ViewSource class added into views


  • Dropped support of PHP5+
  • Code coverage improvements
  • Cache component removed (replaced with PSR-16)
  • Views component moved to Framework bundle
  • Validation component moved to Framework bundle
  • Translation component moved to Framework bundle
  • Encryption component moved to Framework bundle
  • Migrations component moved in
    • Automatic migration generation is now part of Migration component
  • Security component moved in
  • Monolog dependency removed
  • PHPUnit updated to 5.0 branch
  • Symfony dependencies updated to 3.0 branch
  • Schema definitions moved to array constants instead of default property values
  • Simplified PaginatorInterface
  • Reactor component moved in
  • Debugger (log manager) component removed
  • Improved implementation of Tokenizer component
  • Lazy wire declaration for FactoryInterface


  • ScoperInterface moved into Framework bundle
  • Container now validates scalar agument types when supplied by user


  • Improved polyfills for SQLServer
  • Improved SQL injection prevention
  • Improved timezone management
  • Refactoring of DBAL schemas
  • Bugfixes
    • Unions with ordering in SQLServer
    • Invalid parameter handling for update queries with nested selection
  • Pagination classes are immutable now
  • Ability to use nested queries in JOIN statements
  • on argument in join() methods is deprecated, use on() function directly


  • Removed features
    • Embedded validations
    • Magic getter and setter methods via __call()
  • setValue and packValue methods added
  • "fields" property is now private
  • SolidableTrait is now part of models ORM
  • Refactoring of SchemaBuilder
  • RecordSelector does not extend SelectQuery anymore
  • Transactional (UnitOfWork) support
  • Improvements in memory mapping
  • Improvements in tree operations (save)
  • Removed features
    • ActiveRecord thought direct table communication
    • MutableNumber accessor
    • Validations
  • Bugfixes
    • ManyToMany relations to non-saved records
    • BelongsToRelation to non-saved records
  • Definition of morphed relations must be explicit now
  • All ORM entities MUST have proper primary key now
  • Ability to define custom column types in combination with accessors
  • Relation loaders and schemas are immutable now
  • Memory scope are optional now
  • Record does not have "source" method by default now (see SourceTrait)
  • Optimizations in load method with "using" option
  • Added late bindings (locate outer record based on Interface or role name)
  • Added detach() method into HasMany relation


  • StemplerLoader synced with Twig abstraction, StemplerSource introduced
  • SourceContext (twig like) have been added


  • Moved to latest PHP7 mongo drivers
  • Removed features
    • Validations
  • Removed parent document reference in compositions
  • Scalar array split into multiple versions
  • CompositableInterface improved
  • Document does not have "source" method by default now (see SourceTrait)


  • Improved implementation of RackspaceServer
  • Added GridFS server support