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File metadata and controls

359 lines (263 loc) · 10.7 KB


Test Release Gem Version

This is a Ruby SDK for v2 of Wavefront's public API. It aims to be more lightweight, consistent, simple, and convenient than an auto-generated SDK.

As well as complete API coverage, wavefront-sdk includes methods which facilitate various common tasks, and provides non-API features such as credential management, and writing points through a proxy. It also has methods mimicking the behaviour of useful v1 API calls which did not make it into v2.


$ gem install wavefront-sdk

or to build locally,

$ gem build wavefront-sdk.gemspec

wavefront-sdk requires Ruby >= 3.0. All its dependencies are pure Ruby, right the way down, so a compiler should never be required to install it.


The code is documented with YARD and automatically generated documentation is available on


First, let's list the Wavefront proxies in our account. The list() method will return a Wavefront::Response object. This object has status and response methods. status always yields a structure containing result, message and code fields which can be inspected to ensure an API call was processed successfully. response gives you the JSON response from the API, conveniently processed and turned into a Map object. Map objects can be interrogated in various ways. For instance map['items'], map[:items] and map.items will all get you to the same place.

Standard API Calls

# Define our API endpoint. (This is not a valid token!)

CREDS = { endpoint: '',
          token: 'c7a1ff30-0dd8-fa60-e14d-f58f91bafc0e' }

require 'wavefront-sdk/proxy'

# You can pass in a Ruby logger object, and tell the SDK to be
# verbose.

require 'logger'
log =

wf =, verbose: true, logger: log)
proxies = wf.list

puts proxies.class
# Wavefront::Response

# See how things went. How specific do you want to be?

puts proxies.ok?
# true
puts proxies.empty?
# false
puts proxies.status
# {:result=>"OK", :message=>"", :code=>200}
puts proxies.status.code
# 200

# Now print the proxy IDs

puts proxies.ids
# 1439acb2-ab07-4cf9-8397-2f2d758e52a0
# 87eca9df-fc47-4a24-88cf-6dd0bae245a9
# df77bd37-8f32-4e0c-b578-51eb42f22b6f

# Delete the first one.

result = wf.delete('1439acb2-ab07-4cf9-8397-2f2d758e52a0')
puts result.ok?
# true

By default (because it's the default behaviour of the API), all API classes (except user) will only return blocks of results when you ask for a list of objects.

You can set an offset and a limit when you list, but setting the limit to the magic value :all will return all items, without you having to deal with pagination. When you do that, offset is repurposed as the number of results fetched with each call to the API.

Calling a method with the limit set to :lazy returns a lazy enumerable. Again, offset is the chunk size.

wf =

# The first argument is how many object to get with each API call,
# the second gets us a lazy #Enumerable
wf.list(99, :lazy).each { |alert| puts }
# Point Rate
# Disk Error
# ...


The SDK provides a helper class for extracting credentials from a configuration file. If you don't supply a file, defaults will be used. You can even override things with environment variables.

require 'wavefront-sdk/credentials'

c =

# Now use that to list the alerts in our account

require 'wavefront-sdk/alert'


# To get proxy configuration, use the `proxy` method. This is
# required by the Write class. You can also use c.all, which
# includes proxy and API configuration.

wf =
wf =


We can easily write queries. Let's retrieve a timeseries over the last 10 minutes, with one minute bucket granularity. We will describe the time as a Ruby object, but could also use an epoch timestamp. The SDK happily converts between the two.

require 'wavefront-sdk/query'
  ( - 600)

Sending Metrics

The Wavefront::Write and Wavefront::Distribution classes lets you send points to Wavefront in a number of ways.

Sending Points

Use Wavefront::Write to send points. Points are described as an array of hashes. For example:

wf =
wf.write([{ path: 'dev.test.sdk', value: 10 }])

The point hash also accepts optional source, ts, and tag keys. tag is a hash describing point tags. For example.

wf.write({ path:   'dev.test.sdk',
           value:  10,
           source: 'example',
           tags:   { language: 'ruby',
                     level: 'beginner'})

As the example shows, if you are sending a single point, you can send a naked hash, omitting the array syntax.

By default, Wavefront::Write#write will open a connection to Wavefront on each call, closing it after use.

If you prefer to manage the connection yourself, supply noauto: true in the options hash when instantiating the Write class.

wf =, noauto: true)
wf.write(path: 'dev.test.sdk', value: 10)

Alternatively, pass false as the second argument to Write#write. (This is the legacy method, kept in for backward compatibility.)

wf =
wf.write([{ path: 'dev.test.sdk', value: 10 }], false)

By default, Write#write speaks to a TCP socket on a nearby proxy, but other methods are supported via the writer option.

