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File metadata and controls

274 lines (209 loc) · 10.4 KB

This document is intended for people who want to understand SLV (both the project and the application).

What's in the repo?

  • app: all the code and assets for the application (except for 3rd party code).
  • bower_components, node_modules: 3rd party code; these are populated during the build.
  • test/elements: tests for Polymer elements.
  • test/manual: manual tests (open them in a browser to try out custom Polymer elements).
  • test/mutatingami: test library which can poll or observe the DOM for elements and invoke a callback when they are accessible (used by the browser tests).
  • test/unit: unit tests.
  • tools: utility scripts used during development.


Here are definitions of some of the terms you may come across in this project.

Graph: The object you're editing in SLV; the bit of the viewport with dots on it.

Action: A small piece of functionality which a Soletta program can perform; examples might be defining the value of a variable, adding two numbers together, converting the type of a value from boolean to integer, or lighting an LED on a device.

Component: A type of action you can add to the graph. For example, "boolean/not" is an action which takes a boolean input, inverts it, then outputs it.

Node: Instances of components which you add to the graph; these represent actions in the application.

Edge: Connections between nodes; these define the data flow between actions in the application.

Port: An input going into a node, or an output coming out of it. The ports available on a node depend on which type of component it is an instance of. A component may have input ports (inports) and/or output ports (outports). A component without ports is possible but a bit useless.

Component definition file (JSON): a file which contains definitions of components; these can be loaded into SLV to populate the list of components which can be added to the graph as nodes.

Flow-based programming format (used for Import/Export): This is basically the FBP format, but some of the metadata on a node are treated as representing special member variables (see below).

The FBP format is the one you export from SLV to get a file which can be run on Soletta.

Member variables: Member variables are internal to the node, i.e. they cannot be affected directly by setting initial information packets on the node's inports. However, they can be modified by setting a metadata property on the node. They are typically used as configuration data for the node.

Note that NoFlo has several metadata properties which are reserved and should not be edited. These are:

  • x
  • y
  • label

You should not use these reserved names for member variables, as this could cause conflicts and undesirable behaviour. Bear this in mind if you're creating your own components.

SLV project format (Save/Open): SLV has its own JSON format for project files. However, that format is really a combination of two other formats: the NoFlo graph format, and the component definition file format. The NoFlo graph format is a JSON representation of the nodes and edges in the graph; the component definition is a JSON representation of the components used to build those nodes. We store both so that you can open a project in SLV even if it uses components which are not in the main SLV builtin component set.

Core technologies

In the application:

  • Polymer: used to define custom UI elements. For example, the drop-down properties editor and the component selector popup are custom Polymer elements. We are currently using the 0.5* releases of Polymer.
  • the-graph: this provides the core graph editing UI elements; an instance of the-graph-editor is embedded inside the slv-editor.
  • NoFlo: this provides the graph object (not its UI) which you manipulate with SLV.
  • SystemJS: we use this for AMD module loading; it's not a 100% brilliant solution (we have to do some tricks with Promises to get it to work inside Polymer elements), but it does the job.
  • js-signals: rather than using event handling to pass messages between parts of the application, we use explicit signals. The following section explains why.

For the build:

See bower.json and package.json for more details about 3rd party dependencies.

Signals vs. events

To compare event-based to signal-based communication between parts of an application, here's an example of how the two approaches would manage communication between two objects, a and b:

// traditional JS events
a.addEventListener('animationend', function (e) {
  // deal with event e's data here
});'animationend', detail);

// signals (using js-signals library)
a.signals.animationend = new signals.Signal();

a.signals.animationend.add(function (detail) {
  // deal with payload of signal e here


There are two main differences:

  1. In the case of the event approach, if we change the name of the event fired by a (e.g. to 'animationEnd'), the event listener will no longer catch those events: the communication between a and b is effectively lost, but there's no obvious error showing why. This is because the listener is generic and identifies the event of interest by its name, as a string. If the event name changes in the emitter, the listener will just wait indefinitely for an event which will never occur.

    By contrast, in the signals case, if we change the signal's name, the code which adds the handler will break: a.signals.animationend will no longer refer to an object, so we won't be able to call its add() method. This error makes it easier to spot places where communication has broken down.

  2. In the event approach, the listener actually receives an event object; the payload of the event is in the detail property of that event object. This results in some indirection which can cause subtle errors and makes the channel of communication less intuitive. By contrast, in the signals approach, the object received by the listener is the payload of the signal.

SystemJS + Polymer

SLV uses Polymer for custom HTML elements, but also has quite a lot of "back end" JavaScript code. The latter is organised into AMD modules to give the benefits of modularity and explicit dependency marking.

In some cases, however, those AMD modules have to be used within Polymer elements. On top of this, some Polymer elements also depend on other Polymer elements.

To ensure that all the pre-requisites of a custom element are loaded before that element is defined, Promises are used to track the load state of AMD modules and Polymer elements. For example, in app/elements/slv-component-select.html:

window.slvComponentSelectReady = Promise.all([
.then(function (imports) {
  var _ = imports.shift();
  var signals = imports.shift();


A Promise called slvComponentSelectReady is defined here, which will resolve when the chain of Promises assigned to it resolves. The slvComponentSelectReady promise is globally-visible, so that other Polymer elements can depend on it (e.g. if they need to have a slv-component-select element in their template).

The array of Promises to resolve before slvComponentSelectReady resolves contains three elements:

  1. A Promise which resolves when the lodash AMD module has loaded (via SystemJS).
  2. A Promise which resolves when the js-signals AMD module has loaded (via SystemJS).
  3. The Promise for the slv-component-tooltip custom element, which resolves when app/elements/slv-component-tooltip.html has loaded and its element is defined.

A quick note on icons and images

Any images which are actually part of the application are in the app/assets/ directory; and any images which are to be used as icons are in the app/elements/slv-icons-svg.html file, which defines a custom icon set for SLV.

We convert icons into Polymer's icon set format for several reasons:

  1. It makes them easier to use with Polymer: it's trivial to add an icon to a button if the icons are in a Polymer icon set.
  2. It makes styling simpler: we can do it with CSS.
  3. It's easier to insert the SVG into the app via Polymer icon sets: the alternative is to insert SVG into the DOM ourselves, which is more difficult.

SVG is used for all images where it is practical, as it scales nicely.


Which platforms are supported?

Testing is done on Linux, using Chrome and Firefox browsers.

We also attempt to support Safari (on Mac), but we don't test this regularly, leaving it to the design team to do this for us.

We don't support IE, though SLV might work in that environment.

How do I change styling of nodes/edges on the graph?

All changes to how the graph is displayed should be done by overriding the CSS defined by the-graph-editor element. One instance of the-graph-editor is embedded in slv-editor, the main editing element of SLV. So any changes you want to make to the CSS for the-graph-editor should be put at the top of slv-editor.

Note that because we want to support Firefox, you need to be wary of using CSS rules which need Polymer-specific extensions (e.g. any selector with /deep/ in it).

How do I add my own components?

SLV can load any component definition file in the correct format. Several are included with SLV in the app/data directory. You should be able to adapt these to create your own.

Note that Soletta requires that you use a pre-defined set of types for your components. You can get a list of these types by running the script in tools/get-sol-types.js:

$ node tools/get-sol-types.js

Most of the types are self-explanatory. In the case of any, this is used to mark an inport which can receive any kind of input.

Can I host SLV on a web server?

SLV can be easily run from a web server by copying the app/ and bower_components/ directories into the webroot of your server.

Alternatively, you can run a build with grunt dist, then copy the contents of the dist/ directory to a web server.