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Query: Deploying hello world to solana-test-validator on M1 fails #18033

fdeantoni opened this issue Jun 17, 2021 · 37 comments

Query: Deploying hello world to solana-test-validator on M1 fails #18033

fdeantoni opened this issue Jun 17, 2021 · 37 comments


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I'm running Solana master with the example Hello World program and on OSX x86 things run as expected. I can deploy the hello world program to the test validator. However, when doing the exact same on M1, it fails at the "Finalize transaction" step:

$ solana program deploy dist/program/
Recover the intermediate account's ephemeral keypair file with
`solana-keygen recover` and the following 12-word seed phrase:
spring kick mail one box meat august educate car ghost orient woman
To resume a deploy, pass the recovered keypair as
the [PROGRAM_ADDRESS_SIGNER] argument to `solana deploy` or
as the [BUFFER_SIGNER] to `solana program deploy` or `solana write-buffer'.
Or to recover the account's lamports, pass it as the
[BUFFER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS] argument to `solana program close`.
Error: Deploying program failed: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

I was hoping if anybody would have a hint where I should look to try and resolve this.

This is what I did to get my environment started:

  1. Set up BPF SDK
$ git clone
$ export PROJECT_ROOT=`pwd`/solana
$ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/sdk/cargo-build-bpf
$ cargo install --path .
$ ln -s $PROJECT_ROOT/sdk ~/.cargo/bin/sdk
  1. Build the CLI and run configure
$ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/cli
$ cargo build
$ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/keygen
$ cargo build
$ $PROJECT_ROOT/target/debug/solana  config set --url localhost
$ $PROJECT_ROOT/target/debug/solana-keygen new
  1. Run the test validator
$ cd $PROJECT_ROOT/validator
$ ./solana-test-validator
  1. Build hello world
    Edit the example-helloworld/src/program-rust/Cargo.toml to match $PROJECT_ROOT deps, and then:
$ git clone
$ cd example-helloworld
$ npm install
$ npm run build:program-rust

Everything compiles ok and seems to run fine except for the "Finalize transaction" part which fails on M1. In the validator.log I see no errors, only a warning:

WARN  solana_core::window_service] Window does not seem to be receiving data. Ensure port configuration is correct...

I do not see this warning when running on OSX x86.

Any hints where I should look to try and fix this?

Proposed Solution

None - just a query.

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Any update on this? I have the same problem.

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gxxcastillo commented Aug 26, 2021

Similar issue, I'm on a Mac with an M1 Chip. I've tried different demos and all of them have the same issue when I try to deploy my program. Basically it just gets stuck at [0/1] Finalizing transaction...

validator.logs has this being called repeatedly: solana_rpc::send_transaction_service] Retrying transaction: when I grep using my transaction id.

I've tried building + deploying with my terminal running Rosetta and run into the same problem regardless, so not sure if this is related.

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I found my issue: I had installed almost everything under Rosetta. Checking my rustup toolchain via rustup toolchain list I discovered I had somehow managed to install rust for arm64 instead of x86. After reinstalling everything, I've confirmed my default toolchain is now stable-x86_64-apple-darwin and everything is now building 😃😌

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monomadic commented Aug 31, 2021

@gxxcastillo okay but that isn't really fixing the issue it's avoiding it. I'm getting the same issue on M1 - funny thing is, it was deploying perfectly earlier - but I can't confirm if this was the x86 version.

I get the feeling this occurs when part of your toolchain is x86 and some is arm, but can't confirm yet. I'll keep digging.

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Qumeric commented Sep 4, 2021

I also use M1 mac and I have

Error: Account address has insufficient funds for spend (0.4265436 SOL) + fee (0.001355 SOL)

Does it look like the same issue? 🤔

Although npm run build:program-c causes the same error.

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@Qumeric, make sure 1) You're connected to the right cluster and 2) That you've got enough SOL in your account

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Qumeric commented Sep 5, 2021

I have found my issue. I built Solana from sources (because otherwise, I faced another M1 related issue) and used ./ as it is stated in However, what helped me is to run ./solana/target/debug/solana-test-validator instead.

