This is the portfolio site for Lesley Anne Greene a ceramic artists based in East Yorkshire, in the United Kingdom.
This project uses the following technologies
- Python 3.9
- Django 4
- pytest
- Javascript, Jquery
- Bootstrap 4
- Terraform
- It is connected to a postgresql database instance
- Static files are saved to Amazon S3
This project uses poetry for package management for local development. To install dependencies run (from root):
make deps
Dependencies can also be outputted as a requirements file (required for Heroku deployment) by running make create-requirements-file
The postgresql Database requires a password, you can save this in a .env
file. Copy the app/.template_env
, keeping it inside the app/
directory and fill in the values and rename it.
# Make migrations
make migrations
# Implement migrations
make migrate
# You can also add the app name at the end to apply migrations only from that app.
#Collect Static files - if $USE_S3 is set to TRUE then files will be saved to S3 Bucket
make collectstatic
#Run the tests
python test
#Run the server default port is 8000
make dev
For development you may want to have your own local database and save static files locally instead of using Amazon S3.
A local copy of the Heroku postgres can be made with the following command:
PGUSER=postgres PGPASSWORD=password heroku pg:pull DATABASE_URL nameforlocaldb --app lagreene-ceramics
Note that PGUSER and PGPASSWORD set the authentication credentials for the local db, and the Django app has the database URL saved as an environment variable.
*If the above doesn't work it may be necessary
DJ-Database-URL utility is used to configure the enbironment variable of the database so all that is now needed is to update the $DATABASE_URL
value to the new local database:
You will have to run the migrations on the local database and also create a super user python3 createsuperuser
To stop using S3 for static and media files set the environment variable $USE_S3
ℹ️ If you want to create an app and resources from this code you can do so with terraform, more information on how to do so can be found here
You can also run the App with Gunicorn by running gunicorn portfolio_site.wsgi:application
The app can also be ran within a docker container, first build the app with:
make docker-build
then run the image:
make run-in-docker
Here you will find some notes taken during the development of this site which include useful commands, links and tutorials.
This project has python linting set up using pycodestyle to run it use pycodestyle .
Autopep 8 can be used to change files in place with the following command: autopep8 --in-place --aggressive --aggressive ./<file-path>
For reference here are the main colours and font styling, for more information please look in the relevant CSS file.
Headings and navbar: #88A0A8
Paragraph/ text: #66666E
Background: #EFEEEA
Contrast background: #EEE3AB
Main: Archivo Narrow
See something which could be improved? Please feel free to open a pull request, open an issue or message @sleepypioneer :)