# To send points via the API
wf =, writer: :api)

# To send points via a local Unix socket
wf ={ socket: '/tmp/wf_sock'}, { writer: :socket })

# To send points over HTTP
wf =, writer: :http)

# Then call wf.write as before.

Write can output verbose and debug info, and the response object provides a summary object.

wf =, verbose: true)
wf.write([{ path: 'dev.test.sdk', value: 11, tags: { tag1: 'mytag'} }])
# SDK INFO: dev.test.sdk 11 source=box tag1="mytag"

wf =, debug: true)
wf.write([{ path: 'dev.test.sdk', value: 11, tags: { tag1: 'mytag'} }])
# SDK DEBUG: Connecting to wavefront:2878.
# SDK INFO: dev.test.sdk 11 source=box tag1="mytag"
# SDK DEBUG: Closing connection to proxy.

task = wf.write([{ path: 'dev.test.sdk_1', value: 1 },
                 { path: 'dev.test.sdk_2', value: 2 }])
p task.response
# {"sent"=>2, "rejected"=>0, "unsent"=>0}
puts task.ok?
# true

You can send delta metrics my prefixing your path with a delta symbol, or by using the Write#write_delta() method. This is called in exactly the same way as Write#write, and supports all the same options.

If you try to send huge amounts of metrics in a single go, Wavefront::Write will break them up into smaller API-friendly chunks.

Sending Distributions

Use the Wavefront::Distribution class to send distributions via a proxy. This is an extension of Wavefront::Write, so usage is almost the same. All you have to do differently is specify an interval size (m, h, or d), and use a distribution as your value. We give you methods to help with this. For instance:

wf =

dist = wf.mk_distribution([7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10])

p dist

# [[3, 7.0], [2, 8.0], [1, 9.0], [2, 10.0]]

p wf.write({ path: 'dev.test.dist', value: dist, interval: :m }).response
# {"sent"=>1, "rejected"=>0, "unsent"=>0}

Metric Helpers

The Wavefront::MetricHelper class gives you simple ways to write metrics to in-memory buffers, and flush those buffer whenever you see fit. It aims to be a little bit like Dropwizard.

MetricHelper gives you less control over the metrics you send. For instance, the source and timestamp are automatically sent. You can view the buffer at any time with the buf attr_accessor.

require 'wavefront-sdk/metric_helper'

wf =, verbose: true)

wf.gauge('my.gauge', 1)
wf.gauge('my.gauge', 2, { tag1: 'val1' })
wf.gauge('my.gauge', 3, { tag1: 'val2' })
wf.counter('my.counter', 1, { tag1: 'val1' } )

pp wf.buf

# {:gauges=>
#   [{:path=>"my.gauge", :ts=>1548633249, :value=>1},
#    {:path=>"my.gauge", :ts=>1548633249, :value=>2, :tags=>{:tag1=>"val1"}},
#    {:path=>"my.gauge", :ts=>1548633249, :value=>3, :tags=>{:tag1=>"val2"}}],
#  :counters=>{["my.counter", nil]=>2, ["my.counter", {:tag1=>"val1"}]=>1}}


# SDK INFO: my.gauge 1 1548633515 source=box
# SDK INFO: my.gauge 2 1548633515 source=box tag1="val1"
# SDK INFO: my.gauge 3 1548633515 source=box tag1="val2"
# SDK INFO: ∆my.counter 2 1548633515 source=box
# SDK INFO: ∆my.counter 1 1548633515 source=box tag1="val1"

pp wf.buf

# {:gauges=>[], :counters=>[]}

Note that gauges are sent individually, timestamped at the time they are created. All counters are aggregated as you go along, and when flushed, they send their value at that moment as a single delta metric, the timestamp being the time of the flush.

You can also work with distributions. To do this, you must add dist_port to your options hash, giving the number of the proxy port listening for Wavefront format distributions. Numbers can be added to distributions individually, or in an array. You must specify the distribution interval.

wf =, { verbose: true, dist_port: 40000 })

wf.dist('my.dist', :m, 10)
wf.dist('my.dist', :m, 10)
wf.dist('my.dist', :m, [8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10])
wf.dist('my.dist', :m, 8)

pp wf.buf

# {:gauges=>[],
#  :counters=>{},
#  :dists=>{["my.dist", :m, nil]=>[10, 10, 8, 8, 8, 9, 10, 10, 8]}}


# SDK INFO: !M 1548634226 #4 10.0 #4 8.0 #1 9.0 my.dist source=box


Fork it, fix it, send me a PR. Please supply tests, and try to keep Rubocop happy.