(Also I tried to do solana airdrop 100 previously but it stuck on [0/1] Finalizing transaction... as described in some previous reply)

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pretty sad the fastest blockchain doesn't work on the fastest laptops :(

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Similar issue even am facing while requesting airdrop

Error: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

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Krishna-Psftware commented Sep 22, 2021

I have found my issue. I built Solana from sources (because otherwise, I faced another M1 related issue) and used ./ as it is stated in However, what helped me is to run ./solana/target/debug/solana-test-validator instead.

(Also I tried to do solana airdrop 100 previously but it stuck on [0/1] Finalizing transaction... as described in some previous reply)

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I have found my issue. I built Solana from sources (because otherwise, I faced another M1 related issue) and used ./ as it is stated in However, what helped me is to run ./solana/target/debug/solana-test-validator instead.

(Also I tried to do solana airdrop 100 previously but it stuck on [0/1] Finalizing transaction... as described in some previous reply)

Did you resolve this issue?

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crmanik commented Sep 27, 2021

Hello, I tried following:

  • installed rust in rosetta terminal.
  • compiled Solana tools from source
  • Able to start Solana-test-validator
  • Confirmed endpoint is right.

But still I get this damn error:

error: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

I'm really stuck, any pointers are how to move forward?

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dcolley commented Sep 30, 2021

There is a Docker image dedicated to mac-m1 -
I have the same problem and my logs show the following:

[2021-09-30T08:56:11.948913055Z INFO  solana_rpc::send_transaction_service] Retrying transaction: 41yweJXm4inkN7BZ5TfwyHV3FUYaZ84YMmMp386BNKgSnLtn9Jiha8YCABNsfJjoDSnyYYAkZLMJdZ8gAUx41aC
thread 'solana-banking-stage-tx' panicked at 'JIT is only supported on x86_64', /root/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
   0: std::panicking::begin_panic
   1: solana_rbpf::jit::JitCompiler::new
   2: solana_rbpf::jit::JitProgram<E,I>::new
   3: <solana_rbpf::elf::EBpfElf<E,I> as solana_rbpf::vm::Executable<E,I>>::jit_compile
   4: solana_bpf_loader_program::create_executor
   5: solana_bpf_loader_program::process_loader_upgradeable_instruction
   6: solana_bpf_loader_program::process_instruction_common
   7: solana_runtime::message_processor::MessageProcessor::process_instruction
   8: solana_runtime::message_processor::MessageProcessor::process_message
   9: core::ops::function::impls::<impl core::ops::function::FnOnce<A> for &mut F>::call_once
  10: <alloc::vec::Vec<T> as alloc::vec::spec_from_iter::SpecFromIter<T,I>>::from_iter
  11: solana_runtime::bank::Bank::load_and_execute_transactions
  12: solana_core::banking_stage::BankingStage::process_and_record_transactions
  13: solana_core::banking_stage::BankingStage::process_packets_transactions
  14: solana_core::banking_stage::BankingStage::process_packets
  15: solana_core::banking_stage::BankingStage::process_loop

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dcolley commented Sep 30, 2021

Seems this is linked: qmonnet/rbpf#48

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If you are ok to use the terminal with Intel architecture, you can refer to this blog post How to make Solana Test Validator work with a Macbook with M1 chip instead.

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amalcaraz commented Nov 7, 2021

I have the same issue with an M1 mac and found a workaround starting the validator with the "--bpf-program" option.
Not doing the deployment process, but at least I could have the program in my testnet and keep working with it

solana-test-validator --bpf-program ADDRESS target/deploy/

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From perusing the discord, I've figured out what was up (as alluded to in other threads):

  1. Adding --log to the test-validator command and watching the deploy, you'll see the following
[2021-11-08T00:40:59.691095000Z INFO  solana_core::heaviest_subtree_fork_choice] marking fork starting at: (4505, DAmaeMFkDVRaeyuD9HDfvCsy4JDbJDui1YHvrzMsH5Ao) valid candidate
thread 'solana-banking-stage-tx' panicked at 'JIT is only supported on x86_64', /Users/ben/.cargo/registry/src/
stack backtrace:
  1. As you can see: the BPF JIT is not going to work on arm64. Fortunately you can run things without the JIT by adding --no-bpf-jit to the test-validator command and then you'll be good to go.

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fanatid commented Nov 9, 2021

#21215 should help to run test validator without explicit --no-bpf-jit flag.

