Overview | Getting Started | Features | Changelog | Try Me | Contributing |
This page gives you an overview of features provided by Angular Solace Message Client library. If a feature you need is not listed here, please check the API of SolaceMessageClient, or file a GitHub issue otherwise.
Send Message to a Topic Destination
When publishing a message to a topic, it will be transported to all consumers subscribed to the topic. A message may contain unstructured byte data, or a structured container.
Publish Binary Message
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', '20°C');
// `solclientjs` encodes `string` content to latin1 encoded binary attachment. Alternatively, you can directly pass binary content, as follows:
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', new TextEncoder().encode('20°C'));
Publish Structured Text Message
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SDTField, SDTFieldType} from 'solclientjs';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
const sdtField = SDTField.create(SDTFieldType.STRING, '20°C');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', sdtField);
Publish Message With Headers
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', '20°C', {
headers: new Map().set('bearer', '<<ACCESS_TOKEN>>'),
Publish Guaranteed Message
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {MessageDeliveryModeType} from 'solclientjs';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', '20°C', {
deliveryMode: MessageDeliveryModeType.PERSISTENT,
Intercept Message Before Publish
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {Message, MessageDumpFlag} from 'solclientjs';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish('myhome/livingroom/temperature', '20°C', {
intercept: (msg: Message) => {
console.log('>>> msg to be published', msg.dump(MessageDumpFlag.MSGDUMP_FULL));
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#publish for more information about the API.
Receive Messages Published to a Topic
Receive Messages on Exact Topic
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).observe$('myhome/livingroom/temperature').subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('Received temperature for livingroom', envelope.message);
Receive Messages for any Room (Wildcard Segments)
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).observe$('myhome/*/temperature').subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('Received temperature', envelope.message);
Receive Messages for any Room (Named Wildcard Segments)
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).observe$('myhome/:room/temperature').subscribe(envelope => {
console.log(`Received temperature for room ${envelope.params.get('room')}`, envelope.message);
Read Message Headers
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).observe$('myhome/*/temperature').subscribe(envelope => {
const accessToken = envelope.headers.get('ACCESS_TOKEN');
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#observe$ for more information about the API.
Consume Messages Published to a Topic via a Non-Durable Topic Endpoint
Instead of observing messages published to a topic via SolaceMessageClient#observe$, you can consume messages via a temporary, non-durable topic endpoint, so that messages are not lost even in the event of short connection interruptions as messages are retained on the broker until consumed by the consumer. The lifecycle of a non-durable topic endpoint is bound to the client that created it, with an additional 60s in case of unexpected disconnect.
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {QueueDescriptor, QueueType, SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
// Consume messages sent to topic 'topic'.
inject(SolaceMessageClient).consume$('topic').subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('message consumed', envelope.message);
// Above code uses a convenience API by passing the topic as `string` literal, which is equivalent to the following code.
topicEndpointSubscription: SolclientFactory.createTopicDestination('topic'),
queueDescriptor: new QueueDescriptor({type: QueueType.TOPIC_ENDPOINT, durable: false}),
}).subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('message consumed', envelope.message);
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#consume$ for more information about the API.
It is important to understand that a topic is not the same thing as a topic endpoint. A topic is a message property the event broker uses to route a message to its destination. Topic endpoints, unlike topics, are objects that define the storage of messages for a consuming application. Topic endpoints are more closely related to queues than to topics. Messages cannot be published directly to topic endpoints, but only indirectly via topics. For more information, refer to https://solace.com/blog/queues-vs-topic-endpoints.
Send Message to a Queue Endpoint
A queue is typically used in a point-to-point (P2P) messaging environment. A queue differs from the topic distribution mechanism that the message is transported to exactly a single consumer, i.e., the message is load balanced to a single consumer in round‑robin fashion, or for exclusive queues, it is always transported to the same subscription. When sending a message to a queue, the broker retains the message until it is consumed, or until it expires.
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#publish for more information about the API.
Send Binary Message
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
const queue = SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination('queue');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, '20°C');
// `solclientjs` encodes `string` content to latin1 encoded binary attachment. Alternatively, you can directly pass binary content, as follows:
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, new TextEncoder().encode('20°C'));
Send Structured Text Message
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {SDTField, SDTFieldType, SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
const queue = SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination('queue');
const sdtField = SDTField.create(SDTFieldType.STRING, '20°C');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, sdtField);
Send Message With Headers
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
const queue = SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination('queue');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, '20°C', {headers: new Map().set('bearer', '<<ACCESS_TOKEN>>')});
Send Guaranteed Message
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {MessageDeliveryModeType, SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
const queue = SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination('queue');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, '20°C', {
deliveryMode: MessageDeliveryModeType.PERSISTENT,
Intercept Message Before Send
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {Message, MessageDumpFlag, SolclientFactory} from 'solclientjs';
const queue = SolclientFactory.createDurableQueueDestination('queue');
inject(SolaceMessageClient).publish(queue, '20°C', {
intercept: (msg: Message) => {
console.log('>>> msg to be sent', msg.dump(MessageDumpFlag.MSGDUMP_FULL));
Consume Messages Sent to a Durable Queue
import {QueueDescriptor, QueueType} from 'solclientjs';
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
queueDescriptor: new QueueDescriptor({type: QueueType.QUEUE, name: 'queue'}),
}).subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('message', envelope.message);
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#consume$ for more information about the API.
Browse Messages Sent to a Durable Queue
Browses messages in a queue, without removing/consuming the messages.
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {QueueDescriptor, QueueType} from 'solclientjs';
// Browse messages.
inject(SolaceMessageClient).browse$('queue').subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('message', envelope.message);
// Above code uses a convenience API by passing the queue as `string` literal, which is equivalent to the following code.
queueDescriptor: new QueueDescriptor({type: QueueType.QUEUE, name: 'queue'}),
}).subscribe(envelope => {
console.log('message', envelope.message);
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#browse$ for more information about the API.
