📘 There’s lots of hostile pirate ships afloat on these waters. Best to prepare ourselves for a fight.
We’ll learn how to use oracles to get external information into our on-chain program, such as random numbers and how to trigger transactions automatically and how to handle big accounts.
Slides: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1JMp9toUPMySFhOjmA-AjhezQNMnehftQ/
- We will turn on the wind clockwork thread on the seven seas program: https://solplay.de/sevenseas/index.html
- Learn how to use clockwork to trigger transactions automatically: https://github.com/solana-developers/solana-game-starter-kits/tree/main/idle-game
- Different ways of how to achieve randomness in a Solana program. We will use the Switchboard oracle to get a random number in a save way.
- We will learn how to create accounts bigger than 10Kb and how to handle heap and stack memory in Solana programs.
- Explanation of the Seven Seas program
- How to create auto approve wallets