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Also heads up that as you try to get the hello world to actually work you'll run into further issues due to BPF parameter alignment as mentioned here: #21269

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I have found my issue. I built Solana from sources (because otherwise, I faced another M1 related issue) and used ./ as it is stated in However, what helped me is to run ./solana/target/debug/solana-test-validator instead.
(Also I tried to do solana airdrop 100 previously but it stuck on [0/1] Finalizing transaction... as described in some previous reply)

Did you find a solution to this?

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I build Solana tool suite from source and add --no-bpf-jit flag to solana-test-validator. Now at least I can deploy the example program to local validator.

Before that, I can't even run solana-test-validator. Using the Solana CLI which is built from source, the CLI works but then it's stuck when deploying the program.

$ solana program deploy dist/program/                                                                                                                                                          
Recover the intermediate account's ephemeral keypair file with                                        
`solana-keygen recover` and the following 12-word seed phrase:                                        
gas tiger plastic knife speak uncle monkey rebel boat suspect agree concert                           
To resume a deploy, pass the recovered keypair as the                                                 
[BUFFER_SIGNER] to `solana program deploy` or `solana write-buffer'.                                  
Or to recover the account's lamports, pass it as the                                                  
[BUFFER_ACCOUNT_ADDRESS] argument to `solana program close`.                                          
Error: Deploying program failed: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

I resume the failed deployment but it still stuck and finally reach maximum retries.

$ solana program deploy --buffer ~/.config/solana/id.json ./dist/program/ 
Blockhash expired. 5 retries remaining             
Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining             
Blockhash expired. 3 retries remaining             
Blockhash expired. 2 retries remaining             
Blockhash expired. 1 retries remaining             
Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom error: Max retries exceeded  

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Did you get through this? $ solana program deploy and $anchor deplay are both getting stuck at:
Blockhash expired. 5 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 3 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 2 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 1 retries remaining
Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom error: Max retries exceeded

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Vkzem commented Dec 11, 2021

Hello, I tried following:

  • installed rust in rosetta terminal.
  • compiled Solana tools from source
  • Able to start Solana-test-validator
  • Confirmed endpoint is right.

But still I get this damn error:

error: unable to confirm transaction. This can happen in situations such as transaction expiration and insufficient fee-payer funds

I'm really stuck, any pointers are how to move forward?

did you manage to solve this problem? also facing the same even when trying to do a devnet airdrop

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diginator commented Dec 11, 2021

So, I think might be a network error. I switched to a different network and since the devnet wallet is currently drained, I tried using testnet and it totally worked.
Btw, I tried using testnet earlier when was stuck at the deployment but it wouldn't work.
Changing the network connection is what got it working for me.

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Vkzem commented Dec 11, 2021

thanks mate, I think you're exactly right - plus looks like the devnet issue is resolved now, too

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n0x1m commented Jan 6, 2022

I have a reverse setup and similar issue on v1.9.2, I build on a Mac x86_64 and deploy to a Raspberry Pi test validator, it never succeeds but retries to send transactions and then times out, requiring me to close the buffer.

Blockhash expired. 5 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 3 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 2 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 1 retries remaining
Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom error: Max retries exceeded

How can I debug this?

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This is a network issue and you're probably facing this now because the Solana network is down. Check at and try again later. If it still happens, switch your network.

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t-nelson commented Jan 6, 2022

This is a network issue and you're probably facing this now because the Solana network is down. Check at and try again later. If it still happens, switch your network.

They're obviously running a private cluster. None of the public clusters will influence it, congestion or otherwise

I have a reverse setup and similar issue on v1.9.2, I build on a Mac x86_64 and deploy to a Raspberry Pi test validator, it never succeeds but retries to send transactions and then times out, requiring me to close the buffer.

Blockhash expired. 5 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 4 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 3 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 2 retries remaining
Blockhash expired. 1 retries remaining
Error: Data writes to account failed: Custom error: Max retries exceeded

How can I debug this?

Have you tried to deploy from the rPi directly to rule out network configuration issues.

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n0x1m commented Jan 8, 2022

Have you tried to deploy from the rPi directly to rule out network configuration issues.

if I scp the binary to the rpi I can deploy it from there without issues. Networking is fine otherwise. It appears some issue with the tooling crossing the architectures (?) but I don't know how to debug this further.

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dcolley commented Mar 3, 2022

After upgrade to latest tools I have a different issue, and google leads me back here... (I forgot about this issue).

Running Ubuntu 18.04 arm64 in Docker on Mac M1

root@04598e084504:~/test# anchor --version
anchor-cli 0.22.1
root@04598e084504:~/test# rustc --version
rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23)
root@04598e084504:~/test# rustup --version
rustup 1.24.3 (ce5817a94 2021-05-31)
info: This is the version for the rustup toolchain manager, not the rustc compiler.
info: The currently active `rustc` version is `rustc 1.59.0 (9d1b2106e 2022-02-23)`
root@04598e084504:~/test# solana --version
solana-cli 1.9.9 (src:devbuild; feat:3246413280)
root@04598e084504:~/test# yarn --version
root@04598e084504:~/test# uname -a
Linux 04598e084504 5.10.76-linuxkit #1 SMP PREEMPT Mon Nov 8 11:22:26 UTC 2021 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux
$ anchor init test
yarn install v1.22.17
warning package.json: No license field
info No lockfile found.
warning No license field
[1/4] Resolving packages...
warning @project-serum/anchor > @solana/web3.js > rpc-websockets > [email protected]: CircularJSON is in maintenance only, flatted is its successor.
[2/4] Fetching packages...
[3/4] Linking dependencies...
warning " > [email protected]" has incorrect peer dependency "mocha@^3.X.X || ^4.X.X || ^5.X.X || ^6.X.X || ^7.X.X || ^8.X.X".
[4/4] Building fresh packages...
success Saved lockfile.
Done in 16.56s.
test initialized
$ cd test
$ anchor build
BPF SDK: /opt/solana-1.9.9/bin/sdk/bpf
cargo-build-bpf child: rustup toolchain list -v
cargo-build-bpf child: cargo +bpf build --target bpfel-unknown-unknown --release
qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/': No such file or directory

More info:

# rustup toolchain list -v
stable-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)	/root/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
bpf	/opt/solana-1.9.9/bin/sdk/bpf/dependencies/bpf-tools/rust

It seems related to the toolchain for aarch64

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nathanleclaire commented Mar 6, 2022

Same issue here, can't get test validator to successfully receive programs in docker container running on m1 mac. Native mac binary works fine.

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Deploys are working fine for me now with solana-test-validator running in a container on M1 using this Dockerfile and this Docker run command.

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shawnwang0715 commented Jun 12, 2022

$ cd test
$ anchor build
BPF SDK: /opt/solana-1.9.9/bin/sdk/bpf
cargo-build-bpf child: rustup toolchain list -v
cargo-build-bpf child: cargo +bpf build --target bpfel-unknown-unknown --release
qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/': No such file or directory

More info:

# rustup toolchain list -v
stable-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu (default)	/root/.rustup/toolchains/stable-aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu
bpf	/opt/solana-1.9.9/bin/sdk/bpf/dependencies/bpf-tools/rust

It seems related to the toolchain for aarch64

@dcolley I have the same issue of qemu-x86_64: Could not open '/lib64/': No such file or directory in docker on M1 Mac. Did you find out the solution?

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dcolley commented Jun 12, 2022

@shawnwang0715 no, I switched to ubuntu on x64 instead

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@shawnwang0715 no, I switched to ubuntu on x64 instead

Could you please describe how do you build on ubuntu x64? I used your dockerfile and tried to run cargo build-bpf inside the container but still failed. More details here: interweb-it/solana-docker-mac-m1#4

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dcolley commented Jun 12, 2022

In my experience, arm64 (incl. Mac M1) is still too niche for many projects - especially those working with Rust. The low-level dependencies aren't available and I found myself debugging too long to try to get it working. After 40+ hours (over some weeks) I pulled the plug and got a £500 server.
I am running ubuntu x64 on bare-metal. Just follow the instructions for ubuntu as per the docs.

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I'm going to close this issue, but in doing so we're going to lose all of this valuable investigation and solution-finding.

Can someone please re-post the question and a summary of the answer to so that people who have these sorts of problems in the future can find their way to it? Thanks!

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