Request-Response Communication
The following snippet illustrates how to send a request and receive the response.
Initiate Request-Reply Communication
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).request$('request-topic', 'request data').subscribe(reply => {
console.log('reply received', reply);
Reply To Requests
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
const solaceMessageClient = inject(SolaceMessageClient);
// Listen for requests sent to the request topic.
solaceMessageClient.observe$('request-topic').subscribe(request => {
// Reply to the request.
solaceMessageClient.reply(request.message, 'reply');
// Above code uses a convenience API to directly respond to a request.
// Alternatively, you could answer to the request as following.
solaceMessageClient.publish(request.message.getReplyTo()!, 'reply', {
markAsReply: true,
correlationId: request.message.getCorrelationId() ?? undefined,
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#request$ for more information about the API.
Enable OAuth 2.0 Authentication
Enable OAuth 2.0 authentication in the config passed to provideSolaceMessageClient
- Set
. - Register a function in
that provides the access token.
The function should return an Observable that emits the user's access token upon subscription, and then continuously emits it when the token is renewed. The Observable should never complete, enabling the connection to the broker to be re-established in the event of a network interruption.
import {bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {provideSolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {AuthenticationScheme} from 'solclientjs';
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
url: 'wss://YOUR-SOLACE-BROKER-URL:443',
vpnName: 'YOUR VPN',
authenticationScheme: AuthenticationScheme.OAUTH2, // enable OAuth 2.0
accessToken: () => inject(AuthService).accessToken$, // provide access token
The function can call
to get any required dependencies.
Advanced Configuration
This chapter covers some advanced topics for configuring the Solace Message Client.
Control Session Creation
The Solace session is created by the SolaceSessionProvider
, which initializes SolclientFactory
and creates session instances based on the properties passed to the provideSolaceMessageClient
The default session provider can be replaced as follows:
import {bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {provideSolaceMessageClient, SolaceSessionProvider} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
url: 'wss://YOUR-SOLACE-BROKER-URL:443',
vpnName: 'YOUR VPN',
// Replace default session provider
{provide: SolaceSessionProvider, useClass: CustomSolaceSessionProvider},
A custom implementation could look as follows:
import {Injectable} from '@angular/core';
import {LogLevel, Session, SessionProperties, SolclientFactory, SolclientFactoryProfiles, SolclientFactoryProperties} from 'solclientjs';
import {SolaceSessionProvider} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
export class CustomSolaceSessionProvider implements SolaceSessionProvider {
constructor() {
const factoryProperties = new SolclientFactoryProperties();
factoryProperties.profile = SolclientFactoryProfiles.version10_5;
factoryProperties.logLevel = LogLevel.WARN;
public provide(sessionProperties: SessionProperties): Session {
return SolclientFactory.createSession(sessionProperties);
Connect to Multiple Solace Message Brokers
An application is not limited to connecting to a single Solace Message Broker. Different injection environments can be used to connect to different brokers.
Angular injection environments form a hierarchy, inheriting providers from parent environments. An environment can register new providers or replace inherited providers. A child environment is created through routing or programmatically using createEnvironmentInjector
Example for connecting to two different brokers:
import {createEnvironmentInjector, EnvironmentInjector, inject} from '@angular/core';
import {provideSolaceMessageClient, SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
// Create environment to provide message client for broker 1.
const environment1 = createEnvironmentInjector([provideSolaceMessageClient({url: 'broker-1'})], inject(EnvironmentInjector));
// Inject message client.
const messageClient1 = environment1.get(SolaceMessageClient);
// Publish message to broker 1.
messageClient1.publish('topic', 'message for broker 1');
// Create environment to provide message client for broker 2.
const environment2 = createEnvironmentInjector([provideSolaceMessageClient({url: 'broker-2'})], inject(EnvironmentInjector));
// Inject message client.
const messageClient2 = environment2.get(SolaceMessageClient);
// Publish message to broker 2.
messageClient2.publish('topic', 'message for broker 2');
// Destroy environments to destroy provided `SolaceMessageClient` instances.
Control Angular Zone
Messages are received in the zone in which subscribed to the Observable.
The following example receives messages outside the Angular zone:
import {inject, NgZone} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
// Run the following code outside of Angular
inject(NgZone).runOutsideAngular(() => {
// Subscribe to topic outside of Angular
inject(SolaceMessageClient).observe$('topic').subscribe(() => {
// Message is received outside of Angular
Monitor Connectivity to the Message Broker
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
inject(SolaceMessageClient).connected$.subscribe(connected => {
console.log('connected to the broker', connected);
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#connected$ for more information about the API.
Reference to Solace Session
A reference to the native Solace session can be obtained via SolaceMessageClient.session
to have full control over the functionality of solclient
import {inject} from '@angular/core';
import {SolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
const session = await inject(SolaceMessageClient).session
Refer to SolaceMessageClient#session for more information about the API.
Log Level
The default log level is set to WARN
so that only warnings and errors are logged.
The default log level can be changed as follows:
import {bootstrapApplication} from '@angular/platform-browser';
import {provideSolaceMessageClient} from '@solace-community/angular-solace-message-client';
import {LogLevel} from 'solclientjs';
bootstrapApplication(AppComponent, {
providers: [
{provide: LogLevel, useValue: LogLevel.INFO}, // Add this line
To change the log level at runtime, add the angular-solace-message-client#loglevel
entry to session storage and reload the application. Supported log levels are: trace
, debug
, info
, warn
, error
and fatal
Storage Key: `angular-solace-message-client#loglevel`
Storage Value: `info`