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SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin Testdata

This repository contains sample data for the SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS plugin.

This data may be loaded in the plugin dialog and queried for its contents.

SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin Ontology Documentation: Github Action

Included in this repository is a showcase for the standalone SPARQLing Unicorn Ontology Documentation Script.

The script is used in a Github Action, as an external workflow to generate HTML documentation for the two TTL files in this repository.

uses: sparqlunicorn/sparqlunicornGoesGIS-ontdoc/.github/workflows/udoc.yml@main
        version: v017
        rdffilepath: LimesNoricum_result.ttl LimesDaicus_result.ttl
        docpath: docs
        prefixnsshort: limes
        indexpages: true
        createcollections: false
        createnonNSPages: false
        createVOWL: false
        ogcapifeatures: true
        offlinecompat: false
        exports: graphml json ttl
        iiif: true
        ckan: false
        metadatatable: false
        preferredlang: en
        license: CC-BY-SA 4.0
        logourl: http://mylogo.png
        ghpages: true
        ghpagesbranch: gh-pages
        ghpagesfolder: /

The workflow may be called using the following paramters:

  • version (optional): The version of the script you want to execute (defaults to latest stable version)
  • rdffilepath (required): A whitespace-separated list of RDF files
  • docpath: The path where the HTML documentation should be stored, optionally also a list of paths
  • prefixns (required): The prefix of the RDF data which should be documented with HTML
  • prefixnsshort: The short name of the data prefix as it should appear in the HTML documentation
  • indexpages: If true, generates index pages for navigation
  • createcollections: If true, generates SKOS collections for items of the same class for navigation purposes
  • createnonNSPages: If true, generates pages for object URIs which are not in the prefixns
  • createVOWL: If true, generates a visual owl representation of the class structure on the main index page
  • ogcapifeatures: If true, generates OGC API Features compatible JSON files
  • offlinecompat: If true, generates a version of the documentation that works offline
  • datasettitle: A title of the dataset which can be used as a variable in the HTML template
  • exports: A list of export formats the script generates besides HTML. Eligible formats: cypher, graphml, json, n3, nq, nt, tgf, trig, trix, ttl, defaults to ttl and json
  • iiif: If true, generates IIIF manifests for connected media files
  • ckan: If true, generates CKAN static API documents
  • metadatatable: If true, creates a second table per page which includes only triples in predefined metadata namespaces
  • preferredlang: Defines the preferred label language for multilingual graphs (default: en)
  • license: One of the following licenses or leave empty for no license
    • All rights reserved
    • CC BY 4.0
    • CC BY-SA 4.0
    • CC BY-NC 4.0
    • CC BY-NC-SA 4.0
    • CC BY-ND 4.0
    • CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    • CC0
  • logourl: A url pointing to a logo which will be displayed on its designated area in the HTML template
  • ghpages: If true, publishes the results of the HTML documentation to a branch gh-pages, which may be published as a Github Page
  • ghpagesbranch: An alternative branch name in which Github pages should be deployed
  • ghpagesfolder: The folder in the given ghpages branch in which the documentation should be deployed

SPARQLing Unicorn QGIS Plugin Ontology Documentation: Data Access

Data can be accessed:

  • In the webbrowser using the Github Page of this repository in HTML, JSON and TTL
  • In QGIS as FeatureCollections using the links GithubPage/index.json
  • Using a IIIF viewer using the link GithubPage